Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitude. Show all posts

What is a goal mindset

 Hi, good readers, How are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "What is a goal mindset" The main reason I chose this topic is because this topic is highly anticipated by people who want to be successful, a goal mindset refers to a specific objective or target related to changing or developing one's mindset. It involves setting intentions to cultivate a particular way of thinking, approaching challenges, or perceiving the world. Examples include goals to adopt a growth mindset, practice mindfulness, embrace resilience, or foster optimism. These goals are aimed at promoting personal growth, self-improvement, and overall well-being, There are several factors that can influence someone to have a goal-related mindset:

 1. Past experiences: A person's past experiences can shape their mindset regarding goals. Previous experiences of success or failure can influence a person's confidence in achieving goals.
 2. Environment: The environment in which a person grows and develops also plays an important role in shaping their mindset. A supportive environment, including friends, family, and mentors, can motivate a person to set and achieve goals.
 3. Education and cultural influences: Formal and informal education and cultural influences can shape a person's view of goals and how to achieve them. The values instilled by culture and the educational system can influence a person's mindset regarding goals.
 4. Internal motivation: Internal motivation, such as a desire to grow, reach maximum potential, or improve the quality of life, can also influence a person's mindset regarding goals. People who have strong internal motivation tend to have a more focused mindset and are committed to their goals.
 5. Knowledge and understanding: A person's knowledge and understanding of the importance of setting goals, the process of achieving goals, and the benefits that can be gained from achieving goals also contribute to the formation of their mindset regarding goals.

 Overall, a person's mindset regarding goals is influenced by a variety of internal and external factors, and can develop over time through experience, learning, and personal reflection.
There are several reasons why someone would want to have a goal mindset:

 1. Personal Achievement: A goal mindset can help a person to achieve significant personal achievements. By having a clear focus and commitment to a particular goal, a person can plan concrete steps to achieve it.
 2. Improved Quality of Life: Through establishing a positive and proactive mindset, a person can improve their overall quality of life. Mindset goals such as becoming more optimistic, patient, or learning from failure can help a person face life's challenges better.
 3. Encourage Personal Growth: Mindset goals are often related to personal growth and self-development. A person may want to continue learning, developing, and reaching their maximum potential in various aspects of life.
 4. Improves Mental Well-Being: Aiming for a healthy and positive mindset can help a person manage stress, anxiety, and depression more effectively. Focusing on a mindset that promotes calm, serenity, and happiness can improve overall mental well-being.
 5. Motivate and Give Meaning: A goal mindset can provide motivation and meaning to a person's life. When someone has clear and inspiring goals, it can give them additional encouragement to keep trying and persevere in the face of obstacles.
 6. Shaping Identity and Values: Mindset goals can also shape a person's identity and the values they adhere to. These goals reflect what a person considers important and what they believe is part of who they are.

 Overall, having a goal mindset can provide direction, motivation, and meaning to a person's life, and help them achieve sustainable personal growth and well-being, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

Money can't buy happiness

  Hi, dear reader, how are you? Now I want to share a very interesting topic, namely "Money can't buy happiness" the main reason why I chose this topic is because many people misunderstand happiness, on average they think that money can buy happiness, If money can buy happiness, then why do rich people commit suicide? , meaning that money is not able to guarantee life for humans, the correct statement is "a good attitude and having the troubleshooting skill can buy happiness", based on my observations, many people think happiness is very oriented towards material possessions, to change the human condition, humans need to do things that money cannot do, humans must present a masterpiece that can answer other people's problems, I want to remind you that a person will not be able to create a masterpiece if he does not have a good attitude, You might be wondering why a good attitude can make someone happy?  
Having a good attitude can contribute to happiness because it influences how you perceive and react to situations. A positive attitude allows you to approach challenges with optimism, find joy in everyday experiences, and maintain healthier relationships, all of which are key components of happiness. Additionally, having a positive mindset can help reduce stress and increase resilience, leading to an overall sense of well-being.

The main reason why money can't buy happiness is that happiness is primarily derived from factors such as relationships, experiences, and personal fulfillment, rather than material wealth. While money can provide temporary pleasure and comfort, it doesn't guarantee long-term contentment or fulfillment. Happiness often comes from intangible sources like meaningful connections, personal growth, and a sense of purpose which cannot be purchased with money alone. Additionally, the pursuit of wealth can sometimes lead to stress, isolation, and a lack of fulfillment if it becomes the sole focus of one's life.
To help someone detach their mentality from being overly attached to money, you can encourage them to focus on cultivating other aspects of their life that contribute to happiness and fulfillment. Here are some suggestions:

1. Encourage Gratitude: Help them appreciate what they already have by practicing gratitude regularly. This can shift their focus away from what they lack to what they appreciate in their life.

2. Promote Personal Growth: Encourage them to pursue activities that promote personal growth and development, such as learning new skills, hobbies, or volunteering. This can help them find fulfillment outside of monetary achievements.

3. Strengthen Relationships: Emphasize the importance of building and nurturing meaningful relationships with friends, family, and community members. Strong social connections often bring more happiness than material possessions.

4. Focus on Experiences: Encourage them to prioritize experiences over material possessions. Experiences create lasting memories and often bring more happiness than buying things.

5. Define Values and Purpose: Help them identify their core values and what gives their life meaning and purpose beyond money. Encouraging them to align their actions with these values can lead to a more fulfilling life.

6. Practice Mindfulness: Introduce them to mindfulness practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These practices can help them stay present and reduce the tendency to equate happiness with material wealth.

7. Challenge Materialistic Messages: Encourage critical thinking about the messages they receive from society and media about the importance of money and material possessions. Help them recognize that true happiness comes from within, not from external sources.

By supporting them in these ways, you can help shift their mindset away from being overly attached to money and towards a more balanced and fulfilling perspective on life, Hopefully this article can provide inspiration, new experience and insight, good luck.

Two definitions of happiness

   Hi, good Reader,  This time I want to share an interesting topic of conversation, namely two definitions of happiness, The main reason I chose this topic is because many people cannot differentiate between satisfaction and happiness, in some of my observations, humans tend to prioritize short-term pleasure and ignore long-term pleasure, for the type of person who likes short-term pleasure, then he cannot enjoy long-term pleasure, this is very different from people who like long-term pleasure,  People who sacrifice time for long-term pleasure, then he cannot enjoy short-term pleasure because that is part of the risk, So the question now is, do you want long-term pleasure or short-term pleasure?

Remember that short-term pleasure is called dopamine, while long-term pleasure is called inner calm, short-term pleasure will experience the limit of pleasure after 45 minutes, at that moment humans will face 2 choices, between addiction and fear of missing the moment, So please be careful with this condition, if you are facing short-term pleasure, then you have to look for other happiness that does not cause addictive effects , such as eating vegetables, drinking milk, Now I will explain a little about dopamine detoxification, "Dopamine detox" refers to a method that involves temporarily reducing exposure to activities that provide instant gratification and dopamine release, such as social media, video games, junk food, and other forms of entertainment. The idea is to reset the brain's reward system and reduce dependency on these activities, leading to increased motivation, productivity, and overall well-being.

While there isn't substantial scientific evidence specifically on "dopamine detox," there are some benefits that individuals may experience if someone wants to detoxify dopamine:

1. Increased motivation: By reducing exposure to activities that provide instant gratification, individuals may find themselves more motivated to pursue long-term goals and engage in activities that require sustained effort.

2. Improved focus and concentration: Limiting distractions and activities that overstimulate the brain may help improve focus and concentration, allowing individuals to better engage in tasks that require attention and cognitive effort.

3. Enhanced mood regulation: Resetting the brain's reward system may lead to more stable mood levels, reducing fluctuations between highs and lows associated with excessive dopamine-inducing activities.

4. Greater appreciation for simple pleasures: Detoxing from highly stimulating activities can help individuals rediscover the enjoyment of simpler, more meaningful activities, such as spending time in nature, connecting with loved ones, or engaging in hobbies.

5. Reduced impulsivity: Over time, reducing reliance on instant gratification may help individuals develop better impulse control and decision-making skills.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of dopamine detox may vary from person to person, and more research is needed to fully understand its long-term effects. Additionally, it's essential to approach any behavioral changes, including dopamine detox, with moderation and balance to ensure overall well-being. Consulting with a healthcare professional or therapist can provide personalized guidance and support.

Let me tell you that there are 2 more types of happiness that need to be reviewed, There are various ways to categorize happiness, but one common distinction is between hedonic and eudaimonic happiness:

1. Hedonic happiness: This type of happiness focuses on pleasure and the absence of pain. It is often associated with pursuing activities that bring immediate gratification and satisfaction, such as indulging in delicious food, engaging in entertaining activities, or experiencing moments of joy and excitement.

2. Eudaimonic happiness: Eudaimonic happiness is more about living a meaningful and fulfilling life. It involves pursuing activities that align with one's values, strengths, and goals, leading to a sense of purpose, self-actualization, and personal growth. This type of happiness is often derived from activities like helping others, pursuing meaningful work, cultivating close relationships, and engaging in personal development.

Both forms of happiness are important for overall well-being, and individuals may find a balance between hedonic and eudaimonic pursuits to lead a fulfilling life, Now is the time for you to choose whether you want to get short-term pleasure or long-term pleasure,  If you focus on long-term pleasure, then you will be tested not to be able to enjoy short-term pleasure, but if you focus on getting short-term pleasure, then you don't get the opportunity for long-term pleasure, that's the key, Hopefully this article can provide inspiration and insight, good luck.

What business problem are you trying to solve

     Hi, good readers, today I want to convey an interesting topic, namely "what business problem are you trying to solve" The main reason why I chose that topic is because there are many problems that need to be considered in business, There are many invisible causes in business problems because most people only see incompetence and uncertainty in business,  If we only see incompetence and uncertainty in business, then we will always blame circumstances, in my view, business problems occur because there are many lessons that actually need to be learned because they will involve the protection of many people's lives and help people to increase other people's consciousness
Business problems can vary depending on the industry, scale, and specific context. However, some common problems often faced by businesses, including:

 1. Fierce market competition.
 2. Financial problems, such as negative cash flow or lack of capital.
 3. Ineffective management or lack of strong leadership.
 4. Changes in regulations or government policies that affect business operations.
 5. Changes in market trends and consumer behavior.
 6. Problems in the supply chain, such as delivery delays or poor product quality.
 7. Technology issues, such as system failure or the need to upgrade IT infrastructure.
 8. Difficulty in recruiting and retaining the best talent.
 9. Negative reputation or brand image issues.
 10. Risk of research and development not being successful or not producing adequate innovation.

 Addressing these issues with the right strategies can help businesses stay sustainable and grow, when encountering business problems, here are the following steps can help in resolving them:

 1. Identify the problem specifically: Analyze the root cause of the problem carefully and make sure you understand the source of the problem clearly.
 2. Make an action plan: Remain calm and make a systematic action plan to deal with the problem. Prioritize the most critical and strategic steps.
 3. Involve your team or experts: Discuss the problem with your team or expert consultants to gain additional viewpoints and solutions you may not have thought of before.
 4. Take immediate action: Don't delay in taking action. Quick steps are needed to prevent the problem from getting bigger.
 5. Evaluation and adaptation: Continue to monitor developments in the situation and evaluate whether the steps taken are effective. If necessary, be ready to adjust your action plan.
 6. Learn from experience: Every problem is an opportunity to learn and improve your business strengths. Take lessons from this experience to prevent similar problems from recurring in the future.
 7. Maintain communication: Make sure to remain open and honest in communicating with stakeholders, including employees, customers and business partners. Effective communication can help reduce the negative impact of the problems faced.
  With a structured and proactive approach, many business problems can be addressed successfully, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

Can stress cause diarrhea

    Hi, smart reader, On this occasion, I would like to convey an interesting topic of conversation, namely the question "Can stress cause diarrhea?", The main reason why I chose this topic is because many people experience diarrhea when stressed, based on research, stress can cause diarrhea. This happens because stress and anxiety can trigger a "fight-or-flight" response that slows down the functioning of the intestines and colon, resulting in symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. Apart from that, stress can also trigger spasms in the intestines which can cause diarrhea. This is related to the connection between the central nervous system and our gut, known as the gut-brain axis. Stress can also cause diarrhea by stimulating the release of hormones that speed up digestion and reduce water absorption in the intestines.

Diarrhea caused by stress can be influenced by several factors, including:

 1. Enteral Nervous System: Stress can affect the enteral nervous system which regulates intestinal function, increasing intestinal motility and causing changes in the digestive process.

 2. Hormone Release: Stress can stimulate the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can affect bowel function.

 3. Changes in Gut Microbiota: Stress can affect the balance of gut microbiota, which plays a role in digestion and overall gut health.

 4. Changes in Diet: The stress response can affect eating patterns, including increasing consumption of certain foods or changing eating habits, which can trigger diarrhea.

 5. Increased Gut Sensitivity: Stress can increase gut sensitivity, making individuals more susceptible to changes in the internal and external environment.

  It is important to remember that reactions to stress vary between individuals, and some people may be more susceptible to the effects of stress on their digestive system than others, now you can know how dangerous uncontrolled stress is, To prevent more severe diarrhea, you need to try consuming fruit, such as apples, star fruit, papaya, rambutan, berries, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.

Can i sue my neighbor for emotional distress


        Hi good reader, howdy? Today I would like to share about the topic "can i sue my neighbor for emotional distress", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can stand against type of neighbor who can't show respect and tolerance, We need to realize that not all neighbors have good social sensitivity, Apart from that, not all neighbors can contribute well to what we need, sometimes there are types of people who don't want to meet their neighbors for reasons of not being familiar, if we feel emotionally exhausted just because we feel our neighbors are showing us less than good ethics, what we can do is do something that does not endanger other people's lives, Keep in mind that not everything we think about our neighbors is always bad, it could be that our thoughts are the main trigger that makes us hate our neighbors, Before we decide to hate our neighbors, we need to ask ourselves "are my thoughts as cold as the situation I feel right now?"

      Even though our neighbors sometimes show rudeness, this does not oblige us to hate them, Sometimes we need a little gap to detect whether our minds are mature enough to judge our neighbor's behavior, Don't let our minds deceive our own behavior until we do something that endangers the lives of others, our life is very short, don't let that feeling of regret arise because we hate our neighbors, Even though we feel irritated by our neighbors' behavior, don't let us show our dislike to our neighbors. That is the importance of moral knowledge in everyday life, All we can do is survive and defend ourselves from physical harm caused by other people, If we experience physical violence because of a neighbor's behavior, we can report it to the local community leader or we can report it to the police with authentic evidence, remember that we should not attack physically if we do not accept bad physical treatment first, that's the unwritten law that we need to respect, everything that makes us sick with our emotional turmoil is not always from the environment, although sometimes 10% - 30% is from environmental factors, Our task as human who live side by side with neighbors is to cool our mood first and show our good manner to them before our wild thoughts try to manipulate our action towards neighbor's behavior, Maybe it seems easy, but it requires a process of maturity , not everything we think is right is right and not everything we think is wrong is wrong, I hope this article can inspire your life, good luck

Emotional distress behaviour


   Hi, good reader, howdy, today I would like to share about the topic "Emotional distress behaviour", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't know about distress behaviour, The main reason people experience emotional distress because they chase something beyond their mental capacity,  besides that they try to do something beyond their focus, As normal humans, we cannot force reality to follow what we want,  Basically, reality follows God's will, If God desires goodness for humans, then God will allow human desires to be realized in reality, However, if God desires evil for humans, then humans will be left to follow where their desires lead, Disorganized human behavior occurs because people ignore rational thinking and prioritize their passionate feelings.
   Remember this advice: All human desires lead human destiny to damage and loss , what we can do is not follow all our desires, but follow God's desires, This is not easy to do because only humans who have a high spiritual level understand what God means, only people who are given guidance by God can translate God's meaning, The following are the characteristics of people who experience emotional disorders :

1. They don't like changes in reality, they tend to miss their memories of the past
2. They begin to find no meaning in their life 
3. They consider the past not much different from the present or future 
4. They like things that are certain and things that process quickly 
5. They feel injustice in all situations 
6. They experience an identity crisis and a crisis of trust 
7. They only glorify honor, rank, social relations, reputation and money
8. They have compared what they feel with what other people experience 
9. They have no empathy for other people's suffering
10. They hate uncertainty and discomfort, they are easily tempted by false promises

Those are 10 signs of people who have emotionally disturbed behavior, if we want to create peace in this world,  Reduce indulgence of desires and enable what we can do without protesting the results, we shouldn't Creating chaos when what we feel is good enough, sometimes we often get caught up in the meaning of success until we forget to see what we can be grateful for , here is the last question from me "if you feel the world is unfair, what would you do besides protest?", If you can save yourself without looking around you, then you will always feel lacking and helpless, If you can do something for others even though you know that the world is full of injustice, Then you are one of the strongest people out of millions of people on this earth,  I hope you get enlightenment from the article I wrote, good luck 

Emotional distress at work


  Hi, good reader, howdy? today I would like to share about the topic " Emotional distress at work", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get suffered from emotional distress at work, Emotional distress at work can stem from various factors, impacting our well-being and productivity. Let’s explore some common causes:

  1. Longer Working Hours: When work demands exceed our capacity, longer hours can lead to stress and imbalance in our work-life equation.

  2. Job Insecurity: Fear of losing one’s job can create significant emotional strain.

  3. Low Salary: Financial stress due to inadequate compensation can affect mental health.

  4. Excessive Commutes: Tiring and time-consuming commutes contribute to stress.

  5. Increasing Work Demands: As responsibilities pile up, stress levels rise.

  6. Lack of Control: Feeling powerless over work-related decisions can be distressing.

  7. Poor Working Conditions: Uncomfortable or unsafe environments impact emotional well-being.

  8. Difficult Relationships: Strained interactions with colleagues or managers can cause emotional distress.

  9. Bullying or Harassment: Negative experiences at work can take a toll on mental health.

  10. Heavy Workloads: Feeling overwhelmed due to excessive tasks and responsibilities.

  Remember, recognizing these stressors is the first step toward managing emotional distress. Seeking support, practicing self-care, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance are essential for well-being, to create something new, we must be wise enough to let go of our desires and follow what our potential does naturally, we can't create a good life if we just focus what we see and abandon what we feel, if we know that we can't control the company's policy, so we must adapt with the daily target where we need to endure it, if we think the target is very hard to do, we can communicate with our team and we can share our limitation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can help you how to improve your career, good luck.

Chinese philosophy



    Hi, good reader, welcome to my blog, Today would like to share about the topic "Chinese philosophy", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people admire Chinese culture and Chinese philosophy, many people believe that China has many tremendous improvements, especially in business strategy and sophisticated technology, besides that, China has old culture which can bring good impact to the Chinese people,

Chinese philosophy has a rich and diverse history, spanning thousands of years. Let’s explore some key aspects:

  1. Origins and Context:
    • Chinese philosophy emerged during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. This era, known as the “Hundred Schools of Thought,” witnessed significant intellectual and cultural developments.
    • Elements of Chinese philosophy can be traced back even further, with influences found in texts like the I Ching (the Book of Changes), which dates back to at least 672 BCE.
  2. Major Philosophical Schools:
    • During the Warring States era (475-221 BCE), several major philosophical schools arose:
      • Confucianism: Focused on ethics, social harmony, and proper conduct. Confucius emphasized filial piety, respect for tradition, and moral cultivation.
      • Legalism: Advocated strict laws, centralized authority, and harsh punishments to maintain order.
      • Taoism (Daoism): Embraced natural spontaneity, simplicity, and the concept of the Dao (the Way).
      • Other lesser-known schools included AgriculturalismMohismChinese Naturalism, and the Logicians.
  3. Early Beliefs:
    • Shang dynasty thought was based on cycles observed in nature, such as day and night, seasons, and lunar phases. This cyclical view contrasted with Western linear progression.
    • Ancestor worship was prevalent during the Shang dynasty, and the concept of the Mandate of Heaven justified Zhou rule.
  4. Key Concepts:
    • Dao (the Way): Represents the fundamental principle underlying reality and guides ethical behavior.
    • De (virtue): Refers to moral power and integrity.
    • Li (principle): Signifies cosmic order and ritual propriety.
    • Qi (vital energy): Symbolizes life force and material energy.
    • Tai-chi (Great Heavenly Axis): Unites complementary polarities, Yin and Yang.

Chinese philosophy continues to influence culture, ethics, and thought, making it a fascinating and enduring tradition. 

  I don't neglect when the Chinese population's growth is greater than India, America, and other countries around the world, the main reason why China's government agreed having the tremendous number of populations can accelerate the dream of China in the future, so far, the China's government has limited the Chinese population because the number of birthrates per year is huge, based on the economy's evaluation, China has the second largest numbers of economic growth amongst 114 countries, so from my conclusion, this economy's rate will influence other countries who are still under developing country status, based on my life experience, nevertheless, the advanced countries will not be developed abruptly unless they have philosophy where it can direct people to the main purpose and glorious principle, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give a good impact to your life, good luck.

Descartes philosophy


    Hi, good reader, good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Descartes philosophy", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people admire about his personality and his science work, as we know that René Descartes, a French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher, is widely regarded as the founder of modern philosophy. many people think that his principle is like Socrates, Greece Philosopher, Rene Descartes discovers many things that can resolve the problematic mindset where it occurs to the modern age, His groundbreaking ideas have left a lasting impact on various fields. Let’s delve into some key aspects of Descartes’s philosophy:

  1. Cogito, Ergo Sum: Descartes famously declared, “I think, therefore I am” (originally in French: “Je pense, donc je suis”). This profound statement captures his epistemological foundationalism. By applying methodical doubt, he dismissed knowledge derived from authority, senses, and reason. Instead, he grounded his new epistemology on the intuition that when he is thinking, he exists.

  2. Mind-Body Dualism: Descartes formulated the first modern version of mind-body dualism. According to his metaphysical framework, the mind (essence of thinking) and matter (essence of extension in three dimensions) are radically distinct entities. This distinction laid the groundwork for the mind-body problem that continues to intrigue philosophers and scientists.

  3. Rationalism and Innate Ideas: Descartes’s metaphysics is rationalist, emphasizing innate ideas of mind, matter, and God. He believed that certain truths are inherent within us, independent of sensory experience. However, his physics and physiology were empiricist and mechanistic, based on observation and sensory data.

  4. Notable Works: Descartes authored several influential works, including:
    • “Meditations on First Philosophy”: A foundational text that explores skepticism, the existence of God, and the nature of reality.
    • “Principles of Philosophy”: An exposition of his philosophical system.
    • “The Discourse on Method”: Where he introduced his famous maxim “Cogito, ergo sum.”
    • “La Géométrie”: A work that contributed to the development of analytical geometry.
    • “The Passions of the Soul”: An exploration of human emotions and their connection to the body.


   Descartes’s legacy extends beyond philosophy; his influence also permeates mathematics, with the Cartesian coordinate system named after him. His commitment to reason, doubt, and foundational thinking continues to inspire scholars and thinkers across disciplines, now I have question to you, if you have daily problem which often happens, do you apply Descartes's groundbreaking idea or not?, if you can understand His mindset, means, you can understand his perspective, finally you can do like what Descartes did in the past, remember this; problem is problem, problem doesn't need  the solution from you, problem is designed to develop your mindset an improve your troubleshooting's capacity, don't ever think problem can be solved by your service, problem abides in the world because many people are willing to manifest the problem into reality, if problem can be solved by human being, it means, the world will end, problem will never be settled down, it is just hidden into human's incapacitation, hopefully this article can help you to improve your life career, good luck.

Progressivism philosophy of education


 Hi, good reader, good ay, today I would like to share about the topic "Progressivism philosophy of education", the main reason why I choose the topic because many educations don't teach about the real education which contents about the moralism, philosophy, socialism, instead, they promote the casted system where students can't recognize their real potential and students tend to do something where it can delay their natural potential to grow, Progressivism is a student-centered philosophy of education that emphasizes practical learning, real-world problem-solving, and democratic cooperation. Let’s delve into its key characteristics:

  1. Rooted in Pragmatism: Progressivism is firmly grounded in the philosophy of pragmatism. Unlike Perennialism, which emphasizes universal truths, progressivism focuses on human experience as the basis for knowledge rather than authority.

  2. Educational Focus: The heart of progressivism lies in engaging students in real-world problem-solving activities within a democratic and cooperative learning environment. Students actively apply the scientific method to find practical solutions.

  3. Improving Society: Progressivism emerged in the mid-1920s and remained influential until the mid-1950s. A central tenet is that schools should contribute to societal improvement. By involving students in real-world tasks, progressivism was seen as a working model of democracy.

  4. Curriculum: A Progressivist curriculum is characterized by its relevance to everyday life. It includes subjects that connect directly to practical experiences, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  5. Role of the Teacher: In a progressive classroom, teachers act as facilitators who guide students’ exploration and encourage independent thinking. They create an environment where students actively construct knowledge.

  6. Role of the Learner: Students take an active role in their learning. They collaborate, investigate, and apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Learning becomes a dynamic process rather than passive absorption.



For more insights, you might find this article on progressive education intriguing: Progressive education: Why it’s hard to beat, but also hard to find. It explores the essence of progressivism and its practical implications, the reason why education doesn't apply efficient practices because there is idealism where it can block student's future, idealism comes from essentialism, Let’s explore about the key differences between Progressivism and Essentialism in education:

  1. Philosophical Foundations:
    • Progressivism: Rooted in pragmatism, progressivism emphasizes practical learning, real-world problem-solving, and democratic cooperation. It values experience as the basis for knowledge.
    • Essentialism: Essentialism, on the other hand, is grounded in idealism. It focuses on universal truths and a core curriculum that imparts essential knowledge and skills.
  2. Purpose of Education:
    • Progressivism: Aims to prepare students for active participation in a democratic society. It emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability.
    • Essentialism: Seeks to transmit cultural heritage, moral values, and essential knowledge. It prioritizes academic rigor and foundational subjects.
  3. Curriculum:
    • Progressivism: Favors a relevant and flexible curriculum that connects to students’ lives. It includes practical subjects, interdisciplinary projects, and experiential learning.
    • Essentialism: Advocates for a structured and standardized curriculum with a focus on core subjects such as mathematics, science, literature, and history.
  4. Teaching Approach:
    • Progressivism: Teachers act as facilitators, guiding student exploration and encouraging independent thinking. Student interests and experiences shape the learning process.
    • Essentialism: Teachers play a central role as experts who impart knowledge. They follow a structured curriculum and emphasize discipline and order.
  5. Student Role:
    • Progressivism: Students take an active role in their learning. They collaborate, investigate, and apply knowledge to real-world situations.
    • Essentialism: Students are passive recipients of information. They absorb knowledge through direct instruction.
  6. Assessment:
    • Progressivism: Assessment focuses on process, problem-solving, and creativity. Portfolios, projects, and performance-based assessments are common.
    • Essentialism: Assessment emphasizes content mastery through tests, quizzes, and standardized assessments.

In summary, progressivism prioritizes student engagement, practical skills, and democratic values, while essentialism emphasizes foundational knowledge, academic rigor, and traditional teaching methods. Both philosophies have their merits and continue to shape educational practices worldwide, hopefully this article can give you an insight about philosophy of education, good luck.