Progressivism philosophy of education


 Hi, good reader, good ay, today I would like to share about the topic "Progressivism philosophy of education", the main reason why I choose the topic because many educations don't teach about the real education which contents about the moralism, philosophy, socialism, instead, they promote the casted system where students can't recognize their real potential and students tend to do something where it can delay their natural potential to grow, Progressivism is a student-centered philosophy of education that emphasizes practical learning, real-world problem-solving, and democratic cooperation. Let’s delve into its key characteristics:

  1. Rooted in Pragmatism: Progressivism is firmly grounded in the philosophy of pragmatism. Unlike Perennialism, which emphasizes universal truths, progressivism focuses on human experience as the basis for knowledge rather than authority.

  2. Educational Focus: The heart of progressivism lies in engaging students in real-world problem-solving activities within a democratic and cooperative learning environment. Students actively apply the scientific method to find practical solutions.

  3. Improving Society: Progressivism emerged in the mid-1920s and remained influential until the mid-1950s. A central tenet is that schools should contribute to societal improvement. By involving students in real-world tasks, progressivism was seen as a working model of democracy.

  4. Curriculum: A Progressivist curriculum is characterized by its relevance to everyday life. It includes subjects that connect directly to practical experiences, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  5. Role of the Teacher: In a progressive classroom, teachers act as facilitators who guide students’ exploration and encourage independent thinking. They create an environment where students actively construct knowledge.

  6. Role of the Learner: Students take an active role in their learning. They collaborate, investigate, and apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Learning becomes a dynamic process rather than passive absorption.



For more insights, you might find this article on progressive education intriguing: Progressive education: Why it’s hard to beat, but also hard to find. It explores the essence of progressivism and its practical implications, the reason why education doesn't apply efficient practices because there is idealism where it can block student's future, idealism comes from essentialism, Let’s explore about the key differences between Progressivism and Essentialism in education:

  1. Philosophical Foundations:
    • Progressivism: Rooted in pragmatism, progressivism emphasizes practical learning, real-world problem-solving, and democratic cooperation. It values experience as the basis for knowledge.
    • Essentialism: Essentialism, on the other hand, is grounded in idealism. It focuses on universal truths and a core curriculum that imparts essential knowledge and skills.
  2. Purpose of Education:
    • Progressivism: Aims to prepare students for active participation in a democratic society. It emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability.
    • Essentialism: Seeks to transmit cultural heritage, moral values, and essential knowledge. It prioritizes academic rigor and foundational subjects.
  3. Curriculum:
    • Progressivism: Favors a relevant and flexible curriculum that connects to students’ lives. It includes practical subjects, interdisciplinary projects, and experiential learning.
    • Essentialism: Advocates for a structured and standardized curriculum with a focus on core subjects such as mathematics, science, literature, and history.
  4. Teaching Approach:
    • Progressivism: Teachers act as facilitators, guiding student exploration and encouraging independent thinking. Student interests and experiences shape the learning process.
    • Essentialism: Teachers play a central role as experts who impart knowledge. They follow a structured curriculum and emphasize discipline and order.
  5. Student Role:
    • Progressivism: Students take an active role in their learning. They collaborate, investigate, and apply knowledge to real-world situations.
    • Essentialism: Students are passive recipients of information. They absorb knowledge through direct instruction.
  6. Assessment:
    • Progressivism: Assessment focuses on process, problem-solving, and creativity. Portfolios, projects, and performance-based assessments are common.
    • Essentialism: Assessment emphasizes content mastery through tests, quizzes, and standardized assessments.

In summary, progressivism prioritizes student engagement, practical skills, and democratic values, while essentialism emphasizes foundational knowledge, academic rigor, and traditional teaching methods. Both philosophies have their merits and continue to shape educational practices worldwide, hopefully this article can give you an insight about philosophy of education, good luck.