Descartes philosophy


    Hi, good reader, good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Descartes philosophy", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people admire about his personality and his science work, as we know that René Descartes, a French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher, is widely regarded as the founder of modern philosophy. many people think that his principle is like Socrates, Greece Philosopher, Rene Descartes discovers many things that can resolve the problematic mindset where it occurs to the modern age, His groundbreaking ideas have left a lasting impact on various fields. Let’s delve into some key aspects of Descartes’s philosophy:

  1. Cogito, Ergo Sum: Descartes famously declared, “I think, therefore I am” (originally in French: “Je pense, donc je suis”). This profound statement captures his epistemological foundationalism. By applying methodical doubt, he dismissed knowledge derived from authority, senses, and reason. Instead, he grounded his new epistemology on the intuition that when he is thinking, he exists.

  2. Mind-Body Dualism: Descartes formulated the first modern version of mind-body dualism. According to his metaphysical framework, the mind (essence of thinking) and matter (essence of extension in three dimensions) are radically distinct entities. This distinction laid the groundwork for the mind-body problem that continues to intrigue philosophers and scientists.

  3. Rationalism and Innate Ideas: Descartes’s metaphysics is rationalist, emphasizing innate ideas of mind, matter, and God. He believed that certain truths are inherent within us, independent of sensory experience. However, his physics and physiology were empiricist and mechanistic, based on observation and sensory data.

  4. Notable Works: Descartes authored several influential works, including:
    • “Meditations on First Philosophy”: A foundational text that explores skepticism, the existence of God, and the nature of reality.
    • “Principles of Philosophy”: An exposition of his philosophical system.
    • “The Discourse on Method”: Where he introduced his famous maxim “Cogito, ergo sum.”
    • “La Géométrie”: A work that contributed to the development of analytical geometry.
    • “The Passions of the Soul”: An exploration of human emotions and their connection to the body.


   Descartes’s legacy extends beyond philosophy; his influence also permeates mathematics, with the Cartesian coordinate system named after him. His commitment to reason, doubt, and foundational thinking continues to inspire scholars and thinkers across disciplines, now I have question to you, if you have daily problem which often happens, do you apply Descartes's groundbreaking idea or not?, if you can understand His mindset, means, you can understand his perspective, finally you can do like what Descartes did in the past, remember this; problem is problem, problem doesn't need  the solution from you, problem is designed to develop your mindset an improve your troubleshooting's capacity, don't ever think problem can be solved by your service, problem abides in the world because many people are willing to manifest the problem into reality, if problem can be solved by human being, it means, the world will end, problem will never be settled down, it is just hidden into human's incapacitation, hopefully this article can help you to improve your life career, good luck.