Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

6 issues that break relationship forever

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about 6 issues that break relationship forever, the main reason why I choose that topic because many couple are trapped in a toxic relationship, so they don’t dare to break that kind of relationship, now let me share to you about 6 issues that break relationship forever, the first issue that breaks relationship forever; build an unworthy communication, means, if you can’t find any worth communication when you talk with your spouse, means you and your spouse can’t continue that kind of relationship because you and your spouse can’t build the same vision to be shared together, the second issue that breaks relationship forever; there is no mutual understanding and there is no mutual respect in relationship, this condition can’t be underestimated because it can create unhealthy relationship impact if every couple still continues it, if you want to build healthy relationship, you must estimate how much time you need to research what your spouse usually does in the major time, if your spouse can't spend a minor time to talk to you, means you don't need to continue that kind of relationship because your spouse doesn't appreciate your existence. 

         This is the third issue that breaks relationship forever; there is suspicious mind when every couple has made separated appointment, this is important to be learnt, do you know why? When sense of suspicious mind comes up in your mind, means there must be something wrong with your spouse’s circumstance, if you neglect this condition, your emotion drastically reduces because you can’t make sensible opinion regarding your spouse’s dignity, remember this note; the suspicious mind of yours will not grow if there is suspicious behavior in your spouse, sometimes your instinct will work optimally when your spouse hides something valuable from you, here is the fourth issue that breaks relationship forever; inability to see any good value in couple’s ability, means, your valuable service will not get any respect from your spouse because your spouse only takes care about self, not in relationship, you must stay away from this kind of relationship, the main reason why we need to see any value from our spouse because long term relationship can’t be built without seeing any good thing into each other, if you can’t get any value from your spouse, means you don’t need any reason to preserve it because reality shows differently than what you expect.

         This is the fifth issue that breaks relationship forever; lack of charisma, the main reason why I need to comment such thing because sense of charisma is the main cause how to influence every couple’s emotion to be rejuvenated, you will not get any rejuvenation from your spouse when you don’t have any good service to be offered to your spouse, you must have charisma when you want to attract your spouse, if your spouse still can’t see any charisma of yours means you no longer valuable in front of your spouse, this is six issue that breaks relationship forever; lack of yearning to see each other, I think this reason is reasonable for every couple, human being is kind of emotional creature, if there is no sense of yearning, there is no relationship between both of them.

How to create trust in a relationship

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic how to create trust in a relationship, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can be trustworthy when they make new relationship, at this moment I would share something related how to create trust in a relationship, here is the first strategy how to create trust in a relationship; you must stay honesty in what you do or what you talk, means you develop a sense of trust in what you do / what you talk without feeling of doubt, this is the basic requirement how to build long term relationship, becoming reliable person is not easy because you need to stay honesty in what you do even though you have many mistakes, other people will trust you when you add more value to what you do, here is the second strategy how to create trust in a relationship; don’t disclose about people’s private matter when they entrust something to you, this is about good manner, if you don’t want to get trouble with other people’s lives, you must keep something secret, if you don’t understand about it, try to ask people to explain clearly, don’t let other people feel disappointed by you when you disclose other people's private matter, remember; people will remember your mistake easily rather than remember your kindness, don't let your reputation is crushed in several minutes after you had built it in several years.

        Here is the third strategy how to create trust in a relationship; show your empathy to what others feel, means you don’t need to prove that you show what you feel, all you need to do is doing what others can't finish even though they may have a strategy to do it, here is the fourth strategy how to create trust in a relationship; make two ways of open communication to build a commitment, this is crucial point, commitment is part of self-education, when you can't prove what you commit, you will be judged by someone as uneducated person because you prove that you can't prove what you commit, here is fifth strategy how to create trust in a relationship; don't push your opinion to be other people's perception, remember; you may can get wrong and others may get wrong as well, so, you just need to share what you know and stop demanding others to believe what you share, if you have attitude like this, others will not think of you as dictator, instead of considering you as a best friend, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully you can get something useful from this article, good luck. 

How to find out if a trust exists

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share the topic "How to find out if a trust exists", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are being trustworthy, if you ask me why find someone who is trusted is difficult because we don't know about their personal life, sometimes we only know from what we hear only, before we find a trust from other people, we must ask to ourselves "how can am I trustworthy?", that's basic question how to get sense of trustworthy, if we can't rely on what we feel plus we can't be trustworthy person, how can others expect us to be trustworthy?, that's challenge, find a trust if like finding the diamond in the bottom of sea, it is nearly impossible, but it can be done if we trust ourselves to do something, here is the first strategy how to find out the value of trust; we must test ourselves to be trustworthy person when others expect us to do something important, if we can prove that we can do something useful for others, we indirectly create reputation / self-reward plus we build a confidence through having the contentment of giving a service, remember this; if people can give us a trust after we do something for them, that's real trust, if we don't create a sense of trust, we don't create respect to ourselves.

        Here is the second strategy how to find out the value of trust; check the credibility of others after they give us something crucial, meaning, we wait whether others can create a value to us or not, if others can prove that they can do something 100% as it is matched with what they say, that's value of trust, for example; I talk about the insurance company, if someone gets the insurance policy plus they get redemption 100%, meaning, the insurance company keeps a promise to us, Here is the third strategy how to find out the value of trust; we keep doing to something uncertain until reality can give us a result beyond what we imagine, this strategy is difficult because we are going against our time, although life is so uncertainty, it doesn't mean we lose a hope and let reality works by itself, we must change something before reality does something for us, we must lead reality with our dream until reality can cooperate well with our progress, remember; reality can't be backward, reality is the result of what we did in the past, in order to lead reality, we must do something we believe that what we do is possible to exist, that's our job as human being, we don't need to know whether we can get the result  or not, that's not our job, our sense of belief to what we do is more important than reality because reality is the lame worldhere is the last note; reality follows what we believe and what we do, if we don't do or we don't continue what we start, meaning, we don't believe in what we do, if we don't believe what we do, then we crush our own future hope, hopefully this article can give you an insight and help you how to improve your career, good luck.

How do I know if I am losing my mind

Hi smart people, howdy, I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "How do I know if I am losing my mind, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people don’t recognize about the major cause of losing their mind, at this moment, let me share to you some strategies how to know people losing their mind, here is the first sign that people lose their mind; persistent feelings of sadness, means, if people experience with it, they need to find something which can de-stress themselves in order to distract their focus from the source which can remind , the main reason why people get persistent feeling of sadness because they aren't ready to lose something important, it could be beloved people, job, reputation, fame, money, business, asset.

Here is the second sign that people lose their mind; extreme mood swings, means, people don't know how to do with themselves because they don't believe about what they feel, if we want to help these kind of people, we need to let them decide what they really want to do and what they don't really want, as long as they don't really know what they do, we can give a question to them "what are they capable of?, the reason why we need to give such question in order to make people aware about their deepest potential, here is the third sign that people lose their mind: confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate, means, people don't know how to prioritize something whether what they think is important or unimportant, if we want to help these kind of people, we aren't allowed to give them many options, the more we offer many choices, the more they feel confused, sometimes we need to give them fixed option in order to stop them from confused thinking.

Here is the fourth sign that people lose their mind: withdrawal from friends and routine activities, means, people will stop socializing when they feel something wrong with their mind, people who lose their mind, they tend to avoid socialization until they feel renewed with new atmosphere, Here is the fifth sign that people lose their mindsignificant changes in eating or sleeping habitpeople who lose their mind, there is a sudden change with their eating habit, they tend to eat something disorderly, hopefully after you read this article, your focus increases and your career will increase as well. 

5 essential leadership skills

               Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "5 essential leadership skills", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people are willing to learn these skills because they think earning money is better than learning something related with leadership skills, if you ask me why not everyone cares about leadership skill because they are used to get instant upbringing from their environment, based on what I observe so far, many children are educated how to get a good grade at the subject they learn from school, but unfortunately they don't get leadership skills from their school, at this moment, let me share to you about 5 skills which can develop your leadership skills, here is the first skill to develop your leadership skills; Communication, meaning, you need to educate yourself by enriching your knowledge and use your knowledge to communicate and socialize with others until people can accept what you mean, this skill can’t be taught at school education system, Here is the second skill to develop your leadership skills; empathy, means, you need to increase your self-awareness, this skill is used to understand and address the feeling to others, this skill also can help to create a positive working environment, especially people who are working as a team at the same company, if we don't have empathy skill, our action will create concord and dispute, here is the third skill to develop your leadership skills: Decision-making, this skill can help you to promote your talents to others who don't know you, decision-making is not easy for type of people who have distressed mind, in order to shape decision-making skill, you need to train yourself by doing something alone as if there were nobody can help you how to make bright future.

Here is the fourth skill to develop your leadership skills: Delegation,  meaning, you need to train how other people's performance can be trusted even you aren't always around, build delegation skill is not easy because you need to know other people's ability first, and then you must test their ability until it can help you to accelerate daily target, besides knowing people's skill, you need to know people's emotional intelligence, if they can't prove what they say, meaning, they can't be delegated to do something you assigned to them, here is the fifth skill to develop your leadership skills: Resilience, this skill is very important amongst other skill, this skill can't be handed down genetically, we must train ourselves to do something where nobody can't represent, we must dare to challenge our limitation and we must adapt with unpleasantness, if we can't do what we face, meaning, we have no resilience skill, that's very tough part, if we don't have resilience skill, we can't help how to solve other people's problem continuously, sometimes we will feel bounce back after we create failure and we move forward because we don't want to feel the same bad feeling again, hopefully these skills can help you how to increase your independence skill and develop your career as well.

Productive things to do when you are bored

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about Productive things to do when you are bored, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone knows how to do when they feel bored and not many of them spend their time to change their circumstances by doing some productivities, at this moment let me share to you about 5 productive things to do when you are bored, here is the first productive thing you need to do when you are bored; clean your house, this is simple job, but unfortunately it is often to be underestimated by some people who are having high class economy, if you decide to clean your house, the circumstance will help you to clear your unsteady mood and also strengthen your mental strength, you can try it every day every time you feel bored and you can taste the result later, here is the second productive thing you need to do when you are bored; declutter and organize, means, you can try to look around you which may disarray, if you have a good habit by decluttering and organizing, you will not get stressed easily because you indirectly sweep your boring event with your productive activity.

          Here is the third productive thing you need to do when you are bored; Learn something new on YouTube channel, as we know that You Tube channel is one of the biggest social media application which bring a great impact to the billions of people who live across the worldwide, I think there is no excuse anymore for everyone not to learn something new from You tube channel because every new valuable thing can be learned from YouTube channel at any time, if you keep doing some productive things, your circumstance will adapt with your current mood, if you just spend your time to focus on your desire, your circumstance will make you bored constantly, here is the fourth productive thing you need to do when you are bored; connect with beloved people, meaning, you can interact with your beloved people, it is not difficult to do, you just visit your beloved people's place and make some arrangements to talk, Here is the fifth productive thing you need to do when you are bored; make a wish list of things you want to do, if you have this habit, your focus will not be distracted easily with your sense of bored because your vitality automatically calls your energy to follow what you already wrote on your wish list of journal, when you succeed to make a list, you can follow your journey, I think that’s my explanation, hopefully after you read this article, you will not feel bored anymore. 

How to care for mental health

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about How to care for mental health, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people underestimate how to care for their mental health, if you ask me why many people don't care about the mental health because they think mental health is less important than physical health, in my opinion; people who consider mental health is less important than physical health, meaning, they are distressed with the current situation which really hits their comfort zone, at this moment let me share to you about several tips how to take care of mentally tough, here is the first thing you need to do how to take care for mental health; stay active, meaning, you need to do something excited and useful, you have to put your activity as your regular practice, if you keep this habit, it will boost your self-esteem, if you feel enthusiast, it will influence your focus and concentration is better, remember; exercise will help you to maintain your brain and other vital organs is healthy, here is the second thing you need to do how to take care for mental health; eat well with the nutritious food, meaning, you need to care your body health with nutritious food, imagine if your body health is unhealthy, I am sure you will get stressed out although you have a lot of money in the bank.

          Here is the third thing you need to do how to care for mental health; keep in touch with wise people, meaning, you need to communicate with wise people even though you only make contact through your cellphone or make a video call to them, whether we believe or not, making a good communication with wise people is better than reading a hundred of books at the library, if wise people start to talk about something important to you, your spiritual health will be increasing because the quality of information can break your mental block, here is the fourth thing you need to do how to care for mental health; take a break, you need to rest for moment, at least 5-10 minutes, either you can drink the mineral water, or coffee or tea, here is the fifth thing you need to do how to care for mental health;  you do something you are good at, you do something for self-love, not for money, recognition or reputation, if you can spend your time to do something you are good at, your self- esteem will sell your qualification to the public, here is the sixth thing you need to do how to care for mental health; accept who you are, meaning, you don't protest what you can't do and you don't compare between what you have and what others have, if you can accept who you are, you indirectly develop your inner peace, when you maintain the high level of inner peace, your mental health will be healing your inner disease, hopefully you can get something useful during reading this article.

Poor spending habits

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share to you about "poor spending habits", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is aware about their daily spending, at this moment I would like to share about several poor spending habits that can make people stay poor, here is the first poor spending habit that making people stay poor; Impulse buying, means, people will give nod “Yes” response to anything goods where it can attract people's attention, people will buy something until they have no money left in their wallet or pockets, this habit will make people poor because people have no strength to delay their impulse buying, here is the second poor spending habit that making people stay poor; eating out too oftenthis habit has been occurring in every generation, especially for young mothers who don't want to cook something for their family, if you really want to control your spending habit, please reduce the amount of money for eating out, making a homemade cooking is one of good solution how to reduce the exaggerated expense, if you think this habit had been applied to your daily life, you can try to manage your expense starting from the first month, I don't prohibit you to eating out, but at least you can reduce your expense habit, for example; you can eat out once a week, 6 days you can make homemade cooking.

          Here is the third poor spending habit that making people stay poor; Not tracking spending, means, someone uses his money without control, it is dangerous, do you know why? because we don't know what will happen in tomorrow, if we don't have enough money to provide our life expense, we will be beggar in the street, tracking spending is one of good idea how to use money wisely, remember; we don't always take money every time, if our resource is unstable, we will be broke and we will live in the undeserved place, here is the fourth poor spending habit that making people stay poor; using the credit card for whatever reason, this habit has been applied by modern generation family, especially to people who think they can rely on the bank's resource, if this habit has been handed down from generation to generation, as impact, they will never have possessed staying power to face the crisis, here is the fifth poor spending habit that making people stay poor; Not saving, means, people don't have any economy plan to save their future through savings, the reason why we need to have savings because it can be used when the life crisis comes, hopefully you can get something useful after you read this article.

Signs of low self worth

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic “Signs of low self-worth”, the main reason why I choose that topic because some people don't realize what makes them having low self worth, at this moment, I would like to share some strategies how to recognize the signs of low self-worthhere is the first sign people have low self-worth; do negative self- talk, this habit is not good to nurture human's mind, do you know why I say like this because negative self-talk can become a disaster prophecy, remember this; the more people do negative self-talk, the more people believe that they have low self-worthhere is the second sign people have low self-worth; difficult accepting compliments, when people reject any compliments from others, meaning, they have low self-worth, people who have low self-worth, they don't focus how to accept any compliments, instead, they keep focus how to find their own weaknesses, in person's low self-worth, they consider every compliments is enemy, here is the third sign people have low self-worth; people-teasing tendencies, meaning, people who have this kind of habit, they will spend their time to approach other people's lives and they will tease people whom are recognized as worthy person, that's habit only can be owned by people who have low self-esteem

          Here is the fourth sign people have low self-worth; avoiding new experience, people who have this kind of habit, they tend to do something easier, for people who have low self-worth, they tend to do what they think is good even though it is nearly inexperience, when other people offer new experience to type of person who has low self-worth, he/she tends to avoid it by making lame excuse, for them, having new experience makes them suffered, here is the fifth sign people have low self-worth; struggling with assertiveness, meaning, they will do something what they think is right and appropriate to them, people who have low self-worth, they will do something the same again and again with assertiveness, this kind of habit will lead people to something regrettable and disappointment, people who have low self-worth, they tend to avoid new change, easy to complain, easy to get upset when other people give an opinion to what they do, here is the sixth sign people have low self-worth; self-opinionated, people who have this kind of attitude, they will consider other people's different view is enemy and they consider what they do is always right, hopefully this article can help you how to improve your life, good luck.

Visual learning strategies

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic “Visual learning strategies”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people fail to implement visual learning strategies in reality, if you ask me why applying visual learning is important in this modern age because many advanced technologies develop a virtual reality program to accelerate human's capability and curiosity, here are the examples of virtual reality are the video call at Zoom's meeting, PlayStation 5 game, YouTube video, the augmented reality in the computer's background screen mode, photography at digital camera, now my question is what we are going to do with visual learning after we see many advanced technology, here is the first strategy how to apply visual learning in real life; you must offer the online service where it can provide what other people's need as virtually. we must research about the problem where it can educate people from watching the visual content, we must research about the color that people love, the style of language they understand and the story which can enchant them.

          Here is the second strategy how to apply visual learning in real life; you must replay the content view you make until you can enhance your new perception or your awareness level from the content you watch, as we know learning from the visual looked easy, but if other people can't focus or concentrate because the content speed we create, it means, we fail to understand the video content because we can't make others understand, if we look at video content recently from YouTube video, many people love to watch related with entertainment rather than watch related with the educational content, which means, the content creators don't apply visual learning, they just offer instant pleasure through the video content, if we want to make people increase their visual learning, we must ensure that time length we provide from the visual is not too long, our point is to ensure they not only learn from the content, but also they will watch our content again and again, hopefully you can get something useful after you read this article.

How do you build a strong mindset


          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "How do you build a strong mindset", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone knows about the benefit of having a strong mindset, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to build a strong mindset, here is the first strategy to build strong mindset; don't feel regret for failure, means, every time someone makes prompt action, they don’t feel regret because they believe every problem is designed to strengthen people’s mentally tough and they believe every problem will not define about people’s character in the future, remember this note; today is today, many new things happen today, it will never be the same with yesterday if we accept the lesson, if we consider failure is best teacher, we can break our mental block which can hold us back from achieving something good and we will get new chance to get bright future, here is the second strategy to build strong mindset; they embrace challenge and welcome it with open mindedif you embrace this attitude, you will not get stressed easily because your mind keeps supporting what you are excited, when you do something excited, you will get new experience where most people aren't definitely getting it like you.


          Here is the third strategy to build strong mindset; not to think something that can’t be controlled, people who use this strategy, their focus will not get distracted easily by unknown circumstance, if they focus on something can't be controlled, they indirectly crush their inner peace and crush their mental health, let remind you again, as human being, we are allowed to focus on six things only if we want to build strong mindset, 1. choose a decision for making a new habit, 2. choose attitude, 3. choose the words before speaking, 4. choose to judge something, 5. choose the information, 6. choose the people you are going with, here is the fourth strategy to build strong mindset; willing to take calculated and tolerance risk, means, someone doesn't fear about the risk, instead, he keeps challenging his limitation to do big thing in this life, if you have this skill, you will not feel bothered with the unknown circumstance because facing the risk is the only way how to build strong mindset, here is the fifth strategy to build strong mindset; celebrate every progress, if you learn about this strategy, you will not fear about your unpleasant feeling anymore because you train your mind to give the reward every time you try something new, remember; giving yourself a reward after doing something great is the part of self-maturity, I think that's my explanation, hopefully you can get something useful from this article.

Value of discipline in life

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Value of discipline in life”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone realizes about the essential value from discipline, if you ask me why not everyone doesn't care about the essential value from discipline because they think discipline is hard to do, it will leave a permanent pain to human's mentality, at this time, let me share something about 7 tips you need to know how to master self-discipline, hopefully you can apply this strategy to your daily routine, here is the first tip how to master self-discipline; determine type of goal to set, when you apply this strategy to your daily routine, your focus will be expanded because you understand your type of goal and also you set your mindset to be goal-oriented, not end result-oriented, here is the second tip how to master self-discipline; breakdown your ultimate goal, means, you need to dissect your long term plan by finishing a short term goal every day, you have to love with progress rather than love with big result, if you appreciate about progress, you will not get afraid with failure because the progress you make can strengthen your mentality prowess, here is the advantage if you focus on the progress; you will not lose the value of discipline because discipline is great asset which can guide you to be very successful person.

         Here is the third tip how to master self-discipline; create a monitoring board to check your learning process, at this step, you are not allowed to finish another target until you finish your top priority plan, if you improve your learning area, you can improve something valuable which may affect to your career, Here is the fourth tip how to master self-discipline; eliminate distractions and temptation, if your focus gets distracted with many temptations, so you need to alert yourself by staying away from the source of distractions, like TV, online games, Here is the fifth tip how to master self-discipline; give yourself a small reward after you finish something, means, you need to appreciate your effort and time with small reward, remember; giving yourself a reward is part of self-compassion, if you love yourself, you will not get stressed with any circumstance, Here is the sixth tip how to master self-discipline; find role model who can inspire you a lot, sometimes having a good role model is a must because it can keep you on the daily track, if you have a good mentor, you will get a good influence from your role model, Here is the seventh tip how to master self-discipline; stay away from the instant process, do you know why you need to stay away from the instant process because it can't support your talent or your inborn skill,  I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

How to develop good habits in daily life

          Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “How to develop good habits in daily life", the main reason why I choose that topic because having a good habit is the basic foundation how to get incredible life experience, if you ask me why develop good habit is important because it can bring happiness, good health and prosperous life, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to develop good habits in daily life, here is the first habit you need to do how to develop good habits; train your mind how to express your deepest gratitude in the morning, this ritual is so important because it can help you to reduce the stress’s impact and increase the endorphin hormone, as you know having endorphin and oxytocin hormone can reduce the mental pain, you can write down what your gratitude in the paper and read it repeat in several times, please train your mind at least 21 days by expressing your deepest gratitude, I am sure you can feel blessed if you accustom yourself with that ritual, here is the second habit you need to do how to develop good habits; try not to regret about your past moment and start rewarding yourself by sharing your goodness to others, the more you regret about your past, the more you absorb the darkness / the evil, remember; when you can't compromise with your time, you will have a sense of anxiety, fear, depression and ungrateful.

          Here is the third habit you need to do how to develop good habits; start appreciating whatever you get from the grace of God, this strategy will help you how to reduce stress and create peace to your mind, remember this note; just because you want to live happily, doesn't mean you must demand reality to work on your satisfaction, when you accept the result from Almighty God, you will not get hurt when reality doesn't work on your expectation, here is the fourth habit you need to do how to develop good habits;  accept your limitation, means, you don't disappoint when you get something opposite from your desire, here is for your note; limitation is not designed to restrict what you can do, but limitation is designed to help your focus is bigger and maximize your potential strengthhere is the fifth habit you need to do how to develop good habits;  don’t be follower from other people's game, just play your own game scenario and be the best whatever you are, means, you must be unique, you don't compare between what other people do and what you can do, when you feel something good to the field area you are interested with, don’t just leave it behind without practicing it, you must develop it or it will be ended in regret, you have to practice your craft until your own creation can support whatever you wish, that’s one of good recipe how to create true happiness, here is the last note; only you can design your own life and you must be a happiness maker, not a happiness taker, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

5 steps to good decision making

Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “5 steps to good decision making”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped with rat race which makes them feel difficult to make good decision making, at this moment let me share something to you about 5 steps to good decision making, here is the first step to good decision making; taking a risk when people tend to avoid something unpleasant, means, we initially take decision when other people don't make decision, remember; taking a risk is not part of threat, it's just giving the signal for our mental preparation to welcome a great power from the risk we take, remember this note; if there is no risk, there is no learning process, risk is not designed to harm people’s lives, but risk is designed to teach people how to keep surviving from the unwanted problem or situation, if we don’t take risk now, we will never know about what we will get in future, maybe one day we will be pushed to take greater risk than previous one if we reject it now, so we must beware about every decision we choose, here is the second step to good decision making; you don't follow your expectation even though you can't get the result from it, the reason why you don't need to follow your expectation because it will immobilize your great spirit when you want to continue your doing, whether you like it or not, sometimes expectation can make you feel doubt when you want to make decision.

They walk into depression and ignorance

Here is the third step to good decision making; don't look back about your past when you want to make decision, the reason you aren't allowed to look back about your past because your future is determined by today's decision, when you look back about your past for longer time, your decision will be making you feared, here is the fourth step to good decision making; writing about the negative probability and positive probability into the paper, this strategy can help you to see the two sides of probability which may happen in the near future, if you can write down about the positive and negative probability into paper, you will not fear once the reality rejects your decision, here is the fifth step to good decision making;  you choose to live in the present, meaning, you don't feel regret when you make decision right now, if you don't feel any regret for your decision even though you may get counteractive result, as result, you are stronger than you think, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Positive habits for mental health

          Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Positive habits for mental health”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped in unhealthy habit, besides that, many people only chase what makes them happier. at this moment let me share something to you about several things how to build positive habit for mental health, hopefully it can help you to change your life, here is the first positive habit that can manage your mental health; stay curious about a new life problem and welcome them by learning it, if you adapt yourself with it, your mental intelligence will be increasing because you can get a new power every time you welcome life problem, remember this note; when you welcome and learn deeply about life problem, you indirectly decrease your fearfulness, here is the main cause why people get depressed; they tend to avoid life problem and they just chase what makes them feel pleasure, remember; life is not asking you whether you are ready or not to accept life problem, but when you can't manage your life, your unprepared capacity will create a doom and bring the confidence crisis.

Here is the second positive habit that can manage your mental health; building the unconditional love by working on your enthusiasm,  if you can do something with your enthusiasm, you will not feel fussy when the result because you enjoy with the learning process, here is the third positive habit that can manage your mental health; giving more and expecting less, means, you start doing something not because the amount of profit, but you do something because your greatest spirit guides you how to evolve your life, the reason why giving more and expecting less is powerful habit because this habit can help you how to develop your confidence level and increase your mental health level, based on psychological research, people who can do good deeds continuously, they help themselves from avoiding the disaster of life, remember this note; poor habit is always giving less and expecting more, here is the fourth positive habit that can manage your mental health; self-discipline and be studious, the main reason why we need to apply self-discipline and studious for our lives because that habit is what the nature always does for human being and other creatures, when we possess that habit, the nature will help us to support to increase our mental health.

    Here is the fifth positive habit that can manage your mental health; create a sense of urgency for yourself every time you do something, the reason why create a sense of urgency is important to manage your mental health because it can increase your productivity level and increase your manner regarding your time, when you appreciate your time by doing something in hurry, your time will give you a new result beyond your expectation, a new result is the reward from what you appreciate your time, the reward can be self-awareness, peace, endurance, money, reputation and self-esteem, the more you appreciate your time, the more you increase your mental health, remember this; every serious problem in life is started from procrastination and not willing to do kindness for othersI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.