How to make good judgment for someone else ?

In this topic I would like to discuss about how to make a good judgment for someone else, I would like to remind you, before you make a good judgment, you have to notice about the right moment and the right place, the best time to make a good judgment is waiting someone else decides to ask an advice to you for correcting the statement, if he doesn’t ask you, you don’t need to bother yourself to make anything judgment for him.

To make a good judgment, sometimes listening a lot is more practical method how to improve our sensible to create new mindset, when you are listening something new, there’s vibration of your physical body will push you to get through with the object and keep listening until your mind will detect which major point of object you can learn from it.

The Idealism has an important role to determine the quality of judgment and also can add value for yourself and for somebody else, to keeping your judgment is healthy, you have to keep searching as many as the human’s problem and find a solution for them, all you have to do when you want to maintain the quality of judgment becomes good is training your judgment by starting to speak the truth and do it for everlasting.

Now making a good judgment is not part of mystery again as long as you are being truthful person and also bring as many as the benefit to somebody else, your judgment will be need by many people because you dedicate to service them, finally you are considered as savior and your name will be remembered by people, so we can conclude that the quality of judgment is depending to how much experiences are you having to train your word of mouth and how much time you need to expand your knowledge