Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

Define awareness in psychology

     Hi, good reader, how are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely define awareness in psychology,  The main reason why I chose this topic is because not everyone reaches a high level of awareness,  besides that, many people are shackled by their own way of thinking, such as believing the past to represent the future,  In my opinion, that is not a way of thinking that leads to higher consciousness,  they believe in disempowering fear more than they believe in vigilant fear, here are several factors can act as blockades to increasing self-awareness:

1. Denial: Some individuals may deny or avoid confronting uncomfortable truths about themselves, which hinders self-awareness.
2. Fear: Fear of facing one's weaknesses, insecurities, or past traumas can prevent individuals from delving deep into self-exploration.
3. Distractions: Constant distractions from technology, work, or social activities can prevent individuals from dedicating time and attention to self-reflection.
4. Lack of introspection: Some people may not have developed the habit of introspection or self-reflection, leading to a lack of awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
5. External Validation: Relying too heavily on external validation or seeking approval from others can cloud one's ability to understand their true selves independently.
6. Closed-mindedness: A closed-minded attitude and resistance to new ideas or perspectives can limit opportunities for personal growth and self-awareness.
7. Negative self-talk: Persistent negative self-talk or self-criticism can undermine self-esteem and confidence, making it challenging to engage in constructive self-exploration.
8. Cultural or societal influences: Cultural norms or societal expectations may discourage individuals from questioning their beliefs or exploring their identities.
9. Stress and overwhelm: High levels of stress or overwhelm can make it difficult for individuals to focus on self-awareness practices and prioritize their personal development.
10. Unconscious biases: Unconscious biases and prejudices can distort one's perception of themselves and others, hindering genuine self-awareness.

  Overcoming these blockades requires commitment, patience, and a willingness to confront discomfort. Engaging in self-awareness practices, seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals, and being open to introspection are essential steps in breaking through these barriers, to break the mind-barrier, sometimes we need to manipulate our own minds with information that surprises us, a little additional information, increasing self-awareness involves various practices and some techniques. Here are some strategies you can try:

1. Reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors regularly. Journaling can be an effective way to facilitate this process.
2. Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness to observe your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. This helps you become more aware of your inner experiences.
3. Feedback: Seek feedback from others about your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for growth.
4. Self-Examination: Continuously ask yourself to probe questions to deepen your understanding of your values, beliefs, motivations, and goals.
5. Seek Different Perspectives: Engage with people from diverse backgrounds and listen to their perspectives. This can broaden your worldview and challenge your assumptions.
6. Psychological Assessments: Consider taking personality assessments or undergoing therapy to gain insights into your personality, behavior patterns, and underlying issues.
7. Practice Empathy: Cultivate empathy by putting yourself in others' shoes and trying to understand their perspectives and experiences. This can enhance your understanding of both you and others.
8. Set Goals: Establish clear, meaningful goals that align with your values and priorities. Regularly evaluate your progress and adjust your actions accordingly.
9. Pay Attention to Triggers: Notice what situations or interactions trigger certain emotions or behaviors in you. Understanding your triggers can help you manage your responses more effectively.
10. Self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, especially during times of difficulty or failure. Accept that nobody is perfect and learn from your mistakes without being too harsh on yourself.

Consistently practicing these strategies can gradually enhance your self-awareness and lead to personal growth and development, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

Can I counter sue for emotional distress

        Hi, good reader, howdy, today I would like to share about the topic "Can I counter sue for emotional distress", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't persevere when they encounter situations they are not used to, a strategy we can use when facing emotional stress is to lower our ego level as if our abilities and our influence are not functioning normally ,  by lowering our ego levels, our conscious mind begins to look for data, validation and interpretation of reality, as humans, we can only carry out the roles given by God through our natural abilities, such as showing empathy, reading the surroundings, solving problems, surviving uncertainty, make decisions without complaining, So far humans do not have any right to use emotional strength when facing what humans hate, what we can do is train our instinctive reflexes to carry out God's plan into reality, So far, people think that what they feel is always right, even though in reality that's not the case, we as humans only require ourselves to provide services to other people's great hopes for the future, Before we demand something we don't like, we should look for valuable data or information to calm ourselves

 If you think that you can claim someone else's fault just because you feel offended, then you should blame it on your unpreparedness, you cannot counter-sue for emotional distress simply because someone has filed a lawsuit against you. When someone sues you, they have a legal right to do so, and your ability to counter-sue is not based on personal preferences or emotional distress experienced by you or your family. Counter-suing typically requires valid legal grounds, such as a separate claim related to the same incident or a different cause of action. If you believe you have a valid claim, it’s essential to consult with a legal professional to assess your options and determine the best course of action.

There is a time for everything, if we are angry or vengeful just because we dislike it, then in the future we must be prepared to face people who increasingly distance themselves from us, The first step we can take when facing emotional stress is to move away from sources that make it difficult for us to adapt, By giving time to our feelings, we can activate logic to work and see the world around us without reacting, The second step we can take when facing emotional stress is: Eliminate something that makes our worries arise , Hopefully with the two methods above, we won't easily sue other people for their mistakes, In fact, we can look for loopholes in every problem and build the abilities of other people who feel unable to face reality.

Gut feeling

Gut feeling offers next exit

     Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Gut feeling”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can optimize their guts to follow gut feeling, the root of problem why not everyone is willing to pursue gut feeling because they consider gut feeling is really irrational and fantasy, I just want to remind you that your philosophy works based on what you believe, if you think gut feeling is fantasy, you indirectly consider God is fantasy, so please beware about your assumption, don't let your gut feeling is moving away because you don't believe it, if we use different perception; gut feeling doesn't come by itself, it is part of reaction after you do something significantly in your life, even though you don't seem that you need gut feeling, but your gut feeling will turn into reality after you develop your enthusiasm to go deep in the learning process, gut feeling can't be developed like you do for your expertise, gut feeling is the notification that you have already passed the long term journey, gut feeling doesn't come every day, it needs several years to manifest into human's life, the best attitude we can demonstrate when gut feeling comes is we believe whatever we receive is coming from the progress, not the end result, in order to harmonize between your gut feeling and your desire is you don't pursue something which can't be controlled by your capable hand, please don't force yourself to chase success, but let success pursues your preparation, e.g. mental acumen, ingenuity skill, guts, patience, endurance, faith, and enthusiasm, the more you pursue something out of self-control, the less probability you can get from it, instead, your gut feeling will turn into your biggest fear and failure if you are persistent to follow success.

Failure is the new bridge to success

    I believe the school system doesn't prepare us how to develop soldier mentality in order to face reality, as we know school only teaches the students how to remind something important, not teach them how to think when they get adversity or failure, if we see reality, school system punishes us when we make mistake, it is totally opposite with the life system, in order to let gut feeling works with us, we must make new mistake in reality in order to measure how strong our capacity when it is being hit with life's pressure or adversity, the reason why life wants us to learn from failure because we don't even know about the benefit of failure, here is what I believe; failure is helping us to separate between what's valuable and what's not valuable within our habit, so I wouldn't plan to escape from failure because it is very powerful tool to enhance self-awareness, as we know together habit is the accumulation from past experience, tradition, knowledge, ingenuity, characteristic, information, memory and goal, if you receive gut feeling from God, it indicates God appreciates about what you invest in your habit, if your habit is considered by God is unqualified, so you aren't allowed to pass the life next journey, habit is the only way how to predict your future, please beware about what you invest to your habit, now let me remind you about one thing which can block our success journey, namely; instant pleasure, the reason why we must avoid instant pleasure from our habit because it doesn't amplify our unique ability, instead instant pleasure will decrease our unique ability, as we know together that life doesn't offer instant pleasure, if we insist to pursue instant pleasure, life will destroy our mental capacity or everything we owned, our duty as human is not fighting against a sense of suffering, but how we utilize a sense of suffering to maximize our endurance skill in order to pass the higher life pressure, the purpose of gut feeling is notify us that we need to pass life's suffering chapter until we no longer feel the same level of suffering again, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Depression is real

Mixed bad emotion

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “depression is real” the main reason why I choose that topic because people believe depression is going to happen when they can’t find something miraculously, if we take a look in reality, there are many ways how to find something miraculously, such as, when we can pass the difficult problem, we don't die when we got the car accident, we can fulfill a long term goal, those are the miracle where most people don't notice iteverything in this life is miracle, only ungrateful people who can't interpret what life looks like, depression is a state of mind which it ensures people can't adapt with changing environment, basically there is no environment can kill human's mind because the space of mind is unimaginable, the main problem why people are in depression state because they lack of self awareness towards the truth and they underachieve what they can contribute to this life, our main duty as human being is not to demand the environment to support us, but how we can increase our capacity to endure the pain which it created by unexpected environment, do you know why the environment gives us the pain because the life journey is full of uncertainty, every environment is prepared and designed by God to teach human how to become stronger, wiser, and humbler,  remember this note; the human’s brain is having adaptive capability to deal with new environment, we shouldn’t worry about the outer environment because it will not force us to do what it wants as long as we commit with our life mission and good philosophy.

Mixed bad emotion

   At this moment I would like to share several strategies how to make depression state will not work in reality, here is the first strategy how to make depression state is unrealistic; don't overlook reality, only focus to what makes your life is worthwhile at present, it means, your focus becomes your salvation if you don't let your focus will be interrupted by reality, you must stay faith with your mission even though there are many temptations around you, your focus is very important because it can accommodate the infinite power to choose what is your future looks like, if you focus on what you hate, the circumstance will create the situation to make you hate with it, if you focus on your life mission although you are surrounded by the unsupported environment, you will win over the circumstance and you will not get a depression state because you can master of your focus, that’s the critical point you need to ponder it, do you know what the difference between successful people an unsuccessful people? it is focus usage, unsuccessful people too focus on what they see in their circumstance until they can’t use their big vision to manifest their long term goal into reality, whereas, successful people keep focusing on their long term goal although their circumstance tries to stop their intention, conviction and dream, the reason why depressed people can’t feel better because they use their power of focus to push their limitation for dealing with their circumstance, here is the second strategy how to make depression state is unrealistic; don’t use your power of focus to pursue the luck, the reason why you must stop focusing on the luck because it can’t be controlled by the human’s capability, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Depression headache

Depression can make people got headache

   Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Depression headache” the main reason why I choose that topic because many people hold their obsession back and not to explore their obsession in reality, the reason why people do that because they can't manifest their obsession into reality, if we use a different perception; obsession means “the big reason from our deepest feeling to start something we don’t know about obsession's consequence and we contribute everything we have into reality with high expectation”, in order to release obsession from our mind, we need to know what’s advantage and what’s disadvantage of obsession, if we can accept the consequence from our obsession, we are safe to pursue it, remember; the more obsessed we are with our craft, the more people will notice what we do, before we continue to pursue our obsession, we need to convince our mind and heart to give permission to our action, if our mind and heart can feel harmony and there is no inner conflict from it, we are ready to continue our obsession, that’s important note, don’t shirk to practice if we feel our obsession can open a new blessing for others, we must do it no matter what it takes, as long as our obsession can educate us to become extraordinary, exceptional person, there is always new opportunity to do it, that’s the way how to set ourselves apart from the pack.

Sad person

  If you feel your obsession can turn your mood into depression headache and push your limitation to overwork, it is not kind of good obsession, as I tell you before, if your obsession can lead people to open new blessing, you are allowed to explore it and never stop to try it because it can become one of your biggest contribution on earth, at this moment let me share to you about the criteria of good obsession, hopefully these strategies can help you to define your unique obsession, here is the first strategy how to know whether your obsession is good to be applied in reality or not; if your obsession can influence you to leave the comfort zone and it teaches you how to create new craft, that’s good obsession, as long as your obsession can attract positive vibes, you must practice it or you can lose its momentum, here is the second strategy how to know whether your obsession is good to be applied in reality or not; if your obsession can make you forget to take care of your physical health or mental health, that’s poor obsession, remember; there is nothing worth if you are sick, you must ensure your obsession can take care of your mental health and physical health, plus your obsession can help people to solve their problem,  in order to heal depression headache; you just need to be a blessing of other people's lives, that's simple work, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Basic knowledge

Basic knowledge can teach you to be wise

    Hi, good reader, howdy? today I would like to share about the topic "basic knowledge", the main reason why I choose that topic because every basic element in this life always needs knowledge, including business, relationship, politic career, if you ask me why knowledge matters in every aspect in life because knowledge can help us to detect the unknown problem and also help us to optimize the opportunity which may come to our timeif we see reality, many people aren't interested to get knowledge because their egoism is bigger than their willingness to study, the reason why people aren't interested to study more because they can't bear with the pain of learning, that's basic reason which can prevent people to change their identity of life, in my opinion; people who can't bear to adapt with the pain of learning, they will be forced to accept the pain of stupidity, that's causal law, there are two kind of basic knowledge you must have if you want to know more about your life; the first basic knowledge is deep belief to know more about your potential, the second basic knowledge is willingness to survive from life's uncertainty, as long as we don't invest our major time to possess two basic knowledge as I mentioned above, we will be forced to live into other people's willingness, that's dangerous thing you must realize, the most dangerous thing in life is not lies into external circumstance, but the most dangerous thing in life is having a little knowledge, starting from now, you must ask a question to yourself "what makes me paralysis every day?" here is what makes you paralyze; you don't have ability to comprehend about the power within you, in order to attain high level of knowledge, you must find other people's problem to be used as accelerator for increasing your troubleshooting skill.

Lack of basic knowledge is very dangerous

 If you realize having a little knowledge is very dangerous, so you must build self-awareness to seek the problem you love it, don't let your inability will interfere what you can add something positively into your habit, I think it is not easy to deal with life pressure because life will work based on what we don't plan, whether we like it or not, we must adapt with life pressure until we get the lesson from it, remember; only pain of uncertainty and adversity will expand your capacity to receive knowledge, you can't get great knowledge if you surround yourself with mistake or failure, knowledge always needs a large space of mental to accommodate, if you want knowledge will give you a power, you must be willing to put yourself in a long haul where it offers something scarier, if life gives you something scarier, means, you are ready to get hard training, the reason why not everyone gets knowledge because people are not willing to welcome uncertain issue, here is the special note; problem is not resistance, but your mindset can create resistance for your character, the more you reject something you dislike, the more you develop your inability to survive, the more you welcome something you dislike, the more you develop your resilience, if you build resilience to your character, then life will give you knowledge for free, you can't develop your potential if you don't possess knowledge which it is used to unlock your mind paradigmthe purpose of basic knowledge is letting you free from your mind paradigm which locks your unlimited wealthif you have found your unlimited wealth, meaning, you can develop your self-actualization uninterruptible and you have the power to create your masterpieceI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to fix your life, good luck. 

Define smart goals

Smart goal gives you perseverance to make progress

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Define smart goals", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are aware about the goal setting's influence, let me give you the definition of smart goals, = type of journey which can direct our mental, heart, physic to the destination where it can bring the blessing for us as well as others, do you know why people need to set smart goal? Because every smart goal can help us to leave what's unimportant thing in this life, as we know the behavior of procrastination can become big obstacle when we just follow what procrastination wantshere is the first characteristic of smart goal; it can help us to prevent us from doing something dangerous and enjoy with the learning process, this strategy really works when we will feel enthusiasm to enjoy the process, if we can't enjoy the learning process, it indicates that we set the wrong goal, if we really want to create smart goal, we have to analyze whether the goal doesn't make us fear or not, if we don't fear accepting new mistake or failure after we make attempt to reach the deadline target, that's smart goal, if the goal setting can make us fear or it doesn't give us peace, it indicates that we want to destroy our confidence, it is not good idea, here is the second characteristic of smart goal; it can help us to unlock our mental block, here is the good news; if we know what mental block does something to us, we can counteract it by offering something which can mental block hating us.

Awareness level

  Now, I have question for you; before you want to pursue what you accomplish, you must measure your mental acumen by asking the critical question "Am I ready to receive nothing from what I struggle?", if you aren't ready to accept something which is opposite with your expectation, your conscious mind indirectly destroys your plan because you are too fearful to see about the result, if you have smart goal, it doesn't give you fear, worry or regret although you have failed at many times, here is the third characteristic of smart goal; it will remain forever with us every time we make new achievement, it means, smart goal will run lifelong after that smart goal evokes your potential to create more different result, here is the good news; smart goal doesn't need motivation from other people's influence because smart goal teaches us how to become independent person who possess unique ability to help people's problem, here is the fourth characteristic of smart goal; it will never offer the feeling of regret even though you can get the possibility to fail, here is for your note; smart goal will keep you communicating with God's plan once you finish something, if your smart goal can help you to improve the connection between you and Almighty God, so whatever you do right now, you will never feel enough during trying something new, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this information can give you new insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Smart meaning goals

Smart goal gives you perseverance to make progress

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "Smart meaning goals", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are aware about the goal setting's influence, some people just set the goal they desire without knowing about strong reason behind it, as impact, they will feel difficult during process because their goal can't inspire what they do, in order to create smart goal, people must have deadline to monitor the goal, do you know why people need to set the deadline for their goal? Because creating the deadline can prevent a sense of procrastination to grow, as we know having a sense of procrastination can become big obstacle to increase our competent skillhere is the first characteristic of smart meaning goals; it can help us to prevent a desire of procrastination to grow, this strategy really works when we will feel enthusiasm to enjoy the process, if we can't enjoy the learning process, it indicates that we set the wrong goal, if we really want to create smart goal, we have to analyze whether the goal doesn't make us fear or not, if we don't fear accepting new mistake or failure after we make attempt to reach the deadline target, that's smart goal, if the goal setting can make us fear or it doesn't give us peace, it indicates that we want to destroy our confidence, it is not good idea, here is the second characteristic of smart meaning goals; it can help us to unlock our awareness and improve our potential relentlessness, here is the good news; if we can combine between our awareness, potential and other people's problem, three of them can become a new currency for our worthiness.  

Awareness level

  Now, I have question for you; before you want to pursue what you accomplish, you must measure your mental acumen by asking the critical question "Am I ready to receive nothing from what I struggle?", if you aren't ready to accept something which is opposite with your expectation, your conscious mind indirectly destroys your plan because you are too fearful to see about the result, if you have smart goal, it doesn't give you fear, worry or regret although you have failed at many times, here is the third characteristic of smart meaning goals; it doesn't last on short term period, it means, smart goal will run lifelong after that smart goal evokes your potential to create more different result, here is the good news; smart goal doesn't need motivation from other people's influence because smart goal teaches us how to become independent person who possess unique ability to help people's problem, here is the fourth characteristic of smart meaning goals; it will turn into inner peace when you finish something progressively, it means, smart goal will keep you communicating with God once you finish something, if your smart meaning goals can help you to improve the connection between you and Almighty God, so whatever you do right now, you will be blessed by God at any time, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this information can give you new insight how to improve your life, good luck.

How to be more secure in yourself

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "How to be more secure in yourself", the main reason why I choose that topic because there are many people feel insecure, if you ask me why many people can't boost their security level because they didn't create productivity career which can boosted their personality, if you want to upgrade your security level, you must give yourself with something you can't get from other people's gift, that's basic requirement you need to know, the main reason why giving to yourself is very meaningful because you connect between your soul with the infinite power where it can help you to test your limit, here is my research; people's secure will increase itself as long as they are willing to break their limit and they are willing to take as much as responsibility by being a resourceful person to other people's problem, it is not easy to deal with other people's problem because every problem needs someone's endurance and someone's tough experience, as long as we lack of information how to turn problem into solution, we will never get a chance how to be more confident than ourselves, there are two qualifications we need to pass out if we want to be more secure; we are expecting less from other people's help and we are staying curious how to break our own limit such as ego, culture, the reason why we need to break our limit because it is the only way how to grow our potential, the good news; our potential will grow more efficient as long as we commit to stay in the place where it offers something not beneficial at all to our behalf.

 Do you think a sense of confidence will appear to your personality out of the blue? No it is not, you need to pay something big as a return for receiving self-confidence at the highest level, our confidence level is determined by how much problem we have passed it out, as long as we just do something predictable and easier, our confidence level will not grow as we expect, the confidence level needs something beyond of our expectation, if we just do something easier and noticeable, we will never get high confidence level, our confidence will not benefit to us if we look for something enjoyable, all we need to do is give a pressure to something we do even though it's not beneficial to us and it still gives a good impact to others, let me give you several strategies how to be more confident than yourself, here is the first strategy you need to do how to be more secure in yourself; be someone who is being hated by your past experience,  meaning, you don't follow the habit where you grew up with it in the past, then you keep challenging your past habit by doing something you never knew about the outcomehere is the second strategy you need to do how to be more secure in yourself; stay curious about something you haven't accomplished yet, the reason why you need to stay curious about what you haven't accomplished because every accomplishment you created will turn out into your outstanding power, if you don't have enough power, your mentality can't sustain the responsibility weight from being confident personI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck. 

How to be more confident in yourself

Pull the brain potential

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life is imbued with the abundance of health, wealth and happiness, today I would like to share about the topic "How to be more confident in yourself", the main reason why I choose that topic because there are many people lose their confidence, if you ask me why many people can't boost their confident level because they feel ashamed about the activity they had done in the past or they receive more poor information than receive the valuable information, if you want to upgrade your confident level, you must give something you love more than you can receive, that's basic requirement you need to know, the main reason why giving something you love to others is very powerful because you build a power where it can help you to test your limit, here is my research; people's confidence will increase itself as long as they are willing to break their limit and they are willing to take as much as responsibility by being a resourceful person to other people's problem, it is not easy to deal with other people's problem because every problem needs someone's endurance and someone's tough experience, as long as we lack of information how to turn problem into solution, we will never get a chance how to be more confident than ourselves, there are two qualifications we need to pass out if we want to be more confident than ourselves; we are expecting less from other people's help and staying curious how to break our limit, the reason why we need to break our limit because it is the only way how to grow our potential, the good news; our potential will grow more efficient as long as we commit to stay in the place where it offers something not beneficial at all to our behalf.

 Do you think a sense of confidence will appear to your personality out of the blue? No it is not, you need to pay something big as a return for receiving self-confidence at the highest level, our confidence level is determined by how much problem we have passed it out, as long as we just do something predictable and easier, our confidence level will not grow as we expect, the confidence level needs something beyond of our expectation, if we just do something easier and noticeable, we will never get high confidence level, our confidence will not benefit to us if we look for something enjoyable, all we need to do is give a pressure to something we do even though it's not beneficial to us and it still gives a good impact to others, let me give you several strategies how to be more confident than yourself, here is the first strategy you need to do how to be more than yourself; be someone who is being hated by your past experience,  meaning, you don't follow the habit where you grew up with it in the past, then you keep challenging your past habit by doing something you never knew about the outcomehere is the second strategy you need to do how to be more than yourself; stay curious about something you haven't accomplished yet, the reason why you need to stay curious about what you haven't accomplished because every accomplishment you created will turn out into your outstanding power, if you don't have enough power, your mentality can't sustain the responsibility weight from being confident personI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck. 

What is true love quotes


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "What is true love quotes", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people think love quotes can give them new energy to express what they feel, unfortunately many people prefer to receive love and care from others rather than do in the opposite way, I have ever shared that true love can't be collected by showing our expectation, true love is about how you love yourself wholeheartedly, in order to receive true love, we must give something to others without demanding them to provide what we want, for example; you want to eat the orange fruit for long term periods because you commit to have a diet program, so all you need to do is cultivate the orange fruit seeds in the ground, water it regularly, fertilize it until the orange fruits are ready to harvest, the conclusion is you can't eat the fruit in the same day you plant the fruit seeds in the ground, you always need more time to pass through all process from your planting activity to harvesting activity, remember: love is not like use something you need and you discard it when you don't need it anymore, love is always started by nurturing something until you no longer to live in this world, the power of love is always needing sincerity and more attention before we will receive the power of love, basically don't ever think you can receive something from life at the first time, this rule doesn't work at all in reality, it is the same goes you need to sow the fruit seeds before you reap the fruit, before life is created, human are endowed by Almighty Allah with the power of creation, unlimited potential and force control, all we need to do if we want to build a good life is do something as if we are obligated to do, during waiting the end process, we aren't allowed to control the result because every result is belonged to Allah's responsibility, our main job as human being is give more, invest more, learn more, adapt more, love more and sincere more, if we don't do like this strategy, we indirectly break the natural law, if we break the natural law, as impact, we will get more suffering because we lack of doing or giving what our future needs.

   Remember this love quotes "you must find something that you would die for and live for it", from that statement, I don't ask you to agree with me, what I suggest is you must know your top priority rather you pursue what you want, if you feel loved during doing the activity, meaning, you are in the best spot and you are chosen to hold responsibility as if God demands you to care it for everlasting,  if you don't feel loved during doing the activity, meaning, you pursue something that you don't deserve it, if you are trapped in the condition, meaning, you must leave that activity and then you find new activity that it excites you or you contribute what the world needs with your specialty, remember thing: feeling loved is like having strong enthusiasm in the deepest soul, so the human's great spirit comes from the activity which can connect between enthusiasm and your purpose, if you stop doing what makes you excited, you only get suffering, anxiety and unrelenting fear, here is the first strategy how to feel loved in daily basis: stop pursuing the end result and pursue what makes you happy, to become a happy person; you aren't allowed to stop practicing even though you have succeeded to aim something meaningful to you, if you have 7 days in your life, you only need a resting time for 2 days, so 5 days you must use to practice, here is the second strategy how to feel loved in daily basis; stop trying so hard to please other people when you aren't meant to be, here is the love quotes you need to ponder: the more you intend to please others, the less time you can make your  quality time is worth, life is personal responsibility, before you save others, you must save your future as top priority, if you don't invest more time to save your future, as impact, you can't help others, please be the best version of yourself if you want to make a better place to others, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Forever puppy love


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with me, hopefully your life career is going well, today I would like to share about the topic "Forever puppy love", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young people are trapped in puppy love, they feel puppy love is better than true love, the main problem why most young people are trapped in puppy love because they put their sense of love after someone's needs, unfortunately, some of them let it happens without trying to review why they must enter into a puppy love, from psychological evaluation: people who aren't ready to taste the consequence of getting trapped into puppy love, they let their true identity to be crushed by their own sense of love, as impact, their logic will not work optimally because what they prioritize so far is "how to get benefit from pleasure", remember this : what we need is not "how to get benefit from pleasure", but "how to put a sense of pleasure to someone's needs after you optimize your love into yourself", if you let a puppy love comes to your life without preparing your own feeling to get crushed, your habit will be controlled by someone else's emotional problem,  I know life is not easy, but we can't let others to fully control our feeling easily, we are not robotic machine, as long as we prioritize other people's need before ours, we will become other people's story, in order to avoid a puppy love's trap, we must live in our own version, that's what life wants from us, the more we try to copy what most people do, we will lose our opportunity to shape true identity, the less we try to copy what most people do, the more probability we find our true identity, here is the good news: if we find our true identity, we will not get trapped in puppy love, now your decision is waiting your mental preparation, if you want to develop your mental strength, find activity which can connect between your enthusiasm and purpose, then you use the power of love to share something useful for others, if you focus on what develops your mental strength, a puppy love will not mesmerize you when you share your sense of love through your service and you let others to access your strength, here is the dangerous thing; if you lack of focus how to develop your mental strength, as result, you will become a puppy love's slave and you undeliberate following what a puppy love wants, finally you will not have a worthy life.

  Now or later you are definitely being tested by uncertainty and pain, before you feel something you aren't meant to be, you must create your own life version because only you can save your future, we can't avoid pain as long as we live on earth, what we do is not avoiding a puppy love, but how we teach ourselves with real love which came from our family, tradition or religion, if the family tradition's love only limits our curiosity towards love, meaning, we are trapped to become a hater, please don't be like that, so as the next generation, we should give enough respect and love to our family even though we don't like them, the best way how to save your future is you create your own service and you let others access your strength and gain your kindness, the more others access your masterpiece, the more you receive kindness as well, that's the natural law that you can't deny it, is the same thing with love, true love will manifest in your real life when you don't pursue what others expect the way from you, now imagine that everyone has different way of thinking about you, do you think that you can handle all of them?, puppy love only happens when we don't prioritize by loving our own version, the way you love yourself must be higher than the way you love others because you only have a limited space, if you prioritize by loving others first, you will lose your true love, if you appreciate what you receive from life, you appreciate what God grants to you, here is the last note: the purpose of puppy love is teaching you how to trust yourself more than you trust other's love, the difference between true love and a puppy love: true love is always giving more, caring more and bring more, whereas, puppy love is receiving more only, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your life, good luck.

Define confirmation bias


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with my article, today I would like to share about the topic "Define confirmation bias", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is willing to admit when they believe something not yet proven, in order to make us believe something not yet proven, we need to define the confirmation to create the possibility which can match with reality, reality is neutral, it can manifest something we believe if we define the confirmation bias repeatedly, if there is no confirmation bias, our deep belief doesn't work based on what we visualize, so we need to combine between what we visualize with what we define the confirmation bias, when we state " I am already millionaire", we need to make it as the confirmation bias until our mental rehearsal is matched with what we state, based on my research, life will follow what we state until our state will be absorbed with our deep belief, when we say to something unpleasant "you are very annoying", so we indirectly pray to God that we are going to prophesy that we define "annoying is our wish" as our confirmation bias even though we don't mean to state it, remember that our body and our subconscious mind can't deny what we state into ourselves, so we must be wary of what we state because what we don't choose, we are forced to accept the consequence after we give the confirmation bias to something we state, starting from now, we must write down what we visualize before we give ourselves with the confirmation bias, do you know the reason we write down what we visualize? in order to affirm our deep belief, besides that, we will try to avoid the consequence we don't want to get.  

   Define the confirmation bias is not simple as we think, we must verify the words which have potential to open up our self awareness, if we just say something recklessness, as impact, we will destroy our lives with our reckless wish, here is the example of good confirmation bias "I am grateful that I am still helping others with the God's grace", or " I am worthy person that I can give my prowess to solve as much as problem that people have in this world", remember; as long as we can give something that the world needs, we must grant it immediately, do you know why we must do it because life is like the gigantic boat, we must keep the gigantic boat safe from the ocean rage, we must know how to prevent the leakage which may destroy the gigantic boat's body substance, if we just behave self-indulgence, we will destroy the whole world with our egoism, whether we like it or not, we must build a new skill where it can be used to keep the gigantic boat secure from leakage, when we contribute what the world needs, we indirectly build a bright future to many people, if we can't contribute something worthy, at least we don't destroy the gigantic boat's body with something negative, such as war, sensational news, illegal drugs, pornography, and gambling, remember; everyone of us is prepared and trained by Almighty God to be the participant who is be able to give what we got to others, such as idea, masterpiece, good opinion, good advice, good solution, here is the special note; the confirmation bias must be reflected to what makes us grateful, as long as we still say something bad for our future, we indirectly prophesy to be destroyer to destroy our own future, starting from now, we must change the words we are used to, we would better not to create or say something we can't fix the consequence, if we can't say something good, at least we keep silent, being silent is better than being blabbermouth, if others know what we aren't capable, meaning, we don't create opportunity to promote our deep belief into reality, don't let it be, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.

Implicit bias meaning


  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back to my article, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Implicit bias meaning" the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is aware about the implicit bias, if you ask me why many people apply the implicit bias because they like to idolize something they believe until they don't think about it consequence, here is the definition of implicit bias is kind of ideology where it teaches the combination between attitude, stereotype and belief which affect individual person's mindset when one is trying to treat other people, the function of implicit bias is mental process's shortcut when it wants to judge someone, here is the side effect when we apply implicit bias too often is we can't become new person whom we will admire in the future, the root of cause is the type of ideology's implicit bias will teach people to behave as if they were morally righteous and never wrongthere are several types the implicit bias in common thing where it has been applied by human being into reality, e.g. race, ability, gender, culture, language, here is the advice which may help you how to avoid the implicit bias; when you meet with something new, please don't try to change something before you understand its function and its weakness, remember; other people don't need what you change, people only concern about the impact, be flexible like a water if you want to adapt well with other people, don't let other people will add with something what your soul doesn't need, what your soul needs is peace, knowledge, good value, and justice, if we look at reality, many people behave like they always do with what they believe, even though people don't know about the effect of implicit bias, they tend to behave as if they were self righteous, when people meet with new person who doesn't have the same ideology like what they have, they tend to label someone who doesn't have the same ideology with something irrelevant, let me give you an example of the impact from the implicit bias in reality; bullying activity, protest, demand the standard minimum wage implicate that people idolize their implicit bias in real life, that's bad ideology.

  Remember; we must be wary of what we believe, sometimes we can hurt someone else without realizing the impact, before we say something to new person, we must know people's self-identity and interesting topic they want to hear, if we don't know about people's self-identity, at least we can ask a question "Sir / madam, if there is someone sitting around you, so what kind of topic you want to hear from him/her?", if other people don't give you answer after you give that question, meaning, they want to stay silent and don't want to talk too much with the strangers, please don't bother to ask a question to someone who doesn't want to talk with the strangers, remember; we live in this wildly world looking for people's reaction, not to look for people's behavior, do you know why I say such thing because people's reaction can represent people's behavior and people's belief, if we want to share our ideology, we have to ensure the topic we share can trigger people's attention and also benefit to them, don't let our ideology will create implicit bias which may hurt people's deep belief, if people want to ask new opinion from us, that means, they will sell their private life to us, so we can sell our solution as offering, what is important about to share implicit bias is competence and credibility, if we don't build competent skill and credibility, we aren't considered as the value person, please don't try to share your ideology to others if people reject you, remember this advice; knowing what people want to hear is better than what we want to share, before we want to share, we must know people's deep belief which is related with life problem which already happened in reality, that's strategy to live better, here is the end goal how to make a better place with the implicit bias is "people buy when they feel understood, they do not need to understand something we sell", if our implicit bias can answer future's hope, people will follow us, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck. 

Manifesting love

  Hi, good reader, howdy? welcome back with my blog, today I would like to share about the interesting topic "Manifesting love", the main reason why I choose that topic because manifesting love is like manifesting the law of attraction, if we talk about the law of attraction, I believe many people often talk about "the law of attraction", since 2018 many people got inspired from the book "the secret", in that book had talked a lot about manifesting law of attraction, basically the law of attraction is almost similar with the law of cause and effect, as we know the law of cause and effect is one of natural law which is developed in philosophy in order to introduce people about the effect of the natural science, the simple word of the law of cause and effect is "whatever you sow, you definitely reap", if you don't sow, you don't reap, meaning, if you don't use your time to take opportunity and sow something useful, you don't even have a chance to reap what you sow, now my question is "is everyone ready to manifest the law of attraction?", we all know everyone wants to get a result, but they don't consider about the main cause which drives them to get result as they want, remember; if people only push the result into their mindset, they must pull the great potential to receive the result, that's law, if there is no potential usage, there is no result will appear, if there is no specific result, there is only confusing and blaming act, do you know the location of problem which is not realized by human? the answer : No clear direction, No focus, No self-awareness, No good feeling and No valid reason, remember; our mental factory needs a mental picture as the fuel to manifest what we want into reality, a mental picture can be captured from good intention, focus, abundance feeling, valid reason, self-awareness, study and massive action.

  What we need to do is not dictating the universe how to gain the end output, but how to magnify the right input into our mindset, the program which is embedded into our mindset is more important than to tell the universe about what we want in reality, sometimes being wrong to ask about result is better than being wrong to put the input our mindset, if we put something wrong into our mindset, as result, we only get what we don't want in reality, am I correct?, we all know the big output is calculated by the big input, right?, in order to create big input, we must create program into our mindset, such as good intention, good knowledge, commitment, good feeling, valid reason, study about the consequence, and massive action, that's good input we need to manifest the law of attraction, if there is no big input, there is no big output, that's law, remember; the result will never be able to violate the process, if the process is right, the result will be okay, if we often meet many obstacles, we must check what we put into our mindset first because it is essential factor, setting the subconscious mind's program is not simple as what we think, we must realize what we put inside our mindset, if we put terrible experience into our mindset, the result will pursue us wherever we go, even though we can't stop the mind process, at least we stop doing the activity which can drive us to attract something we don't want, here is the first strategy how to manifest love; we must have one clear goal as the clarity, if there is no clarity, there is no strong belief, in order to develop strong belief, we must repeat what we talk and what we behave until our belief has touched with our inner child which may go through into God's spot, here is the second strategy how to manifest love; we must be ready to accept the consequence from what reality offers to us, meaning, we must be eye opener when we get many challenges from reality and we must focus what we do until the time has succeed to materialize what we work into real life, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight for your career, good luck.