Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Change lifestyle rich

  Hi, good reader, how are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "change lifestyle rich", the main reason why I choose this topic is because many people are starting to try how rich people live, I can understand why many people want to live rich because they don't want to feel what poor people feel, Changing the lifestyle like a rich person can involve several steps, such as:
 1. Education and Self-Development: Continuously learn and develop new skills to increase your self-worth.
 2. Financial Management: Create a budget, invest your money, and avoid unnecessary debt.
 3. Health and Fitness: Prioritize your physical and mental health with a healthy diet, exercise and adequate rest time.
 4. Network and Relationships: Build a strong network of people who can provide you with opportunities and support.
 5. Plans and Goals: Set short-term and long-term goals, then work diligently to achieve them.

Besides that, we can learn from the lifestyle of rich people, here are there are some points we can learn from the lifestyle of rich people, such as:
 1. Financial Management: Rich people tend to have strong financial discipline and wise investment strategies. Learning about how they manage and allocate their money can be an inspiration to improve your personal financial management.
 2. Plans and Goals: Rich people often have a clear vision of what they want in life and make organized plans to achieve it. Understanding how they set goals and achieve them can help you formulate a more effective plan for yourself.
 3. Approach to Risk: Rich people often have a higher risk tolerance in investment and business decisions. Learning how they understand, evaluate, and manage risk can help you make smarter decisions in your life and career.
 4. Networks and Relationships: Rich people often build strong networks and value mutually beneficial relationships. Learning how they build and maintain relationships can help you expand your own network and create new opportunities.
 5. Life Balance: Despite their focus on financial success, many wealthy people also prioritize life balance, including health, family, and free time. Learning how they achieve this balance can provide inspiration for developing a more fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.

With the explanation above, hopefully you understand how to change our lifestyle like a rich person, hopefully this article can provide inspiration and insight, good luck.

What is happy returns

      Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "what is happy returns", The main reason why I chose this topic is because not everyone can interpret their own happiness, in this world many people claim to be happy but instead they are deceived by their own happiness and become depressed, Please note that happiness cannot stand alone without being accompanied by the ability to solve problems, Happiness can bring back many positive things in a person's life. Some of the benefits associated with happiness are:
 - Better Physical and Mental Health: Happy people tend to have stronger immune systems and lower stress levels.
 - Stronger Relationships: Happiness can improve social relationships and strengthen bonds with others.
 - Improved Work Performance: Happiness is often associated with higher productivity at work.
 - Emotional Resilience: Happiness helps a person to be more resilient in facing difficulties.
 - Higher Life Satisfaction: Happiness brings feelings of contentment and worth, which improves the overall quality of life.

 In general, happiness can provide a positive boost to various aspects of life, from health to social interactions. Several factors that influence a person's happiness are:

 ✅Economic Conditions: Possessions and wealth can influence happiness because they enable the fulfillment of needs and desires.
✅Religion and Spirituality: Faith and religious life are often associated with greater happiness.
 ✅Age: The relationship between age and happiness varies, with some studies showing that happiness increases with age.
 ✅Health: Good physical and mental health are important factors for happiness.
 ✅Marital Status: Marriage and harmonious relationships can bring happiness.
 ✅Social Life: Positive social interactions and support from family and friends contribute to happiness.
 ✅Gratitude: An attitude of appreciation and gratitude for what you have can increase happiness.

 Overall, a person's happiness is influenced by a combination of internal factors, such as attitudes and outlook on life, as well as external factors, such as the environment and socio-economic conditions. Happiness is the result of complex interactions between various aspects of a person's life, Hopefully this article can provide benefits and inspiration, good luck.

Why do i worry so much

       Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic "Why do I worry so much", The main reason why I choose this topic. Many people have experienced unpleasant events in reality, People worry for various reasons, and understand these reasons can help us find ways to cope with and minimize unhelpful thoughts. Here are three key reasons why people tend to worry:
✅Natural Alarm System: Our bodies are designed to protect us, and when we sense a threat (real or perceived), a stress signal is sent to the brain. This can manifest as worrying. As humans, we’re natural problem-solvers, and our brains churn out possible solutions when we identify a problem. The more emotionally invested we are in a problem, the more we tend to worry. Worry often arises from the anticipation of a future negative event based on irrational thoughts like “What if something bad happens?” or "What if I can’t handle it?"
✅Fear of Losing Control: Worry often stems from a fear of something happening that we can’t control. Whether it’s responsibilities at work or life’s general chaos, we worry because we want to maintain some semblance of control. However, excessive worry can prevent us from truly living in the present
✅Caring Too Much: Anxious individuals may find it challenging to stop themselves from getting overly invested in worrisome thoughts. While having anxious people in our lives can help us stay vigilant, it’s essential to differentiate necessary worry from unnecessary worry. Sometimes, we care too much and overthink, leading to excessive worry

Remember, excessive worrying can take a toll on our mental and physical health. Learning to manage worrisome thoughts allows us to savor the present moment and live a happier, healthier life, Minimizing worry is essential for maintaining good mental health. Here are some strategies to help you cope with worry and reduce stress:

✅Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can help you stay present and reduce anxiety. Regular practice can improve your ability to manage stress and worry.
✅Set Aside “Worry Time”: Allocate a specific time each day to address your worries. During this designated time, allow yourself to think about your concerns. Outside of this time, try to redirect your thoughts away from worry.
✅Share Your Fears: Talk to supportive friends or family members about your worries. Sometimes, expressing your concerns aloud can provide relief and perspective.
✅Focus on Gratitude: Shift your attention to what makes you grateful for. Cultivating gratitude can help counterbalance negative thoughts and reduce worry.
✅Keep an Emotions Journal: Write down your feelings and thoughts regularly. This practice can help you identify patterns, triggers, and irrational worries. It also provides an outlet for processing emotions.
✅Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule: Lack of sleep can exacerbate worry and stress. Prioritize good sleep hygiene by sticking to consistent sleep and wake times.
Remember that everyone experiences worry, but excessive worry can impact your well-being. By implementing these strategies, you can regain control over your thoughts and reduce anxiety,  Hopefully this article can provide benefits, good luck,

Lifestyles of the rich

   Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Lifestyles of the rich",  The main reason why I chose this topic is because many people are curious about the lifestyle of rich people, besides that, there are many factors that the lower middle class do not know about the lifestyle of rich people, The lifestyle of rich people can come with its own set of challenges and risks. While it may offer privileges and opportunities, it can also involve intense scrutiny, security concerns, and the temptation to indulge excessively, which can lead to health or personal issues. Ultimately, it depends on how one manages their wealth and lifestyle choices. aspects of the lifestyle of wealthy individuals can be learned and imitated to some extent. This might include habits related to financial management, networking, career advancement, and personal development. However, it's important to remember that true wealth isn't just about material possessions, but also about relationships, health, and fulfillment. Simply imitating superficial aspects of wealth may not lead to genuine success and happiness.

From observing the lifestyles of wealthy individuals, you can learn several valuable habits and practices, such as:
1. Financial Management: Rich people often prioritize smart financial decisions, including budgeting, investing, and saving for the future.
2. Goal Setting: They tend to set ambitious yet achievable goals and work consistently towards them.
3. Networking: Wealthy individuals often excel at building and maintaining strong professional and social networks, which can open doors to opportunities.
4. Continuous Learning: Many rich people prioritize self-improvement through reading, attending seminars, and seeking mentorship.
5. Health and Wellness: Wealthy individuals often invest in their physical and mental well-being, maintaining healthy lifestyles and seeking out top-notch healthcare.
6. Work Ethic: They typically demonstrate a strong work ethic and are willing to put in the time and effort required to succeed in their endeavors.

By adopting these practices, one can potentially improve their financial situation and overall quality of life. However, it's essential to adapt these lessons to your own circumstances and values rather than blindly imitating others, I think this article has explained the lifestyle of rich people, but you need to remember that not all rich people's lifestyles are good to emulate, we should be careful about the lifestyle of rich people, everyone has a dark lifestyle that is not worth imitating, such as drinking, gambling, etc

What is lifestyle medicine

    Hi, good readers, How are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "what is lifestyle medicine"  the reason I chose this topic is because not many people realize that their lives are like drugs that have an addictive effect, but do not provide mental healing, The main reason why many people experience this because they often use a lifestyle that exhausts the mind, as we should know that lifestyle determines what we pursue and what we consider as values and identity, The factor that often determines lifestyle becoming a form of medicine is its impact on health outcomes. When lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep patterns are optimized, they can prevent or manage various health conditions, sometimes even more effectively than medications. This approach is often referred to as lifestyle medicine.
People often turn to lifestyle medicine for several reasons:
1. Prevention: Adopting healthy lifestyle habits can prevent the onset of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
2. Management: Lifestyle changes can help manage existing health conditions, reducing the need for medications or minimizing their dosage.
3. Holistic Approach: Lifestyle medicine considers the whole person, addressing not just symptoms but also underlying causes and overall well-being.
4. Empowerment: By taking control of their health through lifestyle choices, people feel empowered and have a sense of ownership over their well-being.
5. Side Effects: Lifestyle interventions typically have fewer side effects compared to medications, making them attractive options for many.

Overall, the goal of lifestyle medicine is to promote optimal health and well-being through sustainable lifestyle changes, remember : life medicine doesn't require medication like a sick person. Lifestyle medicine focuses on using lifestyle interventions such as diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep rather than relying solely on medication. While some people may require medications for certain conditions, lifestyle medicine aims to reduce reliance on medication by addressing underlying lifestyle factors that contribute to health issues. However, in some cases, a combination of lifestyle changes and medication may be necessary for optimal health management, I think this article's explanation is sufficient, hopefully the article can provide inspiration and insight, good luck 

A healthy lifestyle

    Hi, good reader, How are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "A healthy lifestyle", The main reason why I chose this topic is because not everyone knows how to build a healthy lifestyle, Many people think that a healthy lifestyle starts with healthy food, this statement is not completely wrong, but we must remember that having a healthy mindset is the main foundation for how to organize a healthy lifestylewe have to realize that building a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be about the food or drinks we like, the first thing we can do before building a healthy lifestyle can be started from building a healthy mindset, building a healthy mindset requires awareness of your thoughts and emotions, practice in maintaining a positive perspective, and honing problem-solving skills, besides that, Listening to your thoughts attentively and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can help create a healthier mindset, Keep in mind that we need exercise if we want to have a healthy lifestyle, an example of building a healthy mindset is practicing gratitude daily. This involves acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life, no matter how small they may seem. By focusing on what you're grateful for, you train your mind to see the good in situations, which can lead to increased happiness and resilience.
Examples of a healthy lifestyle include regular exercise, a balanced diet with lots of vegetables, fruit, and quality protein, getting enough sleep, managing stress in a positive way, and maintaining good social relationships, building a healthy lifestyle involves several tips:

1. Set realistic goals: Start with small, achievable goals and gradually build upon them.
2. Stay active: Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, aiming for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
3. Eat a balanced diet: Focus on whole foods, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
4. Prioritize sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support overall health and well-being.
5. Manage stress: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, or hobbies you enjoy.
6. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain hydration and support bodily functions.
7. Limit alcohol and avoid smoking: Consume alcohol in moderation and avoid smoking to reduce the risk of health problems.
8. Stay connected: Cultivate meaningful relationships and social connections with friends, family, and community members.
9. Schedule regular check-ups: Visit healthcare providers for preventive screenings and to address any health concerns promptly.
10. Be patient and persistent: Building a healthy lifestyle takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and stay committed to your goals.

  Hopefully this article can provide inspiration and insight, good luck.

Factors of lifestyle

    Hi, good reader, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "factors of lifestyle", The main reason why I choose this topic because many people don't realize that the lifestyle they choose has made them into someone they no longer recognize, many people experience a dead end when the lifestyle they choose turns out to be preventing them from developing their lives, many people don't know whether their lifestyle is good or bad, What they think about is how they can join other people's lifestyles, there are several reasons why someone may not be aware of or recognize their lifestyle. This can include a lack of self-reflection, a lack of awareness of the impact of daily habits, or even resistance to change. Other factors may include habits that have become habits without realizing it or a lack of information about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Now there is a question, is it possible for humans to get problems from their own lifestyle? People can get in trouble from their lifestyle's choice if they engage in risky behaviors like substance abuse, excessive gambling, or criminal activities. Unhealthy habits such as poor diet and lack of exercise can also lead to health problems and trouble in the long run.
There are several factors that shape a person's lifestyle, including:

 1. Culture and Social Environment: Cultural norms and influences from the social environment can influence a person's lifestyle.
 2. Income and Employment: A person's income level and type of employment can influence the lifestyle choices available.
 3. Education and Knowledge: A person's level of education and knowledge can influence awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the decisions they make.
 4. Personal Values and Priorities: A person's personal values and life priorities can influence the lifestyle choices they make.
 5. Accessibility and Availability: The availability of resources such as places to exercise, healthy food, and recreational activities can influence a person's lifestyle.
 6. Genetics and Health: Genetic factors and health conditions can also influence a person's lifestyle, including predisposition to certain diseases and response to diet and physical activity.

  I want to remind you that not all lifestyles are quality, an unhealthy or destructive lifestyle can have a detrimental impact on a person's life.  For example, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or drug abuse can cause serious health problems, such as heart disease, cancer, or mental disorders, additionally, an unbalanced lifestyle, such as poor diet and lack of exercise, can lead to obesity, diabetes and other health problems.  Apart from health problems, an unhealthy lifestyle can also cause social, financial and emotional problems that can damage a person's quality of life, I think my explanation is sufficient, I hope this article can provide benefits and inspiration, good luck.

Difference between rich and poor lifestyle

    Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "the difference between rich and poor lifestyle",  the main reason why I choose this topic is because not everyone recognizes the lifestyle of rich people and poor people, Many people think that the lifestyle of rich people is better than the lifestyle of poor people,   I don't completely agree because there are some lifestyles of rich people that are not worth emulating, such as drinking, gambling, here are some difference between rich and poor lifestyle, the difference between a rich and poor lifestyle can be substantial. rich lifestyles often entail access to luxurious goods, services, and experiences, while poor lifestyles typically involve financial constraints, limited access to resources, and a focus on meeting basic needs. Rich lifestyles may include lavish homes, high-end vehicles, exotic vacations, fine dining, and exclusive leisure activities, while poor lifestyles may involve modest accommodations, public transportation, limited leisure activities, and budget-conscious spending on essentials. Economic status greatly influences lifestyle opportunities and choices, Despite poor people have financial constraints, people can find enjoyment in a poor lifestyle through various means:
1. Community and Relationships: Strong bonds with family and friends can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging, fostering enjoyment and fulfillment even in modest circumstances.
2. Simple Pleasures: Appreciating the little things in life, such as spending time outdoors, enjoying homemade meals, or engaging in hobbies that require minimal resources, can bring genuine joy.
3. Resilience and Creativity: People facing financial challenges often develop resilience and creativity in finding solutions to everyday problems, leading to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
4. Shared Experiences: Shared experiences with others in similar circumstances can create solidarity and camaraderie, enhancing the enjoyment of life despite economic limitations.
5. Cultural Richness: Poorer communities often have rich cultural traditions, music, art, and festivities that provide opportunities for celebration and enjoyment without requiring significant financial investment.
6. Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude for what one has, rather than focusing on what is lacking, can lead to a more positive outlook on life and greater enjoyment of simple pleasures.

Overall, while a poor lifestyle may lack material wealth, it can still be filled with meaningful connections, experiences, and moments of joy, I hope this article gives you an inspiration and insight, good luck.

Tree of life meaning

      Hi, good readers, how are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely the "tree of life meaning" The main reason I chose this topic is because not everyone wants to try to find out about the tree of life meaning, Besides that, Many complications will occur when humans try to dissect a truth, Basically, not everyone likes the truth because most of the truth hurts human pleasure, if we take the meaning of the tree of life, the tree of life is a symbol found in various cultures and spiritual traditions, It represents interconnectedness, growth, and the unity of all life forms. It's often depicted as a tree with branches reaching into the sky and roots deep into the earth, symbolizing the connection between heaven, earth, and the underworld. In essence, it embodies the idea that all living things are interconnected and share a common ancestry, we need to know that not everyone understands the concept of the tree of life, there could be various reasons why some humans may not have idealism about the tree of life. there could be various reasons why some humans may not have idealism about the tree of life. It could be due to cultural or religious beliefs that don't align with the symbolism of the tree of Life. additionally, some people might prioritize scientific explanations over symbolic interpretations. moreover, personal experiences and individual perspectives play a significant role in shaping beliefs and attitudes towards symbols like the tree of life.

Several factors can shape beliefs about the Tree of Life:
1. Cultural Background: Cultural upbringing and traditions heavily influence beliefs about the Tree of Life. Different cultures may have distinct interpretations and significance attached to this symbol.
2. Religious Teachings: Religious beliefs often incorporate the Tree of Life into their doctrines, offering specific interpretations and spiritual significance.
3. Personal Experiences: Individual encounters with nature, spiritual experiences, or personal reflection can shape one's belief in the symbolism of the Tree of Life.
4. Education and Knowledge: Understanding the historical, cultural, and symbolic contexts surrounding the Tree of Life through education can influence beliefs about its meaning.
5. Interpretation of Symbols: How individuals interpret symbols, such as trees, roots, branches, and interconnectedness, can vary based on personal perspectives and experiences.
6. Social Environment: Discussions with peers, exposure to diverse viewpoints, and societal norms can all contribute to shaping beliefs about the Tree of Life.

These factors intersect and interact in complex ways, ultimately shaping an individual's understanding and belief in the tree of life symbol, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

Why do people must raise the standard of living?

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic "why do people need to raise the standard of living?", the main reason why I choose that topic because every human is surrounded by the price of daily needs which it is unstable, sometimes the market's demand is offering the higher price than it usually does, from the market's unstable price condition, it pushes people to buy more stuff than what they need, in order to balance the market's price demand, we need to raise the standard of self-demand, it means, we need to do something before the market's price is higher, such as, we raise the standard of learning, we raise the standard of investment, we raise the standard of personal development, the reason why we need to categorize of 3 things because those are requirements how to support the standard of living, before we need to raise the standard of living, we need to raise the standard of contribution and the standard of self-demanding first, that's strategy how to resist the market's unstable price demand, the reason why you need to apply that strategy above because the market's price is beyond our control, if we just raise the standard of living without upgrading the standard of self-demanding, we will be forced by the market's demand to buy something we don't really need.

  Standard of life is depending from what people spend in the most time and what people emotionally need, if people just buy something for satisfaction, we must sell something where it will attract a big appreciation from others, remember; attention is a new currency, if we can sell more than what most people need it, the standard of living in the society will grow, our main duty is not making our standard of living grows, but how to change people's habit and make people's standard of living is growing, remember; buying the stuff is not kind of strategy how to raise the standard of living, selling something is kind of strategy how to raise the standard of living of anyone else as well as the standard of awareness, here is the additional note; don't try to change the standard of people's spending habit because everyone has own standard of spending, if we fail to raise the standard of people's spending habit because our standard doesn't match with what people need, our job is not selling the stuff where most people don't have, but how to make people realizing that our standard of personality can sell what people need, the more we raise the standard of personality, the more people will find us and learn how to raise their standard of living, now if you ask me why do people need to raise the standard of living because the economy's market price depends on what people spend, the more we can fulfill what people emotionally need, people will use our product or serviceI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.        

How to play the game of financial freedom

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to play the game of financial freedom, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people just want to get the financial freedom’s status, even though they think their goal is good for them, but there is something wrong with their goal, you know why? Because their goal doesn't indicate a solution, it indicates about the human's desire instead, if their goal doesn't have a concept how to build long term solution, the problem still becomes problem, every goal must be attractive and it can inspire them, if goal can't inspire people to learn more about it, means their goals is impotent, remember this note; financial freedom is not part of solution, it's act to escape from problem, but we should built the independence skill rather than build the financial freedom's plan because the independence skill will attract the willpower and enthusiasm to conquer our misconception towards the financial freedom, when we have the independence skill, we will work better than most people who just pursue the money, do you know why? Because the independence skill will conquer our limitation and increase our potential until it will survive during facing the financial crash.

If we talk about history, everybody has ever experienced the financial problem because they don't know how to distribute their money, here is the problem that most people have; they don't possess good philosophy, here is good philosophy "money doesn't need to be seduced, you need to seduce money", means "money only loves with the right person who knows exactly about what the money really wants, money doesn't like to be chased with the desperate man", if people only think about how to play the game of financial freedom, money will risk the human's lives by making people to pursue money and trap the human's satisfaction into the financial crash", remember this note; financial freedom's plan will not give anybody to get freedom because every day people need to fund for daily needs, fund for rent, fund for credit card, fund the car / motor/life insurance, fund for education, etc. Those are part of trap for people who get seduced by their money, then people will be forced to pursue money until people got into debt, remember this note; as long as we are still alive on earth, we can’t collect the financial freedom's degree because money will provide a new problem to the people's habit and money will put the desperate cash to type of people who don't prepare their life independence skill first.

detach yourself from the financial freedom and start building a life independent skill

Remember this note; the money’s lifestyle doesn’t need to be saved, but the money's cash flow needs to be diversified into a wider range of product, interest, skill in order to reduce risk which may impact to the human’s life independence skill, the financial crisis comes from the lack of independence skill, the financial trend is like the big sea wave, sometimes we need to learn how to swim before the big sea wave will come and drown us, in reality life, when we know how to build a life independence skill, unwittingly we can seduce money to work for our behalf, if we don't want to learn how to seduce money to work, we will be drowned by financial crash and we will be forced to accept the desperate cash, here is the note for reminding us; if we don’t make preparation for a life independence skill, our lifestyle will be boredom and lifeless, hopefully after you read this article, you and your beloved people know how to survive during facing the financial trend is down.

Do something more till you haven’t checked your phone

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to do something inspired till you have no time to check your phone, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people’s focus are distracted by their own cellphone, at this moment, let me share several things about the strategy what we must do before the cellphone will give us the prison cell of mind, here is the fact;  the more often people associate with their cellphone, the less people associate with the reality of life, eventually people will be passive because people too enjoy with the instant service where it's offered by cellphone's program every day, this is bad ideawherever they go to the new place, their mind are trapped by cellphone, during research, 65%-85% people's daily life are trapped in the fake happiness which it is produced by cellphone, as a result people can't learn something from daily miracle where it is happening every daywhen cellphone is trying to take someone's focus away from the target, people's enthusiasm will be moved to the cellphone and unwittingly people will postpone to finish their daily goal, at same time people don't realize that the future will create the unproductive activity and the future put the unproductive activity into the people daily habit, when it’s repeated regularly, it's risking people's career and the future’s growing process will be delayed because people stop making the progress.

Remember this note; before you postpone something valuable, imagine that you will lose your last opportunity on earth at that time, if there is something valuable that can bring a big impact in your life, you must prioritize to do it or your life will be lifeless. when you delay something means to you, at the same time your future‘s growing process will be delayed, that’s life system, You need to ensure that there is nobody or something will distract your focus once you start something, before you turn off your cell phone, make sure you don’t have any appointment with people or your client during 24 hour of your time, after that, you need to monitor about your life journey whether it can satisfy you or not within 10 years ago till now, when your life didn’t satisfy you or it couldn’t give something bigger than your expectation, means, there is something wrong with your philosophy, in daily life, you need to analyze about what you learn and who you are studying with, the main reason why we must check it because they can be part of your life history, sometimes we need to behave like a curious child who wants to know about what future wants, remember this note; the cellphone will not destruct your focus as long as you check it later after you finish your all targets, all interruptions don't come from the interruption maker, but it comes from our wrong philosophy.
Don't just do something what you love, but love what your goals want 

Please don’t judge something bad when you have finished because everything you do according to what your focus works for you, sometimes we need to immobilize our satisfaction in order to achieve big achievementdon’t let our willpower will be stolen by something we don’t know where it comes from, the cellphone is not part of the interruption maker, but it is designed to test our focus whether it is strong enough or not during facing the life problem, in my personal advice, if we think there is something we can’t control, we must let it go away from us because it will get our condition worse when we still hold itif there is something is really attracted by our attention, it doesn't mean we need to struggle for getting it immediately because not all attractive things can bring peace for us, we need to focus about what our soul wants from us, not what we think it must be done, don't get stressed if we don't get what we want because not all what we want deserves us, all we need to do right now is how to make ourselves is ready to feel the painful experience in the reality of life and how to leave good legacy and leave the inspiring story to the next generation? I think that's critical question we need to ponder.

Push yourself to do when nobody is going to do for you

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about how to push yourself to do something inspired when nobody is going to do for you, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people let their daily habit to be controlled by their expectation and they prefer to choose soul destroying job, as a result, they feel lifeless because they let the unknown circumstance to change what they can dothe main reason why most people don't want to push themselves to do something more because they don't have vision about the future plan and they have obsessed with the uninspiring dream where they have built it in their daily habit, if this condition still happens continuously; I worry they can't control where their sense of expectation goes, remember this note; if we don't do something that we think only we can finish it, the life circumstance will give us the desperate state, here is the reminder to self; don't ever feed the negative emotion with the desperate state or we will obsess with a poor mind state, every new chance in life will invite human's attention when they have no sense of the desperate state, when we grow our mood with a sense of desperate, it’s probably we never approach a new chancesometimes we need to hack our mind and chose a hard decision in order to leave our satisfaction, we need the force of friction to change our mentality, if there is no any force of friction, we can't control ourselves and automatically our mental age won't grow.

 The most important thing we should do when we face the unpleasant thing is improving our mindset and improve the mechanic we have such as our working style, our good service, our attitude skill, our speaking skill, we learn the way we associate with other people, we notice the way we dress, we change the way we spend our money, etc. Here are the good news if you can push yourself to do the difficult thing; your mental power will develop as fast as you learn about it, your life will be no dull because your life journey will be forgotten about the painful experience where it had occurred in the past moment, You need to train your mind to find solution that most people don’t have or people get afraid to dowhen you keep this kind of habit, everything you want will be transformed into reality, now the main reason why not many people want to help us to manifest our dream into reality because we don’t have any vision and any reason to be shared to themsometimes we need to evaluate about what we want to do before we share to others, prime ourselves to create something valuable is a must, we must create something simpler and understandable, so other people can absorb what you share, when we have created something that most people understand about it, other people will help us.

A sense of self-control will never happen when we don't lure it with great ambition, we must know our intelligence capacity level, we shouldn’t create a low goal or create the uninspired goal, besides that, we must attach the reasonable time to reach our clear goal, so we can monitor what we evaluate or we can improve what we need to improve, we must ensure that we have a reasonable time to control what we do, if we don’t have a reasonable time to pursue our ambition, we will lose our desire because we can’t get longevity patience, remember this note; when we push ourselves to set goal, we must ensure our goal can be measured with our deadline, furthermore, don’t let our goal can make us got desperate because it can't heal our inner world when we are willingly to take a long term plan, furthermore, don't let our opportunity is gone because of our carelessness and our casual habitthe most important goal is not fulfilling what we want, but how to give a small contribution for as many as people.

What is your level of urgency?

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to know our urgency level, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are willingly to create the sense of urgency for themselves, but unfortunately they forget one thing; the miracle will not come when there is no urgency level in human's life purpose, as a result, the life circumstance will put a sense of desperate to type of people who love to postpone something important, the main reason why people love to postpone doing something important because their expectation level is higher than their capacity level and they reject the reality, at this moment let me explain why we need to urge ourselves to break our expectation level and start to make about the urgency plan because our freedom are restricted by time, reality, negative mind and space, if we don't urge to do something that it means to us,  we will never get chance to pursue a new chance, remember this note; expectation comes from satisfaction, money, reputation, mutual relationship, lack of curiosity, etc. If we don't break our expectation level, we will never have any chance to enter the urgency level, here is the benefit if we have a sense of urgency; we will never get pissed off about failure because we realize being patience during doing something consistency is the powerful weapon to resist the chaotic mind and we will succeed faster than other people's opinion.

         The first thing comes up to your mind about a sense of urgency; it's probably you think that you never get any chance to rest, that's totally wrong, it's just part of strategy how to freedom your life from the chaotic mind because a sense of satisfaction will create a chaotic mind automatically when you don't have any plan to build a sense of urgency in your life, let me share how to create a sense of urgency; you must think "what's purpose am I born on earth?", there must be a strong reason to answer that question, when you think about it, I am sure you will be curious and you start to make research from any reference, it comes from spiritual teacher, religion, environment, nature, philosophy, wisdom, animal, plants, etc. That's first lesson you have been given from life, besides that a sense of urgency also can be adopted to create a new career in business, here is a note you need to ponder if you have a plan to build business; “what kind of value you can provide every day? The second thing you need to ponder “how many people want to urge themselves to buy your level of urgency?” the third thing you should ponder “why people need your product/service right now?” If you can answer these kind of question right now, I am really sure you will have a sense of urgency and you will not dare to postpone what you want to do because you need to provide other people’s daily need, it’s look simple, but it’s hard to do, if we think what we do today can’t be postponed later, our existence will be more valuable than product or service. 

       Please remember; If you think your product/service can rescue the human's life from a chaotic mind, desperate, and a midlife crisis, please don't postpone to do it because there is God's existence within your service, you are within God's lifetime project, your resources will be more valuable if you do that project than you just sell a product which has been used by people occasionallyhere is the quality number one that you have a high level of urgency in this life; you have a high pain tolerance during you building a new career and you feel lifeless when you don’t do something valuable within 24 hour, now you may ask me “why do I need a high level of urgency in my life?” if you don’t have it, you are forced by life to work with a soul destroying job, in my opinion; if you want get an extraordinary life, you must avoid a soul destroying activity where it teaches you how to work for self-pleasure only, not building a high purpose to bring a million of good impact for everyone, if you only prioritize about your pleasure, you will have a poor soul and you will be forced by life to wear something you don’t deserve to wear it and you will live with chaotic mind and you will stick together with a pressure cooker.

How to improve work ethic

Gathering the ideas is kind of productive habit

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about how to improve work ethic, the main reason why I choose that topic because not all people want to apply work ethic, let me remind to you why people don’t want to improve work ethic because they finish a daily task based on what they have been given by their boss, there is no extra dedication when they have finished daily work, now I will share to you about several work ethic you need to apply if you want to get appreciated by market place or company; here is the first work ethic; you need to build joy when you commit to work, make sure you choose to work not because there is necessity, if you work for necessity, you will not get an extra ability because you put your focus on the profit only, remember this note; profit is designed not to give you an extra skill because profit is designed to lock your mind from something higher, at this phase, you must find a job where it can teach you how to enrich your creativity and how to create a sense of joy once you take that job, don’t let huge profit will alter you to become a money making machine.
Dignity is the professional worker's habit

        Here is the second work ethic you need to learn; you must have personal integrity, the main reason why you must possess personal integrity because everything you do will reflect about who you become in the future, your reputation depends on how much effort you put into your daily habit and your integrity, if you don’t have it, your job will not give you good value, instead your job will give you a burdensome, if you let this condition is happening, you will not have a chance to improve your skill because your mental health is on the crisis, unfortunately many leaders don’t educate themselves with integrity, so their inferior staff will not give their leaders a credit, remember this note; your reputation depends on how you commit with something you do daily, if you work by providing a good service to your customer, your personal integrity will grow and your sense of kindness will burgeon as well, if your job can’t give the big influence to you, automatically it can’t educate you how to become valuable person to many people’s lives, when your job doesn't increase your dignity, means your job builds a bad reputation to you, here is my daily note; your reputation depends on how you give to others, it just like the manufacturer.

       We don’t need to work if there is no integrity to be offered, so you must get a job where it can build your passion, not working for necessity, if you work for necessity only, you will not stand to work for any longer, here is the third work ethic you need to learn; you must build your own time management, if your job can’t teach you how to make your own time management, means you will overwork until you feel irritated, basically a nice job shouldn’t offer you a huge profit, but it can educate you how to manage your stress and a nice job will help you to increase your integrity, if your job increase your profit and lower your integrity, I am telling you, you will enter to the satanic circle, please don’t accustom yourself with that kind of job.

How to increase self-confidence

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to create self-confidence, the main reason why we need to learn it because confidence can strengthen our power of trust towards other people, if we lack of self-confidence, whatever we do is having no purpose because we haven't enough courage to pursue it, now the question is “where does self-confidence come from?” it comes from our self-discipline and strong commitment about what we do daily, there is no self-confidence when we don't develop our inborn skill every day, let me share several qualities how to increase self-confidence; the first quality how to increase self-confidence; time management, the main reason why we must build time management because our quality of life depends on how much time we invest into it and how much value we produce on it, if we don’t have time management, time will run by itself without giving us a sense of joy and time will leave us to the desperate time where it offers an instant happiness, not longevity happiness, here is the second quality how to increase self-confidence; life independence skill, the main reason why we need to learn it because life always offers uncertain thing, whether we like it or not, we must sharpen our survival skill to counteract the life crisis or the unwanted condition.

         We can’t make too much hope when life offers uncertain thing, we must create contingency plan to counteract the unwanted problem, our quality of life depends on how much lesson we can take and how strong our commitment in scope, we can't delegate self-confidence when we don't repeat what we do daily until we can solve problem, sense of self-confidence must be balanced with knowledge, good experience and courage, everything gets better when we have ability to correct false judgment to the root of problem, if we have this kind of habit, habit will increase our sense of self-confidence and habit will keep us away from any life pressure, here is the third quality how to increase self-confidence, we must have ability to have a pain tolerance and stress management, the main reason why we need to learn it because not all problems can create happiness for us, sometimes we need to adapt ourselves by accepting rejection or setback, it may take long process, but that's the life game, we can't win at competition when we don't accustom with repetition and eventful journey, remember this; self-confidence comes from the ability to endure pain and problem solving skill, not coming from the human's appearance.

        Independence skill will never happen unless we totally change what we love and change what we pursue, our self-confidence can’t grow if we aren't eagerness to solve problem, besides that, we must beware with a toxic influence which may come from social circle, social media or surrounding environment, here is the fourth quality how to increase self-confidence; we have ability to build a money independence skill, the main reason why we need to prepare that skill because life offers the unexpected thing, the more we have a money problem, the more we learn how to reduce extravagant habit, those are strategy how to increase self-confidence.

7 habits of couple who are deeply connected

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about 7 habits of couple who are deeply connected, the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples don’t commit with their relationship because they don't know how to create deeply connection in relationship, at this time let me share 7 habit of couple who are deeply connected, the first habit of couple who are deeply connected; they stay communicated each other although they are not staying in the same location, the main reason why we need to keep communicated into each other because this strategy can help us how to build a close proximity, if any couples don’t have time to communicate, means there is no health relationship, please take this note; if there is no sense of yearning between relationship, there is no reason to defend that kind of relationship because there is no sense of possessive between them, keep communication is the logic strategy how to build a strong foundation and how to strengthen a sense of trust among them, here is the second habit of couple who are deeply connected; they empower each other by fulfilling their emotional needs by giving a support or make kindle together, etc.

         Remember this note; empowering other people’s need is part of showing care, if you can’t shape your personality such thing, your power of service will not give you sense of proud, your spouse will not feel proud as well, emotional intelligence can’t work properly if there is no sense of yearning to possess it, this condition can be applied in case of someone who has sense of yearning with the pursuit of dream, if someone has no sense of yearning with their dream, dream will never come in the right time because the dream basic foundation comes from big responsibility to manifest in reality, remember this note; dream is like building, we must manifest the dream’s design, we work hard to fulfill what dream wants from us until we can collect the benefit of the dream, here is the third habit of couple who are deeply connected; they stay committed how to build same vision, means they make something bigger in the future, like making a new kindle together, if you follow this habit, you will find any worthy from your spouse because you preserve good quality of your spouse, here is the fourth habit of couple who are deeply connected; they don't have any intention to harm their relationship such as swindling the spouse’s money, betraying the spouse’s trust, telling lie to the spouse, etc.

        Here is the fifth habit of couple who are deeply connected; stay curious about the spouse’s interest, if you keep this habit, your sense of love will stay renewed because you always find a new thing from your spouse, here is the six habit of couple who are deeply connected; stay guarded to the spouse’s honor from any dangerous thing, this is important, if you don’t find it at your character, your love is immature and you can’t get respect from your spouse, here is the seventh habit of couple who are deeply connected; feel trustworthy and stay openness, this is very important habit because it will shape your future, if you can't be trustworthy, you will no longer can prolong your relationship.