Showing posts with label Mentality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mentality. Show all posts

What does a tension headache feel like

   Hi, good readers, howdy? Today I would like to share about the topic "what does a tension headache feel like" the main reason why I chose that topic is because many people are curious about it,  In this modern era, many people experience headaches, this is caused by the large work demands and upholding the value of competition in each job. when they feel a headache, they don't know what they feel,
a tension headache typically feels like a dull, aching pain or pressure around the head, especially in the forehead, temples, or back of the head and neck. It can sometimes feel like a tight band or vice squeezing the head. Tension headaches are often described as having a steady, mild to moderate intensity and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several days. They're usually not severe enough to prevent you from functioning normally, but they can still be uncomfortable and disruptive.
Tension headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

1. Muscle tension: Tightening of muscles in the head, neck, and shoulders due to stress, poor posture, or physical strain can lead to tension headaches.
2. Emotional stress: Anxiety, depression, or emotional stress can trigger muscle tension and contribute to the development of tension headaches.
3. Poor posture: Sitting or standing in positions that strain the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders can lead to tension headaches over time.
4. Eyestrain: Prolonged use of digital screens, reading in poor lighting conditions, or other activities that strain the eyes can contribute to tension headaches.
5. Jaw clenching or teeth grinding: Habitual clenching of the jaw or grinding of teeth, especially during sleep, can cause muscle tension that leads to tension headaches.
6. Dehydration: Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, which may contribute to the development of tension headaches.
7. Caffeine withdrawal: Suddenly reducing or stopping caffeine intake can trigger withdrawal symptoms, including headaches.
8. Environmental factors: Exposure to loud noises, bright lights, or strong odors can sometimes trigger tension headaches in susceptible individuals.

By identifying and addressing the underlying causes, individuals may be able to reduce the frequency and severity of tension headaches, To alleviate or stop a tension headache, you can try the following strategies:

1. Rest and Relaxation: Take a break from any activities that may be contributing to your headache. Lie down in a quiet, dark room and practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or meditation.
2. Apply Heat or Cold: Use a heating pad or warm compress on the neck and shoulders to relax tense muscles or apply a cold pack or ice pack to the forehead or temples to numb the pain and reduce inflammation.
3. Massage: Gently massage the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders to help relieve tension and promote relaxation.
4. Over-the-Counter Pain Medications: Non-prescription pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help alleviate headache pain. Follow the recommended dosage instructions on the label.
5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate tension headaches.
6. Improve Posture: Maintain good posture while sitting, standing, and working to prevent muscle tension in the head, neck, and shoulders.
7. Regular Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity to reduce stress, improve circulation, and prevent muscle tension.
8. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Reduce or avoid consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as they can trigger or exacerbate tension headaches in some individuals.
9. Manage Stress: Practice stress management techniques such as yoga, mindfulness, or deep breathing exercises to reduce overall stress levels and prevent tension headaches.
10. Seek Professional Help: If tension headaches persist despite self-care measures, or if they significantly impact your daily life, consider consulting a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment options.

Remember to listen to your body and give yourself time to rest and recover when experiencing a tension headache. If you have frequent or severe headaches, it's important to seek medical advice to rule out any underlying health conditions, Hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck

Why are you afraid of your own Potential?

    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic "why are you afraid of your potential?", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people frustrated how to optimize their own potential, besides that, people don't have a good role model how to unlock people's potential, that's confidence issue, normally we as child didn’t know how to discover what was important in life, the reason why we didn't find our potential when we were childhood because we were trained to listen what parents talk, what teachers talk "how to play safe, take a secure job, don't take new responsibility" almost 20 years we were trained to listen the voice that not our own, as result, we still couldn't detect where lies our potential, that's main cause why we were afraid how to make potential successfully in our lives, now you may ask me "what can we do how to unlock potential?", here is the first thing you must do how to unlock potential is "follow what your intuition tells you while you are keep searching your potential", the reason why I recommend you to listen your intuition because it never tell a lie to you, but in order to listen your intuition, you must take one or two skills and you practiced it at least 20 hours, after 20 hours, you reevaluate what you learn, if your potential grows as the time goes by and your potential increases your wisdom, vision, knowledge and creativity, that's mean, you succeed.


   I just want to tell you that your potential will not grow when you avoid doing something difficult or challenging, do you know why? because your potential is designed to force you to leave your comfort zone, your potential only wants you to do something progressively, not to do secure job which it can't offer new opportunity for you, remember this; there is no mental growth when you stay in comfort zone and there is no comfortable in growth zone or learning zonesome people fear when they meet with the growth zone because they are forced to do something where it offers themselves hard pressure, that's normal because their mentality hasn't been trained yet, it may take few years to let people adapt with uncertainty and painful experience, that's consequence, but if you don't take challenge to yourself, you will get more pain when you are getting old because you have missed many priceless lesson when you were younger, in my opinion; you must have a life goal where it can guide you how to find your potential, by having a life goal, it can make your focus staying in the line of your potential, if you decide to do something for your potential, you are not allowed to take backtrack because you already commit, if you don't do something for your potential, you can't use your time and health to enjoy the moment of your happiness, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can help you to change your life, good luck.

Social anxiety disorder

unconditional headache has potential to make someone dead

          Today I would like to share how to recognize about social anxiety disorder, the reason why I say like this because there are many people are getting involved with social anxiety disorder, this problem is not caused by external environment but the problem is coming from people’s mentality, remember; those people who suffer about social anxiety disorder in their mentality, they tend to avoid the crowded place and they will stay away from new comers, so every time they meet with new circumstance, they consider as big risk and they are afraid, now I will let you know about the main reason why social anxiety disorder attack people’s mentality because they had been becoming a victim long time ago by unfairly treatment from rude people and yet they hadn’t found the right people in their circle zone, so the victim would feel lonely, unwelcome, depression, unmotivated, unworthy and feel insecure, now the question is “what will you do if victim is part of your family?” I am sure you will feel sad and unpleasant about it and you may start to call psychologist to heal someone’s mentality disorder.

great sadness will create dissolution of concentration

Please remember; we don’t have control to heal someone who has a social anxiety disorder in his mentality, the victim only needs to be familiarized with nature and the right people to take care of his mentality's growth and the victim needs to be socialized with psychotherapy program, during healing process, we don’t let the external issue will create the victim’s consciousness being interrupted, the first thing what we should do how to heal the victim is “don’t buy drug, but we give victim with full attention, by that it means; we will treat victim with discipline mindset program, that’s the method how to reduce the mentality’s social anxiety disorder, here I would share about the external factor which is making someone got the social anxiety disorder in his mentality, namely the victim often meets with the rude people during his living journey.

mental social anxiety disorder

The second thing what will we do when we meet with someone who got the mentality social anxiety disorder is giving him an empathy, means we will take care about victim’s daily routine activity, so every single day we need to give our best gift to victim such as teach him how to select friend and teach him how to create the resource of happiness, the third thing we must do if we want to help people who got the mentality’s social anxiety disorder is keeping the victim away from the music tone, the reason why I suggest such thing because music has potential to create the subliminal message and it’s affecting victim subconscious mind.

mental disorder will create irrational thinking

 if the music tone has sad content, it will influence the victim's subconscious mind to get sadness and music tone will overburden victim's mental disorder, music has no potential to neutralize human's mentality disorder, furthermore music tone will block the relaxing motion between the subconscious mind nerves with conscious mind nerves, good therapy method we can offer to the victim is inviting him to go to the flower garden for gardening purpose or inviting him to go to his most favorite place in nature reserve to make unforgotten moment with nature, hopefully this article will help you how to heal victim’s social anxiety disorder in his mentality.

Daredevil characteristic

Daredevil figure

          Today I would like to share how to learn about daredevil’s characteristic, the reason why I choose that topic because daredevil character will give us lesson how to survive in this world without harming other people or other creature, some people think daredevil characteristic is crazy or very dangerous attitude, if we think differently about daredevil characteristic, we can empower this character to pull the unlimited potential from the universe, daredevil characteristic is not always making us to do something unnecessary, but it will offer different thing although there are many people will hate it, please remember; doing the dangerous thing is different with doing unnecessary, daredevil character will give you another idea how to create better future with different action, if we know how to employ the daredevil’s power, we can use it for improving self-reliance and we will become trouble shooting maker.

daredevil has no fear and has no scarcity

some people consider daredevil is having a lot of negativity, but now I will give you a concrete sample how to employ the negativity for the right purpose, please imagine about your feeling of afraid, if you are just being afraid of something without knowing why you are afraid about it, you will lose the desire value of yourself, that is negativity's side effect, but if you use your fear to motivate yourself, you can do anything when other people won't do, your fear will push you to study well because you are afraid how to become a poor, that's positive's side effect how to employ negativity, if we review little about the daredevil characteristic, this characteristic looks great and fearless, this character will help you how to shape a growth mindset, when there's someone who has daredevil characteristic, by that it means, he knows how to handle with risk management and he knows how to eliminate the side effect of dangerous.

Here is the benefit about daredevil characteristic; it has strong influence and it will offer you with the different strategy and tactic rather than  common characteristic which have ever been used by ordinary people, if you have daredevil characteristic, please use it for mankind's welfare, not for our private regard, this characteristic will lend you power how to face the failure, how to make troubleshooting idea, and how to empower your physical, but you must be careful about this characteristic because this characteristic will lend you power how to monopolize the society's law, every day you will get affected with strong emotion until you forget how to rest your healthy

Where focus goes, energy flows

make clear vision is part how to make your power of focus flows

          Today I would like to share about how to focus and use energy maximally, the reason why I say like this because many people can't use their power of focus because people are too concerned about something unprecedented in the future, people are too concern about other people’s opinion, people are too cautious about something they can't finish, now in this article I am going to give you the root cause why many people fail, the first cause why people lose their power of focus because they consider that their dreams are impossible, they think their dreams are too big, they use their focus for the many purposes, here are these questions you need to ponder "what is your long term plan?" and "what will you do in every day if you were failing to achieve your long term plan?" and "what is your reason that make you excited to do it" those questions are giving you a chance how to grow your energy and grow your focus, please don't hope that universe will give you energy when you can't attract with your best responsive.

imagination is just beginning process how to set focus

            When I review about several people’s lives, most of them lose power for their constantly pursue because their mindsets have been contaminated with wrong social circle or bad influence, remember; focus can't be compromised easily when you are handling something with bad influence, the second cause why most people can't defend their goals till the end because they think their goals range are lies in their out of range, furthermore, they prefer to think small and do something where it doesn't match with their excitement level, if you want to know when your focus is growing and bringing a big volume, you can refer to river's wide philosophy, the more narrow size of river, the smaller volume of the water debit is flowing, the more wide size of river, the bigger volume of the water debit is flowing, so power of focus like the water debit, the more you think bigger than you imagine, the larger volume of focus will flow and you will become great doer, but if you think smaller than you imagine, your focus will be reduced and you are just becoming daydreamer.

The power of focus will make your life is brighter 

  The power of focus can be attracted by having feeling of excitement, if this condition has been reoccurred in every day, we will not get desperation even though we meet with insurmountable problem because our  resourcefulness have been charged with feeling of excitement, the most important thing is find your courage to study how to find the true happiness and true happiness is not lasting temporary, true happiness begins when we are collecting more capability rather than collecting our satisfaction, maximizing your excitement by practicing your inborn skills is the key how to work in this world for long lasting, oh i almost forgot, here is i want to talk about energy’s law, it says “when everything comes easily and also it’s easy to abandon”, by that it means we can't use energy forever and we have limited time to use energy for maximizing our inborn skill, when we don't use energy properly, energy will stay away from us.

your focus determines what you are developing

 Passion is not enough to create focus, we need to make words of affirmation first to intrigue our inability to keep looking something clearer than our imagination, the words of affirmation also can be used to find answer for all our doubts, sometimes we don't realize that answer is important rather than satisfaction, when you use your focus to find satisfaction, you will not get answer, remember; every human being has quota of mistake, our life will not bring meaningful story when we use our purpose of life to find satisfaction only, on the contrary, when we use our purpose of life to find the truth to answer our quota of mistake, so our lives will not be boring and our life will feel recharged.

When you forgive then you heal

Let go of something that you can't control

Today I would like to share about forgiveness and single-mindedness, the reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in fixed mindset, not willingly to forgive other people’s mistake because they think they are self-righteous person, in fact, weaknesses is the sign of being self-righteous man and weak people stop giving the forgiveness from other people's mistake,  on the contrary, showing the forgiveness with justice is the sign of strong people's mindset because they show the forgiveness to other people's mistake even though there is always consequences.

Forgiveness is sign of powerful people

The main reason why there is war in the human’s social bond because some people refuse many differences in the human's ideology and they don't want to tolerate about the forgiveness when other people create many mistakes, remember this note; mistake will not come to anyone who doesn’t deserve it and mistake will come to people who always be ignorant person and being self-pitying with uneducated habit,  by that it means Almighty God knows who deserves mistake and our heart will never get healed when we store other people's mistake, sometimes we can see clearly about the big mistakes from other people because we train our mindset to see it, but in fact, the biggest mistakes are lies in the respective people blind spot area, so whether we like it or not with our biggest mistakes in blind spot area, we must set single-minded about finding our own mistake by asking a trustworthy person and we practice how to exterminate bad habit by having new habit.

Remember; the biggest mistakes come from our bad habits, bad habit comes from our reoccurred small mistakes result and small mistakes come from the ignorance, if we want to live longer in this life with peace, we can’t rely on money for lasting journey because money value will decline its value from year by year, inner peace can't be delayed and it can't be cultivated by having grudge, all we can do is letting go of something we can't control, the more problem we store it then the more problem will come, the more peace will come when we let go of problem which we can't control.

The humans inner peace can’t be created when humans don’t practice their mind by yielding something that they can’t control, i remind you once again, when we have ability to control everything which it is happening in our mind, we can control the world, by that it means, the biggest problem in outer world will not affect in the human lives as long as humans can control about what to do and what not to do within their mind, that’s the key how to heal mind and how to grow our mentality, the growth mentality is always thinking about nurturing something to be better, not to stay the same.

Always deliver more than expected

          Today I would like to share about the power of giving, the power of caring and the power of love, the reason why I choose that topic because there are many people are wanting more, desire more and demanding more than they can afford, remember; people who always expect higher reward than they can deliver of something benefit, they never have good chance to get the power of giving from miracle of life, the main reason why we must have the power of giving because life is designed to give what we deserve it, so in this article I will widen people’s gaze about how to build self-esteem through human’s habit, human's attitude and human's mindset, now I start with human’s habit first, the main reason why I put human’s habit is the top priority to be learned because habit will control our activity, then the unlimited power comes from habit and emotional intelligence is born from attitude, if people want to build product at the first time, they must train their mindset, their attitude and their habit to deliver bigger value more than their expectation, that's life's demand to make us living better.

If we see about the human’s social life recently, the majority people are only thinking about the daily needs, self-satisfaction and how to earn money, in my opinion; that’s how life will end the human’s hope, the reason why life will do the cruel thing because humans are eager to staying with the same standard and humans are reluctant to change for the future, here is for your note; life is not teaching how to enjoy life like someone is going to spend money and spend time with free of charge, if we keep doing that habit for too long, our future will be killed with procrastination, laziness, ignorance, doubt, and negativity.

The human’s Life is like clay, when we don’t learn how to cultivate the clay’s shape, our lives will be ending like clay; shapeless, worthlessness, insecure and useless, another the word of clay is represented by creativity and idea, when I review in the society's life, very few people think how to build dream because they are too concerned with the money and they just train their mindset how to earn more money, remember this; when they forget about how to upgrade self-reliance, money will follow the human's value and when people follow the money value, human's value drastically goes down because the money value decline year by year and it never grow up, that’s main reason why life really hates when people put their last hope to the money because money value will never help humans to grow up skill, here is the purpose of life; nurturing something isn't exist to be living and showing its existence to give benefit.

deliver a service more than expected

Here is the note; opportunity will follow something alive and opportunity will approach the completed existence, I give you example to make you understand easier; opportunity is represented by honey bee and flower's blooming is represented by the human skill, when the flower is blooming then honey bee is approaching, once the flower is not blooming yet, the honey bee will never approach it, that’s principle of life, the lesson we can take it namely; when humans never practice skill, humans will never get opportunity.

How to let go your unproductive habit

          Today I would like to share how to let go your unproductive habit, the reason why I choose that topic because in the reality of life many people don't realize about what they must do or what they mustn't do in the daily habit, the unproductive habit is  like the glue, it will not give you dangerous thing but it will make your life journey is walking slower to make movement during chasing dream or target, the main reason why most people like to maintenance the unproductive habit because most people consider the unproductive habit will create new energy and extraordinary refreshment, but the truth is the human can't create energy, human has been entrusted by this life system to use it for the right purpose or doing for the unnecessary purpose, this life phase is coming very brief, we only need a brief circumstance and we need the right moment to use energy maximally for fulfilling the daily purpose, energy is easy to come and go away, so please be careful at this step because opportunity will come and goes when we don't to use the energy for the right thing.

        in this article I would explain how to let go your unproductive habit, remember; the unproductive habit will change your productive habit when you don't practice what is your talent for the right purpose, in my personal advice, don't underestimate the power of habit because habit is like unstoppable running machine, when you don't control your habit, habit will give you instruction how to produce the unproductive habit, that's the truth, start from now, you must try to ponder how far your life's journey has completed or how much target you haven't finished yet, remember this note; if you have productive habit, you should do something when other most people don't do because basically the productive person always prioritize the time to make it as  daily investment and also they spend their leisure time to create product or create valuable thing for the future, but if you keep cultivating your unproductive habit, you can't make an exceptional life journey because you just pass the day by doing something you make it repetitive, the final word you just do what the most ordinary people do.

The unproductive habits is making your life journey can't see the opportunity, the unproductive person always learns nothing at anything moment in the leisure time and their skill don't evolve, if people know the unproductive habit will produce the negative impact for the future, why they keep insisting to do it? because they can't see clearly about the probability of success and they think the unproductive habit will not change the good situation, besides that the unproductive person doesn’t have good philosophy to change the situation, no wonder their life journey are so boring, not excited, stagnant and not inspiring anymore.

Remember this note; if you keep cultivating your mind with unproductive activity, your habit will push you to do something with no significant progress, means you are working forever for your unproductive habitthe difference between the unproductive habit's impact and the productive habit's impact can be determined by seeing the last record they have made in every day, the unproductive habit will not give any good opportunity to people, except it's giving a big loss, meanwhile, the productive habit will always give people opportunity to measure the progress about the daily activity and they face the reality with full excitement, in my personal advice, the unproductive habit is obviously teaching someone how to bury his creativity and increase his greedy level, if you want to let go of your unproductive habit, you must change your lifestyle by creating new plan first and willingly to stay committed to feel uncomfortable by learning something good in consistent way.

Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection

          Good day, smart people howdy? Today I would like to share about how to make continuous improvement, the reason why I choose that topic because many people are pretending to be a perfect person and they are stopping to evolve their standard of knowledge because they think working for money is more than enough, they prefer to love playing with money rather than loving how to build future, that's the nitty-gritty, now I am going to explain about the type of improvement you need to choose and how to upgrade your life story, the first thing you need to improve within yourself, namely "the big why and an act of serving", if your reason can't increase your knowledge or your reason can't produce an act of service, you need to leave your friend circle, the reason why i advise such thing because bad influence always hate the act of service for others,  the mediocre people always think about their top priority, they will work for money until their ability gets experiencing the recession from time to time, so I would say there many factors which can create problem in this life, but the major factor doesn’t belong to external issue (circumstance, economy, method, government, social, service, etc.) But the major problem belongs to internal issue (human’s psyche, mindset, ego, and philosophy).

Remember; being perfectionist is much worse than being curious person and trying to observe about his life journey, the reason why I say such thing because perfectionism educates himself to stop making any changes in his philosophywhat i review about the perfection's mindset, it always tells human to do what they love and stay away from creativity, the main reason why perfection's mindset says such thing because perfection feels completely ended and it doesn't willingly to change, the truth is this universe always changes and life system never be completed until the time will crush their path, based on that explanation, i would say; if people stop evolving their creation, their perfect zone will be perished when the accurate time is coming, now I start to understand why the continuous improvement action is very needed because this kind of action will eliminate satisfaction, anxious, arrogant and doubt, creation can't be shaped when there is no exhortation, if there is no friction, there is always confusion, here is for your note; confusion is the sign of not fully developed.

 Human’s ability is always incomplete because ability has time to decrease, so continuously to learn is part of human’s main job in this life, that’s law of human’s sense, when people stop learning, the human’s ability will decrease by itself, remember; skill, creativity, vitality, ingenuity, idea, enthusiasm, sense of motivation are having the limited time, but human’s creation will be permanent, all human’s resources are being controlled by human’s philosophy, if we don’t use our mentality to create creativity, we will live in this world like the animals and plants where they always eat, drink and death in their entire liferemember; without empowering a great enthusiasm, there is no enlightenment, that’s law.

don't try being busy when you dig the perfection

Here is the advantage of Continuous improvement action, the first benefit is your life will never flat and never bored, the second benefit is your enthusiasm will help you to create new story or achieving the dream, the third benefit is you are easy to succeed at the specific scope because you are open-minded, the fourth benefit is you will not get desperate when you face the insurmountable problem and the fifth benefit is you will never be defeated with your own satisfaction.

Make each day your masterpiece

Plan and do what you can do or you plan to fail

          Hi smart people, howdy? Today I would like to share about how to make a different day with masterpiece, the reason why I choose that topic because I review many people get bored in their life pattern, so at this moment i would like to share the idea how to make your days will be different, the first thing you need to prepare is making question about "what is your ambition?" and "please check your ambition whether it can give you a positive attitude or not?" if what you do now can attract positive vibes, you can't leave it behind because that kind of ambition will be your ultimate journey, remember this note; good ambition will not allow you to embrace negativity and it will refill your days with enthusiasm and momentum.

Cultivate your mind with your masterpiece, dream and ambition

          Ambition is like vehicle, without ambition, you can't go at anywhere place with safe and your feeling is being loaded with doubt because you don't know how to go, good ambition will thrust you to make practice every day, now if you ask me "why many people can't find the clearest direction how to walk on their life journey?", the answer; because people prioritize their mind how to pursue money, do you know the difference between successful story and unsuccessful story; the difference can be reviewed from what people pursue? The successful people don't use their skill to pursue the money because they believe their masterpiece result can work by themselves for attracting the money, whereas the unsuccessful people spend their life to pursue the money because they are afraid they can't live harmonious without money.

Do you know why most people can’t escape from the daily repeated problem? the answer; they demand external resources bigger rather than what they can afford something, most people don't want to create masterpiece because they have trained their mind to become perfection, one day the wise person says, "the internal problem only can be fixed with personal experience and the internal problem will bring bad effect to external problem if someone doesn't fix his internal problem", here is the clue, the internal problem just like "what kind possession you have attached in your mind"you must disconnect yourself from the outer modern world if you want to fix your internal problem, such as spending time alone to ponder something seriously, going to the nature preserve, sea, garden, beach, forest and etc.

Collecting new idea every day is making your day more colorful

The external resources can be fixed when you meet with mentor or find good resources from other people's experience. I will remind you again, if you pass the day without having plan to create future, you will feel confused, unmotivated, insecure, and doubt don't let your days leaves you without leaving good mark, but you must make the day will count your masterpieceyou must train your mindset how to become the good contributor in the society, the more you give the more you get, means you are entitled to get what you want to get after you have become contributor, remember; future will not be shaped when we don't want to become contributor.

Suffering is the true test of life

Running for life doesn't mean escape from responsibility, but running for dedication

          Hi smart people, today I would like to share how to learn about suffering in life, sometimes we don’t like it because all people need happiness, not suffering, but there is the missed information that human often reject, it talks about inequality in social life, as you know that social relationship difference can be great factor to create suffering and chaos, so the reason why I choose that topic because most people think suffering is part of punishment, in the fact, suffering is the true test of life, there is rule that people must know “no pain, no gain” and also “the law sowing and reaping”, the basic rule why we need suffering because our mentality will fight against  negativity, so we need to discard the inessential thing which may contaminate our mind such as the untruthful reference from the insecure people's mindset, almost every day we don’t realize there are many negative information from media and they can contaminate our mind with negativity from unexpected direction, that's true suffering is begun, we only have option; whether we will fight it or we will take suffering.

Trial and error are part of successful journey

Basically suffering is not bad enough as long as you can take good lesson from that kind of situation around you, sometimes the bad thing happens within bad condition in order to warn you that you need to be alert next time because one day you will get trapped with the same trap if you don’t take carefully plan, so our job on earth is train our mindset with power of perseverance, don’t never ask when the suffering is over because there is no one can predict when the suffering will end at the right time, sometimes failures are caused by our carelessness and it needs to be cropped from what we sowed in the past time, start from now so we must change bad seed with good seed for future, remember; failure is designed to sweep all privileges which be left unguarded by humans and also time will destroy our privilege, in order to protect our privilege from failure or same mistake, our skills need to be guarded by keeping practice or we will sell our privilege to failure.

Keep practicing

Remember this note; sometimes this universe doesn’t tell us why universe can sweep all good thing on earth even though we have protected it, the reason why this universe will destroy our privileges because the human's privilege has limited time, so when the season is changing, human's privilege will become self-destruction, so we need to learn again, adapt with new situation and face adversity, this story is like the animal kingdom story, it says “whoever can adapt, it will win, whoever can’t adapt, it will dead”, means, we are not allowed to protest about what universe does to us, human being are not entitled to change the system or interfere what universe does on earth,  as the normal human being, we need to cultivating our mind with new positive thinking, accepting the truth, learning from failure, keeping curious about upcoming life trial and study to make revolution, all series of good ways must be implanted into our mindset or we will suffer of regret.