6 issues that break relationship forever

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share about 6 issues that break relationship forever, the main reason why I choose that topic because many couple are trapped in a toxic relationship, so they don’t dare to break that kind of relationship, now let me share to you about 6 issues that break relationship forever, the first issue that breaks relationship forever; build an unworthy communication, means, if you can’t find any worth communication when you talk with your spouse, means you and your spouse can’t continue that kind of relationship because you and your spouse can’t build the same vision to be shared together, the second issue that breaks relationship forever; there is no mutual understanding and there is no mutual respect in relationship, this condition can’t be underestimated because it can create unhealthy relationship impact if every couple still continues it, if you want to build healthy relationship, you must estimate how much time you need to research what your spouse usually does in the major time, if your spouse can't spend a minor time to talk to you, means you don't need to continue that kind of relationship because your spouse doesn't appreciate your existence. 

         This is the third issue that breaks relationship forever; there is suspicious mind when every couple has made separated appointment, this is important to be learnt, do you know why? When sense of suspicious mind comes up in your mind, means there must be something wrong with your spouse’s circumstance, if you neglect this condition, your emotion drastically reduces because you can’t make sensible opinion regarding your spouse’s dignity, remember this note; the suspicious mind of yours will not grow if there is suspicious behavior in your spouse, sometimes your instinct will work optimally when your spouse hides something valuable from you, here is the fourth issue that breaks relationship forever; inability to see any good value in couple’s ability, means, your valuable service will not get any respect from your spouse because your spouse only takes care about self, not in relationship, you must stay away from this kind of relationship, the main reason why we need to see any value from our spouse because long term relationship can’t be built without seeing any good thing into each other, if you can’t get any value from your spouse, means you don’t need any reason to preserve it because reality shows differently than what you expect.

         This is the fifth issue that breaks relationship forever; lack of charisma, the main reason why I need to comment such thing because sense of charisma is the main cause how to influence every couple’s emotion to be rejuvenated, you will not get any rejuvenation from your spouse when you don’t have any good service to be offered to your spouse, you must have charisma when you want to attract your spouse, if your spouse still can’t see any charisma of yours means you no longer valuable in front of your spouse, this is six issue that breaks relationship forever; lack of yearning to see each other, I think this reason is reasonable for every couple, human being is kind of emotional creature, if there is no sense of yearning, there is no relationship between both of them.