Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts

When you forgive, you heal yourself

          Hi smart people, good day, I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share how to forgive ourselves from the past unwanted condition and how to heal ourselves from the unwanted situation, as we know that every human has ever tasted the unpleasant thing, sometimes we can't deal with unpleasant thing because we always receive a safe game where it teaches you how to live cautiously in this life, remember this note; when you take a safe game only, you will never get healed from that condition because you don't need the pain, when you never get pain, you will stop learning something, finally you never get enlightened when you walk around in the society, in fact, the healing treatment is like the enlightenment's principle, when you never approach the enlightenment, you will be living in the darkness life, that's law, if we talk about spirituality, everything bad becomes good because it can be used to make you think better, work smarter and clean your mind from the mediocre treatment, remember this note; the sense of happiness can't be used as the good reference to recognize anybody's capability, all people need to be tested with adversity in order to measure how much lesson they can earn, if the sense of happiness is rewarded to every human being, how human give respond when the sense of happiness is gone, the true test of life are suffering, practice and adversity.

Remember this note; life will not ask you to like what you receive, but life will not stop giving you something different when you keep strengthen your resources until it is ready to be used up, only you can make your resourcefulness to be ready, don’t let your past injury will break your future hope, life doesn’t care when you don't care about your future, life will suppress your outer world if you don’t challenge your inner world to do something sucks, “the more you challenge yourself to work harder than you do on the job, the more you know what to do and not to do for your future”, everything what you deserve will be ready if you know how to handle other people's problem, your masterpiece will be meaningless if it can't be used to enlighten other people's ignorance, Almighty God will work for you if you have the life mission like what God has had, you must have the life mission in order to make your life is better, if you just curse something you have, you will be cursed when you don’t have something.

 Please heal yourself by not comparing something you have with something other people have, all you need to do if you want to heal yourself is “demanding yourself to possess new resources where most people don’t possess it, that’s the challenge how to improve your life mission”, sometimes forgiving what you don’t understand about new information is really irritated, but if you do not let go what makes you irritated, your mentality is going to grow, don’t let small mind will dominate your big mind which it is telling you to stop your learning process, wherever you are ready or not, life will lend you a challenge in order to clear your mind from the past injury, when you break your comfort zone, you will meet a bigger comfort zone where it is trying to stop your maturity, remember; money is problem, past is problem, time is problem, future is problem, if you act like the universe's principle, you will be healed automatically because the universe believes that you can solve problem.

How to get unstuck and move on in life

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to get unstuck and move on in life, the main purpose why I choose that topic because i am compassionate with many young people who get stuck with their life journey until they don't realize their life purpose are trapped in the circle of distress where they have built by their own ways, by the way, i want to share the crucial point for you to remember; we can't use our permanent personality to change the world, we just need to follow what life really wants, in order to adapt with the life's rule, we need to prepare our skill and our vision continuously in order to sort out which lesson we will accept, sometimes not all lesson can be suited with our personal resources, to survive from this life's arena, we need to sacrifice everything we possess and we must dare to say good bye with comfort zone and forget about the comfortable treatment because it doesn't offer wisdom and new skill, in my opinion; to get unstuck your soul from the tough situation, you need to embrace failure because it's part how to strengthen your core belief system and your mentality growth.

  Remember; every problem in this life is designed not to make you get stuck from one place, but it is trying to drive you out from one place to another one, to heal your wound from the unwelcome problem, you need to stop repeating something that it doesn't deserve you, so you have to become someone who is going to deserve the remedy to heal your wound, basically we can't change life system, but life allows us to change our attitude, our philosophy and our personal character, so we can give our good behavior and our best reaction towards the unexpected circumstanceI have seen many people want to change their life purpose, but they don't know how to begin, the main reason why they can't be healed from their personal problem because they don't have any determination to take a risk and they avoid the life's tough challenge, in my personal advice; we need to train our mind to do something painful and keep surviving because we are swimming in the life's sea surface, if we can't survive from it, our future will be drowned within the life crisis and we will get stuck in the sea for everlasting, it's very frightening thing.

I just remind for all of us that our brain’s system will be shut automatically when our mind is used to enjoy with comfort zone and reject the unexpected lesson, we must dare to move on every day by not believing what you know and keep exploring what you don’t know, that's the key to heal yourself from fixed minded, if you have this kind of habit, you will meet more God’s blessing and your mind will be refreshed every day with life tough challenge because you prefer to become life time learner, that's the method how to get unstuck from your past, remember this note; satisfaction is designed to make you get stuck in your own time zone, you must be inspired by embracing a real change and keep innovated yourself with the painful experience such as discipline, pursue what you want to improve and have strong willingness in order to get unstuck from the profit orientation where it offers more satisfaction and less value,  here is my special note; the more you approach a painful experience, the more you get your soul unstuck between dilemma and regression.

How to make peace with my past

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to share how to make peace with the past time, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone can deal with their past time, some people were struggling with their past by sacrificing something that the past didn’t need it so much, in fact, the past wants to be abandoned not because we want it, but our past time can't reconcile with the future time, whether we like it or not, we need to abandon our past memory, our past experience, our weariness, and many other things that it can't be salvaged, here is what I believe;  the more we make approach our past, the more depression we build disaster in the future, the key how to reconcile between our soul and our life is we leave the past in the past, we don’t need to improve anything because the past is like the broken glass, once it's broken, it doesn’t need to be repaired, it needs to be cleaned up, every time we see something in the past moment, it doesn’t mean we need to stay enjoying for long period of time, but we can pick up the clue which may be useful to be learned.

Remember this note; the human destiny have been shaped after they invested their time in the past, every time they learned something, they have become from what they invested, at this phase, everyone must let go of something in the past and let God planned something extraordinary, when we reap good thing because we sow the good thing, on the other hand, we reap bad thing because we sow the bad one, the life's rule is justice and honest, when we can't make peace with our time because we rummaged our past with sense of regret, all we can do is keep cultivating our resource with positive thinking and accept the reality no matter how bad thing we will receive, you can learn from failure but don’t let your past time determine what you can do today, failure is the part of maturity process which it can help you to strengthen your mental strengththere is nobody in the world can escape from the painful experience because every action they make is full of risk, but unfortunately most people can't turn the painful experience as stepping stone, as a result, they still get stuck in the same path, in my personal experience; please don’t try to erase your past, it's useless, all we need to do is buried your past with your grounded mind and start writing new story to welcome tomorrow.

 Don’t just open the door of tomorrow by getting angry, if you put the new seed in the toxic mind, you can’t reap good thing from it, instead it’s going to curse yourself, whatever situation will let you in, your anger can't heal your pain, you just need to clear your mind by increasing your ease, to face the life's rule is not easy, you need to prepare something worse before time will decrease your opportunity to grow, you need to calm down your sense of anger before opportunity is appearing, remember this note; you can't change your life when you keep rummaged your old time and doing something that makes your peacefulness doesn't deserve to be accepted by God, the healing process will start when you stop touching the pain where it had happened in the past.

8 ways to mend a broken relationship

         Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about 8 ways to mend a broken relationship, the main reason why I choose that topic because many couples feel regret and they don't know how to mend a broken relationship, here is the first strategy to mend a broken relationship; make an official agreement in the note where it states what to do and what not to doI just remind you that this strategy is not always getting successful, you need to behave patience when your spouse still does something irritated to youwhen the condition keeps getting worst, you need to leave your spouse for awhile and give your spouse several options to rethink how to run a good relationshiphere is the second strategy how to mend a broken relationship; leave respective ego and prepare to compromise, this is strategy can be applied to strengthen a broken relationship as long as there is willingness to try from both of them, if you or your spouse are really serious to mend a broken relationship, both must kindle a respective interest in order to break old habit where it may create a dispute among them.

        Here is the third strategy how to mend a broken relationship; don’t fix something unchangeable but fix something measurable, means, don’t try to remind of spouse past mistake, but try to optimize what your spouse's talent and support what you can do for your spouse, remember this note; only you can fix your personal character, when you improve what you can do, there is still chance for you to rejuvenate your spouse’s mood, here is the fourth strategy how to mend a broken relationship; change your unsupported environment with supported environment, this is important, sometimes your spouse doesn’t like to see you because you are getting around with bad influence which is created by your friend circle, when you leave unsupported environment, automatically your ritual can be mended as well, when your spouse realizes it, your spouse will give you a chance to harmonize him/her mood, here is the fifth strategy how to mend a broken relationship; make the official gathering between your parents and your spouse’s parents, at least they can help you how to mend your relationship problem by offering some win-win situation, here is the sixth strategy how to mend a broken relationship; leave your ritual which it has potential to make your spouse hates most about you,  this is important clue, the wrong ritual will influence your behavior, when you have a bad behavior, everything you give for your spouse, result will injure your spouse's feeling, when you renew your ritual, at least it can elevate your spouse’s interest about you.

        Here is the seventh strategy how to mend a broken relationship; give a special gift where your spouse demands from you, this strategy will work as long as you don’t have any bad intention to break your spouse's feeling, here is the eighth strategy how to mend a broken relationship; learning about your spouse's life story before your spouse met you directly, show full empathy when your spouse tells a life story to you, unwittingly you can understand about your spouse's personal problem, when you keep this habit happening, finally you can find a root of a broken relationship, hopefully this article can give you an insight, good luck.