Showing posts with label Judgment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judgment. Show all posts

Why people smoke ?

       Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic "why people smoke", the main reason why i choose that topic because many people can't stop smoking even though the government try to advise them, at this point, I would like to let you know why people smoke, there are several factors why people tend to smoke, hopefully these several factors can give you new inspiration and you can stop smoking after you read this article, here is the first factor why people smoke; negative self-image, the reason why I say such thing because they consider themselves is getting better after they smoke, besides that, they feel encouraged when they smoke, that's not good answer, the root of problem why people start smoking is people feel addicted after they smoke and people will not feel better if they stop smoking, that's negative self-image, besides that, cigarette that they consume will not attach the health certificate from the medical department, At the first we must realize why cigarette can't encourage to people's spirit, as long as cigarette can't support human's health, cigarette will leave the unpredictable disease which is happening in the future, such as lung cancer, heart attack, if we look at the fact, some smokers choose to challenge the medical judgment whether cigarette can give negative impact or not to their own health, remember this note; as long as there is product that can make people addicted so often, that product is not good for health,

     Here is the second factor why people smoke; they think the cigarette can change their mood, it means, they consider cigarette is the only strategy how to improve their moodin my opinion; the smoker’s mindset is "as long as there is something can fill their loneliness or it change their mood, they will choose smoking is the alternative strategy to fulfill what they emotional need", if they start to label smoking activity is part of the best activity, their habit will be harder to be stopped, in my opinion; the smokers should think the consequent first before they are doing something insidious, remember; there is nobody can predict when the disease starts to attack their health until the smoker's health would be pushed to believe that cigarette is really bad, starting from now, "please don't try something without being ready to accept the bad consequence because good opportunity to recover health will be gone after the bad consequence starts counting the smoker's habit", here is the third factor why people smoke; they often do purposeless activity, remember; "good habit will never stay together with bad habit", if people spend their major time to do purposeless activity, their psychological tends to shape bad habit easily rather than shape good habit, purposeless activity is part of bad habit and smoking activity are part of bad habit because it can destroy the future's hope, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Why so serious in turning a dream into reality?

              In this topic we would like to describe the opinion about a dream, dream is like something unclear but will affect to your vision in reality. I know that every dream is like someone is swimming in the sea but he had no idea where destination he should go, that‘s feeling indicates the dream actually is giving us the image and it tries to evoke our emotional feeling to embody a dream into purpose, the main reason why we need to turn our dream into reality because it can widen our knowledge, experience, mentality, wisdom and survival skill, some says "life without dream is boring", do you know why it becomes boring because we only follow reality without adding some good values to this life.

              If you realize that setting goal is started from turning a dream into reality, so you can continue it even though you can't see the good result, in fact many people do not believe in what kind of dream will be imagined and their dream is just dreaming, so if we want to make better life, we should take serious in making new standard, I know it’s not easy to interpret the dream becomes reality, so we need to standardize what kind of dream will be evolved into reality, if people just work to earn the money, they would not find how to rule the money. To rule the money, we have to sincerely add the value first and give it to somebody else although we haven’t got money at the first time.

              Turning a dream into reality is part of love feeling and if you are taking serious to decide the decision, your dream will give you the extra power and it makes you visible during riding your dream, and there’s another option when your dream can’t appear namely meditation, it will help you awake your subconscious mind and turn it into the reality. In addition we need to make some principled approach to a dream first because the dream is living in the invisible nature, we can’t make it right without doing the exact planning, some of people who are not serious or not being loyal in their dream, their dream will betray to dreamer because the failure of dream usually came from the dreamer's uncertain feeling             

Why are you afraid of your own Potential?

    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic "why are you afraid of your potential?", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people frustrated how to optimize their own potential, besides that, people don't have a good role model how to unlock people's potential, that's confidence issue, normally we as child didn’t know how to discover what was important in life, the reason why we didn't find our potential when we were childhood because we were trained to listen what parents talk, what teachers talk "how to play safe, take a secure job, don't take new responsibility" almost 20 years we were trained to listen the voice that not our own, as result, we still couldn't detect where lies our potential, that's main cause why we were afraid how to make potential successfully in our lives, now you may ask me "what can we do how to unlock potential?", here is the first thing you must do how to unlock potential is "follow what your intuition tells you while you are keep searching your potential", the reason why I recommend you to listen your intuition because it never tell a lie to you, but in order to listen your intuition, you must take one or two skills and you practiced it at least 20 hours, after 20 hours, you reevaluate what you learn, if your potential grows as the time goes by and your potential increases your wisdom, vision, knowledge and creativity, that's mean, you succeed.


   I just want to tell you that your potential will not grow when you avoid doing something difficult or challenging, do you know why? because your potential is designed to force you to leave your comfort zone, your potential only wants you to do something progressively, not to do secure job which it can't offer new opportunity for you, remember this; there is no mental growth when you stay in comfort zone and there is no comfortable in growth zone or learning zonesome people fear when they meet with the growth zone because they are forced to do something where it offers themselves hard pressure, that's normal because their mentality hasn't been trained yet, it may take few years to let people adapt with uncertainty and painful experience, that's consequence, but if you don't take challenge to yourself, you will get more pain when you are getting old because you have missed many priceless lesson when you were younger, in my opinion; you must have a life goal where it can guide you how to find your potential, by having a life goal, it can make your focus staying in the line of your potential, if you decide to do something for your potential, you are not allowed to take backtrack because you already commit, if you don't do something for your potential, you can't use your time and health to enjoy the moment of your happiness, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can help you to change your life, good luck.

What makes someone pinpoints the blame to others

              In this moment I would share about the reason why so many people are disappointing to what they are doing, in common society’s life there are many faults which can’t be accepted by ordinary people, one of them is accepting the and rest of them they intend to pinpoint the blame to someone else whom is categorized as weak person or inferior people class, I know it’s not easy to accept the faults, that the reason most people can’t recognize who the really are.

              Accepting the fault doesn’t mean we must accept it as if we did something bad but we accept the fault because learning from fault is part of sage person’s job and the fault will not come to sage person because he often accepts the fault and also he often interprets from the meaning of fault to everlasting success process. For sage’s person opinion, accepting the fault and get failure are very different way.

            Someone who is accepting the fault means, he believes, and he acknowledges what he did is inaccurate, so he intends to train himself every single time until he gets accurate 90%-100% despite difficulties, the key of success is feeling happy in making progress despite inaccurate, Only the time being will help you collecting the accurate. On the other hand, the meaning of someone who gets failure is when there’s opportunity is coming, he is inaction, when there’s someone’s help coming, he critics back and making complaint instead.
            So please relax when you are being accused by someone else, when you are innocent to someone else, the problem will not come to you, and the problem knows how to make someone to be punished by his mistake, type person who always accuses someone else without a proven usually he is defending a dignity, arrogance and ego, so he will not let someone else to overthrow his higher position.  

Why am I prohibited to make careless judgment?

In this topic I would like to discuss about the judgment, in this life has the regulation which can’t be compromised by human being, willing or not the human being must accustom himself with circumstance which is suddenly happening, No one can escape from the mistake when the mistake wants to approach him and also the mistake will not stay longer in the human who has sincerely to accept the mistake as his ultimate mistaken.

Maybe you will think that’s sound absurdity, that’s life really want. Human has two options, human follows the life’s rule or human rejects it, when human wants to follow the life’s rule, this life will teach human to achieve something different by making failure in several times. In reverse when human rejects the life’s rule, he will never find himself at peace and also, he never comes back to the original body because his soul is fleeing way.

The character of good judgment is utilizing the strong reason rather than utilizing his innermost feeling at the first time, and good judgment will not make someone else feeling hurt, in addition good judgment will motivate someone else to do something useful. Besides that good judgment often will transform into the unlimited power once someone really accepts it.
The character of careless judgment is magnifying the size of problem and would like to raise the emotional feeling than making the reason, it’s having consequent and bringing the bad impact for other people who are not willingly to accept it, and also will create the dispute. We can conclude from this topic is before making judgment to someone else’s behalf; we need to prioritize judging to our weakness first, once we know our weak point more than anyone can does it, we will not be judged by someone else.

How to make good judgment for someone else ?

In this topic I would like to discuss about how to make a good judgment for someone else, I would like to remind you, before you make a good judgment, you have to notice about the right moment and the right place, the best time to make a good judgment is waiting someone else decides to ask an advice to you for correcting the statement, if he doesn’t ask you, you don’t need to bother yourself to make anything judgment for him.

To make a good judgment, sometimes listening a lot is more practical method how to improve our sensible to create new mindset, when you are listening something new, there’s vibration of your physical body will push you to get through with the object and keep listening until your mind will detect which major point of object you can learn from it.

The Idealism has an important role to determine the quality of judgment and also can add value for yourself and for somebody else, to keeping your judgment is healthy, you have to keep searching as many as the human’s problem and find a solution for them, all you have to do when you want to maintain the quality of judgment becomes good is training your judgment by starting to speak the truth and do it for everlasting.

Now making a good judgment is not part of mystery again as long as you are being truthful person and also bring as many as the benefit to somebody else, your judgment will be need by many people because you dedicate to service them, finally you are considered as savior and your name will be remembered by people, so we can conclude that the quality of judgment is depending to how much experiences are you having to train your word of mouth and how much time you need to expand your knowledge 

What is the different between imagination and daydream?

In this topic I would like to talk about the similarity between imagination and daydream, if you know that both of them can be utilized to create vision and also create the perception, the power of imagination has been used for human being to make schedule, to design something, to decorate interior, to pain something into the canvas, to change the layout, etc.
Imagination is the product of human's natural thinking power, whereas daydream is part of emptiness of mind, imagination is the process of manifesting what is not reality but it can be real when human do something based on what they imagine.

The Imagination is giving human being the clue to understand something attractive with his sense, what if we compare between daydream and imagination, their looks familiar, daydream is the image which can bounce to the someone’s life past and it influences the human being to create the blank of shadow, I assume daydream’s principle is just misleading human being to unessential place.
Whereas the imagination itself can create the path which makes human feels certain to walk to the essential place, besides that by expanding the imagination, it can reflect to human’s subconscious mind and will make the shadows of success in the future; so it depends on someone who believes or not to his power of imagination.

I would suggest you not to try to dangle your power of imagination to somebody else’s imagination because you are going to lose your essential power and also it can immobilize your willpower, no one knows when the truth of imagination is coming unless someone wants to practice his power of imagination in every single day’s ritual, and please keep going with the imagination’s habit because it will give you a strategy to measure how far your progress is up. Whereas the daydream will not give you progress at all, it just making you enjoy for what you have done but not evolve to the promised ambition, I hope you can start to take the determination to gain the excellence thing in life, there is no meaningful knowledge without any imagination.

Why the human being must have a good principle?

I would like to talk about the good principle, every principle will create different creation, when human has principle, he will create a vision, so the purpose of principle is leading the human being to achieve the particular thing and restrict the human’s mindset to ascertain the human’s action would fit with the rule he made by himself, the characteristic of principle is influence, restrict, straight and addictive.

Without having principle, the people will not do everything better in the daily life in addition, people will start to reduce the potential existence, you should know the most dangerous thing is if the human being doesn’t want to create his own principle in this life, consequently human follows the life circumstance and it will make human was trapped as prisoner.

Before having principle human must have good habit, human being must be trained and suitable with good habit first plus they have been surrounded with righteous people, so every basic of good principle ensures the human’s action will not touch the bad or evil principle in the rest of his life.

I will give you the example of evil principle, the famous leader of Serbia: Slobodan Milosevic, he is war wanted criminals and he was responsible for raping, torturing of thousands human being’s life, he just killed human being in order to fulfill his satisfaction and punish of whomever not following his principle, another example, Adolf Hitler, the famous Nazi party leader, he had succeeded to kill 6,000,000 the Jewish people during he became a president in German on his time period.  

Now we talk about good principle, here are The benefits of having the good principle; the first good benefit is you can convince yourself to live with your own life, your own dignity, your worth, instead of living in someone else’s dream, the second good benefits is you don’t need to follow someone else’s principle to chase your dream, you just focus to what your own valuable and take responsible from it, the third good benefits is you are being unique person unlike having the common people’s life or having the common people’s problem.

How do I improve my reputation?

Today I would like to talk about the topic how do I improve my reputation? As human being, the reputation is sign of retention, if someone wants to get good reputation but he is not willingly to make retention, as result he will ruin his own reputation through habit, there is none other way to keep reputation alive except he will make better improvement in every single day.

You may forget the moment you build reputation at the first time, but once you will lose every moment or opportunity in every single day, you will not see the clearest momentum of yourself, reputation is not just building popularity, popularity is not good purpose, but it’s optional which is taking a lot of risk within, I have seen many people are competing one of each other and against the rule because they think popularity is more important than reputation.

Don’t think popularity is attractive and invite full of happiness, in return, making yourself to become the self-centered person is not going to build good reputation, but it is going to ruin you from the unexpected reason, the reason why many people are becoming less confident today not because they are belong to rich family but they prefer to build a bad reputation rather than building a good value for other people’s lives.

Please remember this note; Reputation is not promising a prosperous life or popularity, but reputation is being built not because you deserve something good but you are responsible for the good things you have made one act of kindness for the mankind, in the future’s time, the reputation will invite you to become famous and popular person although you are not intending to make yourself becoming popular, but your biggest care and biggest value are promoting you to become the deserved person, so please keep in touch with your unlimited value and don’t ever forget to propagate the meaningful words to other people because one day your reputation relies upon it, there's additional information; once you keep your attitude to build a good character, your reputation will be known as many people soon or later.

How to make different impact in result

Today I would like to talk about how to make different impact in order to get the new thing from what people have done, recently many people assume they have done something great to ascertain they are doing more and more to achieve a big target, every time they achieve target, their effort can’t achieve the target because they are just doing more, not doing better, by that I mean, when we do something to achieve target, don’t think about how much time you need to finish the target, but how much available idea to make different impact.

I believe many people try to work really hard to make different impact but they still argue, angry and doubt with the end result because they just copy what other people usually do to achieve target, to make different impact we need to observe what most people need something and what most people don’t need something, with the key word I mentioned, you probably will find new opportunity you may haven’t met beforehand.

I would remind you that becoming different guy has offered many things and bring the positive side when we realize about the meaning of it, being different you in every day situation will empower your mentality to grow better, the most difficult situation will not keep you away from feeling of self-confessed, but in the contrary the most difficult situation will run your inner power to clear your mind and focus to achieve the target, in this modern area there are many people are getting misunderstood by interpreting between to be different and become strange, the reason why they don’t understand about it because in the daily activity they often become victim of life and they already been trapped by dogma where they are trained to accept the fear and accept the doubt on their mindset.

At this point of thinking, we will try to differentiate between strange person or be different person, now we will try to interpret the definition of strange man; the strange man means doing something out of standard, out of majority capacity, and strange man’s behavior usually is not accepted by the most people because he is doing something irrelevant and absurd, otherwise the different guy is doing something when other people don’t have any courage to finish job or mission, then different guy is learning something from the specific area when most people don’t recognize it carefully, a different guy tends to make creativity and he is not doing what most people do in the usual way, he is keep engraving his idealism to create the unique idea for everlasting.

How to learn from a good mistake

Today I would like to talk about how to learn a good mistake, in this new century there are still many young people are arguing between bad mistake and bad experience in their life until they can’t differentiate between right or wrong, so it’s part of wrong mindset, the wrong mindset always tells the mind user to do something where it doesn’t related how to build good reputation, this is chronic pain, it has been experienced by people who have never learned about new mistake before, here is the important thing; the mistake is happening when we are doing something irrelevant with an object and every mistake is used to help us to comprehend something new until we no longer need mistake, that’s philosophy of mistake.

By that means we should not stand with keeping one mistake for longer time, but we are allowed to collect some information to reduce the effect of new mistake after we learn it, The question is, “why do people still repeat a mistake” , the main reason is people always avoid mistake and refuse to accept mistake,and they always think making a mistake can invite new mistake to create disorder; in fact the man who makes mistake, that meaning he is a man of action where he creates a lot of creativity to make different thing and to make probability, please observe from Thomas Alva Edison’s quote “ I don’t create a mistake to light up the electrical bulb, but I succeed to find 10.000 mistakes to make inefficient method”.

 here is the new clue, sometimes Almighty GOD (ALLAH) allows us to make mistake in order to measure how strong of our mentality to face the next problem, Almighty GOD (ALLAH) knows you are tired by doing something you love very much, but He creates a mistake to ensure human being will learn something carefully from it, making mistake doesn’t invite something bad to create new problem, sometimes it part of mind-boggling, basically mistake will not create a problem, mistake is used to prevent big problem to come.

  Good mistake is teaching us how to make creativity, not destructive thing, good mistake is teaching us how to be productive, proactive and progressive, don’t worry about making a little mistake because it is part of life education, we will not get the wisdom when we refuse to make new mistake, the real winner is never complained about his mistakes because he knows new mistake will help him to create new accomplishment, hopefully this article will help you to open your luck and you will get accomplishment.

How to become a good sample to others

Today I would like to share how to become good sample to other, the reason why I choose that topic because many people are trying to stay away from kindness habit and some of them are busy to make judgment for others, so basically there’s no need to push our judgment to be accepted by other people around us, when we are busy to make judgment to others, we don’t have to access our future because we are only busy with people’s time, so there’s none other thing how to make us becoming a good sample when we just become a critic maker, sometimes we need to criticize our mindset first before we make judgment to others.

The first thing we can do how to become a good sample to others is defining about your purpose first in this life, if you have good concern about how to take care about other people’s business, you will get partnership guarantee from what you have done in the future, that’s key how to access new future, you may have opinion to disagree with me, but let’s see how future will speak to you, sometimes we need to invest something benefit in our future's time like a reputation, trust, rely and integrity.

To become a good sample to other people around us, sometimes we need to discipline about ourselves, you can look at based on the successful people’s true story, they almost have same standard namely discipline, I will give you the concrete sample, please look at the skyscrapers in your city, how can it will stand firmly for long time period if there’s no strong discipline within the material itself, so basically there’s nothing meaningful in ourselves when we can’t discipline to ourselves, so there’s no excuse when we aren’t willingly to try, if we wouldn't follow the value based on what’s successful people’s good habit, we can’t reshape our personality.

So we can’t become a good sample to others when we just sit and listen what other people saying to us, being a good sample to others can be started when we succeed to clear our mindset from the pollutant, all pollutant are coming from the toxic people, unsupported community and our fixed standard, the reason why I say such thing because there are many people are becoming a victim of life and they consider the bad thing is always happening to themselves for everlasting life, they never hope a good way how to reshape the life, I give you the additional note; all good thing will never happen when we don’t stop unproductive habit and all bad thing will happen when we keep persistent to keep it.

How to solve the unsolved problem

          Today I would like to share how to socialize about the problem, the reason I choose the topic above mentioned because not all problem don't want to be solved, the reason why i think like that because every problem will demand the different of me, so when we want to solve problem, we need to measure about the inequality of capacity, the meaning of the word “the unsolved problem” means we are not allowed to solve the unsolved problem as long as we haven’t made good preparation within ourselves and when we don't want to take challenge, furthermore we must take the responsibility when we want to solve the problem although seems impossible and irrational, that's the reason why we aren’t allowed to solve the unsolved problem, furthermore we need to fill our capacity with something enlightenment first before we solve problem because every enlightenment will determine the next result, so basically problem doesn’t need our experience in the past, but problem needs our commitment, that's clue how to solve the unpredictable problem, here is the important thing; no matter how great our accomplishment in the past, if we haven’t committed with it, our great resources are not enough to define the unsolved problem, here is another mindset; the unsolved problem means the breakable problem as long as we commit with it, if we run away from it, the breakable problem will bring greater and severity pain because we are not serious to finish it.

Basically problem wants to test our capacity and test our truly intention whether we are serious to take responsibility or not, our time also will be staked here because we will take the process, when we meet the unsolved problem, all we need to do is find out something related with the subject, if you meet with the unsolved problem, don’t change the destination overnight but believe in mysterious process within it, the meaning of mysterious process is something happen which it's out of our control and it doesn’t take the rational decision, as human being, we don’t take responsibility to all of the process in mysterious way and all we need to do now is observe deeper and let the mysterious process will change the unpleasant circumstance.

solve the unsolved problem by moving your ego into new place

I know it’s not easy to take responsibility, especially when we try to prove that we are capable of what we can do something to problem, no matter whether there is big or small problem, we must take very seriously to finish it unless we all got injured from the pain of problem, remember that every problem always bring a pain and suffering in order to test our endurance, our job is ascertain that ourselves is not attached with pain and suffering first, during problem appearing, we only need to provide the antidote,  the antidote is skill and knowledge, that’s act of maturity to be trouble shooter, once we create the antidote every day, the antidote will create the miracle and it will work for us, remember; if we don’t serious how to finish problem, the problem will curse our future and it will bring more pain and more suffering in order to immobilize our happiness, so we need to discipline our mind first when we want to solve that problem.

The invisible world within our mind

Follow your heart but gain knowledge in your head

         Today I would like to share about the invisible world within our mind, the reason why I choose that topic because i would share something great within our brain, i call it as unlimited wealth potential, basically our mind needs visualization when we want to do something, beside our inner potential will determine about something happen outside when we feel good, remember; we can't see the outer world when we are not feeling good, so at this moment I would share how to maximize our invisible world within our mind, our invisible world can attract something outside and it's working like magnetic, there are many ways how to make our mind like a magnetic, but there's question how to attract our mind like magnet, namely "what kind of product do you offer?" this question will maximize our mind. 
Challenge yourself before other people will step ahead on your record

         That's basic question how to maximize our brain's working principle, so we must know about our detailed product, we can't sell something that we don't like it, we must ensure our product related with our passion, remember this note; dream without plan, it's just wishes, so don't ever try to let our passion loses it's desire because it will create time-bomb for ourselves. if you want to maximize our potentialyou must study how to offer to other people although you don’t know how to start, challenge yourself with small accomplishment, the invisible world in our mind can’t work maximal when we don’t know how to make a critical question within our mind

      "The more you work harder to your passion, the more you get chance to make fortune", the reason I say like that because great passion will be author when we can offer critical question to our mind, critical question will help us how to visualize about the method , if your mind succeeds to make crisis condition, let circumstance will work for us and let life will offer you with the fabulous idea, please remember; if  you want to awaken the rich mindset, don’t just demand something you haven’t reached, but start to demand yourself how to awaken the invisible power within yourself , that’s agreement you need to fulfill.

unite your pieces of potential by discipline

          Not everyone wants to recognize their own invisible world because most of them are trying to follow other people’s successful story, in fact Almighty GOD has plan to offer good option to every human how to create destiny in this life, if only everyone could realize about their potential energy, I am sure everyone can make a fortune by their creativity, idea and philosophy, now the question is “how much responsibility you can bear with fortune?” if you can’t make different thing in your life, your soul will not find correct answer automatically, if you want start something you don’t know, you can find a question how to make distinction between what destiny you want to create and what location you want to go there, when you have clear purpose, miracle will help you to offer positive energy.