Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts

How do I know when my success will come to me

           In this section I would like to explain about the success, maybe in everyday situation your heartbeat will give you trigger and make a question for you such as “what will I do to get success”, at that time you will feel haunted with such question and that question will create you being the confident person, before you know how to be confident person, you must know where does a success come from, when you have identified the resource of that question, you directly go to make a plan about the way to get there, so setting plan at the first time is not the bad idea, because setting a goal will make you clear about what you really want.

          You must remember that to get what you really want doesn’t make a sense when you don’t have specific strategy because the greatest success can’t be achieved by working until overtime, but it only can be done by doing the greatest failure in your consistent effort in everyday situation whether you like to accept it or not.  

          No one knows when the success where it goes and where it comes from, our duty is making some attractions with knowledge in order to measure how far your effort goes efficiency, and also we just need to exert our emotional feeling and believe with our journey from time to time, then you can prolong your patient in order to know whether you want to upgrade your satisfaction or not, once you upgrade your satisfaction, you will decrease your consistency. So I hope you don’t let it happen because you will not find yourself to the next opportunity.

         There is one more thing I would like to remind you is the value has no price and price has not value, what I mean is you should not work for money and don’t consider it as your primary goal, but you can make money to work for you until you don’t need to introduce yourself to money because the real currency is upgrading your knowledge and how to know when your success is coming, its depending how big the capacity of failure you create it, let the time comes to answer your success whether in the good time or at the best place

Can a bad boy get a success in the future?

In this topic I would like to reveal about a bad boy’s behavior first, maybe you know that bad boy’s activity is always doing careless, making any trouble to some people, as If he were not having a plan to change himself to the future, although a bad boy behaves little bit excessive but he is struggling to find self-image to be accepted by his soul. This intention is not easy to be applied in routine daily activity; there’s must be self-fighting between his physical body with his ambition.

There is something different we can learn about the bad boy’s idealism, the first thing is bad boy has the tremendous bravery character rather than the ordinary people who live in the neighborhood, the second thing is a bad boy prioritizes to change his appearance with a lot of accessories in order to get more attention from people who live around, the third thing is a bad boy has strong social relationship and he likes to associate with anyone who wants to accept his existence, the fourth thing is a bad boy is having bold character when he meets with difficulties in circumstance, the fifth thing is a bad boy is not afraid to take risk because he keeps learning from it.

We should realize earlier that a bad boy has taught us many ways how to be different guy although some of their habits are neglected by society.  The bad boy can get success when he keeps continuing to educate himself with joining the life’s social community and learning from the community how to activate his soul searching, once he succeeds to unlock his potential energy, little by little I am sure that bad boy will be life mastery and also he can be a visionary leader for his community. In statistic summary mentions 75 % failed bad boy can’t be successful person because he intends to damage his body by drinking alcohol, drugs, on the hand he is trapped in jail because of doing destruction upon somebody else. So please be wise when you want to choose your life path.

How to train the intuition and make it as my leverage?

In this topic I would like to talk about how to train the intuition and how to make it as leverage, as you know that intuition is one of unlimited power which is given by God to human being, the intuition can be transformed as sole guidance to help human being to determine the target the conscious mind really insists, the intuition sometimes can be used by human to find the character which is matched for himself and also the intuition can be used by human being to create the power of focus in order to achieve the excellent things in his various fields of endeavor.

What’s relation between the leverage and the intuition, we can try to represent the intuition is considered as the fuel, and the leverage is considered as the generator machine, please look at the bullet train, from that example implies the bullet train can run faster till 300-350 km/hour because of the combination from the fuel and the generator machine.

The generator machine can help the train to accelerate the bullet train’s speed in order to achieve the target in scheduled time, if you want to find leverage and consider it as one of your utmost power, you must have the attractive character which is making human being willingly to value you as the trustworthy person and worthy, if you can’t be trustworthy, you will not get any leverage from someone else’s help.

The first step to train the intuition is finding your character and you must have a deep belief to your own dignity, the second step is you must have a vision to navigate your intuition to do something precisely. The third step is you must be resourceful man who helps somebody else finding the solution. From three steps above, hopefully it will widen your gaze and you find as much as leverage to achieve the target in time.

How to know my valuable thing really works

In this topic I would like to talk about the valuable thing which lies in the human’s capacity, every valuable thing will work when there’s command from the human’s conscious mind, I will describe a bit about the human capacity, when human being is created by God, every Human being has been endowed with unlimited resources, but God knows that every human has different capability to evolve, so that’s reason God will grant the passionate feeling to human being to look for the talent, and human’s capacity will learn and absorb every level of information from the resourcefulness in this universe

 To recognize the human’s talent, every human must have willingness to sharpen the valuable thing to create the new resourcefulness such as the story of the lumberjack and his axe, every day the lumberjack has a job to cut down every trees in the forest, when his axe becomes blunt due to cutting wood’s effect, the lumberjack must sharpen his axe in order to get better wood cutting, he has 5 hours to cut down the trees, but the lumberjack is smart, before he is cutting down the trees, he spends 1 hour to sharpen the axe and spend 4 hours to cut down the tree, in the end result, the lumberjack can achieve target otherwise his friends can’t achieve the target because they don’t want to sharpen their axes.

From the history above, we can take a lesson above that the valuable thing can be used in this human’s life when human already sharpen his valuable thing to create the new resourcefulness, and we must realize that there’s no better result when human is just doing the same thing over and over again, the better result can be collected when the human being is relentless to drive his ability to keep learning and learning.

What the most important of state in focus?

The state of focus is the regeneration from the subconscious mind which is evolved and focus has been collected when human already make a practice in every day, you must know that the universe is keep moving and will not crash from one to another because the ultimate focus is always consistent.

Human being can learn something useful from the universe’s working when he is willingly to know the main purpose in this life, as human being, we can’t just sit together with partners and make a chit chat, remember that human being has the limited time to discuss about the purpose of life, so must restrict our habit and step forward to take the responsibility.

Focus will not make you stronger than before, focus is making you concern about the some details in your life patch, focus will help you to strip away your inessential life which it always block your potential energy and your conscious power, you can try to imagine what will happen if pilot is not concentrating when he is driving the airplane in the sky? The big disaster will come soon.

The most important of focus is the decisiveness, so it can influence the human being to create the fabulous choice in this life, every life needs focus, the tree needs focus during growth rate, a child needs focus to learn language when his mother talk to him.

Focus is the main gate towards the subconscious mind to collect unlimited resourcefulness such perseverance, discipline, passion, survive, belief, explicit, super consciousness, and other emotional state, we can’t just rely on conscious mind because some essential things in human’s mind will not working correctly when there’s no focus.

To attract the focus’s power, you need to sharp your vision by imagining the target’s figure and sharp your intuition, for your information that image, and voice are part of superpower consciousness which can attractive the highest level of focus, so please active your focus by imagining better than as usual.

How are the conscious mind and the unconscious mind working?

In this topic I would like to talk about the conscious mind and unconscious mind’s working, at the first I would remind you before you learn about the conscious mind and unconscious mind, you need to standardize what is your destiny and what’s your value is? When you already keep the answer from that question, you will know how your mind is working.

The more question you create the better information will answer your curiosity, then I would like to elucidate how to recognize the conscious mind and unconscious mind, please imagine there’s blue ocean on earth, and there is a fish, the conscious mind will represent a fish and the subconscious mind will represent the blue ocean, every single drop of water will make fish alive although a fish is caught and put it to the coast, that fish still alive but not evolve, but if fish is going to be returned in the ocean, the fish is alive and also it can evolve to become bigger fish.

The conscious mind’s function is supplying the resources in order to make human survive on this earth, but not making human to evolve with all potential, so the water is ubiquitous existent, if human being wants to know what his purpose of life is, he must start to learn knowledge with his curiosity, like the children, they are drawing figure in their drawing book in order to gain knowledge.

I will give you another example to elucidate the importance about the knowledge, the knowledge is started from the imagination and the intuition, the imagination is activated by human’s decision, by collecting the knowledge, it can draw as much as potential energy to connect conscious mind and subconscious mind, and the knowledge is true gift from God, God gives you a hoe to draw up the land in order to collect a resources such as gold, at the first time you remove the land, you know nothing about what you are starting at the first time, that example will create the main purpose of life, evolution can keep you digging with knowledge.

You don’t need to know when you will meet with gold, you just need to evolve yourself to do better, you use your belief system and you uses your certainty to remove the land in order to get gold, gold is the basic of knowledge and also that’s true gift from God, Let God graces your conscious mind with power of belief, power of knowledge, power of certainty.

What’s the meaning of unlimited wealth?

Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic "what's meaning of unlimited wealth", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people think unlimited wealth is fantasy, it is not true, if we think unlimited wealth is fantasy, "there is no creativity, there is no enlightenment, there is no innovation, there is no novelty value, there is no knowledge and there is no rich people", as we know that life is really magnificent because every day there is always dynamic in every place we will meet, e.g. forest, flower, sea, mountain, soil, cave, etc. If we want to create unlimited wealth, the first requirement we need to do is "we renew our habit with something enlightened", maybe we improve our knowledge, we improve our attitude by sharing kindness every day, we create new recipe to cook something, we create new idea when we meet problem, etc. As long as we can give something valuable to others, we create unlimited wealth for us, do you know why? Because unlimited wealth creates the unstoppable source which is connected directly with God's grace, if we give something valuable to others, we indirectly connects between God's grace and our resources, "the more we give, the more we receive", that's law of God, starting from now, if we want to be rich, don't look for what makes us satisfied, but look for what makes us curious to do something better than we do today, "unlimited wealth is connected with positive energy and positive energy will be active when human creates a new creation through resilient attempt, prudence, wisdom, knowledge, consistent action, unrelenting belief, and patience".

If you want to increase the standard of wealth, you must increase the standard of giving, the reason why you need to increase the standard of giving because whatever you receive comes from what you give, if you lack of giving, how can you receive more?, please consider it with your mind, you can't break the law of universe if you want to be rich because life gives you more than you expect, if you want God gives you more than what you need, you must prove that your habit is like the law of universe, "you must give something you love more than you get paid", that's simple word to represent the real world, in order to receive more payment, you must increase the standard of learning, e.g. you embrace failure in order to find new strategy how to solve other people's problem, you can't behave like self-righteousness if you want to receive high payment,  the first quality how to receive unlimited wealth is being humble person, if you behave like humble person, you empty your ego by learning what you never get from your school, the main problem why we never become rich because we magnify our ego by rejecting new lesson, rejecting adversity, rejecting new challenge, rejecting new mistake, and rejecting God's plan, "the biggest problem comes from our ego", only humble person can take the unlimited wealth from Almighty God because he is willing to take new lesson, accept adversity, accept new challenge, accept new mistake and accept God's plan, starting from now, don't expect what you always expect if you want to get the unlimited wealth because every greatness comes from what you don't expect, if you always expect something you insist to get, you create ego for yourself and the unlimited wealth really hates about ego because ego always offers human with the comfort zone, if you always follow God's plan, you will become rich for everlasting, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

What is bad self esteem?

bad self esteem is not talking about you, but talking about your expectation

Today I would like to talk about bad self esteem, many people are trapped in the bad experience and most people tend to repeat their memorial story with new venture because they think the future will repeat the past memory, that is the major problem i need to share with you, as we know the happiness can guide you to the sanctuary place and also the happiness can teach you how to be a new person beyond your imagination, the bad self esteem is kind of mental disease which ensuring the ordinary people will demand the expectation from others rather than prepare something to be waited by expectation.

bad self esteem is refusing the big chances

I am really sure everybody has ever tasted bad during obtaining self esteem, the reason why people will taste bad in life during maintaining self esteem because there’s law how to get self esteem, a life test is suffering, when you can survive during taste suffering, you will get happy, otherwise when you will not survive during taste suffering, you will be prison in your self esteem, it’s law.

Self esteem has no border to define between who you are today and what truly you become in the future, so sometimes we are forced to feel unfairly treatment during fulfilling career because life wants to teach us how to prepare the precious thing we have ever had in this life.

Life guides us to see the unfairly treatment in order to make us learn how to survive, I am really sure there is no one in this world wants to taste the unfairly treatment, if people want to taste the unfairly treatment, they can’t get self-motivated due to they tend to avoid suffering and pain, sometimes we are forced to choose the pain or we will choose the pain to build self esteem, that is bad effect during building the self esteem, on the other hand we will get happiness and on other side we feel like a hostage to fortune.

self esteem always prepare the valuable things for himself and others

Before we build self esteem, we must determine what kind of risk we should pick, please take note: every satisfaction has different meaning with self esteem and satisfaction tends to lead us refusing any big change from us, whereas self esteem tends to lead us to keep improving with our quality of ability and also we must engage any risk once it is needed.

How to find your passion?

Today I would like to share about passion, as far I know every people believe they have own luck to be prevailed in the reality life but to fulfill our passion, we need to make preparation to find our passion, once we don’t truly want to make preparation, we will not find passion to engage intuition which is informing in our subconscious mind.

Passion is like fuel, before you refill your ambition with fuel, the first thing you prepare is making a long term plan and explore the thing you want to build, the second thing you need to prepare is making conviction and prove that you deserve to win, the third thing you need to prepare is finding the lost love, you need to build something such as building your creativity by studying the most interesting subject which is making you interested, build your creation to make you different, build your ingenuity to solve other people’s problem.

Please remember this note: passion will not get away from you if you put your right mindset to the creation you want to build, passion will be alive when you discipline your mind and your body to build a freaking dream into passion, those people who are making themselves interested with their dream, those people will never doubted about what they have done and also they have never argued about mistake and failure because they know they will meet mistake.

You may reject the failure and mistake in one time, but every productive mistake will not forget your effort because the productive mistake will evoke your mindset to keep doing the target once you find difficulties, passion will let you to make the productive mistake because that’s only way how to keep you move forward, in addition, when you do something the same over and over again in the same standard, you will not find your passion because passion will be detected when you make a lot of progress in different level, if you really want to know when your passion works, you must provide something big to other people’s needs in short term period or in the long term period, that’s secret to get success in passion.

Synchronize between our expectation and reality

Uncover the fact is one way to create new path in this life

            Today in this topic I would like to talk about the expectation and the reality, as we know that many people are so eagerness to create the same standard quality in their whole life, on the other hand, expectation and reality will chase down to the human’s being personality and also both will determine what exactly clear purpose the humans want to become with.

when we enter to win, we need to forget the expectation

            The reality will shape the last human’s effort and also reality will determine what kind of next journey the human will take, most people in the world are trying to speculate about their journey of life, they think this life will give a good option and some of them speculate this life will give humans the significant love, that is the result of expectation, they have made their expectation in order to remind us that we need to accept the bad influence which may adhere to our expectation, overall if we are talking about our expectation, we need to persevere the determination area we need to improve.
when we enter to the competition, prepare your best self esteem

Some people also consider that life is offering the full of punishment, live in this world like a prisoner in the jail, and many of suffering will be offered in this life as long as the humans being exist, so what should we do if we face the abnormality between expectation and reality? The first thing we should prepare is we accustom ourselves to accept the real condition and we don’t object about the bad condition which may happen to us; the second thing we should prepare is we need to behave like an adventurer in the new place, we need to train our mentality to decrease the friction between this life and us.

prepare your good story is one of the sensible way to create hope

The more critical question we make, the more option we will obtain from it, the less critical question we make, the less option we will obtain from it, that’s law, I agree the expectation is not part of good teacher who will teach you how to survive, but it is having slogan which is ensuring you keep moving forward and keep you in the right track, without expectation’s existence, you will not find new momentum within your life and also you will not find the greatest thing within you, the more sensible way how to synchronize the expectation and reality are making hope and creation, without activating it, our life are so full of anxiety, the purpose we learn about the expectation is building the self-esteem, if we insist to build it, we will embrace the good moment between the reality and expectation.

What’s difference between insecure feeling and secure feeling?

Today I would like to talk how to differentiate between insecure feeling and secure feeling, we all know that insecure feeling and secure feeling are happening because of our decision making, the more clear decision we make, the more clear hope will fill in our life journey, now we will try to analyze how do we recognize secure or insecure feeling in our final acceptance, normally most people will feel bad when there’s something insecure enters to their happiness and when they haven’t found the happiness, they start to blame the insecure feeling.

The question is “what factor will make the insecure thing to be active?”, if you concern that the factor will make you have the insecure feeling, none other thing the factor is coming from your bad experience alive or your expectation result is bigger than you expect it, if we know the main cause, that’s mean we are bold enough to secure the insecure thing.

train our mindset to secure the insecure feeling

The problem is not coming from your feeling, but you choose to live together with your bad experience in the pastime and also you are staying away from the reality and your life path, that’s prove that you want to embrace the insecure feeling, now I will mention what’s the secure feeling? the secure feeling covers the patience, the greatest determination, hope, love, decisiveness, honesty and happiness, please remember; the secure feeling will not be active automatically, but the secure feeling needs to be built from the humble beginning, if we do the greatest thing without making plan, without making certain drive and without following the guidance, we will not achieve the power to activate the secure feeling to secure the insecure feeling.

The insecure feeling can’t be activated automatically except it is be trained by the human’s decision, how to build the secure feeling and the insecure feeling are needing the different method, the secure feeling needs more extra power to train it and also we need a longer time to prepare ourselves, whereas the insecure feeling doesn’t need the training program to build it, it easier to embrace the insecure feeling rather than the secure feeling because the secure feeling always resists the pain and suffering.

The greatness is above all happiness

the greatness thing is started to learn how to philosophize the meaning of life

Today in this article I would like to talk about the greatness, if humans talk about the greatness, they will start about the suffering, hard work, unhappiness, etc. when we can’t endure something great in our life, we will not achieve the next opportunity in our life story, that’s law, so in this moment I would like to invite you how to make greatness which in case it can manage our expectation, the greatness will make us left behind the history and engage the difference in every single day.
perseverance is not making you happy but it is making you stronger

Many people think that happiness is free and happiness will be collected from the right people around them, in my opinion happiness is not something you deserve it, whether you are happy or not, life is not caring so much about you or other people’s circumstance, happiness is like sense of human’s mindset program which is making the revolution is every single day, that mean happiness needs to be paid by your mindset program, learning the uncomfortable thing in every single day is the sensible way how to create new happiness, it’s law.

Stepping one step to another step is part of creating new revolution, as result it will create a new happiness because all progress equal happiness. What will we do to set our mindset to engage the greatness? The first thing we must do is discipline, without discipline in our life, we can’t make any different in the life’s competition, the second thing we must do is behave like an athlete, whether you like it or not with the competition program, all we need to do is keep training and making record in every single day without making complaint.
The next big thing ahead is Hope, make a big change is creating hope

The real competition is not facing with another person in the race, but facing your own darkness namely ignorance, no matter you are capable or not in the competition, we are the participant who will join the greatness classroom, when we are entering in the classroom, we can’t escape from that treatment except we will follow the compulsory subject in order to make us smarter than before, the purpose of greatness in life is making human to become resourceful creature by doing more significant advance and making different content.

The Ignorance is the real human’s enemy

Today in this article I would like to talk about the ignorance, we all know being studious person is the boring activity and most people are trying to avoid that activity because they are afraid of changing from within themselves, in my opinion that is irrational afraid because they are not having the strong willingness to learn about the caution which may happen in the near future.

The ignorance will not diminish in every single day, instead it will grow and will make the human’s eye go blind because they allow the darkness comes into their head and educate the human to become confused man, the anxiety will not come as long as the human being always improve their knowledge and add value to most people.

The ignorance is part of habit which is influencing people’s mindset to do something awful and doing the unproductive activity, such as being couch potato, spending time to idle away to the mall, hang out with toxic people, etc. when people will not improve the knowledge and insist to live in the comfort zone, they will see this life is so boring in this daily activity, boring is not part of bad thing, but boring activity is indicating your last effort you have done hasn’t achieved the next level, it tells you that you are doing something unattractive and also you have done something with same content.

if this life talks to you about the rule, don’t just ignore the message from it because life usually gives you a challenge how to build your self-esteem, the self esteem is indicating that you are making a lot of progress in your daily activity, the life rule says “every human possesses the unlimited wealth”, meaning we have potential energy to create everything we want, what will we do now is just starting the process, giving a respect of the process, embrace a larger possibility and be patient during waiting to achieve the reward. Knowledge is representing your unique skill, another thing, the knowledge will diminish in every single day when we stop learning.