Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

When someone get angry easily, he needs love the most

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to calm ourselves from anger, as we know human are emotional creature and every human has been graced with several intelligence, one of the most powerful intelligence is emotional intelligence, it has power to create a light and darkness for their heart, the light of heart can be represented by love, whereas the darkness of heart can be represented by anger, when human create love, it automatically can flow something benefit to the human's heart, such as grateful, fully appreciated, serenity, patience, etc. When human create anger, it automatically crash the logical mind and give a toxic in the human's mind, please beware about the power of emotion you have chosen because your future is shaped based on the quality of your emotion, don't hear wild notion where it can influence you to get angry, the human's emotional character is like the water, it can flow something benefit and also it can crash something meaningful, remember this note; when you are unable to awaken the power of love, automatically you are able to awaken the power of anger, now you may think about this question, “why most people get angry if they are able to create love?” because they don’t appreciate something valuable and they trust something which it can't be trusted, I have ever written in another article “life will give reaction when there is action” means when people get angry easily, because they preempt a bad judgment to their life and life automatically will give bad reaction to them, so we need to monitor our daily habit before it will be taken over by a sense of darkness.

Remember this note; life is designed to give reaction and nature is designed to give something reliable, if you see angry person around you, means he doesn't have ability to control where his emotional flowing current, if he doesn't want to feel angry, he must increase his survival instinct like what reptilian does to its environment, sometimes we can adopt the reptilian instinct to make sure we can fight our anger and we can continue our exist on earth, when we are trapped between rock and bottom, we shouldn't show an anger reaction, but we can use our survival instinct to keep alive and keep searching how to find solution, now the problem is“are you interested with bad reaction or good reaction?” if you are interested with good reaction, you will find a way how to find the nearest solution, but if you are interested with bad reaction, life will give a bad reaction to you and you will be punished with a bad reaction, here are the signs you are interested with a good reaction; you can create serenity, you can preempt harmony in the human relationship although there is dispute situation, we must understand that feel angry is not part of huge power, but it is part of self-punishment, if this condition is repeated over and over again, it can leave big hole destruction to the inner soul peace, before someone gets angry, he must build love and improve his survival instinct.

 This life will not give bad reaction if there is no bad action from the human’s emotional behavior, but unfortunately most people don't realize their power of words which it can create different impact to their lives, when people say to them "how can I do it? and "what should I do to avoid a sense of angry?", the human's survival instinct will grow up and it will give the possibility to find solution, beware of our words because it is very powerful, it can create inspiration or it can create desperation, the unpleasant thing which it happens in this life is not part of the life purpose, but it’s part of wrong direction where it has been created by human’s lack of survival instinct to fight their ignorance of knowledge, starting today, don’t get overworked  when you have job because it has potentially create a sense of anger and also please don't act casually when you have a clear target to be pursued because it will decline your survival instincthopefully after you read this article, it will help you to recognize where your power of emotional intelligence is going.

Signs a man is in love

          Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Signs a man is in love”, the reason why I choose that topic because not every man recognizes what they feel about their love's feeling, if you ask me why I choose that topic because recently many couples get quarreled with the serious problem and they decide to break up their relationship rather than thinking rationally to make new agreement, it’s very ironic, if you ask me why not every man can acknowledge their love feeling to woman because they don't know how to fulfill what woman need, let me give you a new opinion about love; the problem in love shouldn’t be considered as problem, it is just adaptation, if a man wants to do something with his love's feeling, he must ask himself "what kind of my service that I can grant it to woman, here is the first sign that man is in love; he will do something for woman's need and accept what woman demands, this sign is very common, if man isn't in love affair, he will not do more than what woman demands, man will think there is always consequence when he makes a relationship with woman.  

Here is the second sign that man is in love; he will not give his attention to be given to other woman who is more attractive to him, unless it is given to his woman, only faithful man who can stay together with his own woman, do you know that being faithful is part of expensive characteristic, it is not easy for man who have possessed the material wealth, sometimes there is man who makes a relationship more than 1 woman to be approached, here is the third sign that man is in love; he can't focus to his job when his woman phoned him, this is common, when a man makes a relationship with his woman, he will say something softly on the phone when he works, he will manage his priority target in his activity when woman tries to approach him, here is the fourth sign that man is in love; he will try to flirt to his woman, this is part of man's natural feeling, only man in love who gives his flirting to his woman, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your daily life, good luck.   

Word of courage

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Word of courage”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people believe that words have possessed the power to change what we believe or change what we focus, some people consider courage is part of self-determined action, but to gain the huge power from the word of mouth is not easy to do and it is not simple to express, do you know why I say such thing because the quality of word of mouth is depending on the person character's quality, if we say something without having high quality from our life experience, as impact, we will use unqualified words when we try to speak at the first time, basically we must beware with our word of mouth because other people try to remember what we say to them, if we say something which it has nothing to do with their pleasure standard, probably they will label to us with something we don't really like to listen, remember this; word of courage is not like the motivational words, word of courage is part of self-possessed, meaning, someone who can prove that he is able to remain calm and feel confident even though he is in a difficult situation, if you have built self-possession power within yourself, meaning, you succeed to advise yourself even though you don't really need it or you hate to hear it.

        Have you ever asked a question like this "why do I need to show my courage to face the truth?" because there is no single person can guarantee your future, except yourself, if you want to save your future, you must have a mission which gives a big impact to mankind, in order to apply that mission to reality, we need to borrow God's power to manifest what we intend, remember this note; to attract the power of courage, we must learn how to adapt with something we really hate to do or we adapt with something we don't really need to do, as long as we only think comfortable thing is more important than uncomfortable thing, our word of mouth can't make us courage, instead our word of mouth will immobilize our mentality, courage will not develop by itself without we apply the power of caring to anybody else, we must have a mission to solve as much as problem before the time of danger is coming, the meaning of "the time of danger" is we already entered into the crisis, remember; courage will not work to us when we already enter into crisis, the good moment to start courage is making our situation as if we were in crisis mode, maybe it seems crazy or abnormal, no, it is totally true, if we start applying the courage to change the situation at whim, instead, we will get swept by the crisis, the crisis will destroy everything without any left,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Do you need to pay taxes if you don't work

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Do you need to pay taxes if you don't work”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many unemployed people believe that pay taxes is a must, based on the government rule "every employee who works at company must pay taxes, but tax is paid based on the wage's cut?", if our condition is unemployed, we don't need to pay taxes, we just need to report to the national tax regulatory agency with the written report, we just need to fill in the form where it is stated that we no longer work at the previous company, maybe you have question, "is it enough by doing like that?", of course, it is very simple, when you work again at the new company, you will be asked by showing your last tax payment in the previous company, so you don't need to worry when you don't pay taxes when you are unemployed, for the most important thing is you report the taxes payment at local government agency.

     In Indonesia, unemployed people get special treatment from the government by paying no taxes, I assume other country will put the same policy as Indonesia, now there is new government program in Indonesia, it is called the employment agency, it is obligated by facilitating unemployed people's lives by giving some training programs and unemployed people will be got a chance to work again, either following the government's company policy or the private's company policy, if you work at the private company, your salary level will be determined by the company's product, if you work at stamping / steel industry, your salary will get categorized in the level 3, do you know why? because the stamping/steel industry has no significant contribution impact at the country, it is different when you work at oil company or mining company, your salary level will  get categorized in the level 1 or 2 because the oil company or mining company have contributed a lot to the country, especially in Indonesia, if you are paid well, don't forget to pay taxes because the benefit will be returned when you no longer work at the same company,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Ways on how to grow in faith

Run your life by hinges on faith

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Ways on how to grow in faith”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone believes in what they dream, besides that, not everyone is willing to recognize the power of faith, I know that's is not simple to grow in faith, but we must do something beyond what we are capable if we want to grow our faith, our faith is like the fruit seed, it can't be seen at the first time, but it will continue working if we commit to serve what our faith needs with our resources,  our resource is time, experience, unpleasantness, courage, commitment, consistent action, unrelenting belief and surrender the outcome to divine's timing, faith will not grow if we stop doing the process or stop our action, as long as we can create the innovation, as long as we can attempt, as long as our enthusiasm still exists, so our faith will grow, if you ask me "what if I do something without faith, is it possible?", I don't think it is possible, if you do something without faith, you will not do it for longer period of time even though other people motivate you to do every day, our faith must born from self-awareness and self-competence, not other people's motivation, the reason why having faith is important because it can give you a power to change something that may give you a doubt, but if you feel there is big power within you until you feel something strange, that's effect of faith growth.

        Faith will not grow when you have no enthusiasm and no interest at all, that's it, if you ask me "where interest and enthusiasm is coming from?" it comes from deep faith, at this moment, I would like to share some ways how to grow in faith, here is the first way how to grow in faith; you must continue what you start even though you can't see the uncertain result, meaning, whatever you get from reality, it based on what you develop from yourself, if you want to grow in faith, you must continue what you start even though you can't see the outcome, 
here is the second way how to grow in faith; you don't complain about what life does for you, meaning, you don't doubt about what you receive from reality either you get reward or punishment, if you keep your mentality until you don't complain about something, it indicates that your faith gets stronger, if you still doubt about what you start, meaning, your faith is fragile, so you need to gain some knowledge or practice to accelerate your faith, if your faith is strong enough, you can manifest your visualization into reality very easy, all depends on you, here is the third way how to grow in faith; you keep enjoying the learning process even though it is very tough,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

It's a good day to have a good day


    Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “It's a good day to have a good day”, the reason why I choose that topic because many people consider good day is the myth, at this moment I will reveal something important about life, for those people who consider every day is the same day and no difference, means, there is something wrong to what they do in daily activity, but if we take a look from different perceptive, there is no good thing will happen in the most day if there is no sincerity for sharing our kindness to others, it sounds familiar to hear about it, that’s key how to start a good day in our most day, to create good day constantly, we must be self-reliant and do good things although other people don't need it, we can’t demand people to do something if we ourselves aren't sincere to believe about what we did in the past, remember; life is full of responsibility, besides that, life is always demanding something different of you without any compromising, you must be okay with that, life doesn't ask you to like what life does something to you, life only asks you to learn something from something unusual in your most dayso you can’t be skeptical when you get something difficult in life because you aren’t entitled to debate about it, your main duty as human being is adapt with new circumstance, stay curious about tough life challenge, prepare a worse-case scenario to strengthen a mental strength, now do you think you can have a good day all the time? it depends on your faith, if you show your dedication to the right purpose, you will be pursued by luck

  We can’t escape from what we deserve because every action, every belief and every commitment we made has been counted as the consequence, in order to have a good day, we must be earnest to do something what we can and we stop cursing something what we can’t, all decision we make has been measured by our capacity, God will not burden human with something outside of their capacity, if we can finish something difficult because we have practiced our expertise in tough time, we don’t need to argue why life is offering the difficult exam to us? God knew our capacity and He predicted long time ago before the difficult exam would be given to us, besides that, the level of our personality and our patience capacity are the guarantee how to pass the life testto survive in this world, we shouldn’t differentiate between good day and bad day, if your ability doesn’t match with good opportunity, you are failed, if you are not willing to decide although your ability matches with good opportunity, you are failed as well, now if you ask me "what kind of the guarantee I will have in good day?" the answer is you receive something good after you do good things and you will not stop what you can do for others, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

First love story

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "First love story", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't realize when they create the first love story, then they will receive something illogical, if you ask me why many people don't realize when they get the first love story because they only focus on the hope rather than what love demands, what most people want is how to get pleasure more and more again, no wonder they would be mistreated by their first love by experiencing the pain of broken heart, I have ever shared in another article that every human will not get the power of love by receiving more than what they can give, that's natural law, if we always want to get more love without any intention to give something more than what we reward to others, as impact, we will become a love beggar / love slave until we die, the bad news is we will live like a beggar in the real life if we treat our sense of love such thing, we shouldn't manipulate the natural law if we want to feel peace at any time, the main problem why we can't detect the first love at the first time because we believe with what our eyes can see rather than to believe what our eyes can't see, as human being who knows nothing about the consequences of feeling loved, we must learn about the consequence before we will put our sense or love to others, the best thing we can do when we feel loved with our first love is we treat our sense of love with open-hearted, knowledge and self-awareness to be ready to feel broken heart when we don't get what we expect, if we look at reality now is many people rely on other people's love rather than their own sense of love to themselves, that's sign of desperate person's life, here is the first requirement how to improve our love story is we must believe that we can give something worth to us more than what others does for us, here is what makes us to feel  broken heart is we are having huge expectation on something which can be permanent with us where it can't be with us forever, if our sense of love to Almighty Allah is lower than our sense of love to the material world, as impact, we will feel insecure, unhappy, depression, here is the good news: if our sense of love to Allah is larger than what we love so far, as impact He will put a sense of liking to us and He will make us to love something useful, meaningful and prestigious.


  Now you must be alert when you want to save your future from fake love, remember this: love is powerful energy, but if we don't know how to treat love very well, love will make us looked stupid, regret and powerless, the first person we must give a respect is ourselves, the evidence that we can respect to ourselves is we use our time, energy, mind and space to deal with something uncertain, in my opinion: to save our future, we need great power of love and we can use it to increase our natural ability, e.g. communication skill, analysis skill, troubleshooting skill, if we lack sensing of love to amplify our skill, as result, we indirectly expand our inability or handicap, here is the second requirement how to improve our love story is we must leave unproductive habit, the main reason why we must leave unproductive habit because it is no longer needed by the power of love, maybe you ever hear about the love quotes: at the first time of trying you will feel difficult, during in the middle of process you feel messy, in the last journey you will feel confident, now your decision will shape your destiny, if what you do in your career can invite the greatest feeling of love, your career will multiply your reputation and the whole world will find you even though you don't need it very muchI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Forever puppy love


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "Forever puppy love", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young people are trapped in puppy love, they feel puppy love is better than true love, the main problem why most young people are trapped in puppy love because they put their sense of love after someone's needs, unfortunately, some of them let it happens without trying to review why they must enter into a puppy love, from psychological evaluation: people who aren't ready to taste the consequence of getting trapped into puppy love, they let their true identity to be crushed by their own sense of love, as impact, their logic will not work optimally because what they prioritize so far is "how to get benefit from pleasure", remember this : what we need is not "how to get benefit from pleasure", but "how to put a sense of pleasure to someone's needs after you optimize your love into yourself", if you let a puppy love comes to your life without preparing your own feeling to get crushed, your habit will be controlled by someone else's emotional problem,  I know life is not easy, but we can't let others to fully control our feeling easily, we are not robotic machine, as long as we prioritize other people's need before ours, we will become other people's story, in order to avoid a puppy love's trap, we must live in our own version, that's what life wants from us, the more we try to copy what most people do, we will lose our opportunity to shape true identity, the less we try to copy what most people do, the more probability we find our true identity, here is the good news: if we find our true identity, we will not get trapped in puppy love, now your decision is waiting your mental preparation, if you want to develop your mental strength, find activity which can connect between your enthusiasm and purpose, then you use the power of love to share something useful for others, if you focus on what develops your mental strength, a puppy love will not mesmerize you when you share your sense of love through your service and you let others to access your strength, here is the dangerous thing; if you lack of focus how to develop your mental strength, as result, you will become a puppy love's slave and you undeliberate following what a puppy love wants, finally you will not have a worthy life.

  Now or later you are definitely being tested by uncertainty and pain, before you feel something you aren't meant to be, you must create your own life version because only you can save your future, we can't avoid pain as long as we live on earth, what we do is not avoiding a puppy love, but how we teach ourselves with real love which came from our family, tradition or religion, if the family tradition's love only limits our curiosity towards love, meaning, we are trapped to become a hater, please don't be like that, so as the next generation, we should give enough respect and love to our family even though we don't like them, the best way how to save your future is you create your own service and you let others access your strength and gain your kindness, the more others access your masterpiece, the more you receive kindness as well, that's the natural law that you can't deny it, is the same thing with love, true love will manifest in your real life when you don't pursue what others expect the way from you, now imagine that everyone has different way of thinking about you, do you think that you can handle all of them?, puppy love only happens when we don't prioritize by loving our own version, the way you love yourself must be higher than the way you love others because you only have a limited space, if you prioritize by loving others first, you will lose your true love, if you appreciate what you receive from life, you appreciate what God grants to you, here is the last note: the purpose of puppy love is teaching you how to trust yourself more than you trust other's love, the difference between true love and a puppy love: true love is always giving more, caring more and bring more, whereas, puppy love is receiving more only, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Love at first sight


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "Love at first sight", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people can't make good deal when they get the power of love at the first sight, many of them just let their love will end like instant pleasure without trying to nurture it, if we look at different perception regarding this topic, love at the first sight is part of Allah's biggest granted because not everyone will be granted with love at the first sight, people who aren't endowed with love at the first sight, they will do something ordinary and they will underestimate what they should do in 5 years later, the difference between skillful person and average person is practice in hard time periods, basically average person only practices when they are chased by something which can paralyze their fearfulness, whereas, skillful person consider every day is the final battle to survive, here is the good news : people who really appreciate their major time to practice even though they hate its process, as result Allah will give a skill where most people can't have it, all great things are started with love at the first sight, please don't ever underestimate the first love because the first love at the first sight is more powerful than the second love at the first sight,  if you think you can get a love at the first sight, don't ever try to compare between what you see now and what you will see something else later, remember: love is not always being put at person you like, but love can be a powerful tool to change your future, your habit, your skill and your character, you can't change your future if you don't put love to what you develop, it's the same thing with business, if you don't love in what you do at the first sight, your customer will not appreciate what you do in your business, remember: what makes you like to someone is not love, but expectation, you can't create love when you try to get attention from someone else, love will come to your life when you trust to yourself, love is the tool to develop your life, love is not the result from what you expect from someone's agreement, please don't disgrace the name of love when you get love at the first sight because true love comes from what you deeply find about your life purpose, it not coming from what others say about you.

   If you don't want to get a fake love at the first sight, you have to give a respect to what you do, don't ever try to betray what you can do even though it is little bit difficult and also don't ever think how to get what you want from others even though you have ever met with the person, true love can't be collected by expectation, you have to have in mind by giving something beyond of people's expectation, that's only one way how to treat love well, even though you put yourself in hard time, you aren't allowed to think how to get something bigger from other people, here is the natural law "love is nurturing something without expecting in return, the more you nurture what you do without expectation, the more you receive something beyond your expectation, if you nurture something with your highly expectation, you will have the possibility to hate reality when it doesn't manifest like you expect", don't try to reject reality just because what you expect is not the same as you want, as human being, you can't deny nor reject the outcome because it is part of natural law, what you can change is your intention and your decision, not the end result, having a good intention will bring something you need, not something you want, if you have nurtured the power of love in what you do, you will have the power to change your habit, your mindset, your character, your social circle and your destiny, sometimes you need to challenge yourself to try something as many times as you can do, life has no clear direction until you make it right to do, here is the first strategy how to nurture love; demand yourself to do more than what others can do for you, if you do more, you will receive more even though you may dislike the result, here is the second strategy how to nurture love; don't let your bad intention will crush what you can do, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Theory of love

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "Theory of love", the main reason why I choose that topic because some people consider love is like the business whether people will get advantage and disadvantage from love, if we use different perception regarding this topic, love doesn't have ability to crush human's lives and love never hurts human's feeling as long as human never force their wishes to control reality, maybe some people consider that statement is the part of theory of love, but remember this advice; if there is no right information, we will never get started to do what we need to do, love will not come when we underestimate the information which is related to what love does to do for us, love knows more than what human know, we shouldn't let our heart is empty with love because we don't know what will happen when we lack of having love, from my research; love is not like statement which it is written in book without meaningful thing, love is not theory, but love is the reflection from what our soul needs and what our life needsdon't try to pretend that we don't need love for the moment because love will not come when we really need it, love comes around when we stop pursuing our expectation, if it is started, the miracle happens at the same time, everything happens in our lives is started with purely love, if we get a miserable life because we consider love is theory or myth, as human being, we can't reject the disaster even though we try to do something good for love, sometimes we are being tested by love with the disaster in order to know whether we belong to faithful person or not.


  The first thing we can do if we want to nurture love is doing something as if we were like a God messenger, even though we aren't the prophets, we can do something good even we were not an expert, I want to remind you again that love doesn't need to get waited by your achievement or your reputation, we just need to provide a empty space for love and we let love comes to us by itself, love is about giving, not receiving from something, if we receive something without our expectation, meaning, we get the result from what we work for it so far, even though we can't see the result from what we give, it doesn't mean it will work for nothing, the reason why we can't see what we work because God wants us to break our limitation and we can give something more than our limitation, remember this note; love is limitless route and expectation is limited route, if we do something because of love, we will receive limitless resource, if we do something because of expectation, we will receive a new limit in our mind and our limitation will prohibit us to access unlimited wealth from God, if we realize that we can't survive without love, so we must prolong our life purpose until love shows the way how to do it right, here is the first strategy how to create love is stop hoping from the world and give what the world can't give to youhere is the second strategy how to create love is do something as if you were in final competition in race, as we know that our real competition is our time, if we don't do something right now, time will keep us away from what we deserve, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Unconditional love meaning


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "Unconditional love meaning", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can create unconditional love, what most people want is how to get love from powerful people whom they desire, if people think with such mindset, they can't earn unconditional love, before I explain for deeper meaning, let me give you unconditional love meaning, "unconditional love means you develop your feeling based on what you absorb from the information you pick up without needing other people's love feeling, if we want to earn unconditional love from this world, we must know what most people concern and what most people argue, after that we focus how to solve people's problem without any expectation to get recognition or people's appraisal, even though money is the important tool to prolong our survival, but money can't change our lives, if you think unconditional love can be collected from money, you will pinpoint your life in the wrong direction, if we think money can save our lives, how many people are trying to make suicide attempt in every day even though they have enough money?, the problem is not lies in what human own, but it lies in what human concern about, the average people's class think what makes human survive is money, in fact, what makes human survive is ability to collect the unconditional love from helping others before the life pressure is coming faster, in order to get the unconditional love is you must adopt the productive habit from people who already earn the unconditional love, that's it, if you think adopting habit is difficult for you, so you can work with people who already earn the unconditional love, starting from now; don't ever try to compare between the material world and unconditional love because both of them are not related each other's, if you focus on the unconditional love, you only do what makes you to finish a masterpiece, if you focus on the material world, you let the money to tie your habit until your time doesn't recognize you anymore.

  The unconditional love can't be got from some money you earn, but the unconditional love can be got when you focus on your sense of caring to what others need as emotionally, for example; many people argue with petroleum's raising price, if you want to get unconditional love, don't focus on the root of problem, but how you to raise your standard and find a way how to make others access your good service, remember; problem is problem, you can't change problem because every problem is designed to change your proposition, problem had already been there before you realize the main cause, our duty as human being is not how to change problem into solution, but how to make problem is not happening again in the future, starting from now; focus on what you visualize in your mind, you have to ensure what you visualize is not concerned a lot about people, stuff or place, what you need to visualize is about how you promote your skill by solving the problem you love and how to let your service can be recognized easier even though you are not around in the particular place, here is the first strategy how to shape unconditional love is expect less and produce more, maybe it looks simple, but on the contrary, it is not easy, do you know why? Because human tend to expect a help from others if they feel inadequate rather than try to produce something new for others even though it is inadequacyhere is the second strategy how to shape unconditional love is don't try to force reality to fulfill what you want, do you know why? Because reality is not part of machine which can be changed by pressing the push button, reality is just reflection to what people did in the past, even though we can't change the result of the circumstance, we always can change the input by inputting what we visualize into the unconditional love, here is the last note; let reality works when we are not around and let's work our vision until it is united with others problemI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

feeling loved meaning


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "feeling loved meaning", the main reason why I choose that topic because love is part of eternal force which can develop what human need to know about their capacity and love is also can become a powerful tool where it can help people to test their limitation, as we know that what limits us to grow more than our limitation is our satisfaction and our pride, so if we want to feel in love with the eternal power, we must eliminate our satisfaction by approaching new challenge which can cause the unpleasant feeling to us, such as do hard physical training and do mental state training, besides that, we must crush our pride if we want to grow more because our pride often blocks our good intention to study more, the reason why we must fight our pride because our pride often influences us to stay in the same quality level as the same person as before, if we really love with our lives, we must treat it as VIP or a guest star who performs in the important event, here is the natural law we should notice; if we study more, our life will study more for us, if we treat our life with good care, our life will care us as well, if we plan to do something big, our life will plan something big in the future, on the contrary, if we crush our life, life will crush our future, if we less care about what our future life needs, life will less care about what we need in the future, starting from now, we must learn how to save our life before we save others, we must fill the day with something we love or we will be forced to receive something we fear.

   Here is the first thing we must do if we want to feel loved; we must wide our capacity by giving something worthy to others, the reason why we must build a habit of giving because it is the basic requirement how to receive more, that's natural law we should notice, remember; act of giving is part of caring, the more we care other people's problem, the more we grow our capacity to solve other people's problem, the less we care other people's problem, the more we become such powerless person, life is designed to make us survive, if we just desire to receive a help from others, we indirectly narrow our capacity, if we do something like that, as impact, we can't receive more unless we receive what we usually receiveHere is the second thing we must do if we want to feel loved; don't too focus on what you want, but focus how you can reward your progress, the main reason why you must reward your progress because it is the only way how to monitor your performance, if you don't make any change in your life, as impact, your life will become your history book only, time value is very powerful tool how to increase your love feeling, if you do something because you fear losing your time, meaning, you feel in love in what you work, if you just relax when you lose your time, meaning, you have built your weaknesses, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Open relationship meaning


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "Open relationship meaning", the main reason why I choose that topic because some people consider open relationship is one way how to welcome a new love from new people, some people consider love can give new energy, it is true because love has no ability to hurt, but ego can hurt anyone else, if you want to make open relationship, please don't ever think how to obtain love from anyone whom you meet because every person has different capacity of their love, you must consider open relationship is the way how to make other people know your character, passion and your masterpiece, remember this; you can't find your character or passion if you just think how to get something beneficial from others more than you can afford, before you create open relationship, you must ensure that you have something benefit to offer / give something without any expectation from it, that's requirement, if you just do something because of your expectation, you will be disappointed by reality before you realize what went wrong, open relationship is type of strategy to welcome new people whom you don't know yet and how to let others access your strength, not the way around, the most important factor you need to prepare in open relationship is having the power of influence, meaning, you don't know a lot of people around there, but in the other hand a lot of people recognize you.

  If you don't have any strength, you shouldn't need to create a open relationship because people will not act anything until your influence has touched their emotional pain, meaning, your influence has an antidote to heal people's emotional need, remember this; open relationship is like open new business, you need to find the crucial thing which can touch human's emotional need, here is the first strategy you need to prepare before you create an open relationship; you have to ensure your influence can touch people's emotional need, as if people would feel something terrible is happening if they don't choose your influence right now, that's the most crucial factor how to move human's emotional pain to your open relationship, if other people still argue or doubt about your open relationship, meaning, you haven't succeeded to build your strength, here is the second strategy you need to prepare before you create an open relationship; you must monitor what most people concern, after that, you provide something to the subject where most people concern about it, maybe your troubleshooting skill, your invention, and your care, if people put their concern about you, you must repeat the process until they will not take their eyes off towards your strength, as if people would feel loss if people don't choose you right now, here is the last note; don't pursue people, stuff or place because they don't have any place in your absolute world, what you need right now lies in the environment you have owned, chase new ability until other people will give you something where it can't be paid by the moneyI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Arranged marriage


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Arranged marriage", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples are trapped in arranged marriage until they don't know the reason why they must continue the tradition of arranged marriage, based on psychological research; people who just follow arranged marriage because they just follow the tradition and they aren't capable of choosing their own option, if you ask me why they just follow the tradition because they have pledged to have the conservative mindset and also they consider a tradition they embraced has most significant value than their own principle, based on this topic, I don't mind if people follow the tradition of arranged marriage, but what I concern is people follow the tradition as if they weren't able to follow their own decision, maybe for some people who are getting married with arranged marriage is not mind at all, but if we just let the circumstance controls our ability to make decision, as impact, our future will always being controlled by outer circumstance, e.g. tradition, parents, ideology and environment, remember this; strong guy is not letting the outer circumstance controls his thought, strong guy will make decision without having any sense to regret, here is my suggestion; don't marry with a person who just want to add your happiness only, but rather you complete a person whom you marry with, if you just follow your parent's recommendation without asking your deepest feeling, as impact, you will question your thought and you indirectly strengthen your incapability to make your own decision, marrying someone you loved is good, but marrying your life partner's weaknesses is extremely well.

  Life is good not because you already have perfect life partner, but when you sacrifice your time, energy, and happiness to be given to someone special in your life, as impact, your life is extremely well, you can't receive more when you don't reward yourself by having a life's partner or marriage, here is the fact; the more you give something good to your life's partner, the more you are capable of doing something more than you can think, the reason why you can receive more than you deserve because you spell out the power of love to lovely people around, when you do that, your potential will grow faster than you think, if you want to get stronger every day, you must demand yourself to do something for your life's partner even though you don't expect anything in return, maybe you think you will get a loss when you give something, it is not true, as long as you can give something good more to your life's partner than you have recently, you actually build a new life for your future, if you aren't capable of giving the money, at least you can give your time, your good advice or your food to lovely people around you, good marriage is not lies in what you receive from your life's partner, but how you live in your vulnerability although you are responsible to show your well-behaved and your sense of caring to your life's partner, here is the last note; if you have recommendation from your parents related to your incoming arranged marriage, you have to ensure your principle, your character and your language standard is matched with your upcoming arranged marriage, if it is no matched at all, don't bother to push yourself to receive someone you don't love, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

If you love something let it go

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "If you love something let it go", the main reason why I choose that topic not everyone is capable of letting go their sense of love when they are caught with something they consider it as healing, even though everyone needs love, they must let it go, do you know why I say such thing because we aren't authorized to own something that we aren't supposed to be a love creator, if we just keep a sense of love only, we will become a obsessed person or being a lout, remember this; love is energy, we can't create love neither we can destroy it, our job as human being is we try at something, we observe at something, we fail at something, we review at something until we feel inspired to do, if we are inspired by something good, meaning, we love to do something good, even though we don't know whether we are ready enough or not to receive what we love, we must keep our mind to be fitted with our heart, if our mind and heart are sticking together in one direction we set, energy will flow in what we focus, when energy we feel can leave a peace, meaning, we are in the right track, then we should continue the learning process and we let go of the result to divine's timing, remember; love will work in our life when we already let it go, meaning, our duty is not pushing love to follow what we desire, but we let love works by itself naturally, if we push love to follow what we desire, as impact, love will let us feel brokenhearted.

  Let me give the illustration about love, we have the mango fruit seed, we have one month's plan to sow the mango fruit seed in the ground, all we can do as human is we sow the mango fruit seed, then we cultivate it with the fertilizer, we water it, then we let the fruit seed grows by itself, that's the natural law, as human being who know nothing about the mysterious of life, we should let go of what we can't do, the reason why we must let go of the process because it is beyond of human's capacity, here is the good news; if we just let love works by itself, we will never feel worried, anxiety, feared, depressed or inadequate, love just wants us to do what human can do, maybe we donate some bloods to the patient, we solve many problems which impacts to mankind's lives, we contribute to fix the security system in the computer, we teach people how to live well, if we can't do all of them by ourselves, at least we can share something beneficial to others, love is not always about sharing, but also spreading good intention, faith, solution, kindness, attention, and peace, remember; love will never betray our work as long as we have good intention to do it, only ego can hurt our feeling, in order to crush ego, we must challenge ourselves to do something we have never done, or we will test our limitation by doing something which can attract an extreme unpleasant feeling, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Long distance relationship quotes


   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Long distance relationship quotes", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples are trapped in long distance relationship, they do this kind of relationship because they are confident enough to face the different place, different situation and different time, in my opinion; they believe with long distance relationship quote "love is blind, it doesn't matter whether the relationship's distance is far or near, as long as every couple keeps promise each other, the long distance relationship can be a good solution to reduce friction", I don't matter about that quote, now my question "how long every couple can keep their promise in long distance relationship?", I am not sure they can hold their sense of yearning for long term of period, even though every couple can't meet with their partner, it doesn't mean they aren't curious about what their partner does, remember this; every human has been endowed with emotional intelligence, if human's emotional intelligence need can't be fulfilled with their partner's love, as impact, their relationship will induce a new problem, such as suspicious, unfaithful, as far as I know, love can't be represented by different time, different situation and different time, love must be given when a every couple can meet directly with their partner, remember this; every mutual relationship can't be represented by long distance relationship because mutual relationship needs the visual touch as an emotional's yearning release, if relationship can't provide the visual touch, it can't be called as mutual relationship, instead it is called a puppy love.

   Starting from now, you must check whether your relationship with your partner belongs to puppy love or mutual relationship, if it is considered as mutual relationship, you need to provide some requirements, e.g. strong commitment, visual touch, parent's meeting, if there is none about it, you must leave long distance relationship because your relationship doesn't direct your partner into mutual relationship, instead you will be trapped in a puppy love, although your partner agrees that you need to make long distance relationship, you must set a time limit in order to calm between you and your couple's love feeling, if your partner can't answer why long distance relationship must be taken care of, so you must give your explicit answer to your partner about long distance relationship's time limit, if there is no time limit in your long distance relationship, you will lose your confident level and also lose your endorphin hormone, remember; person who doesn't appreciate his valuable time, he can't keep promise to others, please don't let yourself trapped in tantalizing gift from your partner, keep communication with your partner is not enough to keep long distance relationship, you must know how to release your sense of yearning by visual touch even it takes for momentdon't let your long distance relationship will raise your age to get older, if you do that, as impact, your relationship has no significant value and your mind will be haunted by anxiety or bored feeling, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Love language meaning


   Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, today I would like to share about the topic "Love language meaning", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone understands about love language, as we know that there are five love languages, here is the first love language, we can call it as the physical touch, meaning, every couple must use the physical touch to their couple every time they meet each other, e.g. kissing, hugging, clasping, basically not every couple needs physical touch as their main love language, it depends on type of person, if your life partner doesn't ask you to do physical touch frequently in mutual relationship, meaning, your life partner's love language is not physical touch, here is the second love language, we can call it as the word of affirmation, meaning, your communication skill will be needed by your life partner although you don't need it as urgently case, the word of affirmation is the skill of charming your life partner by saying the word where it is wanted to be heard or expected by your partner, if you can't master this skill, your partner will lose something significant from your side, you need to find out the information which is needed by your life partner if you want to prolong the relationship, it is not easy to master this skill because you need to enrich your knowledge from the book or other people's experience, I just to warn you that not all people will need the word of affirmation as their love language, so you need to monitor your partner's love language.

  Here is the third love language, we can call it as the gift, meaning, your partner will give her sense of love to you when you spend your money to buy a gift which is needed by your partner, if you can't afford the gift as your partner expected, as impact, your partner will lose something significant from you, please beware about this love language, if you feel burdened with this kind of love language, you only have two option; the first option: you negotiate with your partner regarding the gift's price, the second option; you provide the gift as you are capable of itHere is the fourth love language, we can call it as the quality time, meaning, you must give your valuable time to fulfill your partner's emotional need, maybe your partner will ask you to accompany her by going to her favorite place, if you are trapped in this kind of love language, you just need to go where your partner demands of you, so you have no choice unless you must fulfill it, although you have no money to fulfill your partner's demand, at least you accompany her wherever she wants to go, Here is the fifth love language, we can call it as the act of service, meaning,  you must have an initiative action by giving your partner with your skillset or you lend a hand to your partner when you observe your partner having an emotional weary, if you are trapped in this kind of love language, all you need to do is strengthen your physical strength because it is the basic requirement to pass through this kind of love language, if you fail to pass this love language, your partner will lose something significant from you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.