Common mistakes in leadership

Hi guys, howdy? I hope you always have good day, today I would like to share about the topic "common mistakes in leadership", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people just want to be a follower and they don't dare to be leader, if you ask me why many people don't want to be leader because they think being leader must possess some good requirements, it is not true, being leader mustn't possess good requirements, the basic skill how to become leader is know how to make open communication with others, let me tell you about the reality "leadership is a complex skill", it is quite common for leaders to make some mistakes, here is the common mistake is leader can't communicate effectively, sometimes leaders show their high expectations without considering the capacity of their team, so the leaders need to be clear when they show expectations to the people that they have lead, another mistake from leader is not providing the constructive back, meaning, the leaders can provide what their team need in order to grow and improve their team's skill, for the most important part is the leaders can point out the area where people can do better.

Sometimes the leaders forget how to delegate someone when there is right position, the leaders may feel like they need to do everything for themselves, but this condition can lead the leaders to get burnout because the leaders don't allow their team to develop the new area which can burden their team's responsibility, lastly, the leaders forget how to appreciate their team's skill when the teams can finish something crucial, that's leader's common mistakes, as we know everyone needs to feel valued and feel recognized for their hard work, the leaders who forget to do this will make the situation is weird between the leaders and the team member, remember; the team who doesn't get appreciation and recognition from their leaders, they tend to feel unmotivated, here is another mistake which is done by the leaders, they avoid a difficult conversation, meaning, the leaders tend to avoid the confrontation when the team members try to make a tough conversation to the leaders, but avoiding the conversation can lead to larger problem down the line, it is important for the leaders to address issues head-on and in a respectful manner, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an insight how to improve your career, good luck.