Showing posts with label Judgment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judgment. Show all posts

How to make the miracles work for everybody

          Today I would like to share how to make miracle work for everybody, the reason why I choose that topic because many people lost their miracle because they intend to be ignorant and they always demand something bigger rather than maximizing their capacity, in this article I don’t want everybody will put the blame to the life system, most of them forget that life is always neutral, means it moves based on the directional stability, life system can't be controlled by human being, besides that, the life system will give the best respond to humans when humans have something like what universe possess, means you must have possessed the universe's characteristic such as; discipline, consistency, courage, evolve,  patience, commitment, dedication and many others good characteristic, so before you attract something powerful from the life, you must train yourself how to become an attractive person who has more than one skill, that’s requirement you need to make it to welcome miracle, remember this note; miracle will provide the biggest reward when humans shows the signs of the uniqueness, the more unique you are, the more miracle will work for you, the miracle won't work when you are eager not being unique person or you just follow other people's resourcefulness, so you must concern and practice about what you have, not concern what you don't have, the more you demand something that is not your own right, the more disappointed you will be

Miracle is like the strongest and the fastest signal in the world, I will give an example to make you comprehend better; imagine that human’s skill is represented by the cellphone's 2G signal and the miracle is like 4G signal, when you lost your cellphone's signal, then you will try to reconnect your cellphone’s 2G signal to achieve 4G signal, then you realize that your cellphone's signal wave isn't strong enough, so based on the representation above, we can conclude that the main problem is not coming from 4G signal but it’s coming from your cellphone's signal because your cellphone's device doesn't support 4G signal, remember this note; no responses doesn’t mean your cellphone hasn’t received response, but the circumstance says 4G signal is too strong and unreachable, so your cellphone isn't ready, in the human's life, it's has the same condition, when you realize your qualification can’t fit with the opportunity, don’t blame the opportunity, but you need to upgrade your personal qualification until you become valuable person.

When I was kid, I started to understand why my life pattern was stagnant, then I found the problem, so the problem was "I didn't know what should I do when I saw the miracle", means I taught myself how to be ignorant, here is for your note; when you want to make your life pattern is changing, don't spend your time to wait something great without having much resourcefulness, when you keep waiting, you just prolong your feeling of disappointment, the miracle will not come unless you succeed to change your belief system. Remember this note; if you want to attract the miracle's attention, you need to be great contributor, besides that you need to ask about yourself "what the miracle is important to you?" when you don't know how to answer it, you will never get the power of miracle.

The comfort zone equals with the dangerous zone

          Hi smart people, howdy? Today I would like to discuss about the weakness of "the comfort zone", maybe you often hear that word because everyone has ever tasted the comfort zone during childhood and many older people are very proud by training their children in the comfort zone because they thought children need a safety treatment, i agree that every children need a safety treatment, but the question is, until when? remember; the survival ability is more important than a safety treatment, whether we like it or not, our children must have survival ability or they will destroy their own future plan when children turn into adult, don't ever try to spoil your children with everything they need, such as giving them a cellphone before they reach at age 14 because the cell phone or gadget will retard to children's survival ability, the first education we can give to children, namely by training their habit with your own positive attitude such as discipline, consistent and commitment, remember this note; you can train children's habit with good characteristic before they reach at age 14 and you can start to train the children's mindset when they already reach at ages 14, the main reason why giving the training program to children's logic skill must be started at age 14 because children's capacity natural growth is started to grow when they reach at ages 14.

             Starting from now, don't wait the right momentum to approach you because a great thing will be calculated from future's time when you leave your comfort zone and you start learning the survival ability, the main reason why human must learn the survival ability because the human's inborn ability will be destroyed by time machine when humans stop learning at something, besides that the universe’s system will be expanded steadily by Almighty God (Allah) for some reason, by all means, if we don't compete with the universe's system, we will start suffering, so as normal human being, our main job are cultivating our mentality with adversity, keep practicing our inborn ability, adapt with surprising circumstance, and learning from every mistake, don't ever say to yourself like this “this world is cruel and unfair”, because your capacity is stronger than universe's system, remember this natural law "every creature who can adapt, they will be saved automatically", so if you don’t want to improve your  habit or self-capacity, you will never have had something you want and you will be treated as prisoner of your own mind.

Once again, I remind you, don’t ever never consider this world system is cruel and uncomfortable because you always have choice to write down your own destiny, the human’s capacity is unique because humans have the strongest capacity whom Almighty God (Allah) ever created, before human is born on earth, human’s skill is zero and their ability don’t equal with the universe’s ability, the main reason why the universe is being assigned to teach human because human will be taking responsibility from Almighty God (Allah) to represent the universe's job, besides that, Almighty God gives you many opportunities every 24 hours per day because Almighty God wants you to protect yourself and stay away from suffering and darkness, remember;"opportunity comes from your inborn ability", sadly many people neglect their inborn ability and start to blame the circumstance, as impact, people get suffer and get poor, here is the key how to expand your capacity “when something goes out from your body, you need to refill yourself with feed”, the word "feed" means knowledge and wisdom, if you don't feed yourself with wisdom and knowledge, the darkness will stay within your capacity, as impact you will think negativity, so every day you need to compete with your own time and challenge yourself to reach clear goals as if you would die tomorrow.

Time will make you suffer if you use your time to keep waiting, enjoy your time with your inborn ability

The keyword how to recognize your survival ability whether it already being mature or not is looking at your sincerity of faith; when you stop complaining about something you don't have, willingly to admit your own mistake and you stop making an error judgment, if you already do that ritual, means you already leave your comfort zone, remember this note for your essential life; the human’s physical body is only fed by food and water, the human’s soul is only fed by the truthfulness, the human’s creativity is only fed by emotional intelligence, the human’s fear is only fed by greedy, those are examples how to know more about your capacity, if you want to discover the answer of life, use your major time to observe a new thing from different surroundings area and don’t trust your yesterday's memory.

You can leave your comfort zone by applying discipline, stay committed about what you start, and keep practicing your craft, do it as if you would die tomorrow, the reason why comfort zone is part of dangerous area because the darkness of life will kill your own potential, your darkness is your own ignorance, remember this note; the darkness of life is designed to gnaw the human’s hope, so don’t stop learning from universe’s system because universe will not get bored to teach, remember my personal advice; the comfort zone is supposed to use for caring of the sick people, as long as you are not sick, you must struggle and keep hunger to know a lot about your own potential, if you lead your faith to deepen knowledge, you will meet with (Allah) God's wisdom, but if you lead your faith to find the self-satisfaction, you will meet with evil, here is one more note; everything great is started from the power of faith, if your faith doesn’t lead you to the God’s wisdom, leave your religion.

Forgiving is the gift to your soul

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about the topic "Forgiving is the gift to your soul", in this article i want to convince you that every difficult situation has asked us not to take the same journey in one level because life system has offered unlimited challenge, if we drive one target in the same journey, our lives will be so bored and not worthy to be given to other people, just like we spend our times to pursue money only, our lives will not bring magnificent result, so we need to challenge ourselves to take the worth lesson from every moment we have chosen such as we join the competition, we join the social community, etc. Sometimes we can’t avoid mistake and failure because some of them are designed to make us stronger and make us become attractive person, so act of moving on in every single day is part to lose our restlessness from the past moment and act of forgiving also can help us to leave the mental burdensome.

In daily life, we often get bumped with the social bonds problems, such as the economic inequality, the racial inequality, the knowledge inequality and the lifestyle inequality, that's life competition, if we are not ready to accept those condition, we will become troublemaker, so we need to design our life story by gifting ourselves first, such as stopping the chain of bad habit in order to discard the inessential thing which it's embedded into our past memories, accept the unacceptable thing from the fact, stop cursing our future, forgiving ourselves by refining our philosophy and unlearn from our bad judgment towards new problem, if we can't make good life journey pattern, as impact, our inborn skill, our masterpiece, our personality and our reputation are rejected by the outer world competition.

We don’t need to change other people's philosophy because everyone has quota of mistakes from their great mistakes, sometimes not all philosophy are acceptable, we need to motivate ourselves with inspirational story before we share to others, from bad influence we can measure how tough our maturity when we face the unexceptional mistake, so we can learn how to defend our attitude and protect our mindset when we face the bad influence, remember this; forgiving others is an act of maturity and stop living from bad influence also is part of self-maturity, there is no bad person in this world, there is only a bad influence maker, we should attack human’s bad influence, not attacking human’s existence, before you gift something to yourself, make sure you already gift yourself with good influence, that's act of maturity.

How to love the life journey more than result

          Hi smart people, good day, today I would like to share about how to love the life journey more than result, the main purpose why I choose that topic because many people don't love their life journey, in the daily life they prefer to spend their major time to idle away to any random places rather than learned something valuable, so they can't become a better next person in the future, the major cause why many people have lost their great chance in the adult age because in the young age they demand the result more often rather than demand themselves to finish what they start, this is generation problem has been recurred almost every day, at this moment I would share the way how to love your life although you need to resist what your mind desires, the first step you need to do if you want your life loves you is designing your own life plan and you commit with it, please make sure only you can take higher responsibility and make sure only you can do it, after that you need to explore what you need to know and research the valuable information you need to learn, such as seeking the valuable information how to solve your internal problem, how to make a good rapport with clients, etc. 

The second step you need to do if you want your life loves you is learning deeply how to use about the character of time, health and wealth; please remember that time, health and wealth are neutral, they will give you more benefit if you give more benefit, they will give less if you give less, if you take care of it, they will take care of your future, if you prioritize them by filling your most days with a good habit, they are going to manifest what your desires into reality life, that's the natural law, there is no miscalculation if you do business with Almighty God, all you need to do is stay obeying with the natural law like I mentioned above, this life will love you if you love what your own life design, here is my additional note; (don't try to kid your own inner heart), if you try to kid anybody else with your bullshit story, life will not give you a guarantee for your success time, if you wait the result only, time will wait your attempt, if you keep doing that habit repeatedly, you are risking your own life to the dangerous life.

The next plan you need to do if you want your life loves you is making a list before you start something, the main reason why you need to make a list, it will train your commitment, if you prioritize the activity list, you will make efficient effort within your time because you have fulfilled what you start till the end, here is my daily note; don't start when you can't finish and finish what you start, if you can't start something you have never done, you haven't deserved to get you have never had, I hope you will not run your days for meaningless purpose, this life is not our home, but it's arena to proceed our destiny to the next life.

5 steps to good decision making

Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “5 steps to good decision making”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are trapped with rat race which makes them feel difficult to make good decision making, at this moment let me share something to you about 5 steps to good decision making, here is the first step to good decision making; taking a risk when people tend to avoid something unpleasant, means, we initially take decision when other people don't make decision, remember; taking a risk is not part of threat, it's just giving the signal for our mental preparation to welcome a great power from the risk we take, remember this note; if there is no risk, there is no learning process, risk is not designed to harm people’s lives, but risk is designed to teach people how to keep surviving from the unwanted problem or situation, if we don’t take risk now, we will never know about what we will get in future, maybe one day we will be pushed to take greater risk than previous one if we reject it now, so we must beware about every decision we choose, here is the second step to good decision making; you don't follow your expectation even though you can't get the result from it, the reason why you don't need to follow your expectation because it will immobilize your great spirit when you want to continue your doing, whether you like it or not, sometimes expectation can make you feel doubt when you want to make decision.

They walk into depression and ignorance

Here is the third step to good decision making; don't look back about your past when you want to make decision, the reason you aren't allowed to look back about your past because your future is determined by today's decision, when you look back about your past for longer time, your decision will be making you feared, here is the fourth step to good decision making; writing about the negative probability and positive probability into the paper, this strategy can help you to see the two sides of probability which may happen in the near future, if you can write down about the positive and negative probability into paper, you will not fear once the reality rejects your decision, here is the fifth step to good decision making;  you choose to live in the present, meaning, you don't feel regret when you make decision right now, if you don't feel any regret for your decision even though you may get counteractive result, as result, you are stronger than you think, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

10 skills every man should know

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “10 skills every man should know”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not every man can detect these skills in their history of life, if you ask me why these skills are very important to be recognized by the men because every man is destined as the leader in this life, here is the first skill every man should know is having self-compassion, the main reason why having self-compassion is important for our lives because it can help us to discover what we don't know in our deepest potential, if men don't practice their self-compassion in daily basis, as impact, men will do something with heartless decision, besides that, men will do something dangerous if they don't build self-compassion, here is the second skill every man should know is having problem detector, the main reason why men must have problem detector because this natural skill has not been granted by God to women's characteristic, do you know why I say thing because problem detector is related with men's characteristic and men's logic is more dominant than women's, if men have no problem detector, meaning, they behave like the loser, here is the third skill every man should know is negotiation skill, the main reason why I say like that because not every man has mastered negotiation skill, if men have no negotiation skill, they will never have a golden opportunity when they need to do the business with other people's resource, here is the fourth skill every man should know is having good parenting skill, the reason why I say like that because not every man commits to behave like a good parent for their children, the main cause why men have no parenting skill because men are willing to work very hard until they have no quality time with their children, here is the fifth skill every man should know is being a good listener, this skill is important because not every man is willing to be good listener when their spouses start to tell about a problem.

           Here is the sixth skill every man should know is being the mirror for women's character, meaning, this skill is very important because not every man has owned this skill, some men try to oppose women's reaction when women try to express their deepest feeling, women will be happy when men can lower their normal ego and start to give advice when women ask it in previous time, here is the seventh skill every man should know is being good friend for their children, the reason why I say like that because most men are busy at their work until they don't have sufficient time for their children, that's why children don't want to appreciate what their parents give because the children have no longer owned the right to lend their parent's ears, besides that, some parents behave bossy and this kind of attitude will mistreat children's future, here is the eighth skill every man should know is being a peacemaker, having this skill is important because many men like to start arguing or fighting when they feel discomfort in any situation, here is the ninth skill every man should know is having visionary skill, this skill is important because it is used to create the good opportunity for other people who have no decent life or poor living, having the visionary skill is not easy because we must challenge ourselves to take the risk when other people don't want to do like we do, here is the tenth skill every man should know is being environmentalist, this is important role because not many people are willing to protect the environmental, instead, some people destroy it, like the illegal logging, as men, we must preserve the planet earth with good protection in order to avoid the global warming or the disaster which may come at any time, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

Why do we suffer in life

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Why do we suffer in life”, the meaning of that topic is many people are curious about the big reason why they suffer in this life, if you ask me why people suffer in this life because people choose to do 3 things, 1. they don't want to recognize who is their creator, 2. they don't learn something useful from the past, 3. they violate with the natural law, as long as people underestimate 3 things I mentioned, as impact, there is no peace, there is no justice and there is no revolution, in my opinion; suffering is coming from the result of our lacking of capacity, remember this; human's capacity is having limitless potential, like the universal law's potential, our limited resource is time, space and energy, we never be lacking potential and resource, only capacity can be renovated, maybe you have a question like this "what's difference between capacity, resource and potential?" what are they for?", 1. capacity = the ability to accommodate, 2. potential = the ability to produce something that it has been received, 3. resource = Almighty God's power, if we can combine capacity, potential and resource, we will be invincible.

Starting today, don't be afraid about the external thing because the external thing is illusion or not the root of cause, what we interpret towards the external thing is more important than the external thing, at this moment I would like to share some strategies how to optimize our sense of suffering to be inner power, hopefully these strategies can help you to change your life to be better, here is the first strategy how to optimize our sense of suffering to be inner power; renew our mindset until we can create new perception to be put into our mindset, the reason why we need to apply this strategy because our mindset is the best asset we have in this life, if we suffer in poor living, it is not because our education, but we lack of information how to renew our mindset, remember this advice; what's inside determines what's outside, no other way aroundhere is the second strategy how to optimize our sense of suffering to be inner power; we prolong our target term, the reason why we need to prolong our target term because it can prolong our strength to face our sense of suffering, here is the third strategy how to optimize our sense of suffering to be inner power; try to manage our breathing, the reason why I suggest this strategy to you because breathing is the media how to transfer energy, for example; 3 second inhalation, 2 second inhalation and 5 second exhalation, if you practice it frequently, you will not get suffered instantly, instead, you feel relaxed, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

Avoidant attachment

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic Avoidant attachment, the main reason why I choose that topic because not all people want to socialize with other people, so they tend to live cautiously and not to gather around with people who are considered to be unqualified person, if you ask me why some people are having avoidant attachment because they have a bad term with the past people who didn't hold responsibility very well,  they tend to hard to believe with people who are irresponsible with their job, their commitment and their loyalty, as we live in the part of social people, we can't avoid the bad memory or bad experience with other people in the past, all we can do as the next generation is being revolutionary maker, meaning, we become the independent person, I know it is hard to do, but if we can pass through this challenge, we will never be the same person for everlasting.

Remember this note; we are not always getting something we wished, sometimes we need to forgive ourselves from inevitable journey, such as betrayal, wildly expectation and instant gratification, if we just tail ourselves with the jerk people, as impact, our lives will get stuck between dilemma and reality, here is the first reason why people are having avoidant attachment; people don't build personal branding in themselvesas long as people don't build personal branding for several years, what they do is making themselves feel hatred with themselves and they will live like a prisoner, here is the second reason why people are having avoidant attachment; people build desperate living, we can't do something better if we don't try to associate with highly valuable people, here is the third reason why people are having avoidant attachment; people behave self-righteousness, remember; self- righteousness is different with self-esteem, self-righteousness is keeping themselves in the limitation, whereas, self-esteem is part of human's revolutionary habit, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Psychology of perfectionism and anxiety

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Psychology of perfectionism and anxiety”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people become the victim of perfectionism and anxiety, if you ask me why many people build perfectionism and anxiety because people create the program where it can burden a lot for their capacity, if the capacity considers what human talk is impossible or difficult to do, the brain system will give negative reaction for self-defense, here is the note; anxiety is related with perfectionism and the cause of anxiety is coming from the perfectionism's side effect, at this moment, I will share about several reasons why people who possess perfectionism, here is the first reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism creates fixed mindset, when someone has fixed mindset, his thoughts will make himself to stop learning more, as long as person applies fixed mindset into his daily life, he will never care about his own blind spot / weaknesses, as we know together that every life’s movement is dynamic, if people are unable to be dynamic person or self-adapter, they will never be able to adapt with new situation or new condition in a long period of time, here is the second reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism tends to reject new idea or wisdom, please beware about perfectionism because it always offers something limited or irrational thinking, if people love to keep conformed with easiness, their potential can't help them to fight against the life crisis, when their potential doesn't grow, their thoughts can't stand against the life crisis, as result, a life crisis will keep people stressed easily, in my opinion; people must stay open-minded and being a progress maker if they want to create better life because every progress will remove all frustrations which it has been created by perfectionism.

      Here is the third reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism influences person not to take risk, means, perfectionism always rejects the risk because perfectionism considers the risk is real enemy where it can destroy the comfort zone, if people reject new risk, means, they will reject a new chance to make better life, remember this; if there is no risk, there is no new chance, if there is no new chance, there is no progress, if there is no progress, there is no future, if there is no future, the crisis will destroy everything what people havehere is the fourth reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism steals someone’s creativity, please stay alert with perfectionism because it can hid your creativity, if your creativity is not evolving, you will be treated like the life's victim where you will be forced to live poor or inadequate, here is the fifth reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism hates something newdo you know why perfectionism behaves such thing because perfectionism is static, it feels there is none incomparable with anything else, this attitude will influence person to stay perfect, when this condition becomes habit, a perfectionist will do something the same again and again.

      Here is the sixth reason why perfectionism can cause anxiety; perfectionism hates critic or advice, if people hate to get advice or critic, people aren't willing to adapt with high pressure in this life, as impact, people will receive sense of anxiety when people don't want to grow better, here is the seventh reason why perfectionism
can cause anxiety; perfectionism blockades any possibility means, perfectionist will never accept God's plan, as result, if people hate about God's plan, there is no better future anymore, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.    

Disturbance definition

        Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Disturbance definition”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone realizes that every disturbance is produced by their insecurities feeling and perception, most people try to project their unclear imagination by giving energy to the target where it doesn't offer high energy, basically there are two types of disturbance, namely, short time of disturbance and long term disturbance, let me explain it, short time disturbance is defined God's plan, meaning, we are suggested not to follow our decision, instead, we are suggested by God to follow His instruction, whereas, long term disturbance is defined by our misleading ideology, dangerous daily ritual, and poor morale culture, the definition of disturbance is the unknown system which is designed to make us choose something in the critical way, every disturbance is happened when we think life is unjust and we reject to accept God's wisdom, as human being, we shouldn't criticize God's creation and God's plan because Almighty God is more superior and omniscient, if we want to stay secure, we must stay on the God's track, remember; emotional disturbance is provoked by our wants, not our skill set or knowledge, people who have low disturbance, they focus how to build ability, not pursuing their want.

          I want you to imagine disturbance is like the gift where it can't be given by other people's ability, as human being, we should prepare the negative anticipation and do something which offer high enthusiasm, we must challenge ourselves to fail big rather than enduring the pain of regret in everlasting, we must focus on the target where it can offer inspiration, the more we overhang our focus to the clear object area, the more we receive inspiration from it, sometimes we need to face the obstacle in order to test whether our focus frequency is strong enough to execute the goal in realityour perception must be stronger than our feeling if we want to change the outer world, any disturbance will not disturb us if we only limit our focus and stop paying attention to the object where it is unrelated to what we pursue, our perception will not work if we just follow other people’s private lives, our perception will work when we ourselves eliminate your ego and start to discover a new insight from the adversity, rejection, inconvenience, remember this; our ego is long term disturbance, it isss always hurting our mind and our soul, so don't let it grows, we must develop our mindset every day by learning what our intuition wantswhen our ego is gone, our inner disturbance will disappear, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Judgments are a confession of character


    Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Judgments are a confession of character”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people realize that every own judgments actually determine their future, if you learn about the physiology, the power of words is one of the powerful resource which it can lead people to the destination where they deserve to get it, so don't ever underestimate the power of your words because it reflects to your future and also the power of words offer many functions in the real life, such as it can motivate oneself, it can hurt oneself, it can heal oneself, it can verify oneself, it can solve one’s problem, it can block one’s trust, and it can prophesy one’s future, beware of the words you say into reality because everything you say will be returned to you undoubtedly, please use your words as improvement method to your personality, don’t waste your time by saying a meaningless words because your self-confidence will be counted based on how much time you invest into it, if you feel positive now because you invest good word’s seeds in your positive thought in long time ago, so please beware of your words before your words becomes your habit, once it becomes habit, it will prophesy your destiny.

Wrong judgment will cause disturbance and friction

  People's personality is not determined by lacking their own judgment, but lacking of enligthenment words, every word has vibration to manifest people's own wishes to the real life, when there is someone who has lying habit, means, he will receive bad luck automatically, remember this; if someone can’t heal his inner pain because he is always repeating their own judgments to magnify the size of affliction, every word will be hardened from time to time if you let it in, starting from now, we need to reduce the poor words by listening some advice from the wise person or we start reading some books until we get wiser than beforeyou can train your mind to distinguish between "observing the look" and "perceiving eye", now do you know the difference between both? observing the look means it is seeing something specifically with the critical thinking such as “what is this?”, “what’s the function?”, “how much value per hour?”, is it very urgent to me?", whereas perceiving eye means it is seeing about what things supposedly mean, such as “this one should be like this”, “I don’t like to be different”, “I refuse to do that”, "i won't change if you don't change", now my question to you related with the difference between “observing the look and perceiving eye”, which one do you think causes you the most anguish? If you feel uncomfortable and feel irritated often, means, you usually use your perceiving eye to make poor judgment about yourselfif you use observing the look, you prefer to think out of the box rather than you use your own judgment as an excuse to make the situation is getting worse, before you make own judgment, don’t trust the word you say, but you must verify the words chosen at the first time because your own judgment will count your luck in the future, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.