What is a good intention to set

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “What is a good intention to set”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can't set good intention when they need to develop their career, what majority of people want to do when they talk about their career is how to gain as much as profit they can get, in my opinion; pursuing the profit as the main goal can create the path of disaster, do you know why I say such thing because pursuing the profit can immobilize your creativity and your craft, remember this; profit has no direction because it is part of energy, if we just follow the profit, our journey is stuck between dilemma and reality, I think we need to give our life journey with the clear purpose if we want to attract the profit, before we need to make clear purpose, we need to set good intention at the first time, e.g. we create the masterpiece to minimize the risk impact which may happen to other people's lives, we provide the vaccine to strengthen human's body immune, we create the product where it can reduce the diabetes, if we have set a good intention, we can make strategy and define the product, remember; product is not always like a stuff or physical thing, it can be the valuable information, the problem solving act, the mentoring class provider, etc.

       Here is the good news; if we create higher purpose and we put it into the product or service, as impact, we can access other people's hope or other people's problem, remember this; you and I are staying in the same boat, we call it as the planet earth, we can’t create good intention if we just prioritize our ego, we must promote our craft and ensure our product will benefit to other people who use our product, now here is question, what if our good intention can't be set into reality? it is never mind, as long as our good intention can link into other people's problem or other people's hope, we can create something, remember; in order to be a man of value, we must learn how to maximize our imagination and create something to accelerate our good intention and good purpose before both of them will be manifested into reality,  having good intention is more important than having the physical reward, if we have good intention, we will not feel disappointed even though we don't get the reward, if we have a good intention to set, our commitment will not be changing easily when other people try to let us down, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.