Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

How to get more energy during the day

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “How to get more energy during the day”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people's energy ran out during the day when they should use their daily energy to work, if you ask me why people's energy ran out faster than they can reserve because they put their focus on the object which it is unable to increase their high enthusiasm, remember; energy can be drained easily not because of hard working, but because choosing the type of activity which is unable to increase people's mental strength, in order to get more energy during running some activities in daily basis, people need target's high quality which can multiply people's enthusiasm, interest, loyalty, qualification, and dedication, as long as people don't have high quality of purpose, they definitely drain their energy faster than they imagine, let me remind you that our time is limited, we can't demand our time to support all we want, so we must choose whatever option we have and we must ensure we commit with our option till the end, energy is unlimited, but our capacity is limited, we must focus on one area where it can give us more vitality and dopamine's hormone, if we pursue it without having high expectation, that's the right thing we need.

         Life is not designed to fulfill all we want, life is designed to make us stronger than our wild expectation, here is the first thing how to get more energy during the day is we must choose what's important thing to do which it has possibility to solve other people's problem, as long as what we do can't bring good impact to other people's problem, meaning, we run out our energy for meaningless purpose, remember; define a clear purpose in life is not easy, but if we succeed to meet with that clear purpose, as impact, our lives journey will be different an better than what we imagine, here is the second thing how to get more energy during the day is we need to finish the task where it can increase our knowledge and skill, the reason why you need to do it because knowledge and skill is part of high energy, if we can collect something from it, our energy will increase at multiple times and we will never be bored, here is the third thing how to get more energy during the day is practice gratitude every time we start and finish something, remember; practicing gratitude is the part of how to create dopamine hormone, if we can discipline with that habit, our energy will be full, here is the fourth thing how to get more energy during the day is we share our kindness to other people who need helpI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

Living by faith meaning

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Living by faith meaning”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is capable how to activate their faith when they're still alive on earth, living by faith meaning is we set our lives based on what we believe and what we do in every single day even though we haven't seen the result yet, as we know that life will define about who we are and what we are capable, life will not give a good feedback until we offer something good to life itself, remember this; life is always neutral, life will do something better when we share our resource, knowledge, creativity, troubleshooting skill altogether, those are goodness we can create in this life as long as we are alive, life will never offer something good to us until we start servicing something good for mankind, we can't make a deal with the future without promoting our lives with faith,  life is hard when we love to compromise to stop learning new thing, remember this; your circumstance is an effect, whereas, your decision is the main causeif you want to make your life is meaningful, you must know your decision that can utilize the core of your value, if your core value can’t develop your own potential, means, your potential can't create a good contribution for mankind.  

         If you are not serious to dig the information about what’s you are capable of, your life will be meaningless and uninspiring, remember this note; opportunity will not be repeated at twice like the first one, when you don't cultivate something good with your power of faith, as result, your life will not grow like what you expect, now imagine that you have a seed, you will not know about the purpose of that seed unless you cultivate it in the ground, you water it until the seed produces the root and the fruits, if you don't care about that seed's growth, it will produce nothing, it’s the same goes like your life, you will not know what is your life purpose until you show your dedication for servicing what mankind really need, if you don't cultivate your life purpose with dedication, courage, and commitment, your life will discourage youso you must not think about yourself because your life has as the same value as others, besides that, please don’t just do something for self-indulgent if you want to know the function of your existence on earth, your life will not develop if you are too obsessed about your own satisfaction or pleasure, the future lies in what you believe and what you behave, if there is no faith, there is no action, if there is no action, there is no bright futureI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Love is an act of courage

The purpose of love is preventing the disaster to come and create a high value

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Love is an act of courage”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can prove that love is part of courage, some young people consider love is like wanderlust, it is not totally right, love is the part of ultimate power where it is used to nurture something to be good, besides that, love is part of human's emotional intelligence, so it can help human to survive on earth and help human how to explore their potential, if there is no love, there is no courage to act, if we really love someone or something important, we must prove that our action must be harmony with our feeling, if we don't love someone or something important, we don't need to act even though other people say there is something good for us, remember; our feeling can't be represented by other people's decision, if we think our sense of love is important, so we must pursue that power, if we lack of love, we will feel paralyzed every time we want to start, motivation is not part of love, motivation is the part of reason to pursue something important, if we lack of making a good reason, we don't have motivation to do, whereas, love is like enthusiasm or admiration, if there is something can attract our enthusiasm, maybe we feel love with it, if we want to love someone or something, we must create a strong reason.

the purpose of courage is willing to endure pain in every single day 

       Some people believe love must be pursued and must be owned, No, it is wrong, love doesn't need to be pursued nor to be owned, in fact, the more we pursue love, the more we lose it, love is like the wind and water, it will flow by itself when we already build the space to accommodate it, love will run away when we lack of adequate space to accommodate the power of love, we need to build the space within our soul, such as do good deed, care to powerless people, give the charity, solve people's problem, do the research for curing people from the disease, here is the first strategy how to create a sense of love; we mustn't compare between money and love, do you know why I say such thing because money is the result of our action's consequence, whereas, love is the crystallization from the grand feeling we create to share something useful, if we start to work with sense of love, we will feel comfortable with work pressure and we will not dare to resign because we build a sense of love, but if we focus on the money alone, we will resign from the job soon because we don't have a grand feeling to work, here is the second strategy how to create a sense of love; we must intend to do something to God's behalf before we start something, if we have Almighty God as the reason to start the activity, we will receive the biggest power to start and our action will feel like every single day we get supervised by Almighty God because we intend to do something for Him, if we grow our sense of love, we will not feel suffered every time we get setback, failure or unpleasant experience, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

How to deal with unmet expectations

       Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “How to deal with unmet expectations”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people aren't ready when they have to accept their unmet expectation is rejected by reality, let me clarify "expectation can't represent your life experience nor represent your expertise, expectation is part of wishful thinking", you don't need to focus on your unmet expectation, all you need to do is how to make your expectation really needs you, it may seem difficult to do but expectation is not always right to do, our duty as human being is not fulfill our unmet expectation, but how to counter the side effect of expectation, remember this; if you just focus about your unmet expectation, you will lose sense of gratitude about what you have, life doesn't provide what you expect, but life will provide what you really need to survive, in order to start a new life, you must learn how to defend yourself from the life pressure because life in itself is the barrier which ensures you are powerful than the life pressure, when you can endure the life pressure, life will increase your current standard, remember this note; there is difference between happiness and expectation, happiness is peace, you can get peace when you focus on what you can control, whereas, expectation is an external factor which it doesn’t take your responsibility, but it will be your responsibility when you give your responseif your preparation is ready to get hurt by life pressure, life will find you and it rewards you based on what you sacrifice.

        If we look at people’s lifestyle recently, they prefer to impress other people with their pride and they expect to get something better before they prepare something worst to face the crisis, here is the risk if we just pursue our unmet expectation; we can't appreciate what we already have and we tend to underestimate what God graces to us, before we want to get something we never did, we must know what we are capable of, if we don’t know our strength, we can’t manifest what we want into realitydon’t just follow the trend of people's habit, you must find your game and focus how to develop itthe key how to learn to live peacefully on earth is facing your own problem and considering your problem as your stepping stone to solve other people's problem, remember; life has rule and you must create your own rule, don't let life overtakes your plan, you must dare to fail in order to know how far your potential works on you and monitor how your potential assists you to remove all barriers which embeds in your mind, if you want to defend yourself from temptation, distraction and obstacle in this life, you must know how you value your time and how you appreciate the privilege you receive from God, use it maximally as if it is your ultimate power to change your life, here is the last note; don’t let expectation sees you as life's prisoner, you must salvage your future by doing something where most people ignore to do, if you work on your privilege, the universe will open up the new world to you, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

How to make my life better and happier

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “How to make my life better and happier”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not all people can make their life better and happier in reality, the majority of people still can't differentiate between instant pleasure and peace, if you ask me how to make your life better and happier is building a habit which can attract peace, meaning, your life only gets better and happier when you do something good and it can please Almighty God, it is impossible you can make your life is happier without getting involved Almighty God's favor, if you tell me that you become happy person because you succeed to please yourself, I will doubt about it, do you know why I say such thing because we can't own our happiness, you and I aren't entitled to define happiness by doing something which attracts Almighty God's wrath, the reason why people's life gets stuck in the same journey again and again because they just do what makes Almighty God is wrathful, if you understand what I am talking about, starting from now, you must ask yourself "what type of problem that bound to happen to other people?" , the second question you can ask yourself "what kind of skill that can solve other people's problem?", the third question you can ask yourself "how many people that get big the impact of the problem?", the fourth question you can ask yourself "how many people that get big impact of problem per day?, those critical questions will help you how to determine your wealth and happiness.

        Most people think pleasure is the only way how to make their life better, the fact it is not true, pleasure just means define your fear and expand your fear, my conclusion “pleasure only begotten when you do little effort”, here I give you another strategy how to build happiness, "the more you do what God pleased, the happiness definitely approaches you, the more you do what God hated, you will lose everything valuable such as self-respect, confidence and reputation"basically person who isn’t happy is type of person who can't stand the life pressure, whereas a happy person is the type of person who can stand against the life pressure, the greatest obstacles in human's living is making higher expectation than one's capacity and stop appreciating every progress in life, as long as what you do can increase your self-awareness, you indirectly build the new bigger capacity to your future, your life gets better when your capacity can accommodate the problem that bounds to happen in human's life.

       The busiest person in the world is type of person who is working for money and makes it as the main purpose to live, the amount of money that people receive is part of the bribe to make sure people will lose the real happiness, here is my suggestion; don’t just demand money to follow you because money needs the glorious purpose and the value from you, the more you value your time, the more money will work for you, you just need to focus how to solve your own obstacles, create good service for other people's problem and let the universe works for you, it's simple, happiness is path, not destination, you can get it from what is your most driven in life, if your enthusiasm is tied with dream, you will be driven by the universe to find what you need and then you need to work for it, please don’t seek for happiness, but let happiness finds you, your job in this life is looking for inspiration, there are many strategies how to get inspiration, such as reading book, attending the course, learning new language, observing the nature reserve, studying about the universe’s law, learning from failure, and so many other things, remember this note; not all sense of complacent can offer an interesting challenge and not all satisfaction can create longevity happiness, you must beware about the difference between satisfaction and longevity happiness, happiness can be developed through problem solving act and self-esteem, whereas, satisfaction can be developed through short term pleasure plan, if you can’t progress your life purpose, your happiness isn’t ready to serve you well, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck. 

Toxic positivity

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Toxic positivity”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone thinks that positivity can bring toxic if everyone doesn't know about the risk, we all know positive attitude is good, but if we meet with "something too good to be true in current situation", our positive attitude can't work well since positive attitude can't be matched with high expectation, if you ask me why we can't apply positivism in every situation because life is not designed to confront between positive attitude and positive thing, if we just apply between positive attitude and high expectation, as impact, it will create toxic positivity, I don't recommend you to promote your positive attitude when you meet with something too good to be true, remember; we can't always succeed to promote optimism in every situation since life itself is mysterious, we must beware that life can't be demanded to follow what we want, life can be a hostile to us when we just give bad reaction and bad attitude to other people's lives and life can be a partner to us when we just bring good reaction and good attitude to other people's lives, what I mean is we mustn't show our high expectation and enthusiasm altogether in every situation, when the positive thing meets with positive reaction only, as impact, we will create toxic positivity to us, so it is very dangerous, do you know why I say such thing because not all we think is good is always good, we will feel disappointed in deep feeling when we realize that our high expectation can't be matched with positive situation, it is the same thing with negative thing, if we show our desperate feeling and pessimism altogether in every situation, as impact, we will get poor mindset and regret feeling.

Toxic positivity is like we compel bad people to change their characteristic to be good people, expectation is not always good if it is related with other people's lives, expectation will hurt us if we try to expect other people do the same like we always did before, life should be neutralized if we want to get peace, if we just show high expectation only, it definitely hurts us, if we just show pessimism, it definitely kills our future, the purpose of happiness is not getting more pleasure in instant process, but the purpose of happiness is neutralizing the positive and negative reaction until it is united to become a peace, remember; we don't need to impress other people with our positive thinking just because other people want us to have positive influence, we must neutralize our positive thinking and negative feeling if we want to create peace, let me give you real sample about electricity, we all know that electricity will connect when positive pole and negative pole meets together, if there is no positive and negative energy, there is no power in electricity, we can conclude that positive energy represents a hope and negative energy represents a risk, we must train ourselves to see a risk before we create a hope, that's challenge.

        Starting from now, we must practice how to deal with our reaction first before we show our expectation to real situation, as human being, we aren't entitled to control the situation, remember this note; if God allows toxic situations will happen to human, means, toxic situation will strengthen human’s endurance, we don’t need to measure how far we have to put us into toxic situations, if human deserve to get toxic situation, meaning, God knows human have strong endurance to neutralize toxic situation, only our ignorance will kill our own selves, we will not get toxic feeling if we can succeed to combine between positive feeling and negative thinking or we combine between negative feeling and positive thinking, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Courage of conviction example

The purpose of courage is preventing the more disaster and create higher value

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Courage of conviction example”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can recognize their conviction, some young people prefer to follow the trends rather than follow their own path, if you ask me why some young people think follow the trend is good because they consider the trend is part how to increase new experience, I know it is very hard to follow the individual's own path since there is nobody will guarantee that path, if people want to deal with their own path, they will be facing with something unpleasant, such as, self-doubt, laziness, fear of failure, pain of struggle, at this moment, let me give you how to manifest courage of conviction in reality, there is someone who loves how to cook French culinary, he spends more than 5 years to learn deeply about French culinary, if he builds courage of conviction, he is going to be a chef and opening his own restaurant, if he doesn't build courage of conviction, he is going to the hotel and apply the position as cook helper or a chef, that's example how to differentiate between people who build courage of conviction and people who don't build courage of conviction, maybe you may think my story is like theory, it is not right, what I am telling you right now is about reality, not part of the fantasy genre story.   

the purpose of courage is willing to break the seal of unlimited wealth within our soul 

       Some people believe building courage of conviction is hard, no it is not true, what makes thing hard is we follow our self-doubt about what we start,  if we stop doing about what we start and follow our self-doubt, as impact, we deliberately destroy about what we startremember this note; we don’t need to know how the universe works for us, we are just being asked to trust the process and not interfere how the universe works, now you may have question “why do I need to accelerate my courage of conviction?", because that's requirement how to access your unlimited wealth, remember; without pursuing the courage of conviction, you will always doubt about what you see, what you hear and what you feel, if you are not interested to work hard now, meaning you don't want to pursue the courage of conviction, here is the negative impact if you don't follow your courage of conviction, your whole life will be controlled by the circumstance and your life will be controlled by other people's plan, building the courage of conviction is like building the mental factory in our brain and we use the power of imagination to create what we believe and we manifest it in reality, here is the last note; building the courage of conviction needs the one life chance, so we shouldn't miss it, the purpose of building the courage of conviction is refuse the possession of the impossible conviction, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

What does a lotus flower mean

the lotus flower needs the dirty water to be beautiful scenery

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “What does a lotus flower mean”, the meaning of that topic is the lotus flower indicates a person who is being able to behave resilient although he is surrounded by negativity, living as the lotus flower needs strong belief and tough experience, if our existence is like the lotus flower, we need to learn how to discipline between our heart and mind to balance, it takes several years to shape resilient in our mentality, that's our weapon to against injustice in lifethe only way how to make a new change within our personality is we must adapt with daily adversity, daily temptation and daily rejection, if we are not willing to learn how to adapt with three of them, we will be drowned with our own negativity, as result, our character will be glued with self-doubt, insecure, fear and regret, starting today, whether we like it or not, we must learn something from the lotus flower’s philosophy, it says "the lotus flower doesn't lose its beautiful look although it is surrounded by dirty water, the lotus flower grows from the dirty water and it can defend themselves from the shitty experience in long period of time", as human being, we can’t escape from negativity, we only learn to adapt with it, remember this note; sometimes we need our darkness to find the light, our light will be futile if it is not be used to shine our darkness, we should stay hunger in knowledge if we want to be wise and rich, the light is represented by knowledge whereas the darkness is represented by self-ignorance.

       If we look at the lotus flower, it can survive from the dirty water and it needs the living energy from the dirty water, so the lotus flower’s philosophy teaches us that every single of us can’t escape from the darkness of life until we find some tactics how to accept the darkness of life as stepping stone, the key how to create different result in life is willingly to learn something quickly and being ready person who can accept any consequences, the problem we face now is most of us put our major focus to the wrong direction and false belief, it's not solution, we shouldn’t focus on the obstacles no matter how hard it is, staying focus on goal is kind of exit strategy how to conquer the poverty situation and difficult situation, if we just focus on the obstacles, there is always additional unknown problem  and it will overtake our potential energy, as result, we will not get what we aimed, except we get regret from what we have lost, the focused mind always find a way to get out from the mind barrier although it takes long period, remember this note; problem doesn’t need to be understood by you, problem just helps you how to fix your mindset until you can develop your potential and it will be your masterpiece in the future, if you try to understand your problem, you will be pessimistic and you will suffer as well, all you need to do is prepare your worst plan and maximize your potential by making good service for others, whether others don’t care about what you do is not important, the most important thing is your good service must be ready to be used up when the crisis comes, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Time is more important than money

     Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Time is more important than money”, the reason why I choose that topic because not everyone knows how to treat their time very well, the main cause why people behave like that because they consider money is everything, let me clarify you that money is the tool, it can't work properly when there is no time and effort, money can give the power of evil when you use money for pleasure, whereas, money can give the power of goodness when you use money for spreading your good service to others, remember this note; if you just pursue the money and consider it as your ultimate resource, your personality will follow the money’s characteristic and you will work like automatic teller machine, you can't behave like money because its circulation is out of control, if we want to control money, we will lose our self-confidence, in this article I will share something to you about some things which are considered to be more valuable than money, here is the first thing more important than money; time, it’s part of irreplaceable thing in this world because time will never go backward when it's already running forward and time can't be bought by our money, means, time just gives us reflection whether our behavior, our action and our attitude is considered to be good or bad, if we think money is more important than our time, as impact, time will devalue everything we have.

     Here is the second thing more important than money; mental endurance, the main reason I consider mental endurance is more important than money because it can give us the good chance when we are trapped in the tough times or crisis, if our mental endurance is stronger than our expectation, we will become a game changer because we can make our expectation becomes illusion, remember; we can't increase the mental endurance when we consider money is more important than our time, here is the third thing more important than money; knowledge, the reason why knowledge is more important than money because knowledge is needed to solve problem, when people have enough knowledge to solve problem, they will get payment, here is the fourth thing more important than money; problem, if we don’t love to pursue the problem, our payment is not much higher than we usually get paid, the higher level of problem we solve, the more fortune we can collect, please don’t hate with the problem because it’s part of God’s grace, if we put our sense of love to pursue problem, the unlimited wealth comes to us automatically, here is fifth thing more important than money; having good personality, this is important because it will define our wealth, here I quoted from the holy Koran, "if you do the good deed, it is for yourself, if you do the bad thing, it is for yourself, the good deed will look for someone who does good deed and the evil thing will look for someone who does the evildoer".

      Here is the sixth thing more important than money; ingenuity, when we practice our ingenuity every single day, the universe will lend us the power of creation and we will be able to create the masterpiece by our own version, here is the seventh thing more important than money; faith, if we don’t have strong faith, our mind can’t construct fabulous idea and  we can't manifest what we visualize because we don’t believe about what we do, to increase our faith, we must practice it by looking for inspirationhere is the eighth thing more important than money; The good partnership, the reason why good partnership is more important than money because it will help us to promote our service, here is the ninth thing more important than money; courage, if we have enough courage, we won’t fear about risk or failure anymore because we enjoy with the learning process, remember this; our courage will be devaluing by itself when we lack of self-discipline, lack of daily practice, lack of self-taught, lack of knowledge, lack of failure and lack of reason, here is the last note; time is more important than money because it represents who we are and what we pursue, if there is no time, our wealthy is futile, if we value our time, we value the money as well, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Doing something without thinking

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about Doing something without thinking”, the main reason why I choose that topic is many people consider doing something without thinking is part of crazy person, it is not true, doing something without thinking means someone is practicing something with his own enthusiasm and his target, whereas, someone who is doing something with the obsessive behavior until he is breaking the lawful means, it can be called as maniac, now you can comprehend about the difference between doing something without thinking and doing something by breaking the lawful means,  remember; good career can't be judged by receiving good payment, instead, good career just allows us to follow our intuition without thinking, if people do something crazy in their career, means, they are ready to commit to face the life's challenge, such as failure, rejection, betrayal, setback, here is the question you need to ponder, what is difference between doing something good and doing something crazy in career?if you do something good in your career, you followed the previous rule you set and you don't dare to get out of comfort zone, if you do that in several years later, as result, there is no innovation and there is no development at all in your career, whereas, if you do something crazy in your career, you will go all in without compromising, then you keep updating your capacity with the unpleasant experience continuously although you aren't sure whether you can succeed to pass through it or not.

       The main reason why we need to do something crazy in our career because our capacity will decrease its value if we don't hone it with new challenge, as result we will do something mediocre in career, remember : success is always offering the comfort zone until you realize that success is not something you pursue, here is for your note; once you feel success is coming to you, you actually feel the comfort zone is imminent, please beware about the meaning of success, when you follow your excellence, success definitely comes to you, once you don't follow your excellence, success waits your progress, the biggest enemy in this life is our ego, ignorance and regret, success is like the number of game, success can stop based on what you feel, when you feel enough, you stop building your success, if you focus how to build your excellence, your success will multiple its number without asking you instantly, remember this note; doing something without thinking is not like doing something stupid or worthless, doing something without thinking is like doing something bigger than your expectation, you must continue to work on your craft until your life is ready to use your craft to serve others, when your life becomes the ultimate resource, other people don't really care about your weaknesses or your unsuccessful attempt because your big impact can help them from the crisis, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Finding the true meaning of happiness

Attach your happiness to single goal, not people, place or thing

     Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about Finding the true meaning of happiness", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can manifest the happiness at the right purpose, many people think happiness is the same goes like wanting something  never had before, if people consider happiness like that, they will never get the meaningful journey from their life journey, happiness is not the same like desire, happiness is the side effect of high morality and good behavior where it can attract kindness or the divine's grace, on the other word we can say "happiness is peace", there is no human can offer peace unless there is divine's grace which is attached, before you want to find the true meaning of happiness, you must give yourself a high purpose first, if you can spend your time to fulfill your high purpose and you feel renewed with it, means, you find a way how to find your meaningful happiness, maybe you will ask me about the word "you feel renewed with it", the meaning of that word is your knowledge is enriched, your awareness level is widening than before, and your sense of admiration is increasing sharp, here is my opinion; if your purpose can enrich your knowledge, can widen your curiosity, can give you a sense of enthusiasm and can give you new challenge, you are in the right place, remember; there is no other human cares so much about your future, all you need to do is reward your future with your meaningful goal.                                                                                                                                                                        

       If you want to know where is your happiness, you can look at other people who receive your act of kindness or you can look at other people who need your service, to find true meaning of happiness, you must know your limitation and your capacity, the more you recognize your limitation, the more you can deal with your ego, if you can deal with ego, you can control your life, remember this; money is not the part of happiness, money is the power how to serve your need, if you don't have money, you can't have an access how to promote your happiness level, Here are 3 criteria how to demand yourself to fulfill what the happiness wants; 1. Increase your self-awareness every day, means, you must keep learning something new although you don't like it, the more you accustom yourself with new learning process, the more you will meet with the power of endurance, if you have adequate endurance, you can adapt well with adversity or disaster which may happen in this world, 2. Sharing your service to others, if you can't share your service, you can't promote your happiness, 3. Embrace the Problem like you welcome the reward, this strategy is very unique, only solve problem that can offer us happiness, we aren’t going to be happy when we can’t solve any problem because every problem offers us the great power, here is the additional note; the quality of your personality determines the quality of your happiness, you can't be happy person when you harm other people's lives, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

What is a good intention to set

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “What is a good intention to set”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can't set good intention when they need to develop their career, what majority of people want to do when they talk about their career is how to gain as much as profit they can get, in my opinion; pursuing the profit as the main goal can create the path of disaster, do you know why I say such thing because pursuing the profit can immobilize your creativity and your craft, remember this; profit has no direction because it is part of energy, if we just follow the profit, our journey is stuck between dilemma and reality, I think we need to give our life journey with the clear purpose if we want to attract the profit, before we need to make clear purpose, we need to set good intention at the first time, e.g. we create the masterpiece to minimize the risk impact which may happen to other people's lives, we provide the vaccine to strengthen human's body immune, we create the product where it can reduce the diabetes, if we have set a good intention, we can make strategy and define the product, remember; product is not always like a stuff or physical thing, it can be the valuable information, the problem solving act, the mentoring class provider, etc.

       Here is the good news; if we create higher purpose and we put it into the product or service, as impact, we can access other people's hope or other people's problem, remember this; you and I are staying in the same boat, we call it as the planet earth, we can’t create good intention if we just prioritize our ego, we must promote our craft and ensure our product will benefit to other people who use our product, now here is question, what if our good intention can't be set into reality? it is never mind, as long as our good intention can link into other people's problem or other people's hope, we can create something, remember; in order to be a man of value, we must learn how to maximize our imagination and create something to accelerate our good intention and good purpose before both of them will be manifested into reality,  having good intention is more important than having the physical reward, if we have good intention, we will not feel disappointed even though we don't get the reward, if we have a good intention to set, our commitment will not be changing easily when other people try to let us down, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.   

Life lessons about love

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Life lessons about love”, the reason why I choose that topic because not everyone applies the power of love when they get life lesson, some people show their hatred feeling when they get life lessons, remember this; life lesson could be negative or positive, the example of negative life lesson; get rejection, disaster, betrayal, swindle, robbed, the example of positive life lesson; get an extra money from the company, get the gift from your spouse, even though a gift seems good for us, we must know the consequence from it, in this life we must accept the consequence once we get something good, do you know why? because not all we can accept can be staying forever with us, even though we get positive or negative thing from life, life is giving us a sense of love even though we can't understand it, we don't need to understand about what life wants, the most important thing is we can accept the life lesson and we welcome it with our sense of love, now I have question to you "if your parents demand you to wake up in the morning and you hate with the morning habit like that, do you think your parents really hate you?, No, the reason why your parents ask you to wake up in every morning because the habit is good for your health and your parents know that sleeping habit in the morning is really bad for mental health, now it is time to choose whether you want to take the parent's advice as a menace or reminder for you.


         If we don’t want to live in this world in the regret zone, we must learn how to develop a sense of love and share our resource to others, we all know that life is always complicated and unpredictable, we can't get life lesson if we don't develop a sense of love from inside, let me give you an example; you get communication problem with your friends, if you just hate with your friend without valid reason, you will hate your friend's life for everlasting, I think we can't survive if we don't put our sense of love to our own lives, that's requirement, other people can't make us happy even though they can give you many gifts, the real love is developing good character and having personal branding, at this moment, let me give you some life lessons, hopefully it can give you encouragement, here is the first life lesson where it needs love; we receive upbringing from our parents or other people who care us, it is not easy to reward their kindness because love is about moral development, even though we can give so much money to people who give upbringing to us, their kindness is too important, so we can't reward them, if we want to pay them back, we must do the same when we have own child, here is the second life lesson where it needs love; people who take care the animal or the plants, if there is no love, we can't dare to feed the animals or the plants, the conclusion is "we can't survive without love and we can't make peace without love, spreading kindness to others is the part of love, not the part of businessI think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

The good ones go if you wait too long

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “The good ones go if you wait too long”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people think life will not compromise when people wait for something uncertain, that's correct, basically life's movement is faster than what we think, when we stop progressing what we start, we will lose the momentum of changing and we can't upgrade our capacity, life is not kind of the place where it can accommodate our expectation, life is self-demanding process, not demanding what's outside, if we just wait the progress from this life, we will lose everything valuable, we can't make new revolution in this life when we spend our time to wait something we can't control, the more we try to repeat the same frequency of what we do, we deliberately let the good ones go, as human being, we aren't entitled to control our time, our energy and our soul vibration, life only values us based on what we do and what we perceive, we will never be able to do something positively if we don't believe it, our belief system is accumulated from what we have seen, what we have done and the place we have been, if we behave cruelly, we train ourselves to see something which can attract the evil spirit, do something negatively and visit the place where it can ignite the negative atmosphere, maybe it sounds familiar to you, but if you realize what I mention above, I am sure you will not dare to apply what I am saying to you.  

      Starting today, please don't create the resistance when you want to meet with the good opportunity, one of the biggest resistance is making the justification to reject the unpleasant experience, if your action creates the justification only, your future design can’t satisfy you, all you need to prepare is do what’s make your masterpiece until it is urgently required, such as providing the business coaching program, the psychology consultancy, providing the win-win solution, etc. here is the key; if your 24 hours can't increase your survival skill, meaning, you have a lousy plan, don’t let life keeping you to do the same thing like the previous year’s plan, life will not treat you better if you make your own resistance, e.g. doubt about what you start, not commit what you start, hate about the learning process, now let me share something to you about several resistance that most people created in this life; 1. Ego 2. Self-righteousness 3. Complacency 4. Perfection 5. Expectation, remember; the good thing can't be waited for longer time because it is too important for solving every human's problem, good thing can't be turned into wisdom if we don't invest our massive action into time continuously, life will destroy what we start when we stop improving what we have been going through, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.  

Sometimes you have to suffer in life

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “Sometimes you have to suffer in life” the main reason why I choose that topic because many people can't survive with the life pressure, if you ask me why people can't survive with life pressure because they lack of endurance skill, the main cause why people lack of endurance skill because they spend their major time to major on something trivial for other people's positive side, life is not talking about what we want and what we like, life is about giving our service to others, if we just live on this earth to pursue what we want, we will feel suffering more than we can ever taste, do you know why I say like that ? because we violate the universe's law, as long as we let go the opportunity for us to feel suffered for temporary situation, life will not give the power to us for changing our miserable life story, before we avoid the difficult thing in front of us, we should be asking ourselves "what if my life changes after I learned this skill?" sometimes giving a critical question to our brain will open up new opportunity to grow our capacity, remember this note; suffering is a must, not an option, if there is no suffering, there is no awakening power coming from our deepest soul, God gives us the problem because He believes our capacity is bigger than the size of problem, if you get the problem, meaning, your capacity is worthy to feel suffering, life will give us the same problem if we aren't willing to feel suffered by absorbing the problem, life will not give us the disaster if we focus how to develop our skill, once our skill is increasing, the level of problem will be turning into new currency for our lives, before we reject the problem, we must ponder it for moment, God will not give us the wrong package to the wrong addressee, our duty is following what God plans through our feeling vibration, if we feel "clicked" with the problem, meaning, we are ready to go through it, remember; we can grow from what we go through it, when we suffer, we develop the power within us.

      Please don’t be afraid to plan big even though we don't get it clear, we just need to pass one step of progress to another one until we arrive to the right destination where it is been prepared by Almighty God long time ago,  at this moment I would like to share some reasons why we need to feel suffering in this life, here is the first reason why we need to feel suffering in life; life is full of uncertainty, if we realize that life is full of uncertainty, we need to explore something out there, we can't sit tight and wait for help, we must struggle independently even though it needs a lot of effort, a lot of time, and a lot of sacrificehere is the second reason why we need to feel suffering in life; life is full of probability, meaning, there is no instant process and there is nothing can be predicted as well, so we need to try as much as we can even though we will get failure, life is not something we can control, life is self- reflection, if we feel better right now because we invest our major time with a good vibes into habit, if we feel bad, meaning, we invest bad influence to our vibes and our habit, life is choice, whether we want to be good person or bad person, so we must beware with that consequences, here is the third reason why we need to feel suffering in life; life is mystery, we will never know what will happen to the future, we can't depend too much to the luck, we must work hard because we don't know what we will receive from future, in my opinion; hardworking is the sensible act how to predict the future, if there is no hard working, there is no better future, we must do something more than we are getting paid, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.