Showing posts with label Responsibility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Responsibility. Show all posts

Business idea mission statement

      Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Business idea mission statement", the reason I chose this topic is because many people think that they cannot find a business model or find a statement for a business idea, 
Business ideas can come from various sources, such as:
 1. Personal experience: Sometimes a business idea arises from a personally experienced need or problem, and you are looking for a solution to it.
 2. Market observation: Observing market trends, consumer needs, or gaps in a particular market can give rise to business ideas.
 3. Hobbies or interests: Business can also start from a hobby or interest that is turned into a business opportunity.
 4. Collaboration or discussion: Discussing with other people, collaborating in teams, or even reading books and articles can spark new ideas.
 5. Research and experimentation: Doing research on a particular field or trying experiments can help discover untapped business opportunities.
 6. Inspiration from the success of other businesses: Seeing the success of other businesses and trying to find gaps or innovations in them can be a source of inspiration.

 These are just a few examples, but business ideas can come from anywhere with creativity and an open mind, The most important thing is that someone continues to evaluate what he is doing even though his creativity can produce something, Ideas will continue to emerge if people don't stop honing their skills, to come up with a business idea statement, you can follow these steps:

 ✅Allocate Time for Brainstorming: Set aside specific time to think and jot down business ideas that come to your mind. This can be done alone or with other people who might become your business partners in the future.
 ✅Consider Your Interests: Start by thinking about the things that interest you. This will help narrow your choices to industries or fields that are more specific and relevant to you.
 ✅Identify Community Needs: Think about products or services that do not yet exist or are not yet optimal in society. What problems do people often face and how can you solve them.
✅ Observe Trends: Pay attention to emerging trends and think about how you can take advantage of them. Trends can provide opportunities for business ideas that many people are not aware of.
 ✅Consider Your Own Needs: Think about what you need and how you want to run your business. Do you want a business that can be run from home, shop, office, or virtually.
✅ Discussions with Experienced People: Discussing with people who already have business experience can provide new views and open up potential for collaboration.

 By following these steps, you can come up with innovative business ideas that suit market needs and your personal interests, hopefully this article can provide insight and inspiration, good luck.

Sometimes all you need is less

Good slogan

        Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Sometimes all you need is less”, the main reason why I choose that topic because there are few people want to need less from what the world offers to human being, if you ask me why many people need more than what they need because they consider fulfilling their desire is good direction, in fact, fulfilling desire will never be enough because desire is the part of true test in this world where it will acknowledge whether we can avoid a wild desire or follow a wild desire, the more we try to fulfill our desire, the more often we lose the essential of important thing in life, remember this; not all things in this world are needed by our basic emotional need, sometimes we need to take one subject which brings something worthy rather than pursuing many subjects where it doesn't bring a good impact to us, have you ever got the wise word "the more you take from this world, the less you have, the less you take from this world, the more you can optimize what you take"

The reason why we don't need so much from this world because this world is not the perfect place, instead the world is a false pleasure, remember; the world is like a bridge, we will never stay for longer time on the bridge because the world is just mediator where it can connect between what we believe and what we propose in the future, if we just take something exceedingly than what we need, we will become a greedy person, in order to reduce a sense of greed, we need to demand ourselves by doing something more than what we demand to others, what we need in this world is knowledge, experience and exposure, those are the human's basic necessity, sometimes we need to test our capacity by enduring the pain through failure, rejection, and setback, if we just follow our wild desire, we will cast out our inborn skill, if we are willing to embrace knowledge, experience and exposure, we indirectly train our characteristic by doing something brightly in the future, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your daily life, good luck.

Cold calling techniques

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Cold calling techniques”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone knows how to promote theirs skills to the cold-calling technique, if you ask me why not everyone uses cold-calling techniques in sale because they think it is old-fashioned way, besides that, they fear of being rejected by the prospective buyer when they use cold-calling techniques, based on communication skill, cold-calling technique is a good way as long as the people you call is acknowledging your service, if you just offer something through your phone, your offer may disturb their busy time, no wonder most people use the platform to promote their sale techniques, in my opinion; in order to close the sale, we need to know how bitter of market's psychology and observe the market's demand at the first, before you create the product, you must validate the type of problem which may happen to the marketplace, you can try to offer some solutions to the marketplace and show your guarantee when you sell something, in the guarantee process,  you can attach your phone number to represent yourself as the product service counselordon't just focus on your product's knowledge only, but you must combine between your skills and the market's demand altogether.
create a sense of urgency to promote your business

       Here is the first tip you must do if you want your cold calling techniques is effective; don't ever try to open the price to the people when they don't recognize your detailed product, means, you just hide the product's price, instead, you need to introduce your detailed product until the people you call are very curious about it, maybe you can tell the short story about the product's experience, as long as your solution offering can't get people's reaction, stop calling them and say to them "you can contact this number when you need our service", 
here is the second tip you must do if you want your cold calling techniques is effective; don’t try to push the people to buy your product, instead, you ask people for giving you 5 minutes to educate them during making cold-calling, during calling at the phone, you need to know whether your product is suitable or not for the people's emotional need, if they show a sense of optimistic towards your product explanation, you can continue your cold-calling, here is the third tip you must do if you want your cold calling techniques is effective; you need to show your sympathy at the first less 1 minute call, meaning, you need to show your concern to prospective buyer's healthy before you talk about your product offering, 50% amongst 100% people love to get a concern from other people, especially when people are asking about their health experience or something crucial to them, after that, you can ask the permission to introduce yourself and ask the problem about the prospective buyer's experience, let them talk to you around 1 or 2 minutes freely, during cold-calling, you can write down what's your prospective buyer's important talk, if your product service is related with the prospective buyer's experience, you can start promoting your product, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

How to get more things done at work

          Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “How to get more things done at work”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people are very tired to finish the deadline job in every day, besides that, they assume every deadline job is designed as a stress trigger for them, in fact, deadline job is designed to test their dedication to their daily job, in my personal reason why people can’t get more things done at work because the job they take can't prolong their curiosity and their potential, so the problem is not lies at people's potential, but the type of job they take, here is the first strategy how to get more things done at work; people must do something more than their expectation level, meaning, they must set a target where it is can't be finished in one year, if people can do something beyond their expectation level, I am very sure they can get more things done at work, the main cause why people get bored easily or they are unmotivated at work because the target they have taken only can be finished less than 1 year.

   Here is the second strategy how to get more things done at work; people must recruit team, meaning, they must work together with recruited team, as long as the job they have taken is being done by some people in team, I am very sure they will get more things done at work, if people only do few thing at their job, they will not create the progressive result, instead, they only waste their time for majoring the small job, the main job of human at workplace is not doing something they always know or do something the same repeatedly, but they must explore something beyond they can do if they want to accelerate their hidden potential, here is the third strategy how to get more things done at work;  they must create a strict target and they must work on it before the deadline job is due, I think it is very challenging since there are few people want to do it, most people feel relax when the deadline is still long, here is the fourth strategy how to get more things done at work; the boss must offer a gift or allowance when their subordinates can finish their job on time, based on psychological research; every worker will magnify their enthusiasm when there is an extra advantage which is suitable for them, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Top 10 self-limiting beliefs

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Top 10 self-limiting beliefs”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people get degraded mentality after they set self-limiting beliefs, if you ask me why many people create self-limiting beliefs because they aren't aware of the miracle's existence, here is the fact; not everyone realizes that what makes them stop believing about God's grace, so far self-limiting belief is actually designed by the individual own belief, maybe you are curious about type of self-limiting belief would be influencing people's lives, at this moment let me share to you about top 10 self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow, here is the first type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "I will stop because I am very tired with this", that's part of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow, if someone feels like that, meaning, he wants to stop the learning process, in my opinion; he doesn't need to stop the process, he just needs to find a way how to rest well for moment, here is the second type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "I am sick of this circumstance, I really dislike it", if there is someone who exclaims like that, he indirectly immobilize his own blessing, I don't recommend you to exclaims  with such statement, if you feel sick about the unknown circumstance, you just need to practice the deep breath for reducing your negative thinking, 

    Here is the third type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "I already know about this", if someone often says like that, he indirectly wants to close the new opportunity, he is type of easily satisfied person, here is the fourth type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "I am better than them", this attitude is dangerous character because it is part of self-arrogance, it can inhibit people's power to grow, here is the fifth type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "I can't do more than this", type of person who loves to say like that is trying to prophesy himself as he is desperate person, here is the sixth type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "I am too bored about it, there is no way around to do it again", people who express bored easily, he is trying to cover his laziness, person who practices his gratefulness every day, he definitely will not find the reason to stay bored because he tries to renew his own perception, here is the seventh type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "I don't believe it will be worked", person who expresses like that, he will never meet the miracle because he doubts his own strength, here is the eighth type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "failure is too risky, I don't want to get the same failure", as long as there is person who really hates with the failure, he will never meet with success because failure and success is very thin, here is the ninth type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "I need the capitals to do something", person who always needs the capital to start something, he indirectly blocks his own opportunity to do something miraculously, in my opinion; the greatest capital is willingness to try, not other capital the way we see it, here is the tenth type of self-limiting belief which can limit people's power to grow; when someone says "tomorrow will be the same like yesterday", person who expresses like that, he indirectly asked God to make the permanent failure residing for his own lives, here is the last note; every word which is coming out from our mouth is the part of self-fulfilling prophecy, please use the word wiselyI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

Sleep affirmations for positive thinking

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Sleep affirmations for positive thinking”, the main reason why I choose the topic above because many people feel difficult to do positive thinking, many people try to do affirmation when they sleep, but most of them can't get a new change after they do affirmation, now my question is "what makes people can't apply positive thinking?", the answer is caused by two main causes, namely they lack of doing the repetition and they are used to do some activities which can attract too much negative thinking, let me tell you that feel addicted is the result of side effect from consuming too much negative thinking and feel addicted is also the result of side effect from consuming too much positive thinking, basically we are challenged to do the balance between positive and negative energy, if we avoid the usage of negative energy by making negative preparation, we will get disappointed when our hope can't be realized in reality, before we try to do sleep affirmation, we need to let go of what they had expected about what was happened in the past 24 hours, here is my suggestion; you need to do inbound breathing exercise and out-breathing exercise before sleeping at night. 

        Here is the first strategy how to make sleep affirmation for positive thinking; you need to write down what you want to hear in the paper, the reason why you need to do this because it makes you more focused how to do sleep affirmation, if you just write something you don't want to hear, as impact, you only strengthen your negative energy and it will affect to your quality of reaction, if you hear what you are eager to hear it, as impact, you will feel renewed and you will not get the side effect from overthinking issue, 
Here is the second strategy how to make sleep affirmation for positive thinking; you need to meditate for short period of time around 5 minutes, during the meditation process, you need to whisper something to yourself about what you are grateful during past 24 hour, if you show your deepest gratitude, your subconscious mind indirectly tries to let go of your unpleasant feeling, if you succeed to let go of your unpleasant feeling, your subconscious mind will try to record new affirmation before sleeping at night, Here is the third strategy how to make sleep affirmation for positive thinking; you need to do body stretching before making sleep affirmation, the reason why you need to do body stretching because it will produce dopamine's hormone, after that, you say something about what you want to manifest, for example : "I am successful, powerful, handsome and happy", I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Redesign your life in 15 days

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Redesign your life in 15 days”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people want to change their life course, unfortunately, they feel not okay when they realize their destiny is not changing as they expect, if you ask me why life is not changing as they expect because what they do in daily basis is not connecting with their big why, what people pursue is how the benefit can fit their daily needs, as long as people's intention is not bigger than their big why, they only get satisfaction and they are trapped in the comfort zone, this circumstance will not help people to change their own lives for everlasting, let me give you the clue how to change your life; what you contribute must be bigger than what you are getting paid, in the other words, we can say "you work on yourself more than you work on your job", so you need to find the information where it can fulfill your inborn ability until you feel something "clicked", at this moment I would share some strategies how to redesign your life in 15 days, here is the first strategy you must do if you want to redesign your life in 15 days; you must fix your grand why, meaning, what you do in daily basis must be giving you a sense of urgency to your feeling, if you feel enthusiastic with that pressure, you are on the right path, you have to ensure your grand why can help other people to solve their problem, the basic requirement we need is type of problem which is connected with our enthusiasm, if you work on yourself, life will make the suitable room for you.

          Here is the second strategy you must do if you want to redesign your life in 15 days; you must ask yourself "Who can I serve and what kind of service do I offer?" from that question, you need to shape your own mission, you carry that mission into your soul as if you were destined by God to bring that mission on earth, if you can develop your mind with your own mission, you will have many opportunities to grow yourself, besides that, you will receive the power from Almighty God because you carry the mission, remember; money is the energy, if you want to be pursued by the money, you must carry the mission and work on it until other people get benefit from what you offer, when your mission can help other people's problem, other people will pay you more than you expect, so your job is how to turn your mission as your daily work, to fulfill the glorious mission is not simple and is not easy because you will be facing the unpleasant experience, so you will feel pain of mistake, pain of rejection, pain of adversity, pain of delay, so your mentality must be ready for that preparation, Here is the third strategy you must do if you want to redesign your life in 15 days; you must find a way how to give an access for other people until they want to use your service, means, other people will use your product or service for longer period of time, the more people find you and use your service, the more benefits come to you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

7 qualities of a healthy relationship

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “7 qualities of a healthy relationship”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples are trapped in toxic relationship and they don't know how to get out from the toxic relationship, so in this article I would share about several qualities of a healthy relationship, hopefully it can give your relationship is better than before, here is the first quality of a healthy relationship; giving the benefit, not taking the benefit, meaning, we only focus how to give the benefit to our spouse, if we don't give something that our spouse needs, meaning, there is no love, if there is no love, there is not trust, if you or your spouse can’t trust each other, meaning, your relationship is no longer bringing good fortune in the future, here is the second quality of a healthy relationship; keep building quality time, means you and your spouse show caring,  attention and merits, when you and your spouse can understand how to give quality time, I am very optimistic that your relationship will be fine, here is the third quality of a healthy relationship : give the compliment to spouseI think every couple must need compliment because it can help people to reduce ego. giving the compliment means giving the detail attention to spouse. 

      Here is the fourth quality of a healthy relationship : friendliness, means, you and your spouse will not feel sorry when there is friendliness, this strategy also will bring good fortune when it is being nourished together, if your relationship can make warm relationship, you and your spouse will not feel regret to stay together although there is problem ahead, here is the fifth quality of a healthy relationship : integritythis character can’t happen in short period of time, the learning process may take at least 5 years to strengthen the relationship, integrity is not talking about accepting your spouse’s weaknesses, but how to prolong your spouse's endurance skill, here is the sixth quality of a healthy relationship : loyalty, I think every couple must have this kind of character, when there is no loyalty, there is only nightmare within relationship, remember this; building loyalty is like making the personal branding to what they build in business, when there is person can’t show his loyalty in relationship, means he insults himself, here is seventh quality of a healthy relationship : building the same dream, means, you and your spouse are willing to grow together with the same dream, I think every couple needs this strategy, when you and your spouse can't build the same dream, it will raise the conflict in long period of time, furthermore, there will be a lot of misunderstanding unexpectedly in every life moment if every human's relationship doesn't build the same dream, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.    

How to use your time wisely while studying

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “How to use your time wisely while studying”, the reason why I choose that topic because many people regret when they lost opportunity, lost hope, lost love, lost maturity and lost of self-esteem, at this article I will share something that matter to increase our self-awareness, as we can know that human can’t control the time because it’s beyond of our control, our plan in this life is how to make sure our attempt value will multiple our self-confidence in every single day without being interrupted by external cause, that's why in daily life we need to do something priority in order to let the human's creativity really works, to make our life grows better day by day, we need to discipline our perception, discipline our judgment and discipline our desire, that’s biggest challenge where most people try to avoid, in my opinion; to keep away our life journey from undesired destination, we must not focus on expectation and change our focus to the type of masterpiece we have created, at this moment, let me share about 5 tips to use time wisely, here is the first step how to use your time wisely while studying; recognize this phrase “you run the day or it runs you”, means, if you don't do what you already commit, your time will burn your golden opportunity because you betray your commitment, you only have 1 option, “do it now or never finish it”.

     Here is the second step how to use your time wisely while studying; take a note every mistake you make, we all know that we can't avoid the mistake because it is part of self-learning process, every human has quota to take mistake through learning process, in my opinion; don’t go associate with group of people who don’t give you a higher value or can't motivate you to become a better person, remember this; the unproductive person always blames the situation and start whining about what he can't finish, here I give you an advice "don't create mistake, but you live through mistake by creating a masterpiece although it doesn't work", sometimes a great masterpiece can be great when it is matched by problem, please don't hate about problem, but focus about your life progress, here is the third step how to use your time wisely while studying; you must ensure your environment supports where you are now, means, your position and your situation are connected together, if you feel relax and calm when you study, you can work better than before.

      Here is the fourth step how to use your time wisely 
while studying; learn to say “no” to everyone when you start with your plan, means, you need to negotiate with everyone's invitation because not all invitation is suitable to create a better relationship, as long as there is no an emergency call, you can keep continuing your life plan, here is the fifth step how to use your time wisely while studying; appreciate about little progress and reward your progress when you finish it, maybe you can chill yourself with the music, you hang out with your family, remember; self-congratulation is part of mature because you appreciate your hard work, you appreciate the learning process, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Example of fact and opinion

       Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic Example of fact and opinion”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can differentiate between fact and opinion, if you ask me why not many people can differentiate because they think opinion is part of fact, it is not quite right, if opinion is part of the fact, meaning, there is no different between human's creation and God's creation, based on research; opinion is part of human's creation, it can be right or wrong, whereas, fact is part of evidence where it can't be tolerated by human's creation, basically, human can't create the fact, only the universe will give reflection to the fact, so human can do something for the universe, even though we can't behave like the universe, we can choose to behave whether being kind or being cruel, fact can't be manipulated, whereas, opinion can be manipulated by human's wrongdoing or opinion can be valued as right thing if opinion can meet with the universal's law, now let me give you example about the opinion; there is quote "dream is always impossible until it is done by itself", if we observe a bit about that quote, it is kind of opinion, do you know why? Because some people consider dream is always impossible, besides that, dream is uncertainty, unpredictable and uncontrollable, if we see the fact, dream can't be approached by our desire, dream will approach us when we prove our commitment into reality, so we will let the universe to give appreciation to us, remember; the universe will give something to us when our masterpiece is appreciated as the right thing, we must prove our hard work until we deserve that dream.

    Now we will talk about the example of the fact, if we see sunrise from the east direction and we see sunset from the west direction, that's the fact, do you know why I say that's the fact because human can't make it as real condition, now let me give you another example of the fact, "every woman prefers to build a good relationship with the responsible man rather than having much money or success",  do you know why I say such thing because woman is lovely emotional creature, she doesn't need high logic to survive, besides that, woman can't avoid the fact because it is part of woman's basic need, what she wants is someone who accompanies her either good time or bad time, basically need and want has different meaning, "need" means something that is embedded to human's basic necessary, whereas, "want" means something that can be tolerated if it can't fit the human's daily need, remember; opinion can be right or wrong, but the fact is always right, nothing is true from human's capability because human can create the possibility, they can't create the fact no matter how strong what human's skill is, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

Judgments are a confession of character


    Hi smart people, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “Judgments are a confession of character”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people realize that every own judgments actually determine their future, if you learn about the physiology, the power of words is one of the powerful resource which it can lead people to the destination where they deserve to get it, so don't ever underestimate the power of your words because it reflects to your future and also the power of words offer many functions in the real life, such as it can motivate oneself, it can hurt oneself, it can heal oneself, it can verify oneself, it can solve one’s problem, it can block one’s trust, and it can prophesy one’s future, beware of the words you say into reality because everything you say will be returned to you undoubtedly, please use your words as improvement method to your personality, don’t waste your time by saying a meaningless words because your self-confidence will be counted based on how much time you invest into it, if you feel positive now because you invest good word’s seeds in your positive thought in long time ago, so please beware of your words before your words becomes your habit, once it becomes habit, it will prophesy your destiny.

Wrong judgment will cause disturbance and friction

  People's personality is not determined by lacking their own judgment, but lacking of enligthenment words, every word has vibration to manifest people's own wishes to the real life, when there is someone who has lying habit, means, he will receive bad luck automatically, remember this; if someone can’t heal his inner pain because he is always repeating their own judgments to magnify the size of affliction, every word will be hardened from time to time if you let it in, starting from now, we need to reduce the poor words by listening some advice from the wise person or we start reading some books until we get wiser than beforeyou can train your mind to distinguish between "observing the look" and "perceiving eye", now do you know the difference between both? observing the look means it is seeing something specifically with the critical thinking such as “what is this?”, “what’s the function?”, “how much value per hour?”, is it very urgent to me?", whereas perceiving eye means it is seeing about what things supposedly mean, such as “this one should be like this”, “I don’t like to be different”, “I refuse to do that”, "i won't change if you don't change", now my question to you related with the difference between “observing the look and perceiving eye”, which one do you think causes you the most anguish? If you feel uncomfortable and feel irritated often, means, you usually use your perceiving eye to make poor judgment about yourselfif you use observing the look, you prefer to think out of the box rather than you use your own judgment as an excuse to make the situation is getting worse, before you make own judgment, don’t trust the word you say, but you must verify the words chosen at the first time because your own judgment will count your luck in the future, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.

What motivates you to do your job well


    Hi, good readers, howdy? welcome back with me, Fian, hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about the topic “What motivates you to do your job well”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not all people really appreciate about what they do in their work, the root cause of the problem why people can’t appreciate what they do in job because they demand more benefit than their working performance, as we know together that most people are working like living in the rat race, they just feel motivated by money, not dream, so they will never stepped out from the rat race, at this moment I would like to share how to make your job is getting inspiredthe first thing you need to do how to work well; you have to create the deadline’s target, if you don’t have any target or don't set limited time, you will feel bored because your emotion will not feel motivated by what you domake sure your deadline’s target is very compatible with your working experience, do your job well as if you were the only person who has been sent by God to finish it, don’t expect too much other people’s help because not everyone will plan for your bright future, you don't need to think when you will stop working because you will never know until when your service will be needed by the universe, do your job as if you were living with it and you were dying with it, if we realize what we do in our job is bringing so much peacefulness, so we can make it as motivation, so my suggestion to you, don't focus on the money's pursuit, if you don't  get money as you expect, you will get disappointed and your work performance will lose its strength.

    Don’t look for job just for earning money, you must have reason why you choose that job, you have to ensure you can show your big responsibility at your work although it needs a lot of struggles and a lot of patience, do your work for increasing your intelligence, integrity and patienceif you work for money only, you will never get more money after you lost your job, here is the second thing how to work well; you work by solving a lot of people's problem, if you work for money only, your earning ability will devalue by itself as the time goes by, but if you work for people's problem, you will earn a lot of creative thinking because you have experienced by collecting other people's different problem, remember this note; if you dedicate yourself to work for problem, you will never get fired because problem will never end until the end of this world, here is the third thing you need to do how to work well; do your job as if that is the last farewell gift, I am really sure if you consider your job as the last farewell gift, you will not feel a lot of pressure because you have found your "big why" at your work, besides that, your enthusiasm will be renewed every time you think like that because you will leave a lot of good memory in it before your job leaves you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.