How to find out if a trust exists

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share the topic "How to find out if a trust exists", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are being trustworthy, if you ask me why find someone who is trusted is difficult because we don't know about their personal life, sometimes we only know from what we hear only, before we find a trust from other people, we must ask to ourselves "how can am I trustworthy?", that's basic question how to get sense of trustworthy, if we can't rely on what we feel plus we can't be trustworthy person, how can others expect us to be trustworthy?, that's challenge, find a trust if like finding the diamond in the bottom of sea, it is nearly impossible, but it can be done if we trust ourselves to do something, here is the first strategy how to find out the value of trust; we must test ourselves to be trustworthy person when others expect us to do something important, if we can prove that we can do something useful for others, we indirectly create reputation / self-reward plus we build a confidence through having the contentment of giving a service, remember this; if people can give us a trust after we do something for them, that's real trust, if we don't create a sense of trust, we don't create respect to ourselves.

        Here is the second strategy how to find out the value of trust; check the credibility of others after they give us something crucial, meaning, we wait whether others can create a value to us or not, if others can prove that they can do something 100% as it is matched with what they say, that's value of trust, for example; I talk about the insurance company, if someone gets the insurance policy plus they get redemption 100%, meaning, the insurance company keeps a promise to us, Here is the third strategy how to find out the value of trust; we keep doing to something uncertain until reality can give us a result beyond what we imagine, this strategy is difficult because we are going against our time, although life is so uncertainty, it doesn't mean we lose a hope and let reality works by itself, we must change something before reality does something for us, we must lead reality with our dream until reality can cooperate well with our progress, remember; reality can't be backward, reality is the result of what we did in the past, in order to lead reality, we must do something we believe that what we do is possible to exist, that's our job as human being, we don't need to know whether we can get the result  or not, that's not our job, our sense of belief to what we do is more important than reality because reality is the lame worldhere is the last note; reality follows what we believe and what we do, if we don't do or we don't continue what we start, meaning, we don't believe in what we do, if we don't believe what we do, then we crush our own future hope, hopefully this article can give you an insight and help you how to improve your career, good luck.