Showing posts with label Personality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personality. Show all posts

Healthy communication in relationships

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about 10 ways how to make healthy communication in relationship, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people can build healthy communication in relationship for long term period, now let me share several strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship, here is the first strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; honesty, means, you don't try to cheat other people who are making a cooperation with you, this is important note, if you have this kind of habit, you will earn a respect from anyone else because your value can influence other people’s habit and your worthy will be remembered as gift although you are not around, here is the second strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; being busy to acknowledge someone's ability although you don't need it for yourself, as we know that people feel energized when their ability has been acknowledged, if you apply this strategy, they will be easy listener when you talk to them, besides that, they will appreciate your effort when you appreciate other people's skill.

    Here is the third strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; active listening, this is part of warm-hearted character, if you invest your time to be an active listener, other people will give you their time when you need them, this is part of the two ways of communication, here is the fourth strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; respect other people's privacy, this strategy is really important to sustain long term relationship, do you know why I say like this? because keep other people's privacy can build a new high level of compassion, people who can't keep other people's privacy, they will ruin their own value of respecthere is the fifth strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; don't try to talk about problem when others don't want to listen it, do you know why it is important to be noticed? because not everyone is ready to feel burdened when they listen other people's problem, if you want to share your problem, you have to ensure people you talked with are ready, maybe you can ask a question to them "Now I want to share my problem, do you want to listen it or not?" if you aren't ready to listen it, I will not talk it to you first, now let me tell you about the reason why people don't want to listen other people's problem because they don't want to get attached with other people's problem.

        Here is the sixth strategy how to make healthy communication in relationship; celebrate when you make the relationship's annual period, this is part of strategy how to prolong longevity of relationship, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.

Principles of effective communication

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Principles of effective communication", the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people know how to make principles of effective communication, some people feel satisfied when they try to talk only but not some of them try to make effective communication, at this moment, let me share to you about principles of effective people, here is the first strategy how to make an effective communication; stay foolish and stay curious, means, you don't try to demand others to understand you, you just stay curious about what others behave and observe what others enjoy in their daily life activities, if you are willing to get out from your shoes and enter into other people's shoes, as impact, you will get new perspective idea and new experiences, if you talk about what you do and what you have, other people will think that you're bragging about yourself, remember this; other people don't need what you have or what you do, other people only listen what they are enthusiastic about.

         here is the second strategy how to make an effective communication; you invest the quality time with people's emotional need only, if you just do something how to prioritize other people's emotional need only, you will know how to apply effective communication, here is the third strategy how to make an effective communication; giving yourself a name where people can recognize you easilygive yourself a special code to ensure people can remember you, that's the way of personal branding's strategy, if you give yourself a special code, people will communicate with you so efficiently, here is the fourth strategy how to make an effective communication; don’t choose or start a deep conversation when people you talked to can't understand you, which means, you don't create new topic where people can't understand, instead, you open the access of communication which is suitable for others and you let people know you more than you know them, remember this note; don't consider other people as having the same value as you do, if you do it, other people can't apply effective communication to you, hopefully this strategy can help you how to improve your life career, good luck.

How to keep a long distance relationship strong

        Hi smart people, good day, I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share "how to keep a long distance relationship strong", the main reason why I choose that topic because many young couple are trapped in long distance relationship and they are afraid their relationship will end, at this moment let me give several tips how to make your long distance relationship strong, here is first strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; keep communicated even though it is not regularly, at least 1 or 2 times per week, not only woman needs emotional support, but does man also need it as well, no matter how busy you are, if you can give emotional support to your partner, at least you lend your power to heal your partner's emotional emptiness, remember; communication is not about the quantity of your words, but it is about the quality, maybe you can share your life experience, here is second strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; trust each other, this strategy is not easy, but it is possible to do, if you ask me how to build trust each other ? easy, you can entrust something important to your partner, here I give you real example; you have money in your pocket, then you can say to your partner "here I lend you money around $100, don't use this money before I give you a permission for it", maybe your partner thinks your money is part of your sacrifice, but don't worry about it, the good woman / good man will not use your money if they know how to keep good attitude of using money even it is not theirs.
Show little bit of empathy.

        Here is the third strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; make a plan of visit, if you really love your partner, don't let your partner waiting you more than 1 year without seeing each other, my suggestion is you can save your money to buy the transportation ticket to visit your partner or your parent's partner, the reason why you need to do this because it can strengthen your social bond, besides that, your partner will think that you make a good sacrifice for prolong the quality of relationship, here is the fourth strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; set some ground rules, meaning, you and your partner make the commitment for increasing the quality of communication but it is not intended to exploit your partner's privacy, for example; you tell your partner "we need some extra money for building new house, I hope we can save our money at least 20% per month for our future plan, if your partner agrees with your suggestion, meaning, you make some ground rules in long distance relationship, here is the fifth strategy how to make your long distance relationship strong; understand their busy activity, this is important strategy, the reason why we must obey with that rule because we and our partner are limited by the space and time, we have to ensure that we and our partner can live harmoniously with respective lifestyle, if we suspect our partner's lifestyle, we can't live harmoniously in long distance relationship, hopefully after you read this article, you can get a new insight how to improve your long distance relationship.

How to create trust in a relationship

        Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic how to create trust in a relationship, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can be trustworthy when they make new relationship, at this moment I would share something related how to create trust in a relationship, here is the first strategy how to create trust in a relationship; you must stay honesty in what you do or what you talk, means you develop a sense of trust in what you do / what you talk without feeling of doubt, this is the basic requirement how to build long term relationship, becoming reliable person is not easy because you need to stay honesty in what you do even though you have many mistakes, other people will trust you when you add more value to what you do, here is the second strategy how to create trust in a relationship; don’t disclose about people’s private matter when they entrust something to you, this is about good manner, if you don’t want to get trouble with other people’s lives, you must keep something secret, if you don’t understand about it, try to ask people to explain clearly, don’t let other people feel disappointed by you when you disclose other people's private matter, remember; people will remember your mistake easily rather than remember your kindness, don't let your reputation is crushed in several minutes after you had built it in several years.

        Here is the third strategy how to create trust in a relationship; show your empathy to what others feel, means you don’t need to prove that you show what you feel, all you need to do is doing what others can't finish even though they may have a strategy to do it, here is the fourth strategy how to create trust in a relationship; make two ways of open communication to build a commitment, this is crucial point, commitment is part of self-education, when you can't prove what you commit, you will be judged by someone as uneducated person because you prove that you can't prove what you commit, here is fifth strategy how to create trust in a relationship; don't push your opinion to be other people's perception, remember; you may can get wrong and others may get wrong as well, so, you just need to share what you know and stop demanding others to believe what you share, if you have attitude like this, others will not think of you as dictator, instead of considering you as a best friend, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully you can get something useful from this article, good luck. 

Overcoming loneliness in marriage

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "Overcoming loneliness in marriage", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples feel alone although they are tied in marriage, if you ask me why many couples can't overcome their loneliness in marriage because they expect too much about the advantage of couple's ability, remember this advice; we must realize the  purpose of marriage is to complete couple's inability, not to demand more than couple's ability, at this moment, I would like to share some several tips how to overcome loneliness in marriage, hopefully after you read this article, you can do self-introspection, here is the first tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: fix the way of communication, meaning, you need to offer what your spouse wants to hear something, sometimes you need to forget your egoism and start to offer your ability to your spouse, here is the second tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: add the quality time with spouse, for example; you only have a free time 5 hours per week, so you can offer the favorite place where your spouse wishes to go there.

        Here is the third tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage:  be curious about what’s your spouse’s major interest, make sure you know well about what is your spouse’s major interest, if you know more about your spouse’s interest rather than your own spouse, you will be valued as romantic person because you invest your time to find your spouse’s interest, starting today: don't just focus how to prioritize your self-indulgence, but rather you service your spouse's emotional need, here is the fourth tip how to overcome loneliness in marriage: self-care, meaning, you don't too concentrate how to make your spouse is happy, you need to have me-time to reflect on what you did in the past, you can engage your activity as long as it can increase your good feeling, self-care will benefit to you and you will always receive from self-care, remember; self-care is not the same with egoism, self-care is protecting yourself from your own expectation or your bad mindset, egoism is doing something more to yourself and eliminate your sense of caring to what your spouse feels, my last advice is learn, understand and save your emotional feeling, then you save your spouse's emotional need, if you aren't happy about yourself, how can you offer your ability to your spouse, the lack of service can inflict the loneliness in marriage, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.

top 3 marriage problems

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "top 3 marriage problems", the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples still don't know how to detect marriage problem, if you ask me why many couples are trapped in top 3 marriage problems because they prioritize their ego overs win-win solution for reducing the internal conflict, at this moment let me share you several tips how to detect top 3 marriage problems, here is the first sign of the marriage problem; communication problem, this problem is often happening to the marriage affair, having communication problem is the root of marriage problem, such as, misunderstanding, assumption, not expressing feelings which can lead to resentment and frustration, it is important for couples to learn how to effectively communicate their needs, expectations and feelings to each other,  here is the second sign of the marriage problem; financial stress, money can be the major concern for marriage's affair, money can be significant source of tension in a marriage, sometimes disagreement from spending habit can inflict the issue, lack of savings, lack of financial goal, lack of financial security can strain a relationship.

         If the couples make a fuss because of financial distress, meaning, they have built their spending habit more than their earning habit, my suggestion is every couple must have strategy how to build earning habit rather than their spending habit, here is the third sign of the marriage problem; lack of intimacy, meaning, couples don't want to invest their time to build their quality time in a deep intimacy, remember; build emotional intimacy is more important than physical intimacy, do you know why? because human is part of emotional creature, couples may drift apart over time if they don't maintain a close bond, sometimes talk about experience or share about love feeling can create new sense of affection to each other, here is the key to reduce marriage problems is address these openly and work together to find solutions, if there is no intense communication for solution, there will be a social gap in the family bond, hopefully you can get something useful after you read this article.

How to make a business partnership work

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "how to make a business partnership work", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone applies good relationship in business, if you ask me why people don't apply good relationship in business because they don't know how to recruit business partner and also they don't know how to fit business partner in business canvas, making a business partner work is not easy because we need to build a trust, communication, shared goal and mutual respect, at this moment I would share some strategies to enhance your life career, here is the first rule how to make a business partnership work; shared vision and goal, meaning,  we must create open communication until our partner agrees with our business canvas, in order to make strong bond with our partner, we must offer our reputation, remember this note; reputation is like the personal character which tells anybody else about our profile, it can’t be represented with the worldly stuff, reputation will represent our value which can be considered as our personal branding, before we recommend something to other people, we must be a history maker first.

        To make stronger partnership, we must know what our partner's problem and help them to solve their problem, this is the key, when we have this kind of mindset, we will learn something ahead before other people do, here is the second rule how to make a business partnership work; be honest about what we develop to our business plan, meaning, we must tell the detail of our business plan to our partner, after that we can ask their advice as if they were at your position, it is very challenging because not all partners can be proactive to give new perception, if we can show our honesty, our business partner will be no objection to accept our poor perception, here is the third rule how to make a business partnership work; define a role and responsibility, this is important, if we can’t define the role we need, as impact, our business partner will doubt about our reputation, in front of our partner, we shouldn't behave the same like what ordinary people always do, we must have strong vision and know what our responsibilities are, if we can't define a role and responsibility, we can't recruit good business partnership, here is the fourth rule how to make a business partnership work; conflict resolution, meaning, we must establish a fair and expand the meaningful of the conflict until it can be accepted by our business partners, hopefully after you read this article, you can apply this lesson to your business field.

How to not care what people think

Hi guys, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share  about the topic "How to not care what people think", that's main reason why I choose that topic is because many people are trapped in other people's thinking, it is like someone is imprisoned in other people's thinking, if you ask me why some people care what people think because they don't focus on their own qualifications, if people only focus on themselves, they don't care what people think, it is the law, here is the first step how to not care what people think; accept who you are, meaning, you accept who you are without rejecting your weaknesses, self-acceptance an make you less concerned about other people's opinion, here is the second step how to not care what people think; define your own success, do you know that everyone has different own definition of success, if you care about your own success, you can reject other people's opinion, if you think your success can be pursued by you, you will love to do it even though other people may disregard it, here is the third step how to not care what people think; surround yourself with positive people, if you spend your time with people who encourage and support you, they will help you to boost your confidence and make you less worried about toxic people's influence.

Here is the fourth step how to not care what people think; understand that everyone has different perception, meaning, you have to appreciate different perception from others even though you don't need them, if you can accept the different things, you will not feel stressed, here is the fifth step how to not care what people think; practice self-care, meaning, you only focus how to develop your own capacity, here is good news; if you can practice self-care, you will get new insight every time you do something good for yourself, remember; practice self-care is not the same with egoistic, practice self-care is like developing your inborn skill again and again, here is the sixth step how to not care what people think; seek professional help, meaning, you need to call psychologist if you can't focus how to master your mind, remember this note; overthinking is not good habit, instead of making people get depressed, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight to improve your career, good luck.

How to master in logic

Hi guys, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "How to master in logic", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can master in logic, besides that, mastering logic needs several times to practice, people who want to master in logic, they surround themselves with electric scope, based on research; mastering logic is like master a new language, it requires dedication and consistent practice, here are several steps how to master in logic, here is the first step how to master in logic; learn the basic, meaning, you start by understanding the basic principles of logic, such as propositions, logical connectiveness, truth tables, and logical equivalences, here is the second step how to master in logic; read books on logic, there are plenty of books that delve into the subject, like "a concise introduction to Logic" by Patrick J Hurley, or introduction to logic by Irving M. copi, here is the third step how to master in logic; Take online courses, website like Coursera, Khan academy, or EdX. 

Here is the fourth step how to master in logic; Apply it real life, meaning, you try to apply logical thinking in your day-to-day life, for example; when you start to make a new decision, try to use your logical thinking, it is started with Why, How, What, When, Who, Where, here is the fifth step how to master in logic; Practice, remember; logic is part of skill, the more you practice, the better you will get, try to solve puzzle games or different logic problem (chess board games), here is the sixth step how to master in logic; Join a study group or forum, this strategy can give you different perspectives on logical problem, study in group can be great source of support and motivation, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your career.

What can I do to help me focus better

Hi guys, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic “What can I do to help me focus better”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can master their focus, if you ask me why not everyone can master their focus because they tend to spread their focus to do many things, this condition can be seen in the company, based on what I review, many workers are trained to do multitasking, whether they like it or not, they will do multitasking without thinking about their own inner circumstance", based on research, people who don't train their focus to do single-tasking, as impact, they can't excavate their energy to do something great because they spread too much energy for doing multitasking, at this moment I would share some strategies how to improve your focus better, here is the first strategy how to improve focus better; set clear goals, meaning, knowing exactly what you want to achieve something you wish, you accustom yourself to have clear goal, it can help you stay focused, here is the second strategy how to improve focus better; manage your priority, means, you prioritize your task by break them down into small  focused area.

Here is the third strategy how to improve focus better; take regular breaks, meaning, you need to have regular breaks after 25 minutes of doing something, my suggestion is you take 5 minutes and then you continue your activity for the next 25 minutes, if you have regular breaks like that, you will not lose your focus stamina because you have regular break time, maybe it sound easy, but not everyone wants to apply this method because people tend to chase the target overmuch until they forget to take break after 25 minutes, here is the fourth strategy how to improve focus better; mindfulness and meditation, means, you spend around 3 or 5 minutes to empty your mind from something out of your control, please don't underestimate this strategy, if you have mindfulness to monitor your mind habit, you will not get stressed with the unknown circumstances.

Now your future depends on what you focus on, if you focus about yesterday, your future isn't created yet, if you are serious how to care your future, you need to make long term goal and pursue daily target, you must endure the pain of discipline between 5 until 10 years later, if you train your mindset how to adapt the unwelcome problem and focus how to prepare your best preparation, as impact, you will create the significant result, hopefully after you read this article, you beware about what you will become because your destiny is accumulated from your power of focus.

How do I know if I am losing my mind

Hi smart people, howdy, I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "How do I know if I am losing my mind, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people don’t recognize about the major cause of losing their mind, at this moment, let me share to you some strategies how to know people losing their mind, here is the first sign that people lose their mind; persistent feelings of sadness, means, if people experience with it, they need to find something which can de-stress themselves in order to distract their focus from the source which can remind , the main reason why people get persistent feeling of sadness because they aren't ready to lose something important, it could be beloved people, job, reputation, fame, money, business, asset.

Here is the second sign that people lose their mind; extreme mood swings, means, people don't know how to do with themselves because they don't believe about what they feel, if we want to help these kind of people, we need to let them decide what they really want to do and what they don't really want, as long as they don't really know what they do, we can give a question to them "what are they capable of?, the reason why we need to give such question in order to make people aware about their deepest potential, here is the third sign that people lose their mind: confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate, means, people don't know how to prioritize something whether what they think is important or unimportant, if we want to help these kind of people, we aren't allowed to give them many options, the more we offer many choices, the more they feel confused, sometimes we need to give them fixed option in order to stop them from confused thinking.

Here is the fourth sign that people lose their mind: withdrawal from friends and routine activities, means, people will stop socializing when they feel something wrong with their mind, people who lose their mind, they tend to avoid socialization until they feel renewed with new atmosphere, Here is the fifth sign that people lose their mindsignificant changes in eating or sleeping habitpeople who lose their mind, there is a sudden change with their eating habit, they tend to eat something disorderly, hopefully after you read this article, your focus increases and your career will increase as well. 

Poor spending habits

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share to you about "poor spending habits", the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone is aware about their daily spending, at this moment I would like to share about several poor spending habits that can make people stay poor, here is the first poor spending habit that making people stay poor; Impulse buying, means, people will give nod “Yes” response to anything goods where it can attract people's attention, people will buy something until they have no money left in their wallet or pockets, this habit will make people poor because people have no strength to delay their impulse buying, here is the second poor spending habit that making people stay poor; eating out too oftenthis habit has been occurring in every generation, especially for young mothers who don't want to cook something for their family, if you really want to control your spending habit, please reduce the amount of money for eating out, making a homemade cooking is one of good solution how to reduce the exaggerated expense, if you think this habit had been applied to your daily life, you can try to manage your expense starting from the first month, I don't prohibit you to eating out, but at least you can reduce your expense habit, for example; you can eat out once a week, 6 days you can make homemade cooking.

          Here is the third poor spending habit that making people stay poor; Not tracking spending, means, someone uses his money without control, it is dangerous, do you know why? because we don't know what will happen in tomorrow, if we don't have enough money to provide our life expense, we will be beggar in the street, tracking spending is one of good idea how to use money wisely, remember; we don't always take money every time, if our resource is unstable, we will be broke and we will live in the undeserved place, here is the fourth poor spending habit that making people stay poor; using the credit card for whatever reason, this habit has been applied by modern generation family, especially to people who think they can rely on the bank's resource, if this habit has been handed down from generation to generation, as impact, they will never have possessed staying power to face the crisis, here is the fifth poor spending habit that making people stay poor; Not saving, means, people don't have any economy plan to save their future through savings, the reason why we need to have savings because it can be used when the life crisis comes, hopefully you can get something useful after you read this article.

Signs of low self worth

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic “Signs of low self-worth”, the main reason why I choose that topic because some people don't realize what makes them having low self worth, at this moment, I would like to share some strategies how to recognize the signs of low self-worthhere is the first sign people have low self-worth; do negative self- talk, this habit is not good to nurture human's mind, do you know why I say like this because negative self-talk can become a disaster prophecy, remember this; the more people do negative self-talk, the more people believe that they have low self-worthhere is the second sign people have low self-worth; difficult accepting compliments, when people reject any compliments from others, meaning, they have low self-worth, people who have low self-worth, they don't focus how to accept any compliments, instead, they keep focus how to find their own weaknesses, in person's low self-worth, they consider every compliments is enemy, here is the third sign people have low self-worth; people-teasing tendencies, meaning, people who have this kind of habit, they will spend their time to approach other people's lives and they will tease people whom are recognized as worthy person, that's habit only can be owned by people who have low self-esteem

          Here is the fourth sign people have low self-worth; avoiding new experience, people who have this kind of habit, they tend to do something easier, for people who have low self-worth, they tend to do what they think is good even though it is nearly inexperience, when other people offer new experience to type of person who has low self-worth, he/she tends to avoid it by making lame excuse, for them, having new experience makes them suffered, here is the fifth sign people have low self-worth; struggling with assertiveness, meaning, they will do something what they think is right and appropriate to them, people who have low self-worth, they will do something the same again and again with assertiveness, this kind of habit will lead people to something regrettable and disappointment, people who have low self-worth, they tend to avoid new change, easy to complain, easy to get upset when other people give an opinion to what they do, here is the sixth sign people have low self-worth; self-opinionated, people who have this kind of attitude, they will consider other people's different view is enemy and they consider what they do is always right, hopefully this article can help you how to improve your life, good luck.

What causes low self esteem

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "what causes low self-esteem", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't know how to utilize self-esteem for good purpose, if you ask me why many people can't increase their self-esteem because they only focus what they can't do, not to try what they can finish something, in my opinion, if people focus to do what makes them excited even though they haven't paid yet, I am really sure their self-esteem increases rapidly, remember; low self-esteem can come from internal and external factor, here is the first thing causes people have low self-esteem; people can't accept either positive criticism or negative criticism, when someone has experienced with this attitude, he will feel not confident automatically because he considers every criticism is his own enemy, I must say as human being, not everyone can escape from criticism, either positive criticism or negative criticism, do you know why I say like this because every person has own right to say something what they see / they hear / they feel, criticism can come from parents, friends, peers, neighbors, commonly, every criticism comes from people who have a different concept amongst other people who haven't that concept, remember; only man who has high level perception can accept any criticism.

          Here is the second thing causes people have low self-esteem; people like to compare between themselves to others, if you have ever experienced with it, this is bad idea, do you know why? because doing comparation can make people stop doing something grateful, here is the third thing causes people have low self-esteem; having problem with the money's relationship, people who have bad relationship with money, they will never be confident enough to do, do you know why? because money's existence has a soul like human, money needs appreciation from human's spiritual energy, as long as people consider money as seducer, money will make people feel low esteem, on the other hand, if people consider money as deadly weapon, money will not kill human's character because human are very carefully to look after of money and people tend to use money on urgent purpose only, here is the fourth thing causes people have low self-esteem; physical health problem, the reason why people can get low self-esteem because they consider physical health is big asset, if people lost their big asset, they automatically feel low esteem, here is the fifth thing causes people have low self-esteem; have mental issue, it could be depression, stress, anxiety, fear or loneliness, hopefully you get something useful after you read this article.

If God is good why do bad things happen

Suffering is just temporary, but regret is forever, take responsibility

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic “If God is good why do bad things happen”, the main reason why I choose that topic because many people feel doubt about God's kindness, if you ask me why many people feel doubt about God's kindness because people's mind can't interpret what they accept from God's grace, remember this note; good or bad is relative, not kind of fixed thing, what human think is good is not always good in the eye of God, what human think is bad is not always bad in the eye of God, if your mind can accept the statement abovementioned, you will not feel doubt again about God's kindness, let me remind you about the truth, good thing will be bad if you don't know how to utilize it, whereas, bad thing will be good if you know how to utilize it, everything we receive from God's grace is calculated based on our capacity, if we want to measure our capacity, we must receive many tests, if we aren’t tested yet, God worries our capacity is not enough to sustain the God’s unlimited wealth, that’s why every human’s capacity needs to be tested, suffering is not part of punishment, it’s part of God’s mercy, if we don't get God's mercy right now, we will become the prisoner of mind and we will become the desire's slavery.
If you stop hoping to something uninspired, your suffering will end today

          If we feel suffered, it is caused by our poor habit, let me clarify to you that poor habit comes from the poor information where we received from the unreliable resource, as human being, we have the power of choice, whether we want to get reliable resource and unreliable resource, it is up to us, nobody will interfere our decision, if we want to understand about God's kindness, all we can do is increasing our mind input / self-awareness, do you know why? because everything is started from what we input into our mind, if we can work better right now because we have a good input to be inserted into our mind, the main reason why people consider bad thing happens in their lives because they lack a high level of resource to increase their self-awareness, you can't get high level resource unless you receive a suffering test and the problem you tend to avoid it, here is the first job we must do if we want to increase our awareness is we must learn how to delay our gratification as possible as we can, do you know why? because self-gratification often holds us back from getting new information how to interpret about God's grace and self-gratification often rejects God's grace, here is the second job we must do if we want to increase our awareness is we behave like a new student where we know nothing about what we will get from near future, means, we must be lifetime learner, we must have a daily target by asking "what kind of new thing that I need to learn today?", if you have set mindset like that, you will be different person because you build future-oriented mindset, hopefully you get something useful after you read this article.

How to teach empathy to kids

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “How to teach empathy to kids", the main reason why I choose that topic because many children failed to focus when they try to socialize with new environment and many children are not willing to listen every time their parents are trying to give an explanation, at this moment let me share something to you about 3 tips how to teach empathy to your children, here is the first tip how to teach empathy to your children; don’t teach your children how to buy something you don’t have, rather you teach them how to appreciate a little thing, if your children don’t know how to appreciate a little thing, your children will start to complain every time they find something imperfect, if this condition keeps going continuously, your children will lose their good character, it's dangerous, if your children learn how to appreciate a little thing, they will not complain easily every time they receive something they don't like, here is the second tip how to teach empathy to your children; be a good role model to your children and show your respect to them, means, you don't  brag when you talk to your children and you don't hurt them physically when your children make new mistake, this is part of the important manner, if you talk to your children with self-boasting, they will show you with the same attitude when they already become adult.

Here is the third tip how to teach empathy to your children; teach your children how to listen when other people talk to them, this is part of the important manner, when you teach your children how to listen other people's voice, you will be entertained by your children when you feel tired or burned out, here is the fourth tip how to teach empathy to your children; teach your children how to ask other people's health / situation / condition, if your children experienced with this habit, they will enlarge their deepest curiosity by discovering something they don’t know yet and they will try to help other people's life problem, here is the fifth tip how to teach empathy to your children; teach your children how to make a charity even though they have a small amount of it, this kind of habit will help developing good character to your children, besides that, your children will be generous person once they become adult, the last but not least, your children will care your physical health when you become old person in the future, that's side effect of having generosity character, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your children's daily life, good luck.