Words of encouragement for him during hard times

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Words of encouragement for him during hard times”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not all women realize how to calm themselves during facing hard times with their spouses, if you ask me about the main problem why women can't calm because they don't recognize the love language in men's world, as we know that not all men need women's advice, do you know why? because men are more logical than women, besides that, men have many possibilities in their thought how to find solution rather than what woman can do, I say like this doesn't mean I discourage women's capability, sometimes putting oneself to self-quarantine time is more valuable for men to women, that's men's world, on the other hand, women feel difficult to adapt with self-quarantine time, if your position as wife, don't try to demand your husband to do something more than their capability even though you and your family are facing hard times, demand something more than husband can will induce the family dispute, here is the first thing woman needs to do how to encourage your husband during facing hard times; don't remind your husband about the past moment, do you know why?  because remind your husband about the past moment will inflict man's bad mood timing, besides that, hard time already happened now, remember this; logical person will ignore about the past timing and focus on the present moment, what you need to do as wife is asking a question " if you have something to tell or you shall need any assistance, you should contact me? and I will do the best for our family".
     Here is the second thing woman needs to do how to encourage your husband during facing hard times; you shouldn't blame the situation and burden your husband's mind with your complaint, as wife, you can entertain your husband by doing what your husband needs from your service, remember; when woman doesn't complain about the current situation, it will relieve 50% husband's bad mood and it helps man to find solution because man feels refreshened every time his wife doesn't do something burdened for husband's thoughtHere is the third thing woman needs to do how to encourage your husband during facing hard times; remind about the purpose of family's longevity, meaning, a wife gives a new perception to husband's mind with the new vision, for example; when hard times begins, you say to your husband "I know we are facing hard times, we need to create a new atmosphere where it can enliven our spirit, how about we make a cup of tea and we pray together to Almighty God about the current situation we already dive in" , Here is the fourth thing woman needs to do how to encourage your husband during facing hard times; you can write down about your husband's strengths and show the written you wrote in the paper to your husband, this strategy can help you how to strengthen your husband's good mood level, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.