Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts

Top 10 problems of the world

        Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Top 10 problems of the world", The main reason why I chose this topic is because not everyone can know where the problems that occur in their lives are, If we explore the meaning of problems more deeply, basically the main reason we get a problem because we don't know that what we are facing is a problem, a problem will occur if we are not sensitive to changes in life, that's why we shouldn't be too in a sense of comfort because that feeling will blind the heart and mind to detect problems, for now I want to explore 10 world problems, Let’s explore 10 major global issues that demand our attention:

❌Poverty: Despite progress, extreme poverty remains a significant challenge. The World Bank’s goal to reduce extreme poverty to 3% or less by 2030 faces additional hurdles due to the pandemic. Moreover, 62% of the global population lives on less than $10/day.
❌Climate Change: The global temperatures are rising, and estimates suggest an increase from 2.6°C to 4.8°C by 2100. This leads to severe weather events, resource crises, and the spread of diseases. Mitigation efforts are crucial.
❌Food Insecurity: The 2022 Global Report on Food Crises highlighted that close to 193 million people experienced acute food insecurity in 2021, an 80% increase since 2016. Economic shocks, weather-related disasters, and rising food prices contribute to this crisis.
❌Refugee Rights: The war in Ukraine triggered the fastest-growing refugee crisis since WWII. Addressing the rights and well-being of refugees is essential.
❌Pollution: Pollution affects air, water, and soil. Over one billion people lack access to clean water due to toxic substances, sewage, and industrial waste. Efforts to minimize pollution are critical for global health.
❌Violence: Violence persists in various forms, including conflict, hatred, and harassment. Preventing violence requires collective efforts from governments and individuals.
❌Security and Well-Being: Ensuring security and well-being globally is a priority. Organizations like the United Nations work toward this goal through regional cooperation and skilled representatives.
❌Lack of Education: Over 72 million children worldwide are not enrolled in primary education due to inequality, marginalization, and poverty. Organizations focus on providing tools and resources to improve education access.
❌Unemployment: Lack of education and skills hinders employment opportunities, perpetuating poverty. Efforts to teach job skills and interview techniques can break this cycle.
❌Gender Equality: Achieving gender equality remains a challenge. Empowering women and promoting equal opportunities are essential for a more just and equitable world.

These global issues require collective action, awareness, and sustainable solutions to create a better future for all, Addressing the top 10 global problems requires a multifaceted approach. Here are some actions that individuals and communities can take to contribute to solutions:

✅To solve Poverty: Support local businesses and fair trade. Advocate for policies that promote economic inclusion and education, which can help break the cycle of poverty.
✅To solve Climate Change: Reduce your carbon footprint by using public transportation, recycling, and supporting renewable energy initiatives. Participate in community efforts to plant trees and preserve green spaces.
✅To solve Food Insecurity: Donate to food banks and support organizations that work towards sustainable agriculture. Reducing food waste at the individual level also contributes to alleviating this issue.
✅To solve Refugee Rights: Volunteer with or donate to organizations that assist refugees. Raise awareness about the plight of refugees and the importance of international support.
✅To solve Pollution: Minimize the use of single-use plastics and properly dispose of hazardous materials. Support policies that aim to reduce industrial emissions and protect natural resources.
✅To solve Violence: Promote peace through education and community programs that focus on conflict resolution. Support initiatives that address the root causes of violence, such as poverty and inequality.
✅To solve Security and Well-Being: Engage in community-building activities and support mental health initiatives. Advocate for policies that ensure the safety and well-being of all community members.
✅To solve Lack of Education: Volunteer as a tutor or mentor in underserved communities. Support organizations that provide educational resources to those in need.
✅To solve Unemployment: Offer skill-building workshops and career counseling in your community. Support job creation programs and policies that provide training for in-demand jobs.
✅To solve Gender Equality: Educate yourself and others about gender biases and support initiatives that promote equal opportunities for all genders. Advocate for policies that address gender disparities in the workplace and society.

By taking these steps, we can collectively work towards a better and more sustainable world. Remember, change starts with individual actions that grow into collective impact. 

What is life definition

    Hi, good reader, How are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic namely "what is life definition" The main reason why I choose that topic is because many people are curious about it, In philosophy, the meaning of life is a deeply complex. It often revolves concerning the purpose, significance, and ultimate value of human existence. Philosophers offer various perspectives, ranging from existentialism's emphasis on individual choice and responsibility to religious views that propose divine purpose or cosmic significance. Ultimately, the meaning of life is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person, In psychology, the meaning of life is often approached from the perspective of well-being, fulfillment, and purpose. Psychologists explore how individuals find meaning and satisfaction in their lives, the factors that contribute to a sense of purpose, and the impact of having a clear sense of meaning on mental health and overall well-being. Psychological theories and research often delve into topics such as intrinsic motivation, personal values, and existential fulfillment to understand how individuals construct and perceive the meaning of their lives, based on my perception, there is connection between life and discipline, life and discipline can indeed share similarities, as both involve structure, order, and guidance for optimal functioning. just as discipline provides a framework for achieving goals and maintaining balance, life often requires adherence to certain principles, routines, and values to navigate challenges and pursue growth. Both life and discipline's concepts emphasize the importance of consistency, self-control, and perseverance in overcoming obstacles and achieving desired outcomes.

Understanding life is a profound and ongoing journey that involves exploration, reflection, and learning. Here are some ways to deepen your understanding of life:

1. Self-reflection: Take time to contemplate your experiences, beliefs, and values. Reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and actions can provide insights into your understanding of life.
2. Seek knowledge: Read books, articles, and philosophical works that explore the nature of existence, consciousness, and human experience. Engage with different perspectives and ideas to broaden your understanding.
3. Connect with others: Engage in meaningful conversations with friends, family, or mentors about their perspectives on life. Share your own thoughts and experiences, and be open to learning from others' insights and wisdom.
4. Experience new things: Embrace new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Whether it's traveling to unfamiliar places, trying new activities, or stepping outside your comfort zone, exposure to diverse experiences can enrich your understanding of life.
5. Practice mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness through meditation, mindfulness exercises, or simply by being fully present in each moment. Mindfulness can deepen your awareness of the present moment and help you appreciate the richness of life's experiences.
6. Reflect to nature: Spend time in nature and observe the beauty, interconnectedness, and cycles of life. Nature can offer profound lessons about impermanence, resilience, and the wonders of existence.
7. Embrace curiosity: Approach life with a sense of curiosity and wonder. Ask questions, explore mysteries, and seek answers to deepen your understanding of the complexities and mysteries of life.

Remember that understanding life is a lifelong journey, and it's okay to embrace uncertainty and ambiguity along the way. The quest for understanding can be as rewarding as the destination itself, To know the meaning of life, a person needs a fusion of character between himself and nature, Letting go of the ego is a way of understanding life, hopefully this article provides benefits, inspiration and insight, good luck.

What is growth mindset definition

     Hi, good readers, How are you ? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "what is growth mindset definition" , the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are curious about how to use it,  explaining the growth mindset is very complex because there will be many different meanings for each person, a growth mindset refers to the belief that one's abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication, effort, and learning. People with a growth mindset tend to embrace challenges, persist in the face of obstacles, and see failure as an opportunity to learn and improve. This mindset contrasts with a fixed mindset, which sees abilities as innate and unchangeable.
There are several factors that can influence someone to have a growth mindset:

 1. Education and environment: The environment in which a person is raised and the education received can play an important role in shaping his mindset. Environments that promote courage in facing challenges and provide support for learning and growth tend to encourage a growth mindset.
 2. Personal experience: An individual's experience with success, failure, and the learning process can shape their mindset. People who have positive experiences with overcoming obstacles and achieving goals tend to develop a growth mindset.
 3. Parent and teacher approach: The way parents and teachers give praise, provide feedback, and respond to failure can influence children's mindset about their abilities. Support that focuses on effort, strategy, and passion helps strengthen a growth mindset.
 4. Role models: Seeing others who demonstrate a growth mindset and achieve success through effort and perseverance can influence individuals to adopt the same mindset.
 5. Self-leadership: Self-awareness and willingness to change mindsets are important factors in adopting a growth mindset. People who have a desire to continue learning, developing, and facing challenges tend to have a growth mindset.

Besides that, There are several reasons that can make someone reluctant to update or change their mindset:

 1. Comfort with the status quo: A person may feel comfortable with a familiar way of thinking and acting.  They may be afraid or reluctant to face the uncertainty or changes that might occur if they change their thinking patterns.
 2. Fear of failure: Fear of failure or the inability to face uncertainty can prevent a person from updating their mindset.  They may worry that trying new things or changing the way they think will result in failure or rejection.
 3. Ego and inability to accept criticism: People who have a big ego or lack openness to accept criticism may be reluctant to update their mindset.  They may feel that changing their mindset will threaten their identity or self-esteem.
 4. Belief in a fixed mindset: A person who strongly holds a fixed mindset may have the belief that a person's abilities and personality cannot change.  They may not see the benefit or relevance in trying to update their mindset.
 5. Lack of encouragement or support: Without encouragement or support from the surrounding environment, a person may not feel motivated to update their thinking patterns.  A lack of appreciation or recognition for change efforts can also reduce a person's motivation to change the way they think.

   There are many things that can be discussed regarding the growth mindset, but as time goes by, people will always be limited by boredom if they don't try to find a way forward,   Hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

What is a goal mindset

 Hi, good readers, How are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "What is a goal mindset" The main reason I chose this topic is because this topic is highly anticipated by people who want to be successful, a goal mindset refers to a specific objective or target related to changing or developing one's mindset. It involves setting intentions to cultivate a particular way of thinking, approaching challenges, or perceiving the world. Examples include goals to adopt a growth mindset, practice mindfulness, embrace resilience, or foster optimism. These goals are aimed at promoting personal growth, self-improvement, and overall well-being, There are several factors that can influence someone to have a goal-related mindset:

 1. Past experiences: A person's past experiences can shape their mindset regarding goals. Previous experiences of success or failure can influence a person's confidence in achieving goals.
 2. Environment: The environment in which a person grows and develops also plays an important role in shaping their mindset. A supportive environment, including friends, family, and mentors, can motivate a person to set and achieve goals.
 3. Education and cultural influences: Formal and informal education and cultural influences can shape a person's view of goals and how to achieve them. The values instilled by culture and the educational system can influence a person's mindset regarding goals.
 4. Internal motivation: Internal motivation, such as a desire to grow, reach maximum potential, or improve the quality of life, can also influence a person's mindset regarding goals. People who have strong internal motivation tend to have a more focused mindset and are committed to their goals.
 5. Knowledge and understanding: A person's knowledge and understanding of the importance of setting goals, the process of achieving goals, and the benefits that can be gained from achieving goals also contribute to the formation of their mindset regarding goals.

 Overall, a person's mindset regarding goals is influenced by a variety of internal and external factors, and can develop over time through experience, learning, and personal reflection.
There are several reasons why someone would want to have a goal mindset:

 1. Personal Achievement: A goal mindset can help a person to achieve significant personal achievements. By having a clear focus and commitment to a particular goal, a person can plan concrete steps to achieve it.
 2. Improved Quality of Life: Through establishing a positive and proactive mindset, a person can improve their overall quality of life. Mindset goals such as becoming more optimistic, patient, or learning from failure can help a person face life's challenges better.
 3. Encourage Personal Growth: Mindset goals are often related to personal growth and self-development. A person may want to continue learning, developing, and reaching their maximum potential in various aspects of life.
 4. Improves Mental Well-Being: Aiming for a healthy and positive mindset can help a person manage stress, anxiety, and depression more effectively. Focusing on a mindset that promotes calm, serenity, and happiness can improve overall mental well-being.
 5. Motivate and Give Meaning: A goal mindset can provide motivation and meaning to a person's life. When someone has clear and inspiring goals, it can give them additional encouragement to keep trying and persevere in the face of obstacles.
 6. Shaping Identity and Values: Mindset goals can also shape a person's identity and the values they adhere to. These goals reflect what a person considers important and what they believe is part of who they are.

 Overall, having a goal mindset can provide direction, motivation, and meaning to a person's life, and help them achieve sustainable personal growth and well-being, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

Intelligence in psychology

       Hi, good reader, how are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely intelligence in psychology, The reason I chose this topic is because intelligence has a big influence on the modern world, especially in the field of technology, in the element of intelligence, there are several things that must be considered, intelligence is influenced by various factors, including genetics, environment, education, nutrition, cognitive stimulation, and life experiences. These factors can interact in a complex manner and influence the development of a person's cognitive abilities, if someone does not have some of these factors, then their intelligence level will decrease, For now I will provide information about types of human intelligence, human intelligence can be divided into several types, including:

 1. Verbal-linguistic intelligence: The ability to use and understand spoken and written language.
 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence: Ability to solve logical, mathematical and analytical problems.
 3. Spatial intelligence: The ability to understand and manipulate visual and spatial information.
 4. Interpersonal intelligence: The ability to understand and interact with other people.
 5. Intrapersonal intelligence: The ability to understand oneself, including emotions, motivations, and life goals.
 6. Musical intelligence: The ability to appreciate, understand and create music.
 7. Kinesthetic intelligence: The ability to use the body effectively to express oneself or complete certain tasks.

 Of course, each individual has a unique combination of these types of intelligence, to increase human's intelligence, there are several steps you can take:

 1. Education: Continue to study and obtain formal or informal education in various fields of knowledge.
 2. Brain exercise: Do brain exercises such as puzzles, puzzle games, or other cognitively challenging activities.
 3. Reading: Read books, articles, or other informative materials regularly to increase knowledge and understanding.
 4. Exercise: Research shows that exercise can improve cognitive function and improve memory.
 5. Healthy diet: Eat foods that are balanced and rich in nutrients, especially nutrients that are good for the brain such as omega-3, vitamins and antioxidants.
 6. Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is essential for brain health and optimal cognitive function.
 7. Challenge yourself: Engage in activities or projects that force you to think creatively and analytically, and to solve complex problems.
 8. Practicing new skills: Learning new skills or a foreign language can stimulate the brain and improve cognitive abilities.
 9. Interact with others: Communicating and interacting with others can help you broaden your perspective and deepen your understanding of the world.
 10. Maintain mental health: Managing stress, meditating, and maintaining general mental health can improve concentration, focus, and the ability to think clearly.

  If we want to discuss the development of human intelligence, it is very diverse, we need more time to discuss it with lots of research through interviews with people who are experts in their fields, I think my explanation this time is enough, hopefully by reading this article, you can get inspiration and insight, good luck.

Define awareness in psychology

     Hi, good reader, how are you?  Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely define awareness in psychology,  The main reason why I chose this topic is because not everyone reaches a high level of awareness,  besides that, many people are shackled by their own way of thinking, such as believing the past to represent the future,  In my opinion, that is not a way of thinking that leads to higher consciousness,  they believe in disempowering fear more than they believe in vigilant fear, here are several factors can act as blockades to increasing self-awareness:

1. Denial: Some individuals may deny or avoid confronting uncomfortable truths about themselves, which hinders self-awareness.
2. Fear: Fear of facing one's weaknesses, insecurities, or past traumas can prevent individuals from delving deep into self-exploration.
3. Distractions: Constant distractions from technology, work, or social activities can prevent individuals from dedicating time and attention to self-reflection.
4. Lack of introspection: Some people may not have developed the habit of introspection or self-reflection, leading to a lack of awareness of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
5. External Validation: Relying too heavily on external validation or seeking approval from others can cloud one's ability to understand their true selves independently.
6. Closed-mindedness: A closed-minded attitude and resistance to new ideas or perspectives can limit opportunities for personal growth and self-awareness.
7. Negative self-talk: Persistent negative self-talk or self-criticism can undermine self-esteem and confidence, making it challenging to engage in constructive self-exploration.
8. Cultural or societal influences: Cultural norms or societal expectations may discourage individuals from questioning their beliefs or exploring their identities.
9. Stress and overwhelm: High levels of stress or overwhelm can make it difficult for individuals to focus on self-awareness practices and prioritize their personal development.
10. Unconscious biases: Unconscious biases and prejudices can distort one's perception of themselves and others, hindering genuine self-awareness.

  Overcoming these blockades requires commitment, patience, and a willingness to confront discomfort. Engaging in self-awareness practices, seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals, and being open to introspection are essential steps in breaking through these barriers, to break the mind-barrier, sometimes we need to manipulate our own minds with information that surprises us, a little additional information, increasing self-awareness involves various practices and some techniques. Here are some strategies you can try:

1. Reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors regularly. Journaling can be an effective way to facilitate this process.
2. Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness to observe your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations without judgment. This helps you become more aware of your inner experiences.
3. Feedback: Seek feedback from others about your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for growth.
4. Self-Examination: Continuously ask yourself to probe questions to deepen your understanding of your values, beliefs, motivations, and goals.
5. Seek Different Perspectives: Engage with people from diverse backgrounds and listen to their perspectives. This can broaden your worldview and challenge your assumptions.
6. Psychological Assessments: Consider taking personality assessments or undergoing therapy to gain insights into your personality, behavior patterns, and underlying issues.
7. Practice Empathy: Cultivate empathy by putting yourself in others' shoes and trying to understand their perspectives and experiences. This can enhance your understanding of both you and others.
8. Set Goals: Establish clear, meaningful goals that align with your values and priorities. Regularly evaluate your progress and adjust your actions accordingly.
9. Pay Attention to Triggers: Notice what situations or interactions trigger certain emotions or behaviors in you. Understanding your triggers can help you manage your responses more effectively.
10. Self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and compassion, especially during times of difficulty or failure. Accept that nobody is perfect and learn from your mistakes without being too harsh on yourself.

Consistently practicing these strategies can gradually enhance your self-awareness and lead to personal growth and development, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

Define attachment in psychology

    Hi, good readers, now I want to share an interesting topic, namely "define attachment in psychology",  The main reason why I chose this topic is because many people experience problems with attachment, whether to possessions, people and inanimate objects, The beginning of attachment is not wanting to lose what one likes or one fears because of something that is considered more powerful than oneself, if this habit continues to be maintained, it will create a sense of fear intentionally, If this fear is not given an anti-fear trigger, it will interfere with the development of a person's mindset, if we look at the current reality, many people are stressed, depressed and disappointed because they are too attached to what they believe gives them power, Actually, nothing can provide power without God's permission.
Fear can stem from various sources, including:

1. Threats to Safety: Fear often arises from situations or stimuli perceived as dangerous or harmful to oneself or others.
2. Uncertainty: The unknown can trigger fear, as humans tend to fear what they cannot predict or control.
3. Trauma: Past experiences of trauma or distress can lead to fear responses when encountering similar situations or triggers.
4. Loss: Fear of losing loved ones, possessions, status, or anything of value can be a powerful motivator.
5. Insecurity: Feelings of inadequacy or vulnerability can result in fear of failure, rejection, or criticism.
6. Social Factors: Fear can be influenced by societal norms, expectations, and peer pressure, leading to fear of judgment, ostracism, or non-conformity.
7. Biological Responses: Fear can also have a biological basis, triggered by the brain's amygdala in response to perceived threats, leading to physiological reactions like increased heart rate, sweating, and adrenaline release.

Now I want to discuss what factors cause someone to experience mental disorders, Mental disorders occur because someone is afraid of losing something, as follows:

1. Value: The more valuable something is perceived to be, whether it's an object, a relationship, or an opportunity, the stronger the desire to keep it.
2. Emotional Attachment: Emotional connections to people, possessions, or experiences often lead to a reluctance to lose them due to the comfort, pleasure, appraisal, or fulfillment they bring.
3. Investment: When time, effort, or resources have been invested in something, individuals are less inclined to let go of it easily, as they don't want their investment to go to waste.
4. Identity: Losing something that is closely tied to one's identity, such as a job, a role, or a belief system, can feel like losing a part of oneself, prompting resistance to letting go.
5. Fear of Regret: Anticipating the potential regret or remorse associated with losing something can motivate individuals to hold onto it, even if it may not be serving them well in the present.
6. Security: People often seek stability and security in their lives, and losing something can disrupt this sense of security, leading to a desire to maintain the status quo.
7. Perceived Scarcity: The belief that the thing in question is scarce or hard to come by can intensify the desire to hold onto it, out of fear of not being able to replace it.
8. Social Comparison: Comparing oneself to others who possess similar things or experiences can fuel the desire to retain what one has, to maintain a sense of status or superiority.

These factors can vary in intensity depending on individual preferences, values, and circumstances, hopefully this article can provide benefits and inspiration, good luck.

Three body problem

     Hi, good reader, howdy? I would like to share about the interesting topic, namely " three body problem", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is aware about division into 3 body problems, but now I am explaining it from a philosophical view, In the context of philosophy, the "Three Body Problem" does not refer to the same concept as in physics. However, there is a concept related to the mind-body problem in philosophy that may have some similarities to the "Three Body Problem" in physics, The mind-body problem is a philosophical problem that concerns the relationship between the mind (soul) and the human body. This issue attempts to explain how the mind and body interact and whether they are separate entities or an inseparable whole, There are various views on the mind-body problem, such as materialism vs idealism, ancient harmony, occasionalism, epiphenomenalism, partial idealism, double-aspect theory, and interactionism. Each of these views provides a different explanation of the relationship between mind and body, However, it is important to note that the “Three Body Problem” in physics and the mind-body problem in philosophy are two different concepts. The concept of the “Three Body Problem” in physics focuses on the movement of three point masses in a gravitational system, while the mind-body problem in philosophy focuses on the relationship between the human mind and body.

The relationship between the human mind and body is a complex and fascinating topic. It is often studied in the field of philosophy of mind, psychology, and neuroscience. There are different theories and perspectives on this subject, One common view is the mind-body dualism, which suggests that the mind and body are two separate entities. According to this view, the mind is non-physical and distinct from the physical body. This perspective is often associated with René Descartes and his famous statement, "I think, therefore I am."
On the other hand, there is the view of monism, which suggests that the mind and body are interconnected and inseparable. Within monism, there are different subcategories, such as materialism and idealism. Materialism argues that the mind is a product of the physical processes in the brain, while idealism suggests that the physical world is a manifestation of the mind, another perspective is the interactionist dualism, which proposes that the mind and body interact with each other. This view acknowledges the existence of both mental and physical aspects and emphasizes their mutual influence.
In recent years, advancements in neuroscience have provided valuable insights into the relationship between the mind and body. Studies have shown that certain mental processes and experiences are associated with specific brain activities and neural networks. This suggests a strong connection between the physical brain and subjective experiences, Overall, the relationship between the human mind and body is still a subject of ongoing research and debate. It is a fascinating area of study that continues to unravel the mysteries of human consciousness and the nature of our existence, Understanding the mind and body involves a combination of various disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, and physiology. Here are some general tips to understand mind and body:
1. Education: Start by learning the basics of human anatomy and physiology, which will give you an understanding of how the body works. For the mind, delve into psychology and neuroscience.
2. Meditation and Mindfulness: These practices can help you gain a deeper understanding of your own mind and body. They can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations.
3. Healthy Living: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are essential for maintaining a healthy mind and body. These activities also help you understand how different factors affect your physical and mental wellbeing.
4. Professional Guidance: Consider seeking guidance from professionals such as therapists, psychologists, or life coaches. They can provide insights and techniques to better understand your mind and body.
5. Continuous Learning: The field of mind-body studies is constantly evolving with new research and discoveries. Keep yourself updated by reading scientific articles, attending seminars, or subscribing to relevant publications.
 Remember, everyone's mind and body are unique, so what works for one person might not work for another. It's about finding what works best for you, I think my explanation is enough, good luck.

Stress coping strategies

   Hi good reader, howdy? Today I would like to share about the topic "stress coping strategies", the main reason why I choose that topic because it can help human how to survive in the life pressure, As normal humans we cannot avoid the stresses of life, what we can do is finding ways to adapt or survive by taking on less risky life stresses, Maybe this sounds strange, but that's a strategy for coping with stress, if we have ever worked in a government agency, we tend to receive the same treatment, namely caste equality, In government agencies, we cannot promote ourselves even though we have above average abilities, the reason is that the government does not want to take the risk of internal clashes between employees, sometimes employee loyalty is often underestimated by the government, If employees want to survive at work, they only need to work without requiring high levels of creativity, If employees show creativity in government agencies, they will receive bad treatment or be demoted, this also applies to someone who works for a private company, If someone is unable to apply stress coping strategies, they will decide to resign, It's a real dilemma, getting rid of boredom is quite difficult if someone is in a government or private agency, the reason is because they are bound by rules, so inevitably they have to endure a situation they don't want 

Here are some stress coping strategies:

1. Deep Breathing: Practice deep, slow breaths to calm your nervous system.
2. Exercise: Physical activity helps release built-up tension and promotes overall well-being.
3. Mindfulness Meditation: Focus on the present moment to reduce anxiety.
4. Time Management: Prioritize tasks and break them into smaller, manageable steps.
5. Social Support: Share your feelings with friends or family; talking can be therapeutic.
6. Positive Thinking: Challenge negative thoughts and try to reframe them in a more positive light.
7. Healthy Lifestyle: Ensure adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and regular hydration.
8. Hobbies: Engage in activities you enjoy taking your mind off stressors.
9. Limit Caffeine and Sugar: Excessive consumption can contribute to heightened stress.
10. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and establish limits to prevent overwhelm.

Remember, finding what works best for you may involve a combination of these strategies, maintaining prestige is sometimes good for one group but may not necessarily be accepted by other people who do not have that level of prestige, if we realize that the world is very complex, The best situation we can do is reduce ego levels, I hope that by reading this article, you will gain new insight, hopefully it will be useful for your career, good luck.

How to support your child’s mental health

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to support your child’s mental health, the main reason why I choose that topic because many parents lose their child’s mental health, as impact, child feels unmotivated, feel unloved, and having incorrigible character, so at this moment I would share how to support your child’s mental health, there are several points you need to obey if you want to support your child's mental health, the first step is use your polite language when you try to make a chat with them, so “communication” is the major key how to transfer your mental skill into your child’s inner voice.

         In this section, you ensure your communication skill can increase your child’s curiosity, you can start to teach your child with development habit such as you teach your child how to read the book, you teach how to respect other people’s existence, teach how to clean the house or something else, remember this note; please don’t ignore the power of language because the language can open your child’s inner voice, so deep learning your communication skill rather than talking only about the thing without big influence, then don’t blame when your child when he is making a mistake, but teach your child how to learn the risk and how to avoid the dangerous thing which may harm your child's health, and let your child try to explore something until he can understand how to take a small responsibility for his own mental health.

Teach your child how to make bed after waking up

Every tone of your language will be recorded into your child’s subconscious mind, so don’t break your child’s mental growth by using impolite or rude language because one day your child will respond to you with the same treatment, as adult, please try to improve your language and try to inspire your child with inspirational story, teach them how to respect other creatures, and creating social intelligence such as feeding the animal, watering the plants with fresh water, cultivate your child’s mental with the natural knowledge such as animal’s physiology, plant’s physiology, how to use water more efficient, how to discipline, how to keep the environment clean, etc.

Remember; don't neglect your child's mental growth, you must nurture and monitor your child with good memory, do it while he is 1-5 years old because it's the development phase, so don't wait your child's age turns into 14 years old after that you start to develop your child's mental with good treatment, it's too late, please behold the tree's growth as reference, it needs long term treatment to grow big from small seed , the second step to support your child’s mental health is observing about your child’s mental development activity, means you must ensure your child’s activity is stayed away from cellphone or gadget before your child’s age turns 14 years old, you must teach how to explore about the nature more often rather than spending time together at home.

Teach your child how to build empathy after his age turns into 5 years old

Remember; your child’s mental health is long term investment, if you share good thing to your child, you will be proud and live happily because your child mental is growing to be mature, don’t share your bad experience to your child because your child’s mental is not ready to receive it, the third step to support your child’s mental health is spending your quality time with your child, means you have good preparation to share something good until your child feels inspired, your child must admire you because your existence is your child’s first teacher, don't let your child learn something with his own desire, it's dangerous habit, so schedule your time and make the time management for you and your child in order to make close relationship, remember this note; making the time management to your child is more important than giving money to your child, so don’t leave your child alone more than 1 week or 1 month, make sure you spend at least 1 hour of your time to monitor your child’s mental development, hopefully after you read this article, your child will become one of the best asset you can rely on when you are getting old.

Love is not an emotion, but it is existence

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to treat love's existence well, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped with their fake love and they put their love to satisfaction mode, as impact their love always persuade them to feel more satisfied and demand something special to other people, remember; demand more to others is the sign of ego, not part of love because love itself is teaching people how to care of other people's feeling and how to make a good service for them, just like Almighty God who gives his favors to all creatures without exception, so that’s the point why I will share to you how to differentiate between the true love and fake love,  the first thing that you need to remember how to treat people well is openness, respect and caring, the true love never ask your emotion to take advantage from other people's weakness because the true love has invincible power to produce idea, good vision and creativity.

Love always dedicate about what you need

           Remember this note; if you love someone, don’t just use your emotion to make her special only, but ask her to make reasonable reason why she needs to make close relationship with you, but use your curiosity to identify whether her existence can make your life emotionally fulfilling or her existence can make your life emotionally unfulfilled or burdensome, this is important note, love and emotion are not living in the same room, but it’s still connected into each other, emotion is the power to make reason why you choose someone to stay with you, whereas love is act of caring, openness and respect, if there is someone who doesn’t respect your existence, she is giving you a fake love, get rid of her.

          It doesn’t matter whether other people tell that she is good person, don’t believe it easily, you must find the evidence until your sense of your emotional intelligence can detect it, marry with someone who is having the qualified soul because the qualified soul wants the quality, not quantity, if you can’t detect someone’s character with your emotional intelligence, you can give her a commitment test, the main reason why you need it because good person will try to commit even though she is not ready to accept you, love is like giving a service, if she can’t serve you with better respect or better understanding, don’t choose her because she will swindle you, here is my personal advice; you don’t need to teach someone to be good person, but you just need to find good person who has commensurate with your significant qualified soul.

Loving someone is like spreading the seeds in the garden, it’s going to grow if you cultivate it with respect, openness and caring, but your seed doesn’t grow if she neglect to take care your garden, so if you can’t learn something advantage from your spouse’s candidate, don’t give anything reward to her because she won’t respect your existence, don’t marry with someone who can’t build your character to be better, unless you want your life being cursed with bad treatment.

If you repeat saying lie often enough, it becomes your philosophy

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to prevent the words from telling lie, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people think telling lie can protect their reputation and also telling lie can hide their biggest mistake, it's totally wrong philosophy, if you meet with kind of person who has liar habit, don’t consider it as your business partner or you consider him as your comrades in arm, but you can consider his existence is like self-reflection, in your daily life, you can monitor your habit whether your personal character approaches the lying habit or not, remember this note; telling lie can't protect someone from the bad treatment, when the lying habit is going to become new habit, it will drive someone's life into darkness in the future.

            Habit is like the kind of  investment, when we do the evil, we do it for ourselves, the act of evil can't be transferred into other people even though someone succeeds to put the worse thing to them, but in the end, the result will return to the first user no matter how clever he can avoid it, remember this note; every act of telling lie in one minute is calculated by the time and small lie is enough to destroy our reputations which has been built in decades, act of lying is powerful tool but it's too dangerous if this habit will be handed down into the human's daily habit, especially to children's habit, nobody knows when every lying can become a self-destroying machine, but telling lie for stupidity purpose is equaled with someone who is entering the wild animal cage with unskilled.

 Now I understand why most people are getting poor although they have much money in their bank account, because they break the law of religion where it says “whoever does an atom's weight of evil, he will see it, soon or later someone can't avoid this truth” people's mindset must align with law of religion because every word can represent how good of someone's life in the future, in my personal opinion, don’t ever consider the act of telling lie is easy to be done even though it looks harmless for ourselves, but beware of the lying story series because it can become new religion and we can't get loosed from it, nobody can stand guard at the door of their mind within 24 hours because sense of forgetfulness can happen at any time, starting from today, remember this philosophy; life is like the sugar and salt, both have same white color and both have the same appearance but its taste differently, just like truth and lie, telling truth is giving hurt but telling lie can stop the sense of self trustworthy.
Nobody knows when the evil will stop to give trap to our life journey, all we need to do is staying away from the toxic rule where it can manipulate the human’s mindset to think negative, telling lies is part of toxic rule, the toxic rule usually has been made by the group of dishonor people who hide the biggest mistake and hide their dishonor habit, remember this note; if people allow the toxic rule for filling their name, unwittingly all of their reputation will incriminate the future’s career to grow, finally their career is stuck because the toxic rule's existence.

Worrying means you will suffer twice

The sign of worrying

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to stop worrying and how to increase productivity, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people lose their productivity because they put their focus to worrisome case, at this moment I would share how to detect the main problem which causes people to worry, the first reason why so many people worry because they train their habit to imagine about the failure possibility, so habit can destroy someone's life as long as they are used to train their mind not to dominate his own life with his own creationremember this note; as long as someone doesn’t prepare good investment for the future, he always worries wherever he goes because he deliberately ask his time to run by itself, in my personal opinion; don't run the time by itself or you will miss the glorious opportunity, so you need to make good investment, good investment activity is like improving knowledge by reading book and try to sharpen your curiosity about how to make the possibility of succeed, I just remind you that only unproductive person who invest his time to worry, here is my daily note for you; lack of productivity will create lack of enthusiasm.

During building self-esteem, you can’t demand other people to stop your worry because self-control can’t be represented by other people’s skill except yourself, you are captain of your soul, in my personal opinion; don’t let small concern destroys your big concern because small carelessness is enough to give you big accident if you let it happen, so small concern is like the burning fire from matchstick and small fire can burn out your house when you let it happen, so don’t let your sense of worrisome will take your big focus and try to make creation where you haven't tried before, here is for your note; don't try to let your mind is like emptied house where it doesn't offer the attractive sightseeing unless you want your sense of worrisome will approach you, so starting now, you can learn to block the bad influence which may enter and dominate your mind by becoming a valuable person, means you make yourself being needed to other people who may have serious problem, if there is something wrong happen in your surrounding area, don’t start to worry, but you can distract your focus by finding someone or some references which it can solve your problem, remember this note; one minute to worry is enough to destroy your self-esteem in one day because worry is an act of regression to face the reality.

You can’t put your focus to lean towards something that it can’t be trusted, if you do that, unwittingly you will devalue your skill, remember; trust is like the gold where it will be exchanged with the expensive stuff, you can’t trade your gold with the cheapest stuff because it’s not commensurate, if there are people always make you worry, means they can’t be considered as trustworthy and being cheapest stuff, please don’t make commitment with them and don’t spend your time to people who can’t appreciate your existence, your time is too valuable to be shared to the untrustworthy peoplestarting from today, please ignore something where it can drain your focus and stop worrying then start to appreciate the small gift from Almighty God (Allah) such as maximize your self potential, and explore something what you need to increase your self-worth.

How to grow our potential with artificial emergency program

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to grow our potential energy with artificial emergency program, the main reason why I choose that topic because I am compassionate about many adult people where they lose their potential energy when their age already mature and they still don't know to run the inborn skill to the reality life, the major problem why they can’t recognize their own potential source of skill because they use their major time to do the minor purpose and they prefer to work maximal for pursuing a lot of money, as impact, when their age reached the pension time limit, they can’t maximize their opportunity to evolve anymore because they don't build the financial independence skill at young age and they don't build self-development foundation, now we are talking about how to minimize the external world’s influence which may steal our internal world, the first thing we must have if we want to grow our potential; building own dream for the long term plan, the reason why we must create it immediately because it can suppress us not to do the unproductive thing from our daily life such as watching TV more than 1 hour per day, watching cinema twice a week, go idle away to mall once a week without having the major purpose, etc.

self awareness will correct human's vision and self- analysis will correct the human's life strategy

 the second thing we must have if we want to grow our potential; unlearn the bad influence which may come from friend circle, social bond, the public community, etc. The reason why we must avoid it because the bad influence maker usually offer us the chit chat and the unworthy gift, if we stick together with them, as impact, we will devalue our life journey and we will not obtain big opportunity to welcome big challenge, so starting from now, discard what the inessential thing, develop what's useful and grow the talent, learn how to be wiser no matter how difficult it will be taken, here is my personal note; don’t just attract the major attention from the unproductive people’s circle because they are going to transfer their bad influence to us and they will teach us how to build a mischief reputation, as impact, we will get a bad reputation, then our mentality power won’t grow and unwittingly our potential is decreasing by itself because our times have been stolen away by them, here is the additional note; don’t let other people will steal your major time as freely because our wasted time will steal our fortune, once we lost fortune, we will get poor mindset.

The third thing we must have if we want to grow our mentality; making daily target with the artificial emergency plan, the main reason why we must create the artificial emergency program because it will sharpen our idea, enrich our creativity, enrich our spiritual intelligence and also it will increase the power of curiosity in order to increase the sense of self-worth in the future, remember; if you want to create an extraordinary life, imagine that you have 24 hours to live on earth, within having restricted time, you must start to do something that 99% people can’t do, then don’t try to do what 99% people can do, when you can use your time wisely right now, I believe, your time will multiple your self-esteem in the future and you will be chased with unlimited wealth and you will be graced with the abundance of health, happiness and prosperity.