Showing posts with label Mission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mission. Show all posts

You glow differently when you are actually happy

          Hi smart people, Howdy? Today I would like to invite you how to make new journey by creating the true happiness, many people try to find happiness in many ways, such as visiting new place, reading book, holding weekly party, accepting higher salary, etc. they forget the true happiness can't be exchanged with the worldly stuff, remember this note; true happiness can be built when someone succeeds to defeat his stumbling block, laziness, anger, anxious and indecision, the reason why i say such thing because those negative feeling can block emotional intelligence to produce endorphin hormone, remember; the happy people don't demand other people to change because the happy people know everyone has different capacity, but the happy people inspire a lot to others.

The happier people always have a big dream

           The happy people can produce ability for their own problem, so they adapt with lifestyle, improve ability and have clear goal to achieve, here is the rule that you need to obey; the true happiness can produce and increase more ability rather than producing the self-satisfaction whereas the act of unhappiness can produce self-satisfaction, the main reason why the happy people can produce ability because they are having unique philosophy and they don't have time to doubt about their own decision because the happy people know feeling of doubt can produce the desire of protest, the desire of blame, the desire of demand the result, don't let single doubt will contaminate your decisiveness, here are the example of self-satisfaction such as watching cinema, spend money for karaoke or alcohol drink, idle away in the mall with no purpose, watching television too much, holding party every week, playing online games for wasting time, etc. Those are kind of unhappiness habit, whereas the happy people produce a special ability that common people don't possess it, such as act of troubleshooting, act of caring, act of ingenuity, etc.

          The life will glow your life story if you don’t stay with the same experience, means you need to keep improving if you want to create big revolution in your life story,, the reason why you need to change because the universe also makes a change, if you keep staying the same, your positive vibes will be perished and you will feel suffering because of that condition, don’t protest or don't make careless judgment about it, it’s part of natural system, human’s life is like the plant and animal’s life, they need to struggle, adapt with adversity and keep improving or the time is going to destroy their ability to grow, please look at the plant, it needs to find the nutritious food from soil and water, on the other hand, animal needs to hunt the prey in order to prolong their life story, if it wouldn’t happen soon, they definitely die as well, but the difference between human and other creatures, namely; animal and plant don’t need happiness to survive, as long as they have enough food and enough water, they will survivewhereas the human can create something more than what other creatures can't do, so as human being, you must create something and investing something for your future, if you can't create something, your destiny never make you to be happily ever after.

          Human being are the special creature, they can build happiness, build creation, build career, imagine something doesn't exist yet, visualize the result, etc. but unlucky, human being don't really know about human’s ability because most people prefer to produce satisfaction rather than ability, the point of supreme happiness is producing the power of love, the power of caring, and be blessing person for the humanity affair, if you can't produce those powers, you will suffer, you will fear, you will doubt, and you will become enemy for your own evil because you satisfy yourself, that's consequences.

What the world needs the most?

          Hi smart people, Howdy? Today I would like to share about how to discuss about the topic "what the world need the most", before we get the answer from the world’s need, we need to know about the major skill we can provide for the world at the first step, if we don't get the information about the purpose of our major skill, we are unable to measure how long our major skill can survive,  remember this note; the world will not demand human being to do something better because the world system is dead, only human can change the world’s system, everybody can change the system if they can change their perspective towards the world, the reason why i say such thing because the human’s creation is more lively than the world’s system.

             In modern age, some people are serious to make a plan for new life journey, on the other hand, the world needs the unprecedented experience, as impact, many people try to compete with other people in order to get the recognition and promotion from the world, my question, do you assume “recognition and promotion” are the basic request from this world? or is there another factor how to make the world needs us?, the major key how to know it, please use your major skill to resolve the human's daily problem, if you can't, learn about the most urged thing from the human's daily need.
Implant the good seed for providing the best future

Starting from today, every human must compete with new technology because technology is developed by human’s superior intelligence, if human can’t compete each other, human’s potential will be perished by the advanced world system, as impact, human will create the war because they are getting the inequality of opportunity and losing the identity crisisin my personal insight; human must beware about what they are doing or what they are pursuing because unwittingly human’s intelligence will create the continuously destruction if human are losing self-control, here is the negative impact; human will make the dangerous action such as doing the illegal logging, fishing with the bomb and dropping litter to the sea, etc.

I remind you again, The world will not demand people to make new change as long as people can create a peace, the world system always be the same like the annually changing season for 6000 yearly recorded (spring, summer, autumn, and winter), if people don't want to make a better life, they will live like the season, but if people want to make a better life, they are not allowed to follow the world's system, human must have a plan how to make self-improvement in order to avoid the economy’s distress in the future, so before economy's crisis is coming, people must learn how to adapt and how to leave the comfort zone because the life crisis always attack the people who stay in the comfort zone.

Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear

          Hi smart people, Howdy? Today I would like to share about how to conquer our fear from what we don't deserve, as we know that everybody has ever had the feeling of fear, but the problem is most people don't know how to turn the fear into self-motivation, that's why they get easily fear because they just focus on the fear and they reject the possibility of succeed, so having fear is not solution and also it’s abnormal, remember this note;  feeling of fear is having differently meant with act of beware, fear only persuades people to reject all new things whereas act of beware persuades people to make self-preparation such as make the worst plan when they can't fulfill what they plan, so having feeling of fear is not part of good attitude because it is part of lack of enthusiasm, so fearfulness can’t help you to minimize your problem, on other side, it increases the portion of your problem, here I would like to share how to do something if you want to get separated from fear, number 1; do something more valuable in order to increase your skill and do something that can increase your power of faith, only those people whose incomplete faith where they will taste a fear.

Number 2; don’t just play the game of people that you don’t know how to play, if you just push yourself to pursue something you don’t ever know about the game rule, as impact, your action will devalue your self-esteem and it will decrease your courage, here is my personal advice; beware of the game that you have played because not all games are designed to increase your skill, this life is not talking about how long you will enjoy on earth, but life is talking how much time you use to take responsibility during playing game on earth, the word “game” means kind of activity that everybody will take it, like a job, make sure everything you want isn't used to satisfy yourself, and also don’t just compare between the successful people’s story with your life experience, your mentality won’t grow.

create the sense of urgency to yourself, that make your life is growing up

The most important thing to succeed is use your huge enthusiasm to resolve an issue and take type of vocation you have practiced every single day, so don’t just follow the majority people’s problem, you won’t get a chance, here is the positive phrase; don’t just do something that majority people usually do in their daily activity, but try to do something that the majority people can’t do, the word “can’t do” means people have a huge fearfulness in their mind, so it will block the human's vision to develop, remember; your fortune is located to something that making you fear or worry, so if you don’t want to miss your fortune, keep doing to kind of profession that it can increase your emotional intelligence and don’t play the game of people that it causes your emotional drastically down because the human's emotional is designed as true power.

How to support your child’s mental health

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to support your child’s mental health, the main reason why I choose that topic because many parents lose their child’s mental health, as impact, child feels unmotivated, feel unloved, and having incorrigible character, so at this moment I would share how to support your child’s mental health, there are several points you need to obey if you want to support your child's mental health, the first step is use your polite language when you try to make a chat with them, so “communication” is the major key how to transfer your mental skill into your child’s inner voice.

         In this section, you ensure your communication skill can increase your child’s curiosity, you can start to teach your child with development habit such as you teach your child how to read the book, you teach how to respect other people’s existence, teach how to clean the house or something else, remember this note; please don’t ignore the power of language because the language can open your child’s inner voice, so deep learning your communication skill rather than talking only about the thing without big influence, then don’t blame when your child when he is making a mistake, but teach your child how to learn the risk and how to avoid the dangerous thing which may harm your child's health, and let your child try to explore something until he can understand how to take a small responsibility for his own mental health.

Teach your child how to make bed after waking up

Every tone of your language will be recorded into your child’s subconscious mind, so don’t break your child’s mental growth by using impolite or rude language because one day your child will respond to you with the same treatment, as adult, please try to improve your language and try to inspire your child with inspirational story, teach them how to respect other creatures, and creating social intelligence such as feeding the animal, watering the plants with fresh water, cultivate your child’s mental with the natural knowledge such as animal’s physiology, plant’s physiology, how to use water more efficient, how to discipline, how to keep the environment clean, etc.

Remember; don't neglect your child's mental growth, you must nurture and monitor your child with good memory, do it while he is 1-5 years old because it's the development phase, so don't wait your child's age turns into 14 years old after that you start to develop your child's mental with good treatment, it's too late, please behold the tree's growth as reference, it needs long term treatment to grow big from small seed , the second step to support your child’s mental health is observing about your child’s mental development activity, means you must ensure your child’s activity is stayed away from cellphone or gadget before your child’s age turns 14 years old, you must teach how to explore about the nature more often rather than spending time together at home.

Teach your child how to build empathy after his age turns into 5 years old

Remember; your child’s mental health is long term investment, if you share good thing to your child, you will be proud and live happily because your child mental is growing to be mature, don’t share your bad experience to your child because your child’s mental is not ready to receive it, the third step to support your child’s mental health is spending your quality time with your child, means you have good preparation to share something good until your child feels inspired, your child must admire you because your existence is your child’s first teacher, don't let your child learn something with his own desire, it's dangerous habit, so schedule your time and make the time management for you and your child in order to make close relationship, remember this note; making the time management to your child is more important than giving money to your child, so don’t leave your child alone more than 1 week or 1 month, make sure you spend at least 1 hour of your time to monitor your child’s mental development, hopefully after you read this article, your child will become one of the best asset you can rely on when you are getting old.

What you seek is seeking you

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to identify what is your seeking, the main reason why I choose that topic because not everyone believes what they seek is trying to attract the object which it will be drawn back to their mind, in my personal opinion; please beware of what you are thinking because the unknown or the mysterious thing will pursue you whether you are ready or not to accept it, so please delay your own gratification when you feel distracted by something attractive which it doesn't connect with something you really want, you can't make any progress if your mental is not staying in the happiness mode, that's the key how to allocate your mind power to detect the target, seeking the clear purpose is like clarifying the identification for your mindsetsuccess needs the empty room to stay growing, remember this note; success and failure is like the magnet, it will pursue you automatically based on the qualification of your mind, if you are willingly to become the valuable person, don't visualize something that it doesn't exist and start to visualize the possibility of progress.

      There are some points that causes why not everyone can obtain something advantage from what they seek, the first factor why they can’t get something from what they seek because their physical efforts don’t make any relevance within their faith, so they pursue something that can distract their focus, so activating the power of faith is the key how to make new transformation, the main reason why i suggest to have the power of faith because it is the part of biggest influence which can transform your visualization to the reality phasethe second factor why people's purpose don’t happen into reality because what they desire doesn’t connect with their major commitmentso remember; our commitment must be fitted with our activity because commitment will give you feeling of enthusiasm, and then your enthusiasm to lend you the power how to attract what you are seeking.
Observe the detail point, not the major point

 In this article I will share about the power of time, you must understand about the law of time because it is powerful to calculate the activity’s hours you have spent, you can’t embody what you seek without attaching your commitment with time, you must use your major time to seek what you seek, you need to practice your mental and physical effort to find answer, you must convince yourself that what you are seeking is making much progress, and making repetition, remember this note; if you don't make any repetition, you will not make the momentum phase because every momentum will control all of your progress that you have gained and every momentum also will control about what you do and what not you do, don’t lose your momentum because every momentum will help you to approach about what you seek, here is the law; the more momentum you gained, the more power it gets, the less momentum you make, the less power it gets.
Monitor your progress

If you fill your days with a few discipline in your days, discipline will ask the miracle to work for you, the main reason why you need to apply your discipline into your activity because discipline’s character will help you to pull the perfect time from future, as impact, what you seek is seeking you from the unexpected way, that's promise, here is for your daily note; you have to become a believer if you want to collect something that you really want so badly, all the things you need is coming from your choice, you can’t start to execute new decision without your choice, don't concentrate to the final result unless you want to lose your heavenly result. 

God will do the things you have never imagined

God's wisdom can't be concocted by human's wisdom

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to accept the truth by leaning Almighty God's decision, I know this topic will perplex you because you will find the remarkable curiosity from this article, first of all i would like to remind you not to reject the natural system because it represents Almighty God's wisdom, if you reject God's wisdom, you can't build the longevity happiness and if you accept God's wisdom, you will feel awkward and you will feel curious because He will give you the unexpected challenge and unlimited curiosity, but if you want to know what God is about to do things, don't imagine about God's activity because you will never get the answer, but you can get the answer when you can interpret the light and the darkness's existence, the Light represents enlightenment whereas the darkness represents the ignorance, if you feel curiosity about the natural law and you love about knowledge, you will feel God's wisdom, but if you are not interested at all about God's wisdom, He will do nothing for you, as impact the darkness will approach you.

        Remember this note; God will work extraordinary thing when you appreciate about the time, such discipline in time management, or doing like what practitioner always do, here is for your note, don't believe about human's wisdom where it doesn't awaken your self-awareness because every words from human's wisdom will awaken the act of belief, at this point, you must be careful because not all human's wisdom are correct, power of belief is very crucial because it will determine where your spiritual goes, you can't give your power of belief to someone freely or you let someone steal it from you as freely, if you do it, you are creating the disaster for your spiritual intelligence, if there is law where it doesn't allow you to think better, leave it behind because it will cause you to possess stupidity, if you want to obtain your divine potential, you must train your mind how to think about the truth and improve your philosophy until it has connected with God's wisdom, remember this note; Almighty God will do the unnatural thing if you keep unlocking your potential by learning the process, not the end result because all results are determined by the dedicated process, in my personal advice; don't trust to your memory because not all memories contain good experience, if you believe your all memories, you will recall the darkness to stay working in your self-consciousness.

          If you are willingly to learn something new every day even though you are not interested with it, you will meet with the moral philosophy and it will guide you how to become valuable person, here i would like to remind you not too believe about the meaning of success because success is coming from the personal mindset, some people believe confidence is the key of success, but have you ever thought that the criminal guys also succeed by doing the crime and they are too confidence to show it in the public area, here is one of my favorite note; don't believe that every your success story in the past can give you the new enlightenment in the future, the main reason why i say such thing because every enlightenment is coming from God's decision, you can't linger for too long within your success story in the past because yesterday and tomorrow are having respective time rule.
God always give you an unexpected challenge to expand your self-awareness

God doesn't ask you to get succeed by to do something, but He will value your dedication when you do it with truly heart, you just need to maximize your focus, do what you can improve and don't do something that it can't improve you, don't try to underestimate power of dedication because it will alter you how to become the next person in the future, In my personal opinion, don’t think about reward if you want to deserve it because human's time can't interfere divine's timing, as human being, our main job is staying focus to do what we can and trust with divine's potential, remember this note; reward is the end result and process is the cause or trigger, we can’t demand the reward to serve us as long as we can’t create extraordinary good habit, here is the warning note that you need to ponder; 1. don't let divine will burn your tomorrow's opportunity, 2. don't ask the divine potential to control your limitation, 3. don’t let small concern will create a big worry for you because big worry can cause your enthusiasm is decreasing.

If someone shows you his true colors, don’t try to repaint

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to recognize about the people’s true color, the word “true color” means the true character from people’s habit of mind and people's character's habit, the main purpose why I choose that topic because not everyone unveils their true character, besides that they want to protect self-image, no wonder most people can't recognize their own true character because they don't want their territorial area have been discovered during making acquaintanceship with newcomer, in social life, we can't hid our true character towards making relationship with other people because soon or later people will try to find our weakness point, but the most important thing is don't let other people know better your weakness rather than yourself, so in my personal opinion, if you have a good influence, please try to share it to other people who don't know you, if they accept you full, your influence will become self-promotion, so don't hold yourself when you have a chance to make self-promotion because it's part of your major resources,  one day all people will seek your major resources.

             Now i will tell you how to identify other people’s true character, here is the first thing you must do when you are going to identify the newcomer’s characterdon’t acquaint your life experience in front of someone who has just known little about you because not everyone directly is interested about it, you just need to observe what someone likes the most and learn what someone doesn't like the most, the reason why we are not allowed to share our life experience with newcomer because not everyone agrees to listen it, it’s kind of showing a good manner, we would better to ask the interlocutor’s major favorite topic or his major favorite activity in order to create warm atmosphere, if we want to build a good relationship with newcomer, don't dominate the conversation topic, we just need to talk more efficient around 20% and our speaking contents must represent with compliment tone, we must lure interlocutor to speak by giving him some questions concerning with his favorable topic and let the interlocutor dominates talk around 80% until he is willingly to share his tremendous life experience to you. at this phase we must become a good listener, once we know about the type of his true color, don't try to agonize someone's true color although we don't like it, the percentage of showing respect is letting interlocutor talks around 80% and ask his advice around 20%.

In my personal experience; if you want to be wanted by major people around you although they are not interested about you, please use this philosophy “work hard in silence and let your success makes some noises”, the main reason why we must apply that philosophy because making a good reputation is better than making empiricism, the more people know about your good reputation, the more you are trusted by other people although you don’t know about their persona, so before we paint other people's color with our color, we need to repaint our color with trusted resources, that’s the essential of making good investment by using our true color, the more you are trusted, the more you create personal branding, you may repaint other people's color if they already show their boring life color, at this phase you don’t need to influence other people by showing your true color anymore because your personal branding is already enough to attract other people’s emotions, once you have the personal branding, there is no one can repaint your coloring.

Helping people is part of repainting your life color
 Don’t wait other people to like you if you want to make tremendous success, I am afraid you will be considered as snob person if you do that, you just need to demand yourself how to find the most favorite problem where it has ever wanted by majority people, once you use your major focus to solve that major problem, you become a valuable or attractive person, that’s strategy how to repaint your life color, in my personal experience, people who are committed with discipline, their characters become a magnet and they become prosperous man.

Life is too short to wait

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to understand this life, the main reason why I choose that topic because most people use the major time to wait bigger reward from their jobs and they consider an act of waiting is part of patience, it's totally different and it's having different purpose because patience is not the ability to wait something but patience is the ability to change from revolution to evolution without losing enthusiasm, whereas waiting is the part of prioritizing something bigger than our top priority, so at this moment I would share about how to make our lives is going to get better before we get the injustice treatment from life, the most important in this life is not how long we can live on earth and make the perfect plan but how much efficiency we can create to leave eternal legacy in restricted time.

           The first thing we should ponder about the basic rule for this life; time can’t be waited, time can’t be prolonged, time can’t be reproduced, time can’t be exchanged with 24 hours in another days, time can’t be changed with the worldly stuff, time can’t be delayed and time can’t be compromised, if you understand about the time value, I am sure you won’t spend your time to wait for the perfection of new model on earth, here is the second thing we should ponder about the basic rule for this life; there is no future when you waste your today’s time to repeat what you know or you just repeat what you can do, especially in your daily work, the reason why I say such thing because future’s time is designed to give the reward to people who deserve it after spending their major time to hard working and doing something differently at each day.
waiting activity is making you lack of willingness to change from revolution to evolution

Now I share to you about several risk you will receive if you spend your time to wait, here is the first risk if you spend your time to wait for the right time, you will lose your desire power because its power has been gnawed by the time, here is the second risk if you spend your time to wait; you will not get a new chance to grow your inborn skill because time will gnaw away your inborn skills growth process as much as time you spend your time to wait, here is the third risk if you spend your time to wait; you unwittingly create the procrastination habit, it reminds me about the life rule; the more you procrastinate towards something you can do, the weaker your potential value which it can be used to prolong your patience value, i hope you can start to ponder that message, here is my daily note; if you lose your patience value too often, everything you do will become your biggest nightmare, that’s the importance of patience value, here is the good news; you can use the power of patience to take the time interval between the miracle’s moment and the flash of inspiration.

If you really have passion, faith and willing to work hard at your scope area, you can have everything you want in this life as long as your main purpose is reasonable, the most beautiful thing in this life is when career and passion come together and the most greatest reward in human’s life is when human’s brain can evolve and it starts to imagine something that it doesn’t exist yet in this world, I call it as the insatiable curiosity power, when you have it, you can become God’s messenger who brings peaceful story on earth, hopefully you can get inspiration from this article, you can share it to your family, beloved people, etc.

Life is not divided into semester

Life is not talking about suffering, but finding the answer

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to undergo the life exam and how to prolong our commitment with Almighty God, the reason i choose that topic because many people around me have cursed their life by shouting the poor words because they have received the injustice treatment from the unexpected ways, so at this moment I will explain how to prolong our patience during undergoing the life's exam, now let's see talk about problem and solution, based on the poor mindset's program, it always influences human's thought to repeat what they cursed in daily habit and the poor mindset's program wants to end up the life exam process because it can't stand to wait the long term process, in addition, the long term process always hurts humans who have poor mindset because they only focus on the small reward what they receive in daily habit, on the contrary, life wants to reward humans with the biggest reward after human have passed the long term examnow if we talk about the wealth mindset, it always influences human's thought to embrace all life exams, no matter how long the exam time will be needed because the wealth mindset believes about God's plan.
the way of life is finding the answer "why we are born on earth"

           As normal human being, we are powerless and we are not entitled to protest what God desires, remember this note; the main purpose of life exam is not talking about how huge your suffering after you did something in the past, but how much information you have got after passing the life exam, here is the philosophy you need to learn "the more you are curious about new thing, the more you get the answer from God, the less you are curious about new thing, the more stupidity you will embrace in the future", the human who have poor mindset, they usually use their major time to receive more and demand more rather than they can give or invest something to this world, as result, they can't find the answer from the life exam  in their entire of life because their mindset always rejects new challenge, here is my daily note; the life exam is like joining the championship competition, if we didn't compete with previous exam in the previous days, we will be defeated by our future time.
Life is always servicing what people need to stay alive

 The life's exam can’t be predicted whether there's good news or bad news within, we are not entitled to interrupt about the end result after we underwent the life exam because every day has offered the different examas normal human being, we are being asked by God to prepare the best version from our mental strength, our faith, our health, our, creativity, our knowledge, our wisdom, and our curiosity, if we are not ready to face the life exam, we will be suffered because the exam result shows zero score and we can't return to the previous time when we missed in the previous life exam, we need to awaken our power of love to accept every life exam, no matter how long the exam takes, if we don't love kind of resources from we have left, life will teach us how to love what we lost, that I call it as “life’s tough challenge”.

We can’t linger for receiving the life next challenge because we don’t know when we are ready to receive the exam, we need to reprogram our habit and our major time to study more and not to repeat what we know, "the more we prepare our resources, the more we earn the reward from every life exam we have taken", I just remind you again that life is the your bad-ass competitor, if you don’t prepare your best skill before the competition is begun, you will lose chance how to win the competition, before the real nightmare will come to you, so you need to challenge yourself what you can do and what you plan in the future, at this phase, you don’t need to fear or worry about what you can't finish because Almighty God knows your capacity and your limitation, remember this note; our job in this life are studying more, finding the answer and taking life exam.

Work until your brain forgets and your body remembers

Keep practice until your body will remember every record of your legacy 

          Hi smart people, good day, isn’t it? Today I would like to share about how to work on the efficiency and how to keep happiness with the kind of activity you have done, I have reviewed many adult people have low self-esteem because they have the money-oriented character and they will do everything as long as they can earn a lot of money, as a result, they can't work more efficiently in the working place for the long period of time, unwittingly they become workaholic, at this phase I don't prohibit you to earn a lot of money at your working place, but remember this note; if the money can educate you how to become a money making machine for long period of time, I suggest you to stay away from that kind of job or you break up that bad habit chain, so you can focus how to work on your unique talent.

your body will do automatic when you work more than 90 days trial

Here is the negative impact if you work as workaholic; you will reject new opportunity from the unexpected way because you are not preparing your best self to welcome new opportunity, here is philosophy you need to ponder little; life and time are the true competition for every human being, if you can’t compete with your inner world, the outer world will demand you to stay burdened with higher responsibility and you will be pushed to work until you don’t have any time to do soul-searching, basically working is the part of the human nature, but if we just work to make living, we have no difference with other creatures where they can work, the essential of life is not how long we can survive on earth, but how to pass the life exam from one level to another level with new demandif we just think how to survive, we will lose the enthusiasm how to find the answer from life's mysteries.

Discipline is the reasonable way how to control everything

Don’t let your sense of enthusiasm is missing because it can decelerate your spiritual development process and also it creates procrastination habit, I am not sure whether you want to keep working for money or you want to work on your personal character, so if you work harder on your personal character, your talent will grow up and you will no longer to introduce yourself towards money because your self-worth is enough to attract the money, remember this note; every talent needs higher demand from you and you will be demanded to work harder on yourself rather than you do on the daily job, the main reason why you need to work harder on yourself because your legacy will be followed by the market place, as a result, you will earn more money and you are no longer need to work in the same level again because your talent has paid your hard work, finally your brain will forget and your body will remember your life experience.

If they need you temporary, ignore them permanently

          Hi smart people, good day, today I would like to share about how to ignore the temporary resources and embrace the permanent resources, the main reason why we need to ignore the temporary resource because it can't elevate our spiritual experience where it can help us to connect with the universe's law, besides that the temporary resources always offers the comfort zone, it will distract our focus until we forget how to build the permanent resources, the temporary resources usually can’t run in the long lasting journey because they are designed to make you feel discomfort in the long period of time, so "if you want to make a better life, give something valuable what your desire rejects it, brave to embrace the difficult thing, don't do something easily and don’t trust with temporary resources because it can’t give you the magnificent life in the long term journey", in my personal opinion; don’t invest your major time to do something for fulfilling your temporary comfort because it will decrease your staying power, you need to keep your distance away with something that can distract your long lasting happiness, that’s life’s tough challenge.

Here are the example of the temporary resources in the daily life; someone uses his major time to stick together with the unproductive people, holding the weekly party or monthly party with friends, playing the online games, watching TV more than one hour, listening the music more than one hour, watching the cinema every week, etc. here is for your note; if you can't ignore the offering from the temporary resources, you will be ignored by the permanent resources in the future, as a result, you can’t focus to complete something important in your most day, please remember that your habit will determine your future's life whether you will be living poor or living wealthy, here is my daily note; the future's time can't be waited by our present time because future is showing the destination, not progress, if we procrastinate finishing the most important thing at present time, as consequence, our future will not give us a better place because our potential is failed to grow.
Ignore unproductive people and make big attention by your achievement 

 Here are the example of the permanent resources you need to embrace in the daily life; reading book, attending the seminar program, you make a list first before you start something, you invest your major time to make some research in order to face the upcoming serious problem, Remember this philosophy; "the more you urge yourself to do something difficult at present time, the more wisdom you will collect in the future and the more wisdom you increase, the more wealth will be forced to come to you", so if you invest your major time to do something for getting the permanent resources, you will be chased by the unexpected wealth from anywhere place, that’s life challenge, here is my last note; when you ignore the subject which can interrupt your study, you always be given more chance to study, and study is the part of universe's activity, when you can unite your skill with universe's vibration, you will see problem as opportunity because your mind is more powerful than problem.