Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts

Ways to emotionally support someone

     Hi, good readers, today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Ways to emotionally support someone", the reason I choose that topic because not everyone knows how to treat other people well, treating people well must involve kindness, empathy, and respect. Besides that, listen actively, show appreciation, and be understanding of their perspectives. Treat them as you would want to be treated, and always strive for honesty and integrity in your interactions. Additionally, be mindful of their boundaries and preferences, and offer support when needed without expecting anything in return, creating a sense of good impression when meeting someone in 4 minutes is also part of providing emotional support,  the most important thing is that we recognize the type of language they want to hear, if we cannot recognize the type of language they use, it is impossible for us to provide emotional support

  There are several ways to provide emotional support to someone:
1. Show empathy: Try to understand their feelings and validate their emotions, letting them know that you acknowledge and respect their experiences.
2. Offer encouragement: Provide words of encouragement and support, letting them know that you believe in their abilities and strength.
3. Be non-judgmental: Avoid criticizing or condemning their actions or feelings, and instead offer understanding and acceptance.
4. Be patient: Give them space and time to process their emotions and be patient as they work through their challenges.
5. Provide practical help: Offer assistance with tasks or responsibilities to alleviate their stress and show that you're there to support them in tangible ways.
6. Respect boundaries: Be mindful of their boundaries and preferences and avoid pressuring them to open up or share more than they're comfortable with.
7. Stay connected: Maintain regular communication and check in on them periodically to show that you care and are there for them consistently.
8. Offer resources: If appropriate, provide information about support groups, therapy options, or other resources that may help them cope with their emotions.
9. Be a consistent presence: Show reliability and constancy in your support, demonstrating that you're there for them through both good times and bad.

Additionally, here are several types of actions that can provide emotional support behavior to someone:
 1. Attentive listening: Listen with focus and without distractions to let them express their feelings.
 2. Know type of love language: With using a love language, we can adapt with their standard 
 3. Provide praise and encouragement: Provide words of praise and encouragement to reinforce their positive feelings.
 4. Provide time and attention: spend time with them and show that you care about their situation.
 5. Respect a personal sanctuary time: We let someone get alone to contemplate and do not force them to share more than they are comfortable with.
 6. Help them feel valued: Show respect and appreciation for them as individuals.

In conclusion: before we provide emotional support to someone, we must know the type of language he prefers, if he doesn't like stiff and standard language, then he likes to use informal language, at least he has to tell us about the type of language he likes and his habit, if we already know, then we immediately provide emotional support as I mentioned in the points above, I hope this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

What does a tension headache feel like

   Hi, good readers, howdy? Today I would like to share about the topic "what does a tension headache feel like" the main reason why I chose that topic is because many people are curious about it,  In this modern era, many people experience headaches, this is caused by the large work demands and upholding the value of competition in each job. when they feel a headache, they don't know what they feel,
a tension headache typically feels like a dull, aching pain or pressure around the head, especially in the forehead, temples, or back of the head and neck. It can sometimes feel like a tight band or vice squeezing the head. Tension headaches are often described as having a steady, mild to moderate intensity and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several days. They're usually not severe enough to prevent you from functioning normally, but they can still be uncomfortable and disruptive.
Tension headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

1. Muscle tension: Tightening of muscles in the head, neck, and shoulders due to stress, poor posture, or physical strain can lead to tension headaches.
2. Emotional stress: Anxiety, depression, or emotional stress can trigger muscle tension and contribute to the development of tension headaches.
3. Poor posture: Sitting or standing in positions that strain the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders can lead to tension headaches over time.
4. Eyestrain: Prolonged use of digital screens, reading in poor lighting conditions, or other activities that strain the eyes can contribute to tension headaches.
5. Jaw clenching or teeth grinding: Habitual clenching of the jaw or grinding of teeth, especially during sleep, can cause muscle tension that leads to tension headaches.
6. Dehydration: Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which may contribute to the development of tension headaches.
7. Caffeine withdrawal: Suddenly reducing or stopping caffeine intake can trigger withdrawal symptoms, including headaches.
8. Environmental factors: Exposure to loud noises, bright lights, or strong odors can sometimes trigger tension headaches in susceptible individuals.

By identifying and addressing the underlying causes, individuals may be able to reduce the frequency and severity of tension headaches, To alleviate or stop a tension headache, you can try the following strategies:

1. Rest and Relaxation: Take a break from any activities that may be contributing to your headache. Lie down in a quiet, dark room and practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation.
2. Apply Heat or Cold: Use a heating pad or warm compress on the neck and shoulders to relax tense muscles or apply a cold pack or ice pack to the forehead or temples to numb the pain and reduce inflammation.
3. Massage: Gently massage the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders to help relieve tension and promote relaxation.
4. Over-the-Counter Pain Medications: Non-prescription pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help alleviate headache pain. Follow the recommended dosage instructions on the label.
5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate tension headaches.
6. Improve Posture: Maintain good posture while sitting, standing, and working to prevent muscle tension in the head, neck, and shoulders.
7. Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity to reduce stress, improve circulation, and prevent muscle tension.
8. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Reduce or avoid consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as they can trigger or exacerbate tension headaches in some individuals.
9. Manage Stress: Practice stress management techniques such as yoga, mindfulness, or deep breathing exercises to reduce overall stress levels and prevent tension headaches.
10. Seek Professional Help: If tension headaches persist despite self-care measures, or if they significantly impact your daily life, consider consulting a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment options.

Remember to listen to your body and give yourself time to rest and recover when experiencing a tension headache. If you have frequent or severe headaches, it's important to seek medical advice to rule out any underlying health conditions, Hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck

Career success definition

   Hi, good reader, how are you? Now I want to share an interesting topic, namely career success definition, The main reason why I use this topic is because many people don't recognize what success means in a career. Career success can be defined as the achievement of goals and significant development in one's career. This includes various aspects such as professional achievements, recognition of performance, advancement in responsibilities and positions, and attainment of personal and professional satisfaction. Career success can be measured through achieving targets, increasing skills and experience, positive influence on the organization or industry, and the level of individual satisfaction and happiness in their work, If we only think about how to get money, then our career will not develop as we hope, Sometimes we need a breakthrough and create other advantages that can help other people, a wondrous career is often characterized by alignment with one's passions and strengths, opportunities for growth and learning, meaningful connections with others, and a sense of fulfillment and purpose in the work being done.
 The question now is how to make that career develop? a developed career typically involves continuous learning, skill enhancement, and professional growth. It's characterized by setting and achieving goals, seeking out new opportunities, adapting to changes in the industry, and building a strong network of contacts. Additionally, it often involves gaining experience, taking on new challenges, and refining one's expertise over time.

Here are some features of a developed career include:
1. The career can answer the market demands: Engaging with the market's demands is part of good opportunity.
2. Having Diversified experience: if career can diversely experiences and broaden your skill set or perspective, that is good career.
3. Having Strong professional network: Cultivating meaningful relationships with colleagues, mentors, and industry peers.
4. Adaptability: Being able to adapt to changes in the workplace and industry trends.
5. The career can create good opportunity for others: If a career can't provide good opportunities for other people, then it's not a good career 

A career is considered successful when a person achieves significant accomplishment and satisfaction in their field. Some factors that can mark career success include:

 1. Achievement of goals: Achieving the goals that have been set in your career, whether in terms of promotions, awards, or other personal achievements.
 2. Work-personal life balance: Having a good balance between work and personal life, makes it possible to maintain overall health and happiness.
 3. Recognition and appreciation: Get recognition from colleagues, superiors, and the community for extraordinary contributions and performance.
 4. Self-satisfaction: Feeling satisfied with the work done, and finding meaning and purpose in the career.
 5. Professional development: Continuously develop skills, knowledge, and leadership to improve performance and expand career opportunities.
 6. Financial balance: Having an adequate and stable income to meet life's needs and plan for the future financially.
 7. Positive impact: Making a meaningful contribution to the organization, society or industry at large, and leaving a positive mark on his career.

 However, it is important to remember that the definition of career success can vary for each individual based on their own values, goals, and aspirations, keep in mind that not everything in this world offers a good career, so we have to be careful if our career is not as good as we expected, Hopefully this article can provide inspiration and insight for your career, good luck. 

Reflex math benefits

  Hi, good readers, now I want to give you an interesting topic, namely "Reflex math benefits", The main reason why I chose this topic is because many people have difficulty learning mathematics, Reflex Math is an online math fluency program designed to help students master basic math facts through adaptive and personalized practice. It offers interactive games and activities focused on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, with the aim of improving students' speed and accuracy in solving math problems. The program adjusts difficulty levels based on individual student performance and provides immediate feedback to support learning and skill development. Reflex Math is commonly used in elementary and middle schools as a supplemental tool for math instruction, maybe you don't know that psychology lessons are related to reflex mathematics, the relationship between Reflex Math and psychology lies in how the program incorporates principles of educational psychology to enhance learning outcomes. Here are a few connections:

1. Operant Conditioning: Reflex Math uses positive reinforcement, such as rewards and progress tracking, to motivate students to engage with the material regularly. This aligns with the principles of operant conditioning, which suggests that behaviors are influenced by consequences.

2. Cognitive Psychology: The program adapts to each student's individual learning needs, providing targeted practice and feedback. This personalized approach aligns with the cognitive psychology concept of scaffolding, where learners are supported in acquiring new knowledge or skills based on their current abilities.

3. Gamification: Reflex Math utilizes gamification elements, such as points, levels, and badges, to make learning more engaging and enjoyable for students. This taps into psychological principles of intrinsic motivation and flow theory, where individuals are more likely to be engaged in activities that are challenging yet achievable and intrinsically rewarding.

4. Feedback and Mastery Learning: Reflex Math provides immediate feedback to students, allowing them to correct mistakes and reinforce correct responses. This aligns with the principles of mastery learning, which emphasizes the importance of continuous feedback and practice for achieving mastery in a subject.

Overall, Reflex Math incorporates psychological principles to create an effective and engaging learning environment for students to develop math fluency, Reflex Math offers several benefits, including:

1. Improves Math Fluency: Reflex Math helps students develop fluency in basic math facts, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, through repetitive practice and immediate feedback.

2. Enhances Speed and Accuracy: Regular practice on Reflex Math improves students' speed and accuracy in solving math problems, which is essential for tackling more complex math concepts.

3. Personalized Learning: The program adapts to each student's level of proficiency, providing targeted practice to address areas where they need improvement and advancing them to more challenging levels as they progress.

4. Engaging and Interactive: Reflex Math uses gamification elements, such as rewards and progress tracking, to keep students motivated and engaged in their learning journey.

5. Convenient and Accessible: Students can access Reflex Math from any internet-enabled device, allowing them to practice math skills at their own pace and convenience, whether at school or home.

6. Supports Different Learning Styles: Reflex Math employs various teaching methods, including visual and auditory cues, to cater to different learning styles and preferences, making it accessible to a wide range of students.

  By using the Reflex Mathematics application, it is hoped that students attending elementary and middle school can understand the fun of learning mathematics,  Hopefully this article can provide inspiration and insight, good luck.

Problem behaviors are culturally determined

  Hi, good readers, on this occasion I want to convey a topic, namely "Problem behaviors are culturally determined", The main reason why I chose that topic is because not many people realize that problematic behavior is shaped, If you ask me why many people are not aware of their problematic behavior because of parenting that does not emphasize ethics and morals, Problem behaviors can be culturally determined because cultural norms, values, and expectations shape individuals' understanding of what acceptable or unacceptable behavior within a particular society is. What may be considered problematic in one culture might be tolerated or even encouraged in another. Cultural influences impact various aspects such as family dynamics, education systems, social structures, and religious beliefs, all of which contribute to shaping behavioral norms and responses to deviant behavior.
Culture plays a significant role in shaping our values, beliefs, and norms. It's like a lens through which we view and understand the world. Here's how:
1. Values: Culture determines what we deem important in life. For example, some cultures value individualism and self-reliance, while others emphasize community and cooperation. These values then influence our decisions and attitudes.
2. Beliefs: Our beliefs about what is true and false are often shaped by our culture. For instance, religious beliefs are heavily influenced by cultural traditions. Similarly, our beliefs about social issues, like gender roles or family structures, are also molded by our cultural background.
3. Norms: Norms are the unwritten rules about how to behave in a society. They guide our behavior and let us know what is considered acceptable or unacceptable in our community. For instance, cultural norms dictate how we should dress, how we interact with others, and even how we express our emotions.
4. Perception of the World: Culture also shapes our perception of the world and our place in it. It influences how we interpret experiences, how we react to situations, and how we relate to others.
5. Identity: Culture contributes to our sense of identity and belonging. It gives us a sense of who we are and where we come from, which can influence our values and beliefs.
So, culture is like a compass guiding us through life. It's not fixed and can change over time, but it provides a framework that helps us make sense of the world around us, Culture can significantly influence our perception of right and wrong. This is often referred to as cultural relativism, which is the idea that concepts of right and wrong are not absolute but are instead determined by the cultural context. For example, in some cultures, it's considered perfectly acceptable for parents to arrange marriages for their children, while in other cultures, this practice might be seen as a violation of individual rights and personal freedom, Similarly, in some societies, it's considered disrespectful to question authority or elders, while in others, open dialogue and questioning are encouraged as a means of growth and understanding, These examples show that our understanding of what is moral, ethical, and acceptable can vary greatly depending on our cultural background. It's important to remember that our cultural lens can shape our judgments and perceptions, and what we consider to be "right" or "wrong" might not be viewed the same way in a different cultural context, Hopefully this article can provide benefits and insight, good luck.

A problem shared is a problem halved

        Hi, good reader, howdy? Today I would like to share about the topic "a problem shared is a problem halved", the main reason why I choose that topic because Many people experience confusion when facing problems that are considered burdensome on their minds, To overcome this problem, usually someone will do something unusual, such as telling someone else about the problem or they will borrow capital from people who have cash capabilities, I'm not saying this method is wrong, but I think they are in a hurry to make a quick decision,  In psychology, the more a problem is told to other people, the stronger and more widespread the problem becomes. To overcome the pattern of problems that have become bigger, we as humans should not exaggerate the problem, an effective way to reduce the volume of problems is by dividing the types of problems into smaller looks, e.gWe can provide when it will be reviewed, who will be involved, what the next steps will be, what we can dig up, what data we need, please don't start things by opening the question "why did this problem occur?", it's the same as looking for a scapegoat. 

Sharing problems with others is a common human behavior and there are several reasons why people do it.
1. Emotional Support: When people share their problems, they often seek emotional support. It's comforting to know that others understand what we're going through and can offer empathy and compassion.
2. Seeking Advice: Sometimes, people share problems because they're looking for advice or a different perspective. Others might have experienced the same issue and can provide helpful insights or solutions.
3. Stress Relief: Talking about problems can also be a form of stress relief. It allows people to vent their feelings and frustrations, which can help reduce anxiety and make them feel better.
4. Connection: Sharing problems can also deepen relationships. It shows trust and vulnerability, which can strengthen bonds between people.
5. Resolution: Sometimes, the act of talking through a problem can lead to a resolution. The process of explaining the issue to someone else can help clarify the problem and might even lead to a solution.
Remember, it's always okay to share your problems with others. We all need help sometimes, and it's important to lean on our support systems when we're struggling, you're never alone, when we share our problems with others, it can provide emotional support in several ways:
1. Validation: When you share your feelings and someone else acknowledges them, it can validate your experiences. This validation can make you feel understood and less alone in your struggles. It's comforting to know that what you're feeling is normal and okay.
2. Empathy: When others listen to our problems, they can offer empathy. They may not be able to solve the problem, but just knowing that someone else cares and understands can be a great source of comfort. It's like a warm hug for your emotions. 
3. Encouragement: Sharing problems often leads to words of encouragement from others. They can provide reassurance that you are strong enough to overcome the challenges you're facing. This can boost your confidence and morale, helping you to cope better. 
4. Comfort: Sometimes, just the act of talking about what's troubling us can provide a sense of relief. It's like releasing a burden that you've been carrying alone. Having someone to share that burden with can provide immense comfort. 
5. Perspective: Others can provide a fresh perspective on our problems. They might see things that we've missed or offer a different angle that we hadn't considered. This can help us to view our problems in a new light and manage our emotions better. 
Remember, it's okay to lean on others for emotional support when you're facing problems. We all need a little help sometimes, Hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

A problem repeatedly occurred

    Hi, good reader, howdy? Today I would like to share about the interesting topic namely "a problem repeatedly occurred", The main reason I chose this topic is because many people experience this situation and don't know what to do, If you ask me the main reason many people let their problems repeat themselves is because they don't understand how to get out of such a condition, In my opinion, the reason someone lets problems happen is because they think about something that doesn't concern them, they actually avoid the problem and try to find blame for the situation, There could be various reasons why a problem keeps occurring. Here are a few possibilities:
1. Lack of understanding or clarity about the problem: Sometimes, we may not fully understand the problem, which prevents us from addressing it properly.
2. Inadequate solution: The solution implemented may not be effective or comprehensive enough to fully resolve the issue.
3. External factors: There could be external factors or circumstances that are causing the problem to reoccur, such as environmental conditions, other people's actions, etc.
4. Systemic issues: If the problem is part of a larger system, there may be systemic issues that keep causing the problem.
5. Lack of resources: Sometimes, a lack of resources (time, money, manpower, etc.) can prevent us from fully addressing the problem.
6. Habitual behavior: If the problem is caused by a certain behavior, it can keep recurring if the behavior is not changed.
   Of course, without more specific details about the problem, it's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. If you want, you can share more about the situation, and I might be able to provide a more tailored response, improving understanding of a recurring problem is crucial to find an effective solution. Here are some strategies that might help:
1. Identify the Root Cause: Use problem-solving methodologies like the "5 Whys" technique. This involves asking "why?" five times to drill down to the root cause of the problem.
2. Data Analysis: Collect and analyze data related to the problem. Look for patterns and trends that might give clues about what's causing the problem.
3. Consult Others: Talk to other people who are familiar with the problem. They might have insights or perspectives that you haven't considered.
4. Research: Look for information about similar problems faced by others. There might be case studies, articles, or forums that can provide useful insights.
5. Reflect and Learn: After each occurrence of the problem, take some time to reflect on what happened and why. What can you learn from this instance? How can it inform your understanding of the problem?
6. Experiment: Try different approaches to solving the problem and observe the results. This can help you understand what works and what doesn't.
 Remember, understanding a problem deeply is the first step to finding a permanent solution. Keep an open mind, be curious, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Hopefully this article can provide inspiration and insight, good luck. 

Three body problem

     Hi, good reader, howdy? I would like to share about the interesting topic, namely " three body problem", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is aware about division into 3 body problems, but now I am explaining it from a philosophical view, In the context of philosophy, the "Three Body Problem" does not refer to the same concept as in physics. However, there is a concept related to the mind-body problem in philosophy that may have some similarities to the "Three Body Problem" in physics, The mind-body problem is a philosophical problem that concerns the relationship between the mind (soul) and the human body. This issue attempts to explain how the mind and body interact and whether they are separate entities or an inseparable whole, There are various views on the mind-body problem, such as materialism vs idealism, ancient harmony, occasionalism, epiphenomenalism, partial idealism, double-aspect theory, and interactionism. Each of these views provides a different explanation of the relationship between mind and body, However, it is important to note that the “Three Body Problem” in physics and the mind-body problem in philosophy are two different concepts. The concept of the “Three Body Problem” in physics focuses on the movement of three point masses in a gravitational system, while the mind-body problem in philosophy focuses on the relationship between the human mind and body.

The relationship between the human mind and body is a complex and fascinating topic. It is often studied in the field of philosophy of mind, psychology, and neuroscience. There are different theories and perspectives on this subject, One common view is the mind-body dualism, which suggests that the mind and body are two separate entities. According to this view, the mind is non-physical and distinct from the physical body. This perspective is often associated with René Descartes and his famous statement, "I think, therefore I am."
On the other hand, there is the view of monism, which suggests that the mind and body are interconnected and inseparable. Within monism, there are different subcategories, such as materialism and idealism. Materialism argues that the mind is a product of the physical processes in the brain, while idealism suggests that the physical world is a manifestation of the mind, another perspective is the interactionist dualism, which proposes that the mind and body interact with each other. This view acknowledges the existence of both mental and physical aspects and emphasizes their mutual influence.
In recent years, advancements in neuroscience have provided valuable insights into the relationship between the mind and body. Studies have shown that certain mental processes and experiences are associated with specific brain activities and neural networks. This suggests a strong connection between the physical brain and subjective experiences, Overall, the relationship between the human mind and body is still a subject of ongoing research and debate. It is a fascinating area of study that continues to unravel the mysteries of human consciousness and the nature of our existence, Understanding the mind and body involves a combination of various disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, and physiology. Here are some general tips to understand mind and body:
1. Education: Start by learning the basics of human anatomy and physiology, which will give you an understanding of how the body works. For the mind, delve into psychology and neuroscience.
2. Meditation and Mindfulness: These practices can help you gain a deeper understanding of your own mind and body. They can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.
3. Healthy Living: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are essential for maintaining a healthy mind and body. These activities also help you understand how different factors affect your physical and mental wellbeing.
4. Professional Guidance: Consider seeking guidance from professionals such as therapists, psychologists, or life coaches. They can provide insights and techniques to better understand your mind and body.
5. Continuous Learning: The field of mind-body studies is constantly evolving with new research and discoveries. Keep yourself updated by reading scientific articles, attending seminars, or subscribing to relevant publications.
 Remember, everyone's mind and body are unique, so what works for one person might not work for another. It's about finding what works best for you, I think my explanation is enough, good luck.

What is the mindset theory?

In this topic I would like to talk about mindset, maybe you hear so much about the mindset, mindset is the ultimate power because it can create the unlimited potential by keep learning, learning and learning, as theory says “mindset is set of attitudes or fixed idea that everybody has and it’s often difficult to change”.

Mindset can alter where human really want to go there, mindset doesn’t have ear to hear, it doesn’t have eye to watch, it doesn’t have mouth to speak, and it doesn’t have skin to taste, mindset is just having the unlimited power like water, but the water can form into any shape, any size and it has weight, the water will flow when you open your mindset and sincerely to accept the failure.

Let’s play the game to fix our mindset, imagine that you are water, when you want to get the knowledge from teapot, you just flow and fill into the teapot, finally you unintentionally have mindset like a teapot, another example, when you see the bottle, you just need to flow and fill into the bottle, so you have the same mindset like bottle. Your first mission to get the important thing in this life is be humble, so you can start emptying your idealism, egoism, and dignity.

Sometimes we need to blame ourselves with self-unknowing mistake, but in the fact human has no culture to begin his life and instead they start to make a dispute to one place to another one, they start to swindle from one person to another person, that I call it “the human lives in darkness” so they have been paralyzed with evil.
Mindset originally has no future and no hope, the only thing we should know is guiding your mindset with your conscious mind, your intuition and your subconscious mind, I would like to remind you again, don’t ever try to stop believing with your life path, if your life path doesn’t work, make a new thing and renew your knowledge with something you get from new experience, e.g. failure, rejection, it can change your belief system.

What is the unconscious mind?

In this topic I would like to describe about the unconscious mind, this is not the first-time people have heard about the unconscious mind. It’s related to existing or happening in circumstance but on the other hand you are not realizing or being unaware of something, the unconscious mind is beginning when you are in injury because of accident, or you are in sleeping mode, the unconscious mind also has another meaning; it’s state that you are unable to understand what happening within yourself although you are opening your eyes, the main problem is you are lack of gaining the knowledge about the human resource.

Basically there are many opinions to be discussed together regarding the unconscious mind’s meaning, the first opinion you should know is you are being unaware of something because you already inactivate the mind resource from your conscious mind, that we call it you are in sleeping mode, the second opinion you should know is you realize something that you have a goal or target in your life but you haven’t committed to fulfill it with your entirely life, the third opinion you should know is the lack of knowledge is making you stay in unconscious mind even though you are in aware mode, you keep studying and studying about the matter because you are lack of knowledge, that’s part of unconscious mind as well.

The greatest success is coming from the part of journey from unconscious mind to entirely conscious mind, so keep learning and learning in every day situation by activating your mind resources, I would like to suggest you to stop being self-righteous and stop riding your emotional state to entirely satisfaction, if you keep going like that in many ways, you deliberately educate your conscious mind to become the unconscious mind state.

The true wisdom is knowing you know nothing

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about the true wisdom, the main purpose why I choose that topic because true wisdom is the part of life lesson where it teaches human how to be experienced in any scope, we will get a new scope when we are willingly to leave our past experience and welcome new challenge, that's the key how to collect a wisdomdon't let time will stop our commitment during we gain the momentum of creation and don't let the unknown circumstance will change your core belief, remember this note; we can't collect any wisdom when we always commit by doing something easier, wisdom can't be represented with other people who surround you, wisdom is the ultimate resource where it can be used to change the human's destiny, wisdom is started from our sense of enthusiasm and sense of curiosity, as human being, we need to find any scope where it can help us to develop our inborn skill, we need to attract the wisdom by gaining new commitment, if there is no commitment, we will lose the power of retention.

       I think doing something difficult is the beginning process how to leave our unproductive habit, sometimes we can't achieve goals instead of our lack of skills, but we can't do things efficiently, the main problem why we can't collect new wisdom because we prefer to have the multitasking skill and we don't know how to do finish them all more efficient, here are the main problem why we can't collect the wisdom of life; we have trained our mindset to have the multitasking skill, we have too many goals, we lack of discipline, we lack of curiosity and we lack of enthusiasmwisdom can be born in the world when we apply the power of curiosity to look for the main source where it can create the human's resources, true wisdom can be started when we don't prioritize to know about our satisfaction level and true wisdom can be learned when we are not interested to do something where it can attract our unproductive habit, at this moment let me explain why you need to have the power of true wisdom, the first thing; you become the master of your own future and other people will seek your world because you love to create a better life for others than you think about your own life, the second thing; you can endure a lot of pain and suffering during you are living on earth, the third thing; your future life will work better than what your present time does.


          Wherever you go, your wisdom will guide you how to maximize the opportunity and how to avoid the dangerous thing, every wisdom needs good habit and it is not easy to be dealt with because you must leave a ton of your inefficient behavior, the main problem why most people are not interested to collect the new wisdom because they have a poor philosophy where it teaches them to learn something bad, here is the biggest risk in life; stay lingering in the same shelter, don't take any risk and not fighting what you fear the most, if you change your life, you may get hurt because you break your own rule, it may seem cruel but that’s good for you because you will leave your comfort zone and you are going to the wisdom zone where it can educate you how to stay rich for everlasting, sometimes being a fool for temporary is better than someone who feels smart but they don't have long term plan, here is my special note; we can’t change our destiny when we just prioritize what our satisfaction needs than not to prioritize about what our soul needs.

Your limitation only comes from your faith

your limitation comes from your faith

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to recognize your power of faith and recognize your limitation, the main purpose why I choose that topic because the power of faith is the highest human resources where it can determine which destination human will arrive, besides that the power of faith can empower the human’s imagination, but relying on faith is not enough to make a big difference between what did you do in your past and the activity you should be doing in your future, as we know everyone has the power of faith, but unfortunately not many people know how to delegate its power, at this moment, let me give you step by step how to recognize your limitation and how to delegate your power of faith, the first thing you must do is don’t take the easiest responsibility and you have to take as many as responsibility you want to endure in the long period term, if you can apply it every day, you will become a different personthe second thing you must do is strengthen your mentality with a big target you haven't reached yet, you must ensure you will pursue it no matter what it takes, the main reason why your mentality must be trained a little hard because you will know whether your power of faith will work optimally or not, have you ever thought why you and I must take bigger responsibility than before? Because every responsibility will invite the greater source where it is going to fill up our potential’s power, if there is no responsibility, our faith becomes impotent, our existence will be meaningful when our potential power can be used to service what mankind needs, besides that, we can't delegate our potential when we don't break our limitation.

          Every human has the limitation area where it is used to protect what importance inside, but unfortunately, the limitation area often blocks something where it is trying to come in, as human who have authorized to deal with new circumstance, we need to prepare the hardest plan where it can help human to evolve their mentality, no matter how hard the condition will be, the human's faith usually creates the vision where it can influence people to keep learning, growing from one experience to another one, the limitation area is located at the human's greatest satisfaction where it grows up every day and depend on what human's activity does, the more human create their unprofessional ritual and habit, the more people grow their satisfaction's size till it becomes greedy, in this case, we must beware about all kind of activity we have chosen because every activity produces emotionsdon't let the sense of negativity grows by itself from the activity we have chosen, all kind of our emotions we have created can determine to our futurein my insight; before you believe something you have never tried before, you need to clean your mind from the other people's wisdom because the human's wisdom are not always be right all the time, if you stick together with the human’s faith without comparing it with the nature's philosophy, you will become the prisoner of other people's faith, your faith can become a great threat for you when you don't allow the nature to heal you.

Don’t let the wrong faith will create fearfulness and don't let fearfulness will dominate your imagination level, you have to test which information will get into your consciousness, don't follow the series of events where it let your satisfaction is bigger, you must dare to say "enough is enough", you have to go back to work and finish your target as soon as you can, starting from today, remember this note; when you break your own limitation, you will meet bigger limitation than previous one, that's why ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship, you need to empower your faith with the nature’s philosophy until you get wiser, the more you learn about the nature, the more you approach God’s wisdom I just remind you the power of faith doesn't make things easy, but it makes them possible for you, good faith doesn't teach you how to trust, but it teaches how you observe, think and find any evidence, whereas the wrong faith teaches how to trust without allowing you to observe, think and find any evidence, furthermore, the power of faith doesn't limit the human's creation because God has no limit to provide His wisdom to human.

Nature doesn’t need people but people need nature

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share the topic “Nature doesn't need people, but people need nature" the meaning of that title is "nature is the mother of the human's skill and nature will provide what people really need when people fulfill what nature wants”, that's justice, if we can’t provide what life really wants, we will build the desperate mindset, the first thing we need to do when we want our life’s journey is moving forward; we need to leave the unproductive habit in the past and we need to tie ourselves with goals that we have never reached before, I think this method is efficient because it can develop the human's habit and enrich the human's knowledge, the law of nature is very powerful when it is often to be applied in the human's daily habit, based on the nature’s law, repetition and consistency will create self-commitment, as we know self-commitment is the basic rule where it had been designed by God to give what human deserve, without any commitment's existence, human don't have any chance to make new evolution in their life history, self-commitment is the powerful force because it can create the differentiation between the human's future and the human's enthusiasm. 

 If we can apply and learn from the nature’s habit, our sense of satisfaction will be immobilized and our power of focus will increase by itself, that's the lawI can assure you that your life will become magnificent if you pick up one of the nature's habit like self-commitment, remember this note; the law of nature is designed not only can give a good service to people’s basic necessities, but also the nature can give a bad service when there is evil purpose from human’s purpose, in my opinion; don’t play casually with self-commitment because it’s the law of nature, people can't create a better future when they don't know how to make self-commitment with their time zone, the law of nature will give reaction when there is the human's commitment, every reaction can't be manipulated with human's skill, remember this note; we don’t need to pursue the end result because giving the end result is the part of the nature’s system, it’s not part of human’s responsibility, so we are not allowed to interfere or break the system, we are just recommended to work on our dream or we invent the masterpiece where it can be utilized to help others people’s business, it's work ethic.

 the law of nature isn’t having an egoistic characteristic, so as human being, we have to sell our skill like what the nature does, the main reason why the nature is always becoming the success model forever because it always selling its gorgeous skill to human and other creatureswe must design our philosophy in order to keep us stay away from the negativity, keep working like the nature does is the answer how to approach God's wisdom, sometimes we need to create new perceive about the law of nature in order to clear our faith from doubt, if our faith are filled with doubt, our vision gets lost, basically the human's daily job are like the farmers in the rice field,  they are sowing the seeds, cultivating the land with fertilizer, cutting the weeds from the land and reaping the outcome, now I understand little bit why most people are not wealthy in the rest of their life because they don't want to study how to sow the good seeds, they prefer to live in their expectation zone than living in the wisdom zone, in the reality, most poor people are cultivating their mindset with unproductive habit and doing the unproductive ritual, remember; poor people always reject the law of nature, that's the reason they get poor.

What are powers in math?

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to discover the power of math, as we know the math belongs to the compulsory subject from kindergarten school, primary school, secondary high school, senior high school and the university, but what is the importance in math rather than other compulsory subject? At this moment let me explain what are powers in math? The first advantage you will receive when you study math; your brain’s logical system will work faster 20% than you are studying other subject at school because math has offered many complexity, such as number, line, graphic, angle, algorithm, adding, subtracting, dividing and the complex number, maybe some people will hate to study math, but it’s very good for the human’s brain nutrition because math can increase human's brain data processing input faster than studying another compulsory subject which it is taught by teacher at the formal education system, but remember this note; math is created not to make the human get more foolish, but it’s opposite, math can help human to reconcile between reality and chaos within their mind.

If you embrace math, I am sure you will find many new difficulties and you will feel chaotic, that’s normal process, the main reason why I say it’s normal process because our potential aren't ready to accept new difficulties, so we need some friction to adapt with new difficult by awakening our spirituality and our new habit, remember this note; there is no master was not beginner, so there is nobody will have success DNA since they were born on earth because success itself comes from the personal's nurturing process,  here is the second advantage you will receive when you study math; your lifestyle will never feel bored because your mind will be curious about the life’s challenge, your mind loves to discover with new riddle where most people don’t learn it,  here is the third benefit you will receive when you study math; your mind will reject the information where it doesn’t offer with the uninspiring story and math will give you the rational mind process to select which valuable information should be taken, sometimes we need to select about the new information which may attract our attention because every information will influence our mind thinking process and we shape our future based on how much valuable information we have learned, not all information are valuable to be remember, if we notice everything where it doesn’t be needed by our soul, it would boomerang on ourselves because it can break our focus, hurt our serenity and also it can attract the unwanted disaster where it doesn’t be needed by us.

Starting today, don’t let your children or your family member will hate about math, you can give them a story and big benefit to them that math will give them specialization to the future's career, besides that, math can help human how to make the rational decision than to make the emotional decision, here is the fourth benefit you will receive when you study math; math can give you the power of meticulous and it will help you to predict your best decision when your position is stuck in the difficult situation, in the daily life, math can help human how to visualize the picture of their creativity accurately based on the reality, passion and vocation, here is for your note; the more you love about the numbers, the more you appreciate about your money calculation and care about your future business plan, besides that, here is the fifth benefit when you study math; math can educate you how to work based on the reality, not by taking a careless error or careless judgment and math will give you a different point of view how to think towards problem, I think those are the power of math based on my research.