Showing posts with label Spiritual Intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Intelligence. Show all posts

Circle of life meaning

   Hi, good readers, How are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Circle of life meaning" The main reason why I chose this topic is because not many people want to learn it, the "life of circle" could refer to the idea that life, like a circle, is continuous and cyclical. It suggests that events and experiences repeat themselves, and there's a sense of continuity or interconnectedness in life's journey. It's a philosophical concept that explores themes of recurrence, cycles, and the interconnectedness of all things, The concept of the "life of a circle" can be interpreted in several ways:

1. Cyclical Nature: Life, like a circle, is often seen as cyclical rather than linear. Just as the seasons repeat in a cycle, life often involves the repetition of events, patterns, and experiences. This cyclical nature can be observed in various aspects of life, including personal growth, societal trends, and historical patterns.
2. Interconnectedness: The idea of a circle also symbolizes interconnectedness and unity. In life, events and experiences are interconnected, influencing each other in complex ways. Just as every point on the circumference of a circle is equidistant from the center, every aspect of life is connected and affects the whole.
3. Completion and Wholeness: A circle represents completeness and wholeness. In the context of life, it suggests that each stage or cycle contributes to the overall journey and development of an individual or a society. Even though life may involve ups and downs, challenges, and successes, each experience contributes to the completeness of one's journey.
4. Eternal Recurrence: Some philosophical interpretations, influenced by thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche, suggest the idea of eternal recurrence. This concept proposes that life repeats itself infinitely, with every event recurring in exactly the same way. In this view, the "life of a circle" represents the eternal repetition of existence.

Overall, the "life of a circle" embodies themes of cyclical nature, interconnectedness, completion, and the eternal recurrence of existence. It's a philosophical concept that invites contemplation on the patterns and rhythms of life and the interconnectedness of all things, Contemplation can certainly deepen our understanding of the circle of life. By reflecting on the cyclical nature of existence, the interconnectedness of events, and the patterns of recurrence, we can gain insight into the broader rhythms of life, to understand life of circle, we need some times to contemplation, the reason is contemplation allows us to ponder the significance of our experiences, the lessons learned from past cycles, and the potential trajectories of future cycles. It encourages us to explore philosophical questions about meaning, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things. While contemplation is not strictly necessary to grasp the concept of the circle of life, it can enrich our understanding and provide a deeper appreciation for the complexities of existence, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

Fall detection

  Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely fall detection, the reason I chose this topic is because not everyone wants to prepare themselves to get a lesson when they fall in hope, Besides that, not many are willing to prepare themselves before they fall into loss or misery, In psychology, fall detection can refer to the cognitive processes involved in recognizing and addressing instances of cognitive or logical errors in thinking. It relates to the ability to detect and correct flawed reasoning, biases, or misconceptions in one's thoughts and beliefs. Fall detection in psychology involves self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and the ability to question and evaluate one's own thought processes to avoid cognitive errors and improve decision-making. have you ever asked why humans fall from their life journey, 
In psychology, people may "fall" metaphorically for various reasons, including:
1. Cognitive Biases: Individuals may fall prey to cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias, where they selectively perceive information that confirms their existing beliefs, leading to flawed decision-making.
2. Emotional Triggers: Strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or sadness, can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive or irrational behavior, causing individuals to "fall" into negative thought patterns or maladaptive coping mechanisms.
3. Maladaptive Coping Mechanisms: When faced with stress or adversity, individuals may resort to maladaptive coping mechanisms such as avoidance, denial, or substance abuse, which can exacerbate psychological issues and lead to a "fall" in mental well-being.
4. Lack of Self-Awareness: A lack of self-awareness or insight into one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors can make individuals susceptible to repeating past mistakes or engaging in self-destructive patterns.
5. Environmental Influences: Environmental factors, such as societal pressures, cultural norms, or peer influence, can shape individuals' thoughts and behaviors, leading them to "fall" into conformity or unhealthy social dynamics.
6. Underlying Mental Health Conditions: Certain mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or personality disorders, can impair individuals' ability to regulate emotions, think clearly, or cope effectively, increasing the risk of psychological "falls."
7. Trauma or Past Experiences: Past traumatic experiences or adverse life events can impact individuals' mental and emotional well-being, making them more vulnerable to psychological "falls" such as flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, or emotional dysregulation.

Understanding these psychological factors can help individuals recognize potential triggers and develop strategies to mitigate the risk of falling into negative thought patterns or maladaptive behaviors.
Preventing cognitive or psychological "falls" involves strategies to enhance mental resilience, emotional well-being, and critical thinking skills, namely:

1. Develop Self-Awareness: Regularly reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to recognize patterns and potential pitfalls in your thinking.
2. Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness through meditation or mindfulness exercises to stay present and aware of your thoughts and emotions, reducing the likelihood of getting caught in negative thought patterns.
3. Challenge Cognitive Biases: Actively challenge cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, overgeneralization, or catastrophizing by seeking alternative perspectives and evidence.
4. Improve Problem-Solving Skills: Enhance your problem-solving abilities to effectively address challenges and setbacks, reducing the risk of becoming overwhelmed or falling into negative thought cycles.
5. Cultivate Resilience: Build resilience by developing coping strategies, fostering optimism, and reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.
6. Seek Social Support: Maintain strong social connections and seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals when facing difficult situations or emotional challenges.
7. Set Realistic Expectations: Avoid setting unrealistic expectations or perfectionistic standards for yourself, as they can lead to feelings of failure and undermine mental well-being.
8. Practice Emotional Regulation: Learn techniques for managing and regulating emotions, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or cognitive reappraisal, to prevent emotional "falls" and maintain emotional balance.
9. Continuously Learn and Grow: Engage in lifelong learning and personal growth activities to broaden your perspective, expand your knowledge, and adapt to new situations effectively.
10. Monitor Mental Health: Pay attention to signs of stress, anxiety, or depression, and seek professional help if needed to address mental health challenges and prevent psychological "falls."
By incorporating these strategies into daily life, individuals can strengthen their psychological resilience and reduce the risk of experiencing cognitive or emotional setbacks, hopefully this article can provide benefits and inspiration, good luck.

How to use the subconscious mind to find your inborn skill

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t? Today I would like to share how to use the subconscious mind to find your inborn skill, the main purpose why I choose that topic because not everyone knows how to awaken the subconscious mind’s power, so as impact unwittingly they use their negative emotional act to judge their external plus internal problem, blame their disability and lock their limitation, now at this moment let me share my point of view about how to use the subconscious mind in order to find what's your inborn skill; don't focus on the root of problem, but keep focus on the long term goal where it offers the possibility of solution, the main reason why you need to make long term goal because the subconscious mind needs long term habit to stabilize the power from the human's mental intelligence, the human's intellectual intelligence and the human's emotional intelligence where they are produced by the human's subconsciousness mind.

         In order to maximize your subconscious mind, at least you need 21 days to create new habit and you create 90 days to strengthen our lifestyle, the main reason why you need to do this ritual because the subconscious mind doesn't need your false belief, so you need to discard your bad habit, your bad attitude and your poor mindset within 90 days to find your inborn skill, so in my personal opinion; don't lock your potential by making excuse, blaming other people's weaknesses, or cursing your future, starting from today, use your major time to focus how to increase your power of curiosity and maximize your sense of giving a service to others, then practice what's your strength and let your subconscious mind records the process, remember this note; don’t lose the sight of your vision when you want to use your subconscious mind because losing of vision may attract the darkness of life, keep practicing your major skill is the major key how to unveil your capacity, let your mindset is opened by the universe's habitto strengthen your inborn skill for everlasting, make sure you don’t break good habit if you want the universe lend its power to you, in every day you just need to be the universe's channel and let the universe will refill your potential.

During awakening the subconscious mind, make sure you stay committed with something what you can do and do something what 99% people won't do, remember this note; good habit will guide the subconscious mind to produce idea, creativity and mental strength, I give you the example in reality life how to find your inborn skill, imagine that your subconscious mind is the restaurant, new customer's problem is your unlimited wealth and your act of service is the product value, in order to attract your customer to come into your restaurant, you need to make preparation how to learn cooking process, prepare a hygienic cutlery, hire the waiter, provide parking lot, the light decoration, table, etc. from that short explanation, here is the conclusion; you can't get your inborn skill until you find a way how to make solution to other people who may have serious problem and all opportunities will be gone if you aren’t committed with your product value, here is the additional note; if you don’t find a way how to treat people well, you will be bored with your life journey, and you will lose the momentum how to access super-conscious mind which offers you wisdom, fortune, health and fame.

Remember this note; your inborn skill will not appear until you train your mind how to tame your emotional intelligence, this phase is very dangerous thing because you will sacrifice your time, energy and your physical wealth, so you must beware about your emotion because it's part of bridge which connect between your unlimited wealth and your inborn skill, don't let the unknown circumstance will destroy your bridge, If you want to maximize the subconscious mind’s potential, don’t ask about “when other people will give you their money ?”, but ask yourself “why people must use my inborn skill?, remember; the universe really helps you when you have stubborn heart, use this the good philosophy if you want subconscious mind works for you; behave like the water where it always offers living, enlightenment, influence and self-control”, so the more you learn the more you see your potential, the more you practice the more you break your limitation.

How to unlock the power of subconscious mind

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to unlock the power of subconscious mind, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone cares about it, furthermore most people assume their intellectual intelligence and mental intelligence can produce strategy, idea and build reputation, it doesn't matter to me, but let me get straight to the point; the major key how to unlock the power of subconscious mind is maximizing the power of curiosity to unveil about one's self-esteem, the main reason why i say such thing because curious person really appreciate and consider the next 24 hour will be different from today's time, so he always trains his inborn skill even though he failed many times over and over againin my personal advice; failure doesn't matter as long as you keep training what you naturally good at, your discipline, consistent learning and your curiosity can unlock your potentialhere is for your note; having curiosity is like having the adventurous habit where it leads human being how to open the door of opportunity, please make sure your good habit doesn't stop growing because it has potential to increase your mature skill.

Remember this note; subconscious mind is the biggest reward from almighty God and the biggest reward is not opened unless humans unlock it by using power of curiosity, I review many people think the power of faith is the major key how to unlock potential, if faith is considered as the major key, why many people get failed at the same level from career? Because their mind had been brainwashed with their fake belief and bad habit, in my insight; fake belief usually appears when humans stop learning and they lack of curiosity, as result they project their insecurities feeling into ill-concealed contempt, remember this note; there is no safety system in human mind, if we want to unlock the subconscious mind; break your limitation where it offers the comfort zone and don't agonize the past mistake because it can affect to human's resourcefulness development, here is the philosophy you need to apply in your life; don't trust your memory, stop worrying about what you don’t have and start to worry if you don’t maximize what you are naturally good at.

Unlock the subconscious mind

If we can’t create something great, at least we finish the ordinary job from what we start and don't let the ordinary job unfinished, that's simple way how to develop subconscious mind, if you don’t want your mind will be brainwashed with your false belief, you need to admit that you are wrong all the time, keep burning your passion and let the universe helps you by giving the right path, after that you can start to learn something, finally you become unstoppable person, here is my daily note; you can’t get new lesson if you don’t empty your mind from sense of self-righteousness, here is for your note; the subconscious mind’s power will not be opened by faith, but by your developed curiosity level, here is the law; the more you are curious, the more you learn, the more you know, and finally the more you earn.

Life is too short to wait

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to understand this life, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people use the major time to wait bigger reward from their jobs and they consider an act of waiting is part of patience, it's totally different and it's having different purpose because patience is not the ability to wait something but patience is the ability to change from revolution to evolution without losing enthusiasm, whereas waiting is the part of prioritizing something bigger than our top priority, so at this moment I would share about how to make our lives is going to get better before we get the injustice treatment from life, the most important in this life is not how long we can live on earth and make the perfect plan but how much efficiency we can create to leave eternal legacy in restricted time.

           The first thing we should ponder about the basic rule for this life; time can’t be waited, time can’t be prolonged, time can’t be reproduced, time can’t be exchanged with 24 hours in another days, time can’t be changed with the worldly stuff, time can’t be delayed and time can’t be compromised, if you understand about the time value, I am sure you won’t spend your time to wait for the perfection of new model on earth, here is the second thing we should ponder about the basic rule for this life; there is no future when you waste your today’s time to repeat what you know or you just repeat what you can do, especially in your daily work, the reason why I say such thing because future’s time is designed to give the reward to people who deserve it after spending their major time to hard working and doing something differently at each day.
waiting activity is making you lack of willingness to change from revolution to evolution

Now I share to you about several risk you will receive if you spend your time to wait, here is the first risk if you spend your time to wait for the right time, you will lose your desire power because its power has been gnawed by the time, here is the second risk if you spend your time to wait; you will not get a new chance to grow your inborn skill because time will gnaw away your inborn skills growth process as much as time you spend your time to wait, here is the third risk if you spend your time to wait; you unwittingly create the procrastination habit, it reminds me about the life rule; the more you procrastinate towards something you can do, the weaker your potential value which it can be used to prolong your patience value, i hope you can start to ponder that message, here is my daily note; if you lose your patience value too often, everything you do will become your biggest nightmare, that’s the importance of patience value, here is the good news; you can use the power of patience to take the time interval between the miracle’s moment and the flash of inspiration.

If you really have passion, faith and willing to work hard at your scope area, you can have everything you want in this life as long as your main purpose is reasonable, the most beautiful thing in this life is when career and passion come together and the most greatest reward in human’s life is when human’s brain can evolve and it starts to imagine something that it doesn’t exist yet in this world, I call it as the insatiable curiosity power, when you have it, you can become God’s messenger who brings peaceful story on earth, hopefully you can get inspiration from this article, you can share it to your family, beloved people, etc.

How to make our vision is clear

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to make our vision is clear, the main purpose why I choose that topic above because not everyone can't activate their power of vision, the main cause why not everyone can't activate their vision because their mindset are fulfilled with sense of pleasure and comfort zone, as result people can't reach their deepest potential, maybe you will ask me about the benefit of the power of vision, here is the first benefit; your vision can empower your focus, increase your productivity and your concentration level, here is the second benefit; you will not feel the sense of worrying because your vision can build the constructive mindset, here is the third benefit; your vision will help you how to clear your doubt, clear your mind from the negativity's effect, grow your inborn skill, etc.

         In the modern age, vision can be represented as feeling of excitement about your activity, if you want to meet with your power of vision, you need to apply discipline and do the daily ritual which can connect between your interesting skill and your emotional intelligence, if you don't like about your activity, your mind will attract the negativity as consequence, in daily life, we shouldn’t stay away from our power of vision because its power can create self-esteem, here is my daily note; without power of vision, we can't create any progress at the specific scope area that we have chosen, at this moment I would share about some points we need to obey if we want to make our vision is clear, the first point; we need to integrate between our major skill, daily habit, major focus and major time to become the standard of lifestyle, we can call it as artificial life, we can’t reject our vision if we want to make better life, the main reason why i say such thing because vision can guide you how to approach new hope.

 Here is the second point how to make our vision is clear; we need to make progress from what we do within our daily activity, we call it as artificial emergency, remember this note; we can’t make clearer vision if we fill in our days with sense of worrying, waiting a high expectation, and do procrastination, so we must get rid of the small concern where it has potential to block our vision to make idea, at this phase, we need to beware about the activity what we do because not all regular activity can accelerate your vision, here is the clue; the biggest vision can be born when we keep cultivating our focus with discipline mind and stop doing something where it can immobilize our consciousness from major time, here is the philosophy you need to obey if you want your vision is working at maximum level; as long as you are alive, don’t consider hard work as your burden but let it become your lifestylehere are the good news if you are type of hard working man; the first benefit; you will not feel worry about future because you already prepared long time ago, the second benefit; you will not feel stress when you face the adversity because you keep increasing your mental strength in every day, the third benefit; you will not feel bored about what you do because your power of vision grows your ability.

  The power of vision can’t be run continuously unless we cultivate it with daily ritual and practice, besides that we need to decrease the  kind of activity where it can encumber your progress, if you can use your major time wisely, you will sleep tightly and you will not feel worry because you already invest your attempt to the universe, I hope you always increase your mental strength before the life crisis or the worse circumstance is coming, the more you use your mental strength, the stronger it will be, don’t let your vision will be blocked with your sense of pleasure or sense of worrying, unless you want to make poor living, the power of vision will work at maximum level if you are lifetime learner, here is my special note; if you work hard for the minor purpose, you will get minor feedback, but if you work hard for the major purpose, you will get the fortune.

Pain that hurts you or pain that change you

          Hi smart people, good day, Today I would like to share how to learn about the life pain's behind story, the main purpose why I choose that topic because many people had become their pain's hostage, the main problem why people become their own pain's hostage because they don't want to take higher responsibility and they ignore the priceless lesson from this life such as being betrayed, being rejected, being intimidated, being cheated, etc.  Remember this philosophy; what you reject is on the opposite of something you should learn, what you have missed is on the opposite of something you should find out, if you study earlier, the future's time will make the suitable room for you to learn deeply, so if you just reject the condition you should learn, as a result, you always be rejected by circumstance, the irrelevant thing is this life becomes the relevant thing if you are willingly to learn your progress and monitor your scenario, if you think you can achieve the dream, you will have it as long as you don't compromise with the consequences they serve to you, such as commitment, consistent and discipline, all pains can make you better if you have the feasibility plan ahead.
sharpen your vision in order to embody your plan into reality

        Discipline is part of the life pain's behind story, if people don't apply discipline into the daily life, as a result, their future is situated on the rock bottom level, if people apply discipline into the daily life, everything they do will create fortune, please don't ever think to retreat because we already arrive on the life mission, so we don't have enough time to live casual for long period of time because we need to prepare our best version, at this moment I want to let you know how to handle the mental pain and how to turn it into self-motivation, the first thing you should prepare is don't trust to your memory and you must keep your eagerness is up, means you need to study although you have had many accomplishment in the past, in my personal opinion; there is no meaningful accomplishment if we stop practicing because the past accomplishment can't determine the future accomplishment, here I give you clue how to maintenance your spiritual intelligence; the more often you practice your resources, the stronger it will destroy your own mental block, on the other hand, the less you use your resources, your resources will be decreasing because lack of use, here is my daily note; there is no big obstacle ahead which can prevent you to achieve your dream, except you allow big obstacle comes into your consciousness, the more you demand yourself to do something different, the more opportunity will pursue you from the unexpected way.

 The second thing you need to prepare if you want to turn the mental pain becomes self-motivation; you stay committed with your dream and reward yourself when you have achieved it, that's sign of maturity, remember this philosophy; if you don’t want to get hurt by your circumstance in the long period of time, you need to make the artificial emergency plan with your own version, the main reason why you need to apply this philosophy because every artificial emergency plan can accelerate the extraordinary life design, here is my daily note; the small or big suffering you have endured now, it doesn't really matter as long as you accept it as God’s plan, basically there is no painful life story will begin as long as you know how to respond on it, the good response can be produced through your mental age, here is for your note; every good response can't be produced by childish mental age because good response is high class act, here is the key phrase you need to obey if you are willingly to change your mental pain become self-motivation; be a realistic person and accept your limitation as stepping stone, the more you work on your limitation, the more significant result will happen to your life.
The physical pain can help you to monitor your discipline

  Here are the symptoms if you reject your life circumstance, the first symptom; you follow your sense of pleasure and you just focus how to collect the worldly stuff, as a result, your emotional drastically unfulfilled and you can’t get the true unhappiness because your mental age can’t prevent your sense of pleasure, in addition, the mental pain can hurt your reality if you don't focus on the right trackthe second symptom; you are not interested with new hope and you just want to repeat the activity that you always do and you are not willingly to learn new thing, the third symptom; your mind is in dilemma because you push yourself to finish what you start, starting from today; please try not to compete with other people' experience, you just need to run for your  own race and become unique.

Remember what you started when you want to give up

            Hi smart people, good day, today I would like to share about how to remember your legacy when you want to give up, the main purpose why I choose that topic because many legacies has been neglected by people after they had finished building the legacy, the major cause why people have neglected about their legacy behind because they think there is no positive feedback will arrive in their season, as the consequence, there is no positive feedback will arrive to their season because people start to give up earlier, here is the key phrase; "the major cause why positive feedback is not coming because people are too obsessed about result faster, as a result, they will not start to work as best as they can", as human being, we are just demanded by God to create legacy by being accompanied with time, health, love and faith as the biggest assets, that's all, we are not entitled to protest or interrupt about Almighty God's decision because He is best planner for our future, God says "whoever does an atom's weight of good, you will see it" and "whoever does an atom's weight of evil, you will see it"

         In my opinion; don't leave your legacy with unguarded mode because time will sweep it all, you must protect what you start, starting from now, you need to improve your attitude quality because every response you create will be returned to you with astounding accuracyif you believe about God' decision; there is no good deed will be neglected, if you think your legacy will produce new fortune, the result will return to you with a multiplying drastically change, this is not my promises, but it's kind of God's promises, if you and I don't believe about God's promise, who will give the feedback from the activity we have finished, there is creator behind our scenario, we can't make beautiful life if we do the same standard over and over again, so giving up is not best option because we already participate with the competition, remember this note; "if you think you are alone, you actually are not alone", "if you think you know everything about your life, you actually do not know it", "if you think you will face the impossible thing, you would better think about the possible thing you can reach".

         We need to improve our principle if we want to protect our skill from desperation, besides that, we need to let go of something which may decelerate our maturity, such as, we have spent the major money rather than we have invested it, we have spent our major time to do the minor purpose, etc. in my personal opinion; don't invest the sense of worry to something we have never tried before, if we keep doing it, it will invite the new fearfulness, finally we will decide to give up easily, don't just do something easier, but do something where it will bring a good impact to other people's livesremember this note; people who usually love to do the things easily, they will start to give up easily when they receive hard thing, in fact the hardest thing is the part of God's plan where He is going to thrust you to the new higher level, the desperate people always train their mindset to receive less responsibility rather than they should take more responsibility, an act of giving up is usually accumulated by human's untrained habit, starting now, don’t let the small mind will take the majority of your territorial emotion, the small mind usually comes from the lack of preparation towards new challenge.

  Giving up is part of the fearfulness attitude when someone rejects the reality, here is the fact; the life reality can't be defeated by the fearfulness because reality is coming from the human's qualified mindset's reflection, when we just focus about problem, our mind will have no empty room to produce new solution, in my personal opinion; don't just imagine about problem, but try to imagine about a new reference which can provide different option, besides that we need to have artificial emergency plan to be planned in the long term plan to avoid the desperation's attackat this moment, don’t make time to wait the miracle because miracle can't be waited, but it must be created by the qualified mindset, the good thing will be attacked by darkness of life if you don't protect it with your power of belief, new decision is created by new mindset and the desperate people always have procrastination habit, no wonder they give up easily once they meet with new problem, here I give you to clue how to reduce the procrastination habit, here is philosophy; the more you postpone to do something good, the more chance for the sense of desperation to assault your territorial instincts, the procrastination is coming from personal unappreciated habit by himself and undervalue knowledge.

Stop chasing what your mind wants

          Hi smart people, good day, today I would like to share about how to stop chasing what your mind wants, the main reason why I choose that topic because the sense of desires sometimes can’t give everyone the path how to build happiness, besides that not all desires are designed to seek the solution, the human's desires require the self-preparation and some experiences before human can receive the reward, I just remind you that "this life system is designed to fulfill what people will deserve, not what people really want, if people really want something, people need to demand their souls to make some preparations first", don't get tricked by what your mind wants because every desire can’t give you the real promises, the real promises is you must reward yourself after you have passed the obstacles and challenges.

          Before you prioritize what your mind really wants, you must prioritize what your soul wantsif you don’t prioritize what your soul wants, you always look for something you don’t really need as much, so you must try to catch on the new challenge by doing something different from one day to another one, the key of how to change our lives is changing the habit by doing something unique and do with the fullest focus on it, we must differentiate between the robotic machine habit and the human nature, if you look at the robotic machine habit, it always execute the object until it can’t make new decision, but if you look at the human nature, there is always the development program, challenge, adversity, obstacles from one grade to another one, remember this note; the maturity is not determined by the human’s age but it’s determined by the spiritual experience and the developed mental age.

         Here is my daily note; if we don’t really focus on about what our soul wants, as a result, we are having no the difference between robots and machine, as human being, we must do something where robot and machine can't do, we have to collect some experiences to enrich our knowledge and find the answer from the life riddle, such as reading new book, explore to the nature reserve, attending the seminar, take new project, etc. Here is my personal advice; if we focus on what our soul wants, our mind will follow every step of the soul's commands, we must be ready to accept the tomorrow's challenge because not all challenges will make us happy, at this phase, don’t let our small mind will produce small concern because it can decelerate our learning process, the main reason why we need to avoid small concern because it will produce worry, anxiety, fear, laziness, procrastination, desperate, pessimism, etc. Now what we can do is not mourning what we have lost in the past, but try to maximize what we have left to welcome the tomorrow's challenge, so we must learn something that we don't learn from our parents,or our priests, or scholar, or lecturer, besides that we need to make new habit and write down what our souls want on the journal to attract big focus.
Make a list before you start something

         Remember this note; human's mind always find “want, want, and want”, on the contrary, human's soul will give no single best response for it, so if your mind demands “self-discipline, self-commitment, and self-reliance”, as a result, your soul will invite the power of universe to manifest what your biggest wants, here is for your note; the human’s negative mind always rejects new change, adversity, determination, and new risk, I have ever shared in my previous articles, “the human’s mind always looks for the sense of pleasure and avoid the suffering” means, our mental age can't grow up when we don't take suffer a bit such hard working, that’s life challenge which offers to everybody all over the world, here is the key how to hack our mind "conquer your sense of pleasure by taking new higher responsibility"if you keep doing that habit, I am sure your developed mental age will attract new fortune because the mature mental age is the one of the currency which being used to receive fortune.

Happiness can’t be traveled because it’s spiritual experience

          Hi smart people, good day, today I would like to share about the happiness, this topic has intrigued the human’s attention because happiness is part of the meaningful story, but unfortunately happiness can’t be traveled on the next generation because the happiness is kind of the personal spiritual’s journey, if we don’t know how to make happiness, at least we will observe and learn from the people who can build their happiness, I give you the real example how to build happiness, here is the key phrase; "building a happiness is like building a house", means, if we don't focus how to build house, we can't build happiness on itif you delay to build a house and you don’t let it finished first, as a result, your happiness will come delay because your happiness foundation is not finished built yet, in my personal opinion; don’t receive more and give less, if we receive more than giving, we will educate our mind to be poor man, if you want to build happiness, you need to plan long time ago and try to commit with its consequences, remember this note; happiness is coming from the accumulation of someone's ability to solve problem and happy person considers a problem he has solved as new happiness, so we need to make good experience in order to attract the abundance of happiness. 

 Happiness can’t be traveled or being transferred from one person to another one because happiness is part of the personal’s responsibility level and there's the spiritual journey within responsibility, if you take higher responsibility, the more happiness will come to you a multiple, besides that, do what you love and love what you do is the essential of how to attract happiness, please remember that happiness can’t be waited but we must take action, if you wait someone or something to make you happier, your mind will be deceived by a fake pleasure, it’s frightening thing, all you need to do right now is building your house with your own games, if you do the activity where it can increase your spiritual experience, you must keep going to do, making the masterpiece is the evidence that someone keeps doing it although he has failed more than three times, that’s life game, if you can’t find your game, life will give you a frightening game which is pushing you harder to do it, so don't be shy or fear when you start something new, success doesn't need a perfect plan, but it needs commitment.

If you want to make other people get happy, provide the solution to them, not sharing your happiness experiences, don’t just give them some fishes for free, if you just give them some fishes, you create more poor mindset to the people who don't know how to fish, but if you provide solution such as teaching people how to fish on the lake or sea with safety method, means, you build happiness over their internal problem, starting from now; building your life with good foundation such as building solution, "the more problem you solve, the more problem will approach you, the less problem you solve, you will lack of self-esteem", so remember this note; you don’t have to be a wealthy to have a wealth plan, the rich mindset doesn’t teach how to make a wealth plan but the rich mindset will influence people to work how to make solution, not looking for problem, the more self-esteem you build, more happiness will be looking for you.

Forget the mistake, remember the lesson

          Hi smart people, good day, today I would like to share about how to accept about lesson and how to forget mistake, the meaning of that statement, when we got mistake in the past, don’t let it make you feel down because not every mistake is defining your weakness, sometimes every mistake is designed to enrich your life experience, I remembered when I was child, I had learned many mistakes and I still didn't get clear how to take a lesson behind it, at that time I tried to keep memorizing the lesson until I had found by favorite compulsory subject, that’s I call it as God’s plan, if I didn’t take mistake, maybe I will be blamed with tons of mistakes by others people who don't know me well.

        Here is the key phrase; “human will never accept lesson until God insists to put human to the adversity and teaching human how to change mistake to be a blessing in disguise”, remember this note; “we will not die because of mistake’s existence, making a new mistake doesn’t mean we commit to sin”, we must be wise about the purpose of making mistake, be relax when we face a mistake, that's part of growing process, we should be worrying when we don’t make any mistake because we will be charged with tons of mistake if we don’t take any lesson from the mistake, that’s the consequences to punish the desperate people, here is my daily note; we are born on earth to learn the lesson and undergo the life examination, not to fulfilling our sense of pleasure.

          Undergoing the life examination is too important in this life, we can’t escape from that examination until the time will do the termination process, if we try to escape from the life lesson, we will be forced by God to relearn again until we understand the purpose of lesson, here are the purpose of the life lesson; we can minimize to repeat the unproductive habit and we start to do more productivity, such as exploring our natural skill, having a relentless drive to pursue the clear goal, create productive mistakes such as learning how to stay in business, spot an opportunity, how to build a good rapport with others, learn from failure, willingly to recognize the sign of God's existence etc. Remember this note; don’t spend your time to wait a help when you want to know how to solve your problem, besides that, time will control your own plan if you don't have any plan to control your time, here is my special note; don't think you are alone when you create new mistake because your mistake will increase your potential growth rather than someone who isn't trying yet towards what you do now.

You don’t need to copy someone else’s success method or making the success model when you want to succeed to any fields area you want to come with it, you only need to learn by becoming a good listener, empowering your daily habit with new knowledge every day, that’s the idea model, don't let we fail how to detect about external problem and internal problem, if it's happening, we can’t execute the next life plan, we only live one time in this life, there is no reincarnation, when we don't maximize the power of curiosity, we can't discover God's riddle, we must use our time so wisely because time is the only biggest investment that God gives it to human beingwhen we don't have one second, we will lose our lives forever, as long as we are still breathing it, we must use the major time to discover our unique skills and how we can access our super conscious mind by finding God's wisdom, when we fill our lives with God's wisdom, it will increase our soul serenity and God will make you forget about mistakes you have been through it.