Showing posts with label Awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awareness. Show all posts

Can I counter sue for emotional distress

        Hi, good reader, howdy, today I would like to share about the topic "Can I counter sue for emotional distress", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't persevere when they encounter situations they are not used to, a strategy we can use when facing emotional stress is to lower our ego level as if our abilities and our influence are not functioning normally ,  by lowering our ego levels, our conscious mind begins to look for data, validation and interpretation of reality, as humans, we can only carry out the roles given by God through our natural abilities, such as showing empathy, reading the surroundings, solving problems, surviving uncertainty, make decisions without complaining, So far humans do not have any right to use emotional strength when facing what humans hate, what we can do is train our instinctive reflexes to carry out God's plan into reality, So far, people think that what they feel is always right, even though in reality that's not the case, we as humans only require ourselves to provide services to other people's great hopes for the future, Before we demand something we don't like, we should look for valuable data or information to calm ourselves

 If you think that you can claim someone else's fault just because you feel offended, then you should blame it on your unpreparedness, you cannot counter-sue for emotional distress simply because someone has filed a lawsuit against you. When someone sues you, they have a legal right to do so, and your ability to counter-sue is not based on personal preferences or emotional distress experienced by you or your family. Counter-suing typically requires valid legal grounds, such as a separate claim related to the same incident or a different cause of action. If you believe you have a valid claim, it’s essential to consult with a legal professional to assess your options and determine the best course of action.

There is a time for everything, if we are angry or vengeful just because we dislike it, then in the future we must be prepared to face people who increasingly distance themselves from us, The first step we can take when facing emotional stress is to move away from sources that make it difficult for us to adapt, By giving time to our feelings, we can activate logic to work and see the world around us without reacting, The second step we can take when facing emotional stress is: Eliminate something that makes our worries arise , Hopefully with the two methods above, we won't easily sue other people for their mistakes, In fact, we can look for loopholes in every problem and build the abilities of other people who feel unable to face reality.

Emotional distress animal


     Hi, good reader, howdy, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Emotional distress animal", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people realize what the animals feel, Many people think that animals cannot be stressed, On the other hand, animals will feel stressed when the colonial territory they inhabit has been damaged by humans, As humans, we cannot just remain silent when we see unusual animal behavior, If we don't know how to handle animals and don't know whether the animal's behavior is sick or not, We need to call the animal service at the zoo or call the handler/animal tamer, If an Animal is stressed or sick, it is less likely to show its natural arousal, Animals that rarely have contact with humans tend to avoid human areas. If an animal approaches a human area and doesn't make trouble, it means the animal is stressed or sick.

When encountering a distressed animal, it’s essential to recognize the signs that indicate they might need help. Here are some features to look out for:

  1. Nocturnal Animals Active During the Day: If you see animals that are typically active at night (like possums) out during the day, it’s a sign they might be in distress.

  2. Tree-Dwelling Animals on the Ground: Koalas and other tree-dwelling animals found on the ground are likely disoriented or injured.

  3. Loss of Balance, Collapse, Confusion, or Panting: Birds or animals displaying any of these symptoms may require urgent care.

Remember, if you come across a wild animal that appears docile—meaning you can approach it without it running away—this is a clear sign that it needs help. Here’s what you can do if you find a visibly distressed animal:

  1. Handle with Care: Wrap the animal loosely in a blanket or towel (if safe) and place it in a cardboard box. Then, put the box in a dark, quiet, and cool area.

  2. Offer Water, Not Food: Provide cool water in a bowl for the animal to lap from. Do not pour water into its mouth, as this can cause additional distress.

  3. Seek Professional Help: Call a wildlife carer or your local vet immediately. They can guide you on the next steps.

Remember, if you encounter an injured or heat-stressed flying fox (fruit bat), do not touch it—call a wildlife carer for advice instead. Let’s all do our part to help our native animals in need! 

Confucius philosophy

  Hi, good reader, today I would like to share about the topic "Confucius philosophy", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people admire his groundbreaking ideas, as we know that Confucius (孔子), also known as Kong Fuzi, was a Chinese philosopher who lived during the Spring and Autumn period. His teachings and philosophy, collectively known as Confucianism, have profoundly influenced East Asian culture and society. Let’s explore some key aspects of Confucius’s philosophy:

  1. Ethics and Morality: Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality. His teachings revolved around correctness of social relationshipsjusticekindness, and sincerity. He believed in the importance of cultivating virtuous character and maintaining harmonious interactions with others.
  1. Ren (仁): Central to Confucian thought is the concept of ren, often translated as “benevolence” or “humaneness”. It refers to the quality of compassion, empathy, and kindness toward others. Confucius believed that practicing ren would lead to a harmonious society.
  1. Filial Piety: Confucius emphasized the duty of children to respect and care for their parents. Filial piety was considered a fundamental virtue, and it extended beyond the family to loyalty and respect toward rulers and ancestors.
  1. Education and Self-Cultivation: Confucius believed in the transformative power of education. He taught the Six Arts, which included music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, mathematics, and ritual. These arts were essential for self-improvement and moral development.
  1. The Analects: The Analects of Confucius (Lunyu) is a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to Confucius. It covers various topics, including ethics, governance, and personal conduct. The Analects serve as a foundational text in Confucianism.
  1. Legacy and Influence: Confucius’s ideas gained prominence during the Warring States period but faced setbacks after the Qin conquest. However, under Emperor Wu of Han, Confucianism received official sanction. During the Tang and Song dynasties, it evolved into Neo-Confucianism, shaping Chinese culture and way of life.

          Confucius’s teachings continue to resonate, emphasizing the importance of virtue, social harmony, and lifelong learning. His impact extends far beyond his lifetime, making him a revered figure in Chinese history, until now many Chinese people admire Confucius's philosophy, as far as I observe, many people believe that Confucius's philosophy can be applied into real life because his teaching can make a better way to human's life, when reality opposes people's idealism, instead Confucius advises people not to object or not to oppose the reality, as we know people want a better life, but it doesn't mean people's idealism must happen into reality, the reason why human's idealism doesn't always happen into reality because God doesn't want human's desire dominating in this life, besides that, human's idealism is more dangerous than God's idealism, as human being, we can't always dominate the world by our desire, what we can do is offer our service to the world, the more we offer a better service to the world, the more we get the power to conquer the world, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck. 

Descartes philosophy


    Hi, good reader, good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Descartes philosophy", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people admire about his personality and his science work, as we know that René Descartes, a French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher, is widely regarded as the founder of modern philosophy. many people think that his principle is like Socrates, Greece Philosopher, Rene Descartes discovers many things that can resolve the problematic mindset where it occurs to the modern age, His groundbreaking ideas have left a lasting impact on various fields. Let’s delve into some key aspects of Descartes’s philosophy:

  1. Cogito, Ergo Sum: Descartes famously declared, “I think, therefore I am” (originally in French: “Je pense, donc je suis”). This profound statement captures his epistemological foundationalism. By applying methodical doubt, he dismissed knowledge derived from authority, senses, and reason. Instead, he grounded his new epistemology on the intuition that when he is thinking, he exists.

  2. Mind-Body Dualism: Descartes formulated the first modern version of mind-body dualism. According to his metaphysical framework, the mind (essence of thinking) and matter (essence of extension in three dimensions) are radically distinct entities. This distinction laid the groundwork for the mind-body problem that continues to intrigue philosophers and scientists.

  3. Rationalism and Innate Ideas: Descartes’s metaphysics is rationalist, emphasizing innate ideas of mind, matter, and God. He believed that certain truths are inherent within us, independent of sensory experience. However, his physics and physiology were empiricist and mechanistic, based on observation and sensory data.

  4. Notable Works: Descartes authored several influential works, including:
    • “Meditations on First Philosophy”: A foundational text that explores skepticism, the existence of God, and the nature of reality.
    • “Principles of Philosophy”: An exposition of his philosophical system.
    • “The Discourse on Method”: Where he introduced his famous maxim “Cogito, ergo sum.”
    • “La Géométrie”: A work that contributed to the development of analytical geometry.
    • “The Passions of the Soul”: An exploration of human emotions and their connection to the body.


   Descartes’s legacy extends beyond philosophy; his influence also permeates mathematics, with the Cartesian coordinate system named after him. His commitment to reason, doubt, and foundational thinking continues to inspire scholars and thinkers across disciplines, now I have question to you, if you have daily problem which often happens, do you apply Descartes's groundbreaking idea or not?, if you can understand His mindset, means, you can understand his perspective, finally you can do like what Descartes did in the past, remember this; problem is problem, problem doesn't need  the solution from you, problem is designed to develop your mindset an improve your troubleshooting's capacity, don't ever think problem can be solved by your service, problem abides in the world because many people are willing to manifest the problem into reality, if problem can be solved by human being, it means, the world will end, problem will never be settled down, it is just hidden into human's incapacitation, hopefully this article can help you to improve your life career, good luck.

Stress hair loss


     Hi, good reader, good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Stress hair loss", the main reason why I choose that topic because most people get hair loss during productive age, if you ask me, is a stress can cause hair loss? yes, stress can cause hair loss. According to the Mayo Clinic, three types of hair loss can be associated with high stress levels: telogen effluvium, trichotillomania, and alopecia areata. Telogen effluvium is a condition where significant stress pushes large numbers of hair follicles into a resting phase, causing affected hairs to fall out suddenly when combing or washing your hair. Trichotillomania is an irresistible urge to pull out hair from your scalp, eyebrows, or other areas of your body. Hair pulling can be a way of dealing with negative or uncomfortable feelings, such as stress, tension, loneliness, boredom, or frustration. Alopecia areata is a condition where the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing hair loss.

    It’s important to note that stress-related hair loss is often temporary, so it’s unlikely your hair will be lost forever. If you notice sudden or patchy hair loss or more than usual hair loss when combing or washing your hair, it’s best to talk to your doctor. Sudden hair loss can signal an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.

If you’re experiencing stress-related hair loss, there are several things you can do to help manage your stress levels and promote hair growth. These include getting regular exercise, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding harsh hair treatments, remember; not only stress that can make a hair loss, but most problem comes from the lifestyle that can invite the huge pressure, e.g. paying the debt, doing the gambling game, paying the regular product that you must pay monthly but you don't actually need it very much, paying the installment for buying the product such as property, electrical gadget, car, etc. here is my advice; if you can't pay twice for payment, that means, you can't afford the product, please don't force yourself to buy that you can't afford it, only you can manage your lifestyle and don't let stress decides your lifestyle.


Here are several things you can do to help prevent hair loss:

  1. Eat a healthy diet: Consuming a well-balanced diet that includes enough calories, protein, and iron is essential for healthy hair growth.

  2. Manage stress: Stress can cause hair loss. Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep can help to manage stress levels.

  3. Avoid tight hairstyles: Hairstyles that pull your hair tightly can cause hair loss. 

  4. Treat your hair gently: Avoid harsh treatments such as hot oil treatments and chemical treatments that can damage your hair. Use a basic shampoo designed for your hair type.

  5. Avoid pulling your hair: Trichotillomania is an irresistible urge to pull out hair from your scalp, eyebrows, or other areas of your body. Hair pulling can be a way of dealing with negative or uncomfortable feelings, such as stress, tension, loneliness, boredom, or frustration. If you’re experiencing hair pulling, consider seeking professional help.

  6. Talk to your doctor: If you notice sudden or patchy hair loss or more than usual hair loss when combing or washing your hair, it’s best to talk to your doctor. Sudden hair loss can signal an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.

  7. Consider medication: Medications such as minoxidil and finasteride can help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. However, these medications can have side effects, so it’s important to talk to your doctor before taking them.

I hope these tips can help you to improve your life path, good luck.

Problem is like unknowledgeable gift

     Today, I would like to share about the topic "Problem is like unknowledgeable gift", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people reject the problem, most of them think problem is like the natural disaster, the fact is problem is unknowledgeable gift, remember; no problem will come to you until the universe considers you as ready person, problem is coming not for you, but for other people's blessing through your life, sometimes we don't like problem so much because it will bring an effect of dropping into us, otherwise there's no problem will crack our shield as long as we convince us to enjoy it, sometimes unnecessary thing changes into necessary thing when we start to enjoy it, the leaves will not crack because they turn their-self flexibility mode, the leave enjoys sustaining the dropping of moisture as if there's no problem at all onto surface, so it depends to our attitude, ( attitude means 20 % speaking loud to what they observe and 80% express what they feel to lessen the pain), Problem comes not only impacts to human being but other creature also have it.. example : (the animal) when they are starting to hunt their prey, they keep running although their prey flee away, the predator knows how to feel tired, exhausted, but they convince to their self to say an incantation "I must survive before I die for it"

   Problem is like seed, it will grow up when we realize to change it into blessing, you may hear the thunder and it only happen when the raining is coming and finally the rainbow will appear only when the raining stops. so basically, Problem will end when we realize there's solution after all, but when we don't realize it, the problem will take up your time and you will ruin and make you do nothing. Mistake will happen when we are trying to abandon our previous standard and mistake will help you to change your mindset and change your limited belief into unlimited belief, it depends on our decision. Mistake will not happen when we know what will happen to the next, so improve our knowledge is better than improve our personal life..

Why People hate me ?

     At this moment we will talk about dissatisfaction which is making someone feel being hatred by someone else or being hatred by group of people, as we know when somebody has feeling of hatred because he is feeling being rejected by some people who have higher standard in their life, the point why people hate us because of this simple statement, the more difference has appeared the less confident somebody has, when this situation happens to everyone, so he will search something in order to make them being confident person and being trustworthy in every moment.
      As we know Everyone has different standard, he will do everything better in order to make group of people to accept his existence in society, the more trust he gets the more confident he earns, he will not let himself to be desperate person, as return he will detach his standard when there’s powerful people is helping him to get higher standard from previous one. When group of people know how to recognize their respective standard area, they will expand their standard to socialize their standard to another society.

Diagram of standard of human life in society

     The main reason why someone often being hatred by group people in society because they can’t sell their personality with the society’s standard, if they can’t detach their own standard to follow the society's standard which is being provided by group of people. The society will abandon them and start labeling them as retard person, so as per individual person, whether they are willing or not to change their standard, they must prepare how to sell their qualification until the society consider what they sell is acceptable.

How to create the vision to your life?

             For this section i would like to share about how to create the vision to our life, as you know that when someone wants to get better life, he has to take an idea or do something in the certain way such as make study plan in the near future, not sleeping more than 6 hours because he is being busy person to learn the target, making a specific decision Etc.
              When we were child, we were usually being told by teacher about the story at the school, the teacher started to connect our past memory with the compulsory subject then those subjects take us some times to visualize the picture of ambition in the near future, when we succeed to get a clear image from the educated system then we start to create a dream, we must realize the dream will not be wilt as long as we believe to make a path for dream, that’s simple method to connect between our ambition and dream, some people consider believing a dream is just nonsense. Do you know why those people are not believing of those? because they have dwelt in the comfort zone, they failed to realize the dream will not dwell in the present, but the dream is like growing up the branch from the seed.

            So we are willing or not we sincerely believe that the big tree will not grow unless it was nourished by water in the past, there is no instant result to create vision. It needs ritual to develop our visionary. In order to create a new vision in everyday circumstance we must pull our subconscious mind to be connected to our mindset, the more you create vision the more you believe in your dream, the less you create vision the less hope you make, so it depends on what power do you use? You use the power of laziness or activate the power of hope, in order to activate the power of hope and vision to your life, you need to find something that makes you afraid, if you feel afraid of something, then, you can use your fearfulness to create new hope.

            Don’t judge wrongly your dream as if your dream will not happen but you must create vision in order to establish the bottom area in your dream, when you can’t find your way, you will get lost, when you get lost you will not know who you are. The power of hope will not take you down, but it will help you to search your unlimited power, so be relax when you fail because when you get a success, you will be missing your most valuable thing In life namely failure and mistake.

How to know the wonderful stage in your life?

            In this section I would like to share about how to know wonderful stage in your life, no matter how hard your life you have, there’s no excuse to blame yourself or blame the others, life is created by God in order to grace your home, that’s home is not making you comfortable but it’s giving you a survive, so basically the wonderful stage is kind of resourcefulness which will implant into your mindset in order to make you feel more valuable in your life.
           Wonderful stage is like a building architect, it will give you an idea to setting your plan into the reality, so we will definitely learn from the reality and let it will give you a value, when you don’t do progress in your life, you have got zero number but when you make a hope, you have got 1 number in your particular activity.
           Making wonderful stage is not easy because wonderful stage is coming from the uncomfortable zone, we need to re-learn what possibility we can take from that area, don’t ever think uncomfortable area is like dangerous place where it makes us feeling down, the uncomfortable area is like the highest happiness level where we didn’t get it through before.

           We must remember one thing that the midst will make you invisible, but the midst will give you concentrate to pinpoint the area you make your movement, in addition when you realize the more midst make you feel a haze, the less vision you make it, otherwise the less vision you see the area, the more concentrate you earn.

           No need to regret when you can’t recognize your own life because the wonderful stage can’t be reached in one time, but it needs your rest of your life, the simple way to recognize your wonderful stage is digging your mistake, developing basic necessity such as mentality and emotional intelligent, making yourself into an experimental object, making better question to yourself. Do it now as if you are looking for leverage. furthermore, when you succeed to leverage your stage, you are making a light in the midst of darkness.

How can my idea works

                 In the industrial company or manufacturing company, the idea is usually betoken when the problem will appear, and every labor will do something in order to deal with his superior’s ideas. And furthermore the superior will excuse anyone’s idea which shape a new resourcefulness, this phase will give clue to everyone who has own idea, in few years ago there was philosopher and he claimed “the biggest value in this world was an idea, is not lying the sum of money in your account”. From that quote we can expand any idea from anyone else and make it as reference, but don’t easily take an idea before you ensure you can make it right because an idea can lead everyone to the right or lead everyone to the wrong place, it returns from what is capability everyone can manage.

          Maybe in your innermost feeling will speak “if everyone’s idea is making a new resourcefulness, but why idea can make everyone’s thinking bigger?”, to answer that question, we must separate between the resourcefulness and thinking big, first thing we should comprehend “the resourcefulness is part of human’s creative idea which is evolving to another place and also it will bring big impact or give the influence to someone else either in positive side or negative side” .in the other hand, the meaning of thinking big is someone who has passionate and he wants to realize his ambition to the new place which has never been known before. Now let me tell you how to know that your idea works, the first sign is other people use your idea and then they use it to solve for their problem, the second sign is the market will wait your progress even though you don't really need to do it, the third sign is whatever you do something, you feel enlightened with the learning process, I think my explanation is enough, good luck,

Why the imagination is very important

            In this topic i would like to discuss about the imagination, as you know the universe is created by God, before He created something great in million years ago, He started to use his imagination to create everything he liked so much, there is one of valuable God’s power to be given to human being is the power of imagination, but He restricted Human’s imagination in order to measure how far the human‘s imagination is working. The classification of imagination itself can’t be ended in addition the Imagination itself can be formed into several the ultimate Power namely creativity, love and focus.
            When the human being is created at the first time, the human being is given the power of imagination in order to make Human being wants to search the God’s creation within living things in the universe, if we compare between the universe and the power of imagination, imagination is beyond of the universe which it is including the whole of space, stars, planet, etc.

            The world is imagination is boundless, there is no end and there’s no restricted time, so if Human being want to know about God, they should not try to use their power of imagination because it’s too wide to be imagined, the part of boundary of human’s power is time, so when someone tries to imagine and making statue to represent about God’s existence, it’s absurdity. There is only one way human are allowed by God to use the power of imagination is making purpose of life.

            When the purpose of life has been created by human being, so that human being would create everything such as making of happiness with their own way and furthermore once the imagination has been formed into the specific thing, there is something great will be born, we can call it as an idea and talent. That’s the next ultimate power will stay within human’s soul.
We can conclude why the power of imagination is beyond at all :
-     The first is the imagination will help human to use that power to create an idea.
-  The second is the imagination will help human to make something from what they imagine.
-     The third is imagination is created by God in order to make Human believe to what they imagine about God’s creation. The fourth is the imagination has no end and has no restricted time, only human is limited