Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

Definition of a happy family

   Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Definition of a happy family", the reason I choose the topic because not everyone has an amazing experience when they are with their family, Basically, everyone has the right to have love from their family, but unfortunately not all families behave in a loving way towards their children, If you ask me why some people are unhappy with their families it's because they didn't form emotional bonds that trusted each other from the start, A happy family is often characterized by feelings of love, safety, and positive interactions among its members. It’s a place where individuals can grow, learn, and thrive together, fostering a sense of security, trust, and enjoyment in each other’s company. Common traits of a happy family include strong emotional bonds, effective communication, and the ability to manage conflicts constructively. It’s also about having gratitude and pride in one another, being playful, and supporting each other through life’s challenges, While every family is unique, these qualities are frequently found in those that describe themselves as happy.
Building a happy family takes effort, but it’s incredibly rewarding. Here are some practical strategies to create a strong and joyful family unit:
✅Be Present: Spend quality time with your family. Your presence is a sign of caring and connectedness. Prioritize your role as a parent and make sacrifices to be there for your kids often. Engage in one-on-one activities with each family member.
✅Express Affection: Show love and physical affection. Say “I love you” often and give hugs, kisses, and back rubs. Let your family members know that you value and appreciate them.
✅Affirmation and Encouragement: Make your family feel accepted and appreciated. Encourage their interests and pursuits. Let go of unrealistic expectations and allow them to become the people God wants them to be.
✅Open Communication: Create an environment where everyone can express themselves openly. Talk about important topics like sex, alcohol, and drugs in age-appropriate ways. Be a good listener and address their questions and concerns.
✅Practice Forgiveness: Understand that nobody is perfect. When mistakes happen, have a strategy to get back on track. Teach your family members the importance of forgiveness and understanding.
✅Build Healthy Morals and Values: Teach biblical values and morals. Understand the cultural influences that may pose dangers to your family spiritually. Pray for guidance in imparting these values to your children.
✅Create a Safe and Comfortable Home: Make your home a place where everyone feels secure and at ease. A safe environment fosters emotional well-being and happiness.

Remember, happy families aren’t flawless, but they set goals, live intentionally, and work together to create a strong foundation. Building a happy family is a commitment that impacts both the present and the future.

How to solve problem of unemployment

 Hi, dear reader, how are you? Today I want to convey an interesting topic, namely "how to solve problem of unemployment" if you ask me why finding a job is difficult because the school education system teaches something that is not needed in the world of work, The average education system taught in schools is teaching how to be someone who memorizes things, teaching students to hate mistakes, hate rejection, many students are punished simply for making non-criminal mistakes, As long as the education system teaches students to hate failure in the learning system, there will be no innovation in the thinking of the younger generation, Basically not all failures are in vain, Solving unemployment is complex and often requires a combination of strategies, including:

1. Education and Training Programs: Providing opportunities for people to learn new skills or upgrade existing ones to match the needs of the job market.
2. Economic Policies: Implementing policies that encourage investment, entrepreneurship, and job creation.
3. Support for Small Businesses: Small businesses are major drivers of employment. Supporting them through incentives, loans, and mentorship programs can stimulate job growth.
4. Infrastructure Development: Investing in infrastructure projects creates jobs directly and indirectly, while also improving economic competitiveness.
5. Labor Market Flexibility: Policies that promote flexibility in the labor market, such as reducing barriers to hiring and firing, can encourage businesses to hire more workers.
6. Promoting Innovation and Technology: Embracing technological advancements and innovation can lead to the creation of new industries and job opportunities.
7. Social Safety Nets: Providing unemployment benefits, job training programs, and other forms of social support can help alleviate the impact of unemployment on individuals and families while they seek new employment.
8. Encouraging Remote Work and Telecommuting: Especially relevant in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting remote work options can provide job opportunities to those who may not be able to work in traditional settings.
9. Addressing Structural Issues: Identifying and addressing underlying structural issues such as discrimination, inequality, and lack of access to opportunities can help ensure that employment opportunities are available to all segments of society.
10. International Cooperation: Addressing unemployment often requires collaboration between countries, particularly in areas such as trade, migration, and economic development.

     The 10 things written above are a form of strategy to follow up on the number of unemployment, Besides that, Implementing these strategies can optimize the amount of increase in productivity among the productive age group, the more often we provide training to the younger generation, the more it reduces unemployment rates over time, Apart from that, the central government must also provide uncomplicated requirements to job seekers, if job requirements are made more difficult, more job seekers will not pass the selection, The following are examples of unreasonable requirements in job seeking: work under pressure, maximum age 25, attractive appearance, must have studied at a Bachelor's degree university, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

4 signs you are in a toxic relationship

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about 4 signs you are in a toxic relationship, the main reason why I choose that topic because many couple don’t realize that they are trapped in a toxic relationship in several years and they still can't escape from physical proximity, now let me share to you about 4 signs you are in toxic relationship, the first sign that you are in a toxic relationship; there is no single response from your spouse when you invite your spouse to talk together, means your spouse's doesn't consider you as the important person because you can't understand your spouse's problemthe reason why giving response to spouse is important because it signs that someone trusts with spouse, if your service is not appreciated by your spouse, means your spouse considers that you are supposed to walk awaydon’t ever underestimate with the sign of response because a love life breaks easily not because there is fighting or any dispute, but love life breaks easily because every couple shows behave indifferent into each otherstarting today, don’t let you or your spouse shows being indifferent, if you are bored about your relationship, try to challenge yourself to dig new information about your spouse’s interest, not trying to walk away from your spouse.

        Here is the second sign that you are trapped in a toxic relationship; there is no progress during making a close proximity, means, you and your spouse are not finding any strong reason to live together in the future, furthermore you and your spouse are not ready to accustom with every change of respective behavior, this problem is caused by lack of commitment and lack of sense of possessive about love feeling, if this relationship is forced to keep going, your mental strength is decreasing automatically because your service is not considered as the important thing in the eye of your spouse, remember this note; don’t ever think living on earth is like living in the heaven, it’s totally wrong, in order to prolong our love life, we need to survive for what we pursue, fighting hard to go against a toxic relationship, sometimes you need guts to make tough decision and you plan to fail, not because you are doing a lot to your spouse doesn’t mean you are getting more done, here is special note; not all result are designed to make you happy, but problem in relationship will get you stronger than you were yesterday.

        Here is the third sign that you are trapped in a toxic relationship; there is no sense of trust while you will plan to delegate something to your spouse, means you can’t give all authorities to your spouse because your spouse’s character doesn’t meet what your authority demands, if your spouse puts a toxic relationship, means you have to stop giving your service to your spouse because he/she doesn’t appreciate what you provide, remember this note; everything valuable will be more worthy when someone knows how to be trustworthy person, everything valuable will be unworthy when someone doesn’t know how to make something useful for spouse, here is the last point I want to share, the fourth sign that you are trapped in a toxic relationship; your spouse isn’t interested with your life story, and your spouse doesn’t want to plan something bigger with you in the future, hopefully you can avoid the 4 sign of toxic relationship and you can rescue your valuable resources in the long term plan.

8 ways to mend a broken relationship

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about 8 ways to mend a broken relationship, the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples feel regret and they don't know how to mend a broken relationship, here is the first strategy to mend a broken relationship; make an official agreement in the note where it states what to do and what not to doI just remind you that this strategy is not always getting successful, you need to behave patience when your spouse still does something irritated to youwhen the condition keeps getting worst, you need to leave your spouse for awhile and give your spouse several options to rethink how to run a good relationshiphere is the second strategy how to mend a broken relationship; leave respective ego and prepare to compromise, this is strategy can be applied to strengthen a broken relationship as long as there is willingness to try from both of them, if you or your spouse are really serious to mend a broken relationship, both must kindle a respective interest in order to break old habit where it may create a dispute among them.

        Here is the third strategy how to mend a broken relationship; don’t fix something unchangeable but fix something measurable, means, don’t try to remind of spouse past mistake, but try to optimize what your spouse's talent and support what you can do for your spouse, remember this note; only you can fix your personal character, when you improve what you can do, there is still chance for you to rejuvenate your spouse’s mood, here is the fourth strategy how to mend a broken relationship; change your unsupported environment with supported environment, this is important, sometimes your spouse doesn’t like to see you because you are getting around with bad influence which is created by your friend circle, when you leave unsupported environment, automatically your ritual can be mended as well, when your spouse realizes it, your spouse will give you a chance to harmonize him/her mood, here is the fifth strategy how to mend a broken relationship; make the official gathering between your parents and your spouse’s parents, at least they can help you how to mend your relationship problem by offering some win-win situation, here is the sixth strategy how to mend a broken relationship; leave your ritual which it has potential to make your spouse hates most about you,  this is important clue, the wrong ritual will influence your behavior, when you have a bad behavior, everything you give for your spouse, result will injure your spouse's feeling, when you renew your ritual, at least it can elevate your spouse’s interest about you.

        Here is the seventh strategy how to mend a broken relationship; give a special gift where your spouse demands from you, this strategy will work as long as you don’t have any bad intention to break your spouse's feeling, here is the eighth strategy how to mend a broken relationship; learning about your spouse's life story before your spouse met you directly, show full empathy when your spouse tells a life story to you, unwittingly you can understand about your spouse's personal problem, when you keep this habit happening, finally you can find a root of a broken relationship, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.

How to survive a difficult marriage

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about the topic "How to survive a difficult marriage", the reason why I choose that topic because not many people can survive in a difficult marriage, if you ask me what causes couples get trapped in a difficult marriage because they don't know their love language into each other, besides that, they don't respect their own weaknesses, the wise word says "if you want to prolong your marriage, being foolish together", meaning, every couple must do self-reflection and empty their egoism, now let me share to you about several strategies how to survive a difficult marriage, here is the first strategy how to survive from difficult marriage; don't focus how to find fault, this is important strategy, if you keep focusing how to find your couple's fault, you will get something worse beyond than your positive expectation, this strategy is not easy, all you need to do is find a solution where it can unite every couple's good memory.

       In order to prolong your marriage journey, you need to ensure you can acknowledge your incapability and start supporting your couple's blind spot, here is the second strategy how to survive from difficult marriage; don't find what makes your couple feels blamed, find a treasure memory with your couple in the past and try to make new story or rewrite history, this is not simple because you and your couple need to make a time before deciding to rewrite history, here is the third strategy how to survive from difficult marriage; don't debate for what you struggle with your couple, this strategy is simple, if you avoid debating, your relationship tends to avoid any dispute because you try to end the war before it is begun, here is the fourth strategy how to survive from difficult marriage; make open relationship with your spouse, meaning, you express what you feel and be honest about what you feel and make two ways of direction in communication, meaning, you let your spouse talks to you and you scrutinize it, do it alternately, if you consider your feeling needs to be discovered, so just get going, if you postpone or hide your feeling from your spouse, as impact, you will get trapped in difficult situation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight and also can improve your career, good luck.

Healthy communication in relationships

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about 10 ways how to make healthy communication in relationship, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can build healthy communication in relationship for long term period, now let me share several strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship, here is the first strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; honesty, means, you don't try to cheat other people who are making a cooperation with you, this is important note, if you have this kind of habit, you will earn a respect from anyone else because your value can influence other people’s habit and your worthy will be remembered as gift although you are not around, here is the second strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; being busy to acknowledge someone's ability although you don't need it for yourself, as we know that people feel energized when their ability has been acknowledged, if you apply this strategy, they will be easy listener when you talk to them, besides that, they will appreciate your effort when you appreciate other people's skill.

    Here is the third strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; active listening, this is part of warm-hearted character, if you invest your time to be an active listener, other people will give you their time when you need them, this is part of the two ways of communication, here is the fourth strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; respect other people's privacy, this strategy is really important to sustain long term relationship, do you know why I say like this? because keep other people's privacy can build a new high level of compassion, people who can't keep other people's privacy, they will ruin their own value of respecthere is the fifth strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; don't try to talk about problem when others don't want to listen it, do you know why it is important to be noticed? because not everyone is ready to feel burdened when they listen other people's problem, if you want to share your problem, you have to ensure people you talked with are ready, maybe you can ask a question to them "Now I want to share my problem, do you want to listen it or not?" if you aren't ready to listen it, I will not talk it to you first, now let me tell you about the reason why people don't want to listen other people's problem because they don't want to get attached with other people's problem.

        Here is the sixth strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; celebrate when you make the relationship's annual period, this is part of strategy how to prolong longevity of relationship, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.

Principles of effective communication

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Principles of effective communication", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people know how to make principles of effective communication, some people feel satisfied when they try to talk only but not some of them try to make effective communication, at this moment, let me share to you about principles of effective people, here is the first strategy how to make an effective communication; stay foolish and stay curious, means, you don't try to demand others to understand you, you just stay curious about what others behave and observe what others enjoy in their daily life activities, if you are willing to get out from your shoes and enter into other people's shoes, as impact, you will get new perspective idea and new experiences, if you talk about what you do and what you have, other people will think that you're bragging about yourself, remember this; other people don't need what you have or what you do, other people only listen what they are enthusiastic about.

         here is the second strategy how to make an effective communication; you invest the quality time with people's emotional need only, if you just do something how to prioritize other people's emotional need only, you will know how to apply effective communication, here is the third strategy how to make an effective communication; giving yourself a name where people can recognize you easilygive yourself a special code to ensure people can remember you, that's the way of personal branding's strategy, if you give yourself a special code, people will communicate with you so efficiently, here is the fourth strategy how to make an effective communication; don’t choose or start a deep conversation when people you talked to can't understand you, which means, you don't create new topic where people can't understand, instead, you open the access of communication which is suitable for others and you let people know you more than you know them, remember this note; don't consider other people as having the same value as you do, if you do it, other people can't apply effective communication to you, hopefully this strategy can help you how to improve your life career, good luck.

How to keep a long distance relationship strong

        Hi smart people, good day, I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share "how to keep a long distance relationship strong", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young couple are trapped in long distance relationship and they are afraid their relationship will end, at this moment let me give several tips how to make your long distance relationship strong, here is first strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; keep communicated even though it is not regularly, at least 1 or 2 times per week, not only woman needs emotional support, but does man also need it as well, no matter how busy you are, if you can give emotional support to your partner, at least you lend your power to heal your partner's emotional emptiness, remember; communication is not about the quantity of your words, but it is about the quality, maybe you can share your life experience, here is second strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; trust each other, this strategy is not easy, but it is possible to do, if you ask me how to build trust each other ? easy, you can entrust something important to your partner, here I give you real example; you have money in your pocket, then you can say to your partner "here I lend you money around $100, don't use this money before I give you a permission for it", maybe your partner thinks your money is part of your sacrifice, but don't worry about it, the good woman / good man will not use your money if they know how to keep good attitude of using money even it is not theirs.
Show little bit of empathy.

        Here is the third strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; make a plan of visit, if you really love your partner, don't let your partner waiting you more than 1 year without seeing each other, my suggestion is you can save your money to buy the transportation ticket to visit your partner or your parent's partner, the reason why you need to do this because it can strengthen your social bond, besides that, your partner will think that you make a good sacrifice for prolong the quality of relationship, here is the fourth strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; set some ground rules, meaning, you and your partner make the commitment for increasing the quality of communication but it is not intended to exploit your partner's privacy, for example; you tell your partner "we need some extra money for building new house, I hope we can save our money at least 20% per month for our future plan, if your partner agrees with your suggestion, meaning, you make some ground rules in long distance relationship, here is the fifth strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; understand their busy activity, this is important strategy, the reason why we must obey with that rule because we and our partner are limited by the space and time, we have to ensure that we and our partner can live harmoniously with respective lifestyle, if we suspect our partner's lifestyle, we can't live harmoniously in long distance relationship, hopefully after you read this article, you can get a new insight how to improve your long distance relationship.

How to create trust in a relationship

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic how to create trust in a relationship, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can be trustworthy when they make new relationship, at this moment I would share something related how to create trust in a relationship, here is the first strategy how to create trust in a relationship; you must stay honesty in what you do or what you talk, means you develop a sense of trust in what you do / what you talk without feeling of doubt, this is the basic requirement how to build long term relationship, becoming reliable person is not easy because you need to stay honesty in what you do even though you have many mistakes, other people will trust you when you add more value to what you do, here is the second strategy how to create trust in a relationship; don’t disclose about people’s private matter when they entrust something to you, this is about good manner, if you don’t want to get trouble with other people’s lives, you must keep something secret, if you don’t understand about it, try to ask people to explain clearly, don’t let other people feel disappointed by you when you disclose other people's private matter, remember; people will remember your mistake easily rather than remember your kindness, don't let your reputation is crushed in several minutes after you had built it in several years.

        Here is the third strategy how to create trust in a relationship; show your empathy to what others feel, means you don’t need to prove that you show what you feel, all you need to do is doing what others can't finish even though they may have a strategy to do it, here is the fourth strategy how to create trust in a relationship; make two ways of open communication to build a commitment, this is crucial point, commitment is part of self-education, when you can't prove what you commit, you will be judged by someone as uneducated person because you prove that you can't prove what you commit, here is fifth strategy how to create trust in a relationship; don't push your opinion to be other people's perception, remember; you may can get wrong and others may get wrong as well, so, you just need to share what you know and stop demanding others to believe what you share, if you have attitude like this, others will not think of you as dictator, instead of considering you as a best friend, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully you can get something useful from this article, good luck. 

Overcoming loneliness in marriage

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Overcoming loneliness in marriage", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples feel alone although they are tied in marriage, if you ask me why many couples can't overcome their loneliness in marriage because they expect too much about the advantage of couple's ability, remember this advice; we must realize the  purpose of marriage is to complete couple's inability, not to demand more than couple's ability, at this moment, I would like to share some several tips how to overcome loneliness in marriage, hopefully after you read this article, you can do self-introspection, here is the first tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: fix the way of communication, meaning, you need to offer what your spouse wants to hear something, sometimes you need to forget your egoism and start to offer your ability to your spouse, here is the second tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: add the quality time with spouse, for example; you only have a free time 5 hours per week, so you can offer the favorite place where your spouse wishes to go there.

        Here is the third tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage:  be curious about what’s your spouse’s major interest, make sure you know well about what is your spouse’s major interest, if you know more about your spouse’s interest rather than your own spouse, you will be valued as romantic person because you invest your time to find your spouse’s interest, starting today: don't just focus how to prioritize your self-indulgence, but rather you service your spouse's emotional need, here is the fourth tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: self-care, meaning, you don't too concentrate how to make your spouse is happy, you need to have me-time to reflect on what you did in the past, you can engage your activity as long as it can increase your good feeling, self-care will benefit to you and you will always receive from self-care, remember; self-care is not the same with egoism, self-care is protecting yourself from your own expectation or your bad mindset, egoism is doing something more to yourself and eliminate your sense of caring to what your spouse feels, my last advice is learn, understand and save your emotional feeling, then you save your spouse's emotional need, if you aren't happy about yourself, how can you offer your ability to your spouse, the lack of service can inflict the loneliness in marriage, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.

top 3 marriage problems

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "top 3 marriage problems", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples still don't know how to detect marriage problem, if you ask me why many couples are trapped in top 3 marriage problems because they prioritize their ego overs win-win solution for reducing the internal conflict, at this moment let me share you several tips how to detect top 3 marriage problems, here is the first sign of the marriage problem; communication problem, this problem is often happening to the marriage affair, having communication problem is the root of marriage problem, such as, misunderstanding, assumption, not expressing feelings which can lead to resentment and frustration, it is important for couples to learn how to effectively communicate their needs, expectations and feelings to each other,  here is the second sign of the marriage problem; financial stress, money can be the major concern for marriage's affair, money can be significant source of tension in a marriage, sometimes disagreement from spending habit can inflict the issue, lack of savings, lack of financial goal, lack of financial security can strain a relationship.

         If the couples make a fuss because of financial distress, meaning, they have built their spending habit more than their earning habit, my suggestion is every couple must have strategy how to build earning habit rather than their spending habit, here is the third sign of the marriage problem; lack of intimacy, meaning, couples don't want to invest their time to build their quality time in a deep intimacy, remember; build emotional intimacy is more important than physical intimacy, do you know why? because human is part of emotional creature, couples may drift apart over time if they don't maintain a close bond, sometimes talk about experience or share about love feeling can create new sense of affection to each other, here is the key to reduce marriage problems is address these openly and work together to find solutions, if there is no intense communication for solution, there will be a social gap in the family bond, hopefully you can get something useful after you read this article.

How to make a business partnership work

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "how to make a business partnership work", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone applies good relationship in business, if you ask me why people don't apply good relationship in business because they don't know how to recruit business partner and also they don't know how to fit business partner in business canvas, making a business partner work is not easy because we need to build a trust, communication, shared goal and mutual respect, at this moment I would share some strategies to enhance your life career, here is the first rule how to make a business partnership work; shared vision and goal, meaning,  we must create open communication until our partner agrees with our business canvas, in order to make strong bond with our partner, we must offer our reputation, remember this note; reputation is like the personal character which tells anybody else about our profile, it can’t be represented with the worldly stuff, reputation will represent our value which can be considered as our personal branding, before we recommend something to other people, we must be a history maker first.

        To make stronger partnership, we must know what our partner's problem and help them to solve their problem, this is the key, when we have this kind of mindset, we will learn something ahead before other people do, here is the second rule how to make a business partnership work; be honest about what we develop to our business plan, meaning, we must tell the detail of our business plan to our partner, after that we can ask their advice as if they were at your position, it is very challenging because not all partners can be proactive to give new perception, if we can show our honesty, our business partner will be no objection to accept our poor perception, here is the third rule how to make a business partnership work; define a role and responsibility, this is important, if we can’t define the role we need, as impact, our business partner will doubt about our reputation, in front of our partner, we shouldn't behave the same like what ordinary people always do, we must have strong vision and know what our responsibilities are, if we can't define a role and responsibility, we can't recruit good business partnership, here is the fourth rule how to make a business partnership work; conflict resolution, meaning, we must establish a fair and expand the meaningful of the conflict until it can be accepted by our business partners, hopefully after you read this article, you can apply this lesson to your business field.

Type a personality at work

          Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Type a personality at work", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in a toxic relationship and they suffered in the rest of their lives, at this moment let me share something to you about kind of people’s character you need in your life, hopefully it can improve your relationship development, here is the first type personality at work; Compliance, if you meet people who have compliance's character, don't ask them how to dominate the conversation in the meeting room because they are not type of person who loves to talk out of their favorite topic, people who have compliance's character tend to do something meticulously and also they love to do something precisely, on the other side, they have type of fear which can immobilize their focus, e.g. what they do at work looks imperfect or dissatisfied, if you meet with person who has this type of character, don't criticize what they can't do, but support what they can do, ask them to do something preciously and they will be happy to work on it even though they don't get paid yet, here is the second type personality at work; Steadiness, if you meet with people who have steadiness characteristic, don't ask them to do something more than they love to do because they hate with new challenge which can make them looked pathetic, commonly, they don't like new surprise because they tend to follow their mood stability, they tend to behave persistent, patience, and tend to do something concerning with every rule at workplace, people who have steadiness's characteristic; what they hate most at work is changing the work ethic suddenly because this situation can lose their mood stability, they tend to work at company as Human resource department staff.

         Here is the third type personality at work; Influence, if you meet person who has the influence's characteristic at workplace, please don't try to avoid their existence even though you may dislike their personality because they don't want to get exiled by other people's existence, that's what they fear, people who have the influence's characteristic, they can entertain other people with their conversation style, besides that, they love to make a friend with newcomer because they think that they have confident enough to communicate with the stranger, type of person who has the influence's characteristic, commonly, they love to work as salesman or marketing, here is the fourth type personality at work; Domination, if you meet people who have domination's characteristic at workplace, they love to dominate other people's work ethic, they love to work under pressure because they want to prove themselves to get higher recognition than what other people get, people who have domination's character, they only fear their work result will be manipulated by other people who behave unjust, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully you can apply these strategies in your daily life, good luck.    

Trust building exercises for couples

          Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Trust building exercises for couples”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not every couple cares how to build trust each other, if you ask me why not everyone cares how to build trust each other because they consider giving a respect to couple is too complex, so they just do something which is related with their own likeness, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to build trust for couples, here is the first tip how to build trust for couples; start making a dream together, the reason why couples need to apply this strategy because every dream can bind each other's feelinghere is the second tip how to build trust for couples; commit to give each other a reward every 1 year, if you build this kind of habit, you will get reminded by commitment and special day, remember; build a new memory by gaining new experience is better than listening a thousand of promises, if you get money but you can't gain new experience, meaning, your habit has been controlled by money, here is the good news; if you can use money for making new experience, meaning, you no longer focus how to get money, instead, you delegate your money to serve your future and your couple.

          Here is the third tip how to build trust for couples; try to make a joke each other, even though this strategy is looked simple, if you can apply it, your effort will be remembered, based on psychology; people who can make a joke and make other people laugh/smile at the first 4 minutes, that's good character development, here is the fourth tip how to build trust for couples; don't kid your couple, meaning, you just show the way you are, if you violate this strategy, as impact, your couple will not trust you although you say the truth, here is the fifth tip how to build trust for couples; be open minded when it comes to problem, if you and your couple stick together when the problem comes, you indirectly build a trust, if there is no open-mindedness, as impact, there is only accusation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

10 skills every man should know

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “10 skills every man should know”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not every man can detect these skills in their history of life, if you ask me why these skills are very important to be recognized by the men because every man is destined as the leader in this life, here is the first skill every man should know is having self-compassion, the main reason why having self-compassion is important for our lives because it can help us to discover what we don't know in our deepest potential, if men don't practice their self-compassion in daily basis, as impact, men will do something with heartless decision, besides that, men will do something dangerous if they don't build self-compassion, here is the second skill every man should know is having problem detector, the main reason why men must have problem detector because this natural skill has not been granted by God to women's characteristic, do you know why I say thing because problem detector is related with men's characteristic and men's logic is more dominant than women's, if men have no problem detector, meaning, they behave like the loser, here is the third skill every man should know is negotiation skill, the main reason why I say like that because not every man has mastered negotiation skill, if men have no negotiation skill, they will never have a golden opportunity when they need to do the business with other people's resource, here is the fourth skill every man should know is having good parenting skill, the reason why I say like that because not every man commits to behave like a good parent for their children, the main cause why men have no parenting skill because men are willing to work very hard until they have no quality time with their children, here is the fifth skill every man should know is being a good listener, this skill is important because not every man is willing to be good listener when their spouses start to tell about a problem.

           Here is the sixth skill every man should know is being the mirror for women's character, meaning, this skill is very important because not every man has owned this skill, some men try to oppose women's reaction when women try to express their deepest feeling, women will be happy when men can lower their normal ego and start to give advice when women ask it in previous time, here is the seventh skill every man should know is being good friend for their children, the reason why I say like that because most men are busy at their work until they don't have sufficient time for their children, that's why children don't want to appreciate what their parents give because the children have no longer owned the right to lend their parent's ears, besides that, some parents behave bossy and this kind of attitude will mistreat children's future, here is the eighth skill every man should know is being a peacemaker, having this skill is important because many men like to start arguing or fighting when they feel discomfort in any situation, here is the ninth skill every man should know is having visionary skill, this skill is important because it is used to create the good opportunity for other people who have no decent life or poor living, having the visionary skill is not easy because we must challenge ourselves to take the risk when other people don't want to do like we do, here is the tenth skill every man should know is being environmentalist, this is important role because not many people are willing to protect the environmental, instead, some people destroy it, like the illegal logging, as men, we must preserve the planet earth with good protection in order to avoid the global warming or the disaster which may come at any time, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

7 qualities of a healthy relationship

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “7 qualities of a healthy relationship”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples are trapped in toxic relationship and they don't know how to get out from the toxic relationship, so in this article I would share about several qualities of a healthy relationship, hopefully it can give your relationship is better than before, here is the first quality of a healthy relationship; giving the benefit, not taking the benefit, meaning, we only focus how to give the benefit to our spouse, if we don't give something that our spouse needs, meaning, there is no love, if there is no love, there is not trust, if you or your spouse can’t trust each other, meaning, your relationship is no longer bringing good fortune in the future, here is the second quality of a healthy relationship; keep building quality time, means you and your spouse show caring,  attention and merits, when you and your spouse can understand how to give quality time, I am very optimistic that your relationship will be fine, here is the third quality of a healthy relationship : give the compliment to spouseI think every couple must need compliment because it can help people to reduce ego. giving the compliment means giving the detail attention to spouse. 

      Here is the fourth quality of a healthy relationship : friendliness, means, you and your spouse will not feel sorry when there is friendliness, this strategy also will bring good fortune when it is being nourished together, if your relationship can make warm relationship, you and your spouse will not feel regret to stay together although there is problem ahead, here is the fifth quality of a healthy relationship : integritythis character can’t happen in short period of time, the learning process may take at least 5 years to strengthen the relationship, integrity is not talking about accepting your spouse’s weaknesses, but how to prolong your spouse's endurance skill, here is the sixth quality of a healthy relationship : loyalty, I think every couple must have this kind of character, when there is no loyalty, there is only nightmare within relationship, remember this; building loyalty is like making the personal branding to what they build in business, when there is person can’t show his loyalty in relationship, means he insults himself, here is seventh quality of a healthy relationship : building the same dream, means, you and your spouse are willing to grow together with the same dream, I think every couple needs this strategy, when you and your spouse can't build the same dream, it will raise the conflict in long period of time, furthermore, there will be a lot of misunderstanding unexpectedly in every life moment if every human's relationship doesn't build the same dream, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.