Showing posts with label The Artificial Emergency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Artificial Emergency. Show all posts

Do it now, sometimes later becomes never

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to focus to do something that it means to you, as we know many people have many targets in their career, they spend their time to learn something, they want to get promotion, they want to get recognition from other people, they want to get respect, etc. But unfortunately, they don’t realize that the word "want" is the part of a toxic incantation, they should change from "want" to become "what makes I deserved it?, that excellent advice to self, sometimes the word "want" is just part of demand of something and it doesn't tell someone to make new decision, but if we use the sentence "what make I deserved it ?" is the kind of self-demand to fulfill the goal requirement, the more someone creates self-reliance, the more problem he gets, self-reliance is the the sign of luck, when someone knows he will get luck from something great, he will prepare something for it sooner, here is the best question to create a luck ; “why do I need to finish it now? when we use this question, Our brain system will work optimally rather than it usually does, remember this note; our activity will not create the different result when we just demand someone or something to satisfy what we want, we must create the priority list for what we want to fulfill.

 Remember this clue; the more we create the priority list, the more we insist ourselves to make a better strategy and we can avoid the unproductive activity, we can't insist ourselves to grow better when we don't have any goal, a great goal can educate someone to do something extraordinary than someone who has no goal, when we urge about something we want to finish it, the sign of miracle will happen, the miracle will not happen when we act casually about what we are going to do, the more we spend more time to postpone, the more we lose our enthusiasm and we lose our desire value, in fact, the enthusiasm is the switch where it can awaken the human’s willpower and also it can help human to pull the new opportunity from the future, besides that, the enthusiasm can help human to shape a new vision and creativity in order to create a new future, in my opinion; the main problem why most people can’t get what they really want in the rest of their lives because they have spent their leisure time by waiting wake up-call and waiting the opportunity from other people, so, my opinion towards it, they don’t have a good philosophy and they lack of willpower.

Starting today, we must prioritize something bigger than our expectation because our past doesn't need us and our future really needs us, we need to prepare our skill and let Almighty God uses our masterpiece and our inborn skill to collect new opportunity, the more we get opportunity, the more we deserve to get what we really want, so if we want to get better career in the future, we must change our priority to the urgency list, imagine that the bad circumstance will happen to reality, when we train our mind with such condition, we will not dare to postpone something in our priority list, finally the word “later becomes Now”if we don’t give a design to the future about what we really want, we will get desperate and we will lose our willpower, that’s the key how to create a better future, don’t forget to create the artificial emergency plan because it can help us to monitor the progressive result.

Push yourself to do when nobody is going to do for you

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about how to push yourself to do something inspired when nobody is going to do for you, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people let their daily habit to be controlled by their expectation and they prefer to choose soul destroying job, as a result, they feel lifeless because they let the unknown circumstance to change what they can dothe main reason why most people don't want to push themselves to do something more because they don't have vision about the future plan and they have obsessed with the uninspiring dream where they have built it in their daily habit, if this condition still happens continuously; I worry they can't control where their sense of expectation goes, remember this note; if we don't do something that we think only we can finish it, the life circumstance will give us the desperate state, here is the reminder to self; don't ever feed the negative emotion with the desperate state or we will obsess with a poor mind state, every new chance in life will invite human's attention when they have no sense of the desperate state, when we grow our mood with a sense of desperate, it’s probably we never approach a new chancesometimes we need to hack our mind and chose a hard decision in order to leave our satisfaction, we need the force of friction to change our mentality, if there is no any force of friction, we can't control ourselves and automatically our mental age won't grow.

 The most important thing we should do when we face the unpleasant thing is improving our mindset and improve the mechanic we have such as our working style, our good service, our attitude skill, our speaking skill, we learn the way we associate with other people, we notice the way we dress, we change the way we spend our money, etc. Here are the good news if you can push yourself to do the difficult thing; your mental power will develop as fast as you learn about it, your life will be no dull because your life journey will be forgotten about the painful experience where it had occurred in the past moment, You need to train your mind to find solution that most people don’t have or people get afraid to dowhen you keep this kind of habit, everything you want will be transformed into reality, now the main reason why not many people want to help us to manifest our dream into reality because we don’t have any vision and any reason to be shared to themsometimes we need to evaluate about what we want to do before we share to others, prime ourselves to create something valuable is a must, we must create something simpler and understandable, so other people can absorb what you share, when we have created something that most people understand about it, other people will help us.

A sense of self-control will never happen when we don't lure it with great ambition, we must know our intelligence capacity level, we shouldn’t create a low goal or create the uninspired goal, besides that, we must attach the reasonable time to reach our clear goal, so we can monitor what we evaluate or we can improve what we need to improve, we must ensure that we have a reasonable time to control what we do, if we don’t have a reasonable time to pursue our ambition, we will lose our desire because we can’t get longevity patience, remember this note; when we push ourselves to set goal, we must ensure our goal can be measured with our deadline, furthermore, don’t let our goal can make us got desperate because it can't heal our inner world when we are willingly to take a long term plan, furthermore, don't let our opportunity is gone because of our carelessness and our casual habitthe most important goal is not fulfilling what we want, but how to give a small contribution for as many as people.

What does sense of urgency mean

             Hi smart people, good day, I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about the topic "what does sense of urgency mean", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone wants to know about the importance of sense of urgency, if you ask me why not everyone needs sense of urgency because they think life is the best place to provide whatever they need without forcing themselves to do something great, let me explain ; sense of urgency means have the strong feeling that you need to do something immediately and you will feel something inadequate when you haven't done it, people who live in adequate place and guaranteed lifestyle, they will think that they don't need a sense of urgency, if we use another perception; there is nobody or other thing can give us a guarantee to feel comfortable for longer time because human is not God, every day is new day, if we feel every day is not new day, meaning, there is something wrong with our life principle, life is unlimited, if we don't do something great, life will not do something great for us, remember; life will work based on what we lead them, if we don't build a sense of urgency, life will not do something urgent unless it works based on the basic duty, e.g. the water's flowing, the plant's growing.

          Here is the benefit if we create a sense of urgency; our productivity gradually increasing because we work faster than the scheduled time we set earlier, remember this; person who has a sense of urgency, he tends to offer many things to this world, such as intellectual property, masterpiece, intangible asset, etc. if we don't build a sense of urgency in what we do, our golden opportunity will be taken by others, I just remind you one more time,“ every greatness in life can’t be waited, if we just wait for perfection, our enthusiasm and willpower will stay behind the curve and our time will never reach to the first opportunity because we often to miss it by having no preparation in the past”, our big enemy is our regret, doubt and fear of unknown, here is another benefit if we create a sense of urgency; we can make many achievement than  other people who do the same thing as we do, let's say other people have 1 target in one day, if you do the same thing and you add portion to one target in one day, you indirectly make 2 targets in one day, remember; successful people build sense of urgency in their daily activity because they realize time can't be bought with single penny, regardless, successful people can buy opportunity from others because they don't build a sense of urgency, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.

How to study fast effectively

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about "how to study fast effectively", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people realize about the benefit of study fast, at this moment let me share something to you about how to study fast effectively, here is the first strategy how to study fast effectively; set a schedule, when you have this habit, you can enjoy the process because you are not feel forced to do that, you have to ensure the scheduled time is fixed, for example: 60.00 AM- 08.00 AM, during that time period, you study one subject you like, then tomorrow you will do the same again as you did before, the reason why setting schedule is important because it can help you to build a consistent habit, if you have developed a consistent habit, as impact, you will not feel lazy because you create a cellular memory in your body muscle, here is the second strategy how to study fast effectively; break it down, meaning, you dissect your study schedule into smaller plan, for example: every 5 minutes after 25 minutes of focused study, in Japan, this studying method is called the Pomodoro technique, you have to ensure every 25 minutes, you take a break around 5 minutes, the reason why you need to apply this strategy because it can help you to reduce a sense of burnout.

          Here is the third strategy how to study fast effectively; organize your study space, means, you have to ensure that there is no distractions which can distract your study, if you can focus and comfort, meaning, you have organized your study space, remember: reorganize your study space can give you a new atmosphere in your surroundings, here is the fourth strategy how to study fast effectively;  use active learning strategies, means, you try to collect some specified information you need and you try to summarize what you learn so far, this strategy can help you to monitor your progress, after you apply this strategy, you can teach someone next to you, the reason why you need to teach other people because to ensure how you understand with the material you have learned, here is the fifth strategy how to study fast effectively; keep your mental health is healthy before studying, this strategy is very important, the understanding of lesson you take depends on your mental health, if your mental health is healthy, you can study as best you can, hopefully this strategy can help you how to improve your life career, good luck.

Successful people without degrees

Work for survival skill and life for endurance skill

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Successful people without degrees”, the main purpose why I choose that topic because not many people believe that they can succeed without degrees, if you ask me why people can be successful without degrees because the real education is not taught in the school system or university, but the real education lies in unpleasant experience in human's life, such as, rejection, failure, betrayal, swindle, adversity, etc. remember; being successful person doesn't mean someone gets many profits, but also someone's mentality must be strong enough to face the work pressure, problem, etc. in this article I would like to give you several reason why successful people can succeed without degrees, here is the first reason why successful people can succeed without degrees; they assume having no degrees is having no powerful people, from that sensible  reason, successful people will motivate themselves to work very hard in day and night in order to be powerful people in the future, here is the second reason why successful people can succeed without degrees; they realize having no degree will make them difficult to get proper job, so successful people will work remotely and privately in order to survive even though they don't get proper job.

Successful people build their quality time with family in the weekend

       Here is the third reason why successful people can succeed without degrees; successful people don't know about the rule which is taught by the school system, meaning, successful people is risk takers and they are bravery to make mistake more often than people who ever study at the university, basically, successful people's mindset is shaped by reality, not shaped by the school system, remember; the more people don't know about the school system rule, the more they are bravery to take action, here is the fourth reason why successful people can succeed without degrees; they don't fear about mistake where it is avoided by the school system, meaning, successful people work by progress and evaluation, not to work based on the school system, here is the fact; if we work by progress, we will get something new than we work by the rule system, we all know that life challenge is limitless, if we work by progress, our potential will grow limitless because life itself is teaching us how to survive directly, here is the fifth reason why successful people can succeed without degrees; successful people get pain more often than the professional workers, if we look at the statistical data; the successful people get new power every day from the pain of struggle, they are stronger not because of salary, but they are stronger from irresistible pain, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.