Showing posts with label Inborn Skill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inborn Skill. Show all posts

How to recognize the power of focus

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic "how to recognize the power of focus", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can master their power of focus, besides that, new technology and new modern civilization often educate people not to use their power of focus to find their specialization, the main problem why people can't recognize their focus in their entire life because they don't know who they are and they don't know what they need to do on earth?, to answer that question, we must know our history before the earth had been created, Almighty God says in Surah Al A'raf (7) verse 172 "When your Lord took from the children of Adam from their loins, their descendants and made them testify of themselves (Lord is saying to the descendants of Adam) "Am I not your Lord", they said "Yes, we have testified", lest you should say on the day of resurrection "Indeed, we were of this unaware", from that statement, we as human had been created by God in order to remind about our mission on earth and we had been asked to sharpen our focus by finding new information through God's creation on earth, such as knowledge, the universe, the law of nature, the animals, the plants, the mountain, the sea, etc.

to recognize our focus, we must create new mistake until what we have done is guiding us to the right place

  Basically life is not discussing about what every human wants to do, but life is talking about the human's mission on earth; such as promoting the kindness and prevent the evil, we can't finish that mission before we recognize our focus, remember; the power of focus comes from the human's clear mind, enthusiasm, knowledge, curiosity, attention to the detail problem and life experience, the power of focus will get bigger when we give our big attention into the problem we want to learn deep, the more we feel enthusiastic about the problem, the more we can disclose the mystery behind the problem itself, now the question "who send the mistake to us?" I am sure He is not human because He knows the answer, if He sends the mistake to us, means, He wants to test our capacity and He guides us to maximize our potential until we are ready to run the mission on earth, basically the power of focus is given to reveal the truth behind God's existence and how to recognize the human's mission on earth, there is no other reason to answer it, we can't get the power of focus if we just misuse our resource to enjoy the pleasure on earth, that's strategy how to maximize our focus, besides that, we need to adapt with unpleasant moment if we want to get the power of focus, then we must practice our curiosity about the truth and test our knowledge over and over again until we understand the purpose of life, "the more we practice, the more we get new mistake, the more we get new mistake, the more we get the God's grace, the more we follow God's grace, the more we approach to the benefit about God's wisdom, if we recognize God's wisdom, we pass the life trial" remember; if we pass the test, eventually we will get what we deserve, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

How to play the game of financial freedom

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to play the game of financial freedom, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people just want to get the financial freedom’s status, even though they think their goal is good for them, but there is something wrong with their goal, you know why? Because their goal doesn't indicate a solution, it indicates about the human's desire instead, if their goal doesn't have a concept how to build long term solution, the problem still becomes problem, every goal must be attractive and it can inspire them, if goal can't inspire people to learn more about it, means their goals is impotent, remember this note; financial freedom is not part of solution, it's act to escape from problem, but we should built the independence skill rather than build the financial freedom's plan because the independence skill will attract the willpower and enthusiasm to conquer our misconception towards the financial freedom, when we have the independence skill, we will work better than most people who just pursue the money, do you know why? Because the independence skill will conquer our limitation and increase our potential until it will survive during facing the financial crash.

If we talk about history, everybody has ever experienced the financial problem because they don't know how to distribute their money, here is the problem that most people have; they don't possess good philosophy, here is good philosophy "money doesn't need to be seduced, you need to seduce money", means "money only loves with the right person who knows exactly about what the money really wants, money doesn't like to be chased with the desperate man", if people only think about how to play the game of financial freedom, money will risk the human's lives by making people to pursue money and trap the human's satisfaction into the financial crash", remember this note; financial freedom's plan will not give anybody to get freedom because every day people need to fund for daily needs, fund for rent, fund for credit card, fund the car / motor/life insurance, fund for education, etc. Those are part of trap for people who get seduced by their money, then people will be forced to pursue money until people got into debt, remember this note; as long as we are still alive on earth, we can’t collect the financial freedom's degree because money will provide a new problem to the people's habit and money will put the desperate cash to type of people who don't prepare their life independence skill first.

detach yourself from the financial freedom and start building a life independent skill

Remember this note; the money’s lifestyle doesn’t need to be saved, but the money's cash flow needs to be diversified into a wider range of product, interest, skill in order to reduce risk which may impact to the human’s life independence skill, the financial crisis comes from the lack of independence skill, the financial trend is like the big sea wave, sometimes we need to learn how to swim before the big sea wave will come and drown us, in reality life, when we know how to build a life independence skill, unwittingly we can seduce money to work for our behalf, if we don't want to learn how to seduce money to work, we will be drowned by financial crash and we will be forced to accept the desperate cash, here is the note for reminding us; if we don’t make preparation for a life independence skill, our lifestyle will be boredom and lifeless, hopefully after you read this article, you and your beloved people know how to survive during facing the financial trend is down.

Do it now, sometimes later becomes never

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to focus to do something that it means to you, as we know many people have many targets in their career, they spend their time to learn something, they want to get promotion, they want to get recognition from other people, they want to get respect, etc. But unfortunately, they don’t realize that the word "want" is the part of a toxic incantation, they should change from "want" to become "what makes I deserved it?, that excellent advice to self, sometimes the word "want" is just part of demand of something and it doesn't tell someone to make new decision, but if we use the sentence "what make I deserved it ?" is the kind of self-demand to fulfill the goal requirement, the more someone creates self-reliance, the more problem he gets, self-reliance is the the sign of luck, when someone knows he will get luck from something great, he will prepare something for it sooner, here is the best question to create a luck ; “why do I need to finish it now? when we use this question, Our brain system will work optimally rather than it usually does, remember this note; our activity will not create the different result when we just demand someone or something to satisfy what we want, we must create the priority list for what we want to fulfill.

 Remember this clue; the more we create the priority list, the more we insist ourselves to make a better strategy and we can avoid the unproductive activity, we can't insist ourselves to grow better when we don't have any goal, a great goal can educate someone to do something extraordinary than someone who has no goal, when we urge about something we want to finish it, the sign of miracle will happen, the miracle will not happen when we act casually about what we are going to do, the more we spend more time to postpone, the more we lose our enthusiasm and we lose our desire value, in fact, the enthusiasm is the switch where it can awaken the human’s willpower and also it can help human to pull the new opportunity from the future, besides that, the enthusiasm can help human to shape a new vision and creativity in order to create a new future, in my opinion; the main problem why most people can’t get what they really want in the rest of their lives because they have spent their leisure time by waiting wake up-call and waiting the opportunity from other people, so, my opinion towards it, they don’t have a good philosophy and they lack of willpower.

Starting today, we must prioritize something bigger than our expectation because our past doesn't need us and our future really needs us, we need to prepare our skill and let Almighty God uses our masterpiece and our inborn skill to collect new opportunity, the more we get opportunity, the more we deserve to get what we really want, so if we want to get better career in the future, we must change our priority to the urgency list, imagine that the bad circumstance will happen to reality, when we train our mind with such condition, we will not dare to postpone something in our priority list, finally the word “later becomes Now”if we don’t give a design to the future about what we really want, we will get desperate and we will lose our willpower, that’s the key how to create a better future, don’t forget to create the artificial emergency plan because it can help us to monitor the progressive result.

Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to know where our life journey is going, how to shape a better career and how to create a better future, the main reason why i choose that topic because future is always mysterious and unpredictable, at the present time, we need to have a clear vision and prime our personality to face the future's challenge because this life isn’t talking about how to create happiness or finding hobby, but this life is talking how to survive in the middle of endless patience and endless suffering, remember this note; we can’t create a better life by finding something that it doesn't belong to us, but all we need to prepare is how we create a better personality and let the life is interested with our positive vibes and let the life shapes our personality to be more attractive than our expectation, we can’t utilize something valuable in this life until we build our better personality, do you know why? because life needs the human's productive habit such as “Practice and Observe”, if we don’t use both habit, we can’t make a new experience and we can't have survival skill, As I observed, very few people can understand how the life works, do you know why? because they can't occupy their mind to the life journey and they just satisfy what their expectation wants, that's problem.
train your mind by occupying new problem, not filling it with your expectation

          Remember; time can’t give a big picture to the future, but by using the human vision and an attractive personality, it can give a big picture about what human need to prepare for the future, life will count the human's activity as long as they prepare some solutions to handle the future's challenge, the circumstance will change our season when we don't invest a good seeds for the future, good seeds are like the knowledge, build the communication skill, build the relationship skill, build a better personality, etc. That’s requirement we need to obey if we want to get a better vision, maybe we will doubt about how the future works and maybe we don’t believe about our independence skill, as long as we train our faith and train our mind to experience with a painful experience, everything impossible becomes possible because the sign of God already been there, I call it as the exit strategythe power of faith is like the pull force where it is designed by God to drag what human want from the future to the present time, whereas the power of imagination is designed by God to produce a new life and it can facilitate what human wants and also the power of imagination can help human how to convert the human's vision into reality, unfortunately not everyone can access the power of imagination and the power of faith because most of them are too obsessed about short term plan and they don’t have any big goal to be done consistently.

Remember this note; as long as human don’t have any enthusiasm to work with the power of imagination and the power of faith, they can't create a better personality, when they don't possess a better personality, everything they see will create a blur picture, that's frightening thing, don't ever underestimate the power of better personality because it can attract God's wisdom automatically, when we can possess God's wisdom, every big problem around us will become a small problem, our life journey is like the clay, whatever we want it, the future will absorb our best design, don’t argue with the temporary result when we get feedback from the future because whatever we do at this time is the part of progress, here is my special note; all result what we got based on our quality of our emotional development, if we want to get a better personality, we must change our philosophy and change our daily ritual because our quality of desires come from philosophy and daily ritual, after we invest our resources to the time, we are not entitled to interrupt the time’s job, let the time works as it usually does and we must believe the process.

When someone get angry easily, he needs love the most

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to calm ourselves from anger, as we know human are emotional creature and every human has been graced with several intelligence, one of the most powerful intelligence is emotional intelligence, it has power to create a light and darkness for their heart, the light of heart can be represented by love, whereas the darkness of heart can be represented by anger, when human create love, it automatically can flow something benefit to the human's heart, such as grateful, fully appreciated, serenity, patience, etc. When human create anger, it automatically crash the logical mind and give a toxic in the human's mind, please beware about the power of emotion you have chosen because your future is shaped based on the quality of your emotion, don't hear wild notion where it can influence you to get angry, the human's emotional character is like the water, it can flow something benefit and also it can crash something meaningful, remember this note; when you are unable to awaken the power of love, automatically you are able to awaken the power of anger, now you may think about this question, “why most people get angry if they are able to create love?” because they don’t appreciate something valuable and they trust something which it can't be trusted, I have ever written in another article “life will give reaction when there is action” means when people get angry easily, because they preempt a bad judgment to their life and life automatically will give bad reaction to them, so we need to monitor our daily habit before it will be taken over by a sense of darkness.

Remember this note; life is designed to give reaction and nature is designed to give something reliable, if you see angry person around you, means he doesn't have ability to control where his emotional flowing current, if he doesn't want to feel angry, he must increase his survival instinct like what reptilian does to its environment, sometimes we can adopt the reptilian instinct to make sure we can fight our anger and we can continue our exist on earth, when we are trapped between rock and bottom, we shouldn't show an anger reaction, but we can use our survival instinct to keep alive and keep searching how to find solution, now the problem is“are you interested with bad reaction or good reaction?” if you are interested with good reaction, you will find a way how to find the nearest solution, but if you are interested with bad reaction, life will give a bad reaction to you and you will be punished with a bad reaction, here are the signs you are interested with a good reaction; you can create serenity, you can preempt harmony in the human relationship although there is dispute situation, we must understand that feel angry is not part of huge power, but it is part of self-punishment, if this condition is repeated over and over again, it can leave big hole destruction to the inner soul peace, before someone gets angry, he must build love and improve his survival instinct.

 This life will not give bad reaction if there is no bad action from the human’s emotional behavior, but unfortunately most people don't realize their power of words which it can create different impact to their lives, when people say to them "how can I do it? and "what should I do to avoid a sense of angry?", the human's survival instinct will grow up and it will give the possibility to find solution, beware of our words because it is very powerful, it can create inspiration or it can create desperation, the unpleasant thing which it happens in this life is not part of the life purpose, but it’s part of wrong direction where it has been created by human’s lack of survival instinct to fight their ignorance of knowledge, starting today, don’t get overworked  when you have job because it has potentially create a sense of anger and also please don't act casually when you have a clear target to be pursued because it will decline your survival instincthopefully after you read this article, it will help you to recognize where your power of emotional intelligence is going.

How to find out if a trust exists

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share the topic "How to find out if a trust exists", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are being trustworthy, if you ask me why find someone who is trusted is difficult because we don't know about their personal life, sometimes we only know from what we hear only, before we find a trust from other people, we must ask to ourselves "how can am I trustworthy?", that's basic question how to get sense of trustworthy, if we can't rely on what we feel plus we can't be trustworthy person, how can others expect us to be trustworthy?, that's challenge, find a trust if like finding the diamond in the bottom of sea, it is nearly impossible, but it can be done if we trust ourselves to do something, here is the first strategy how to find out the value of trust; we must test ourselves to be trustworthy person when others expect us to do something important, if we can prove that we can do something useful for others, we indirectly create reputation / self-reward plus we build a confidence through having the contentment of giving a service, remember this; if people can give us a trust after we do something for them, that's real trust, if we don't create a sense of trust, we don't create respect to ourselves.

        Here is the second strategy how to find out the value of trust; check the credibility of others after they give us something crucial, meaning, we wait whether others can create a value to us or not, if others can prove that they can do something 100% as it is matched with what they say, that's value of trust, for example; I talk about the insurance company, if someone gets the insurance policy plus they get redemption 100%, meaning, the insurance company keeps a promise to us, Here is the third strategy how to find out the value of trust; we keep doing to something uncertain until reality can give us a result beyond what we imagine, this strategy is difficult because we are going against our time, although life is so uncertainty, it doesn't mean we lose a hope and let reality works by itself, we must change something before reality does something for us, we must lead reality with our dream until reality can cooperate well with our progress, remember; reality can't be backward, reality is the result of what we did in the past, in order to lead reality, we must do something we believe that what we do is possible to exist, that's our job as human being, we don't need to know whether we can get the result  or not, that's not our job, our sense of belief to what we do is more important than reality because reality is the lame worldhere is the last note; reality follows what we believe and what we do, if we don't do or we don't continue what we start, meaning, we don't believe in what we do, if we don't believe what we do, then we crush our own future hope, hopefully this article can give you an insight and help you how to improve your career, good luck.

How to not care what people think

Hi guys, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share  about the topic "How to not care what people think", that's main reason why I choose that topic is because many people are trapped in other people's thinking, it is like someone is imprisoned in other people's thinking, if you ask me why some people care what people think because they don't focus on their own qualifications, if people only focus on themselves, they don't care what people think, it is the law, here is the first step how to not care what people think; accept who you are, meaning, you accept who you are without rejecting your weaknesses, self-acceptance an make you less concerned about other people's opinion, here is the second step how to not care what people think; define your own success, do you know that everyone has different own definition of success, if you care about your own success, you can reject other people's opinion, if you think your success can be pursued by you, you will love to do it even though other people may disregard it, here is the third step how to not care what people think; surround yourself with positive people, if you spend your time with people who encourage and support you, they will help you to boost your confidence and make you less worried about toxic people's influence.

Here is the fourth step how to not care what people think; understand that everyone has different perception, meaning, you have to appreciate different perception from others even though you don't need them, if you can accept the different things, you will not feel stressed, here is the fifth step how to not care what people think; practice self-care, meaning, you only focus how to develop your own capacity, here is good news; if you can practice self-care, you will get new insight every time you do something good for yourself, remember; practice self-care is not the same with egoistic, practice self-care is like developing your inborn skill again and again, here is the sixth step how to not care what people think; seek professional help, meaning, you need to call psychologist if you can't focus how to master your mind, remember this note; overthinking is not good habit, instead of making people get depressed, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight to improve your career, good luck.

Words of encouragement for him during hard times

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Words of encouragement for him during hard times”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not all women realize how to calm themselves during facing hard times with their spouses, if you ask me about the main problem why women can't calm because they don't recognize the love language in men's world, as we know that not all men need women's advice, do you know why? because men are more logical than women, besides that, men have many possibilities in their thought how to find solution rather than what woman can do, I say like this doesn't mean I discourage women's capability, sometimes putting oneself to self-quarantine time is more valuable for men to women, that's men's world, on the other hand, women feel difficult to adapt with self-quarantine time, if your position as wife, don't try to demand your husband to do something more than their capability even though you and your family are facing hard times, demand something more than husband can will induce the family dispute, here is the first thing woman needs to do how to encourage your husband during facing hard times; don't remind your husband about the past moment, do you know why?  because remind your husband about the past moment will inflict man's bad mood timing, besides that, hard time already happened now, remember this; logical person will ignore about the past timing and focus on the present moment, what you need to do as wife is asking a question " if you have something to tell or you shall need any assistance, you should contact me? and I will do the best for our family".
     Here is the second thing woman needs to do how to encourage your husband during facing hard times; you shouldn't blame the situation and burden your husband's mind with your complaint, as wife, you can entertain your husband by doing what your husband needs from your service, remember; when woman doesn't complain about the current situation, it will relieve 50% husband's bad mood and it helps man to find solution because man feels refreshened every time his wife doesn't do something burdened for husband's thoughtHere is the third thing woman needs to do how to encourage your husband during facing hard times; remind about the purpose of family's longevity, meaning, a wife gives a new perception to husband's mind with the new vision, for example; when hard times begins, you say to your husband "I know we are facing hard times, we need to create a new atmosphere where it can enliven our spirit, how about we make a cup of tea and we pray together to Almighty God about the current situation we already dive in" , Here is the fourth thing woman needs to do how to encourage your husband during facing hard times; you can write down about your husband's strengths and show the written you wrote in the paper to your husband, this strategy can help you how to strengthen your husband's good mood level, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Why do atheist not believe in God

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Why do atheist not believe in God, the main reason why I choose that topic because many atheists feel proud when they don't believe in God, if you ask me why atheist don't believe in God because they think every religion has respective God, so they confuse how to describe about God, basically atheists don't find the truth in their society because they aren't trained to see the possibility from God's existence, they are trained to see everything is connected with the energy, space and time, for them, the universe and its content is part of God, I think it is complicated to train the atheist's mindset since their mindset is not fully trained to seek the truth, in addition, they aren't trained to seek something which is related with something unimaginable or beyond logic, here is my research; if people want to know about the God's existence, they must test their conviction whether what they believe can be limited by the time or not, if what the atheists believe can be destroyed by the time, meaning, what they believe so far is unscientific, if we talk about God itself, He must be stronger and powerful than the time, do you know why ? because everything in this world can be perished except The real God, if we assume there is something stronger than time, He can be considered as God, as long as God has aged or die, meaning, He is considered to be a false God, God must be superior, omniscient, powerful than everything we see, we hear and we feel. 

       As long as God is born or die, He is unworthy to be considered as God, God must be long-lived more than time itself, even though we can't prove about God's existence, it doesn't mean God is nothing, our limitation is defined by five sense, so we aren't allowed to assume Almighty God can be defined by five sense, do you know why I say like that ? because human's five sense is limited by its function, if our five sense is sick, meaning, our five sense is imperfect, if so, it is very impossible when the imperfect thing can define perfect thing?, so basically God is not based on the function, but based on the purpose, if you think God is on your glorious purpose, meaning, you connect with God's plan, at this moment let me give you some reason why atheists don't believe in God, here is the first reason why atheists don't believe in God; they rely on their logic, not using their conscience, as long as the atheists only rely on their logic, their logic will be numb because logic has its limitation, here is the second reason why atheists don't believe in God; they don't care about the truth because they consider there is no truth, there is only something permitted and something not permitted, basically the atheists have problem with their society's rule which can't explain about the truth, that's why they reject God's existence, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

How to sell yourself in an interview

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to sell yourself in an interview”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone knows how to sell their ability when they work at company, in this article I would share several tips how to sell yourself in an interview before you are accepted at the companyhere is the first tip how to sell yourself in an interview; try to search about the company product, the main reason why you need to know about the company product or the product knowledge because it can make the interviewer is very surprised or impressed at the first time, remember this note; if you are willing to research about the company's product, meaning, you put your biggest attention to learn about it, if you can show your expertise with the company product's knowledge during the interview, you will get the extra point because you can show what other candidates do not do like you, here is the second tip how to sell yourself in an interview;  you offer your demonstration about the achievement you made in the past to the interviewer, if you can show your achievement even though one or two things that you made in the past, I am positive you will get something more experience if you are accepted at the company.

        Here is the second tip how to sell yourself in an interview; give the answer where it can make the interviewer is surprised, meaning, you can add the study case as your answer to the question is offered to you, please don't give the ambiguous answer when you want to answer the question, if you want to get extra point, you can offer the question "is there anything else you want to know from me?" if you can let them curious about your knowledge until the interviewing time is prolonged, meaning, the interviewer is impressed about your knowledge, the more they are curious about your knowledge, the more you can get a chance to get accepted at the company, the main reason why you need to behave such thing because this strategy can help you to increase your reputation at the first glance, here is the third tip how you sell yourself; share your vision to the interviewer about your mission, that's strategy can give you a new currency if you succeed it, even though it takes more time during interview process, I am sure the interviewer will not regret about it because you show your caring about the company future's vision, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.    

What should you do to improve your skills in communication

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “What should you do to improve your skills in communication”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people confuse how to improve their communication skill, if you ask me why improving communication skill is not easy because there are many variations of speaking skill and depends on the problem people want to know, if there is no curiosity, there is no intense communication, basically, every human needs the valuable information from the trusted informant, but the problem is not every human gets the valuable information from the trusted informant, if we want to improve our communication skill, we must know the type of problem we want to know and the type of solution we want to hear, as long as we aren't interested to know about solution and problem, as impact, we will never improve our communication skill, the most important communication skill is we can communicate with our deepest soul and detect what our intuition wants, whether we like it or not, we must buy information when we know nothing, if we don't buy the information from other people's resources, as impact, we will get inadequate resources and we loses our ways, remember this note; the first thing we must build in our habit if we want to improve our communication skill is having the mission model, after that, we try to offer that mission model to someone who is interested with it.

    As human, before we want to make communication, we can offer the topic which may intrigues others who are around us, for example : if you are surrounded by powerful person who knows about the solution, what kind of problem do you want to ask to that person?, that's the basic training how to improve our skill, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to improve our communication skill, here is the first strategy how to improve our communication skill; we shouldn't ask the question when other people don't allow us to ask the question, the reason why we must apply this strategy because not all people are ready to answer the question, besides that, we must respect other people's privacy when they don't want to answer the question, maybe we can note what other people say something to you, if we can consider what they say is important, we can note it down into our journal, remember; if we listen more often than we talk, we can get new insight, if we talk more often than we listen, we will become the yesterday's person, here is the second strategy how to improve our communication skill; we don't talk about the topic when others don't want to hear it, meaning, we must identify about the topic people want to hear it, if we offer something they don't need, as impact, we will lose our reputation because we just talk whatever we want to,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

What does authenticity mean


     Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “What does authenticity mean, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people care how to create self-authenticity and share the belonging of authenticity to others, if we look at reality there are many people try to copy other people's authenticity, as result people lose their authenticity, the reason why people don't create self-authenticity because it creates a lot of pain and affliction to embody their authenticity into reality, we all know that self-authenticity is the real gift from God which it can be developed through hard work and perseverancein fact, the authenticity is the key how to make happy living, but if we don’t spend our whole life to create self-authenticity, other people will take control of our fate and we will lose our vision, lose hope and we will get easily affected by pessimism, to countermeasure the negative impact, the first thing you need to do if you want to recognize your authenticity is being honest about what you want and stop expecting to be perfect in every aspect in life, the reason why you need to get out of perfectionism because it doesn’t teach you anything, and instead it gives you a trap which it can ensure you to do something easier and keep you away from new risk and new opportunity, the meaning of authenticity is you don't look the version whose belong to other people's lifestyle, instead of you develop your own version and be the real you without any intention to make other people impressed 

   Remember this; there is nobody can help you to cultivate your authenticity, if you dare to face new risk, new trial, new rejection and error for long period of time, your authenticity will find you and encourage you to do something unique and useful, now what you can do now is not expecting good thing, but how you make worst-case scenario in your master plan where nobody will see it, except yourself, here is the benefit if you already detect your authenticity, your life will be fueled by compassion, love and courage, in addition, you will not get afraid about failure, risk, adversity and rejection because your authenticity has surpassed the rock bottom, if you train your mind to find self-authenticity in your daily activity, you will not feel discouraged again although you have many unexpected problem because your authenticity strength has surpassed the problem's capacity, remember this law; there is no luck can be developed if there is no self-authenticity, God will not release the power of authenticity to human who don’t deserve it, if you think you have less possessions now, you don’t need to worry about it because your power of authenticity will find the incredible skill that it will attract new wisdom, prosperity for you in the future, here is the first strategy how to build self-authenticity; you always monitor your own mental development without seeing other people's lives, if you apply this strategy, you will not get disappointed at all because you just focus on what you can without involving other people's vision, here is the second strategy how to build self-authenticity; you dedicate to work on the problem with your own troubleshooting skill, meaning, you are inspired at what you do, you always develop your attitude, you develop your personal strength, and you develop your curiosity, here is the third strategy how to build self-authenticity; you always suspect about your own mindset, meaning, you don't feel bragged with your own mindset, instead, you question the quality of your mindset, if you apply this strategy, you keep adding the value to your mindset, you learn from adversity, mistake and other people's life story, you don't stop learning just because you reached new achievement, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Good fortune and prosperity


   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic "Good fortune and prosperity", the reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to spend more time to make for their own good fortune, the cause why they don't create it because they are too satisfied with last achievement in the past, Besides that, most people don't believe with luck and miracle, they hate to do something which it concerned with uncertain condition and they believe daily needs must be fulfilled by pursuing what money wants, if people keep thinking how to pursue what money wants, as impact, human's mindset will be forced to pursue money until they pass away, that's bad side of money's character, remember about this fortune's rule; "fortune really hates with people whose a fixed mindset because it always produces the limiting belief towards human's thought, on the other hand, fortune really loves with people whose a developed mindset because it always gives a sense of new hatred for human's good feeling", the reason why fortune can't be attracted by people who are doing something lovable because fortune lies in the most hatred feeling by human, means; people must forget what they love instantly and they must challenge themselves to do what it takes to meet with what fortune requires, such as develop our skill set to solve problem, read book every day, research new thing every day, Stay curious about new problem they want to solve every day, set goal every day, those rituals are often being rejected by most people in this world, If you want to be pursued by good fortune and prosperity, you must work like oxygen and water, your service must be everywhere (it can be accessed in public and you have to ensure your service is not be restricted by your presence).  

  Here is the additional note; if people just keep doing what they love for long period of time, the human's vibration energy will not reach in the fortune vibration energy because fortune vibration energy always demands people to do something constantly in pursuit, here I just remind for yourself; fortune lies the human's creation, if you want to be approached by fortune, you have to do something unprofitable for yourself and do something what most people hate to do, such as doing charity, share your belief to people for free, teach people how to make a life works for free, share your happiness to others for free, etc. here is the important clue; if you spend your major time to let go something you love to others for free, fortune will give everything you need for free, remember this; the human's mindset has two options; Comfort and discomfort, if people just do something comfortable, their mindset will lock their potential and they will be forced to pursue what they love forever, whereas, if people just do something discomfort until they must force themselves to learn something new for their own potential, finally people will be pursued by fortune, that's strategy how to make your own good fortune, if you don't believe with the process, you will be forced to chase something until you feel desperate from it , I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Talent development


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Talent development” the main reason why I choose that topic because many of us think talent is like the natural ability which can drive you to your success, some people consider talent is the product from what they develop from their interest, well, I don’t think talent can determine success, do you know why? If you think talent is requirement how to determine success, everyone should become rich because they have the same natural ability since they get it during upbringing process from parents or other people who take care of them, unfortunately, not everyone can find their talent and yet they still struggle financially, Remember; talent is like the seed, it will not grow if we don't love to cultivate it, the talent will not appear by itself until someone needs to focus on what he learns constantly, as human, we can’t see talent in our naked eye, we just need to show our determined action to what we are developing, in my opinion; talent will never be discovered until he can use their potential to survive from the difficult situation, let the miracle will find a way how to assist someone to find his biggest potential, as long as he begins something with his great enthusiasm, that’s good enough, talent doesn't need us to be great person when we start, talent just needs our commitment to start with our great enthusiasm, authenticity and courage.

  The talent will not determine our greatest success but it can drive our focus, physical strength to the right destination, in order to get promotion and recognition from our talent, so we need to show our determination to something that it needs our energy, when we feel clicked with something that it needs our energy, we just need to find the problem which can facilitate our talent, it may take several years, we should not feel uneasy about it because every greatness needs preparation, mental growth and adaptation process, that’s requirement, don’t let long term preparation can make us feeling uneasy, we just need to find a way how to enjoy with it, here is my advice; don’t look for easier method when you want to build career because it can’t increase your multiple of skills, you just need to use your dream and make it as big reason why you must struggle until you will meet with your dream, you don’t need to judge about something you can’t do, you just need to focus on what you can and let other people labelled you with “talent”, that’s making sense, sometimes you need to stop focusing about talent in order to drive your biggest focus to the scope area where you want to study there, if you are happy to do something you want to do, so your positive vibration will attract something miraculously which it is going to be manifested in reality, I think my explanation is enough hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

Applied developmental psychology

  Hi, good reader, howdy? Welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is running well, today I would like to share about the topic "Applied developmental psychology", the main reason why I choose that topic because development is the key how to unlock our darkness which offers something surprising behind it, such as temperance, endurance, new skill, new comprehension, new wisdom, new knowledge, adaptability, resiliency, etc. as human being, we will never be able to develop our survival skill if we don't utilize the power of darkness lies in our soul, it is not easy to deal with the power of darkness because we must offer our time and energy to break our limit and our biggest limit is ego, the main reason why life is always giving us a test e.g.(hunger, confidence crisis, lack of money, got betrayal from others) because life is not designed for children's playground, life alerts us that there is no time to gain the comfort zone anymore because the comfort zone can't help us to pass the life test, even though most people consider life is cruel, but life is always giving us the permission how to know more about the power of darkness which lies in our deepest soul, have you ever imagined what would happen if there's no power of darkness, people will have no fear at all, am I right ?, if we too fear at something we haven't known, meanings our life is dangerous, so we must take a bigger purpose to let us out from the comfort zone, in order to let us out from the comfort zone, we need to chase problem, if there's no problem at all in our lives, we will live carelessly, remember this: human's potential will not work when there is no power of problem in what they do, as long as people will work on problem, they gain more power from problem, I think life will not let us to rest for longer time because the planet of earth is not the perfect place for us to stay, every day we must be alert in what we think, what we feel and what we behave.


   the main problem why most people can't have big potential in the rest of life because they don't develop the power of love in what they do, although in the process they will taste the pain, it doesn't mean the pain will crush people's lives, what life wants from us is how to increase the power of love in this life and how to realize the power of darkness which may hurt us at any time, if we realize life is full of uncertainty and mysterious, meaning, life is the dangerous place if we let our guard down, now little by little we understand that comfort zone is our enemy, if we know our enemy is comfort zone, why would we risk our lives in the comfort zone for longer time? That's our main concern, here is the fact: the purpose of comfort zone is always making people's power become powerlessif we live on earth like powerless person, as impact, we will get more suffering and we will feel paralyzed to undergo our life story, if we fail to undergo the life test, as impact we will crush our peace and we will get pathetic life until we die, starting from now, we must be alert in what we do because there's no single person can guarantee our action, there's only way how to secure our future life is making personal development in our consistent act in the life spanI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life , good luck.