Definition of a happy life

  Hi, good readers, How are you? Today I want to share an interesting topic, namely "Definition of a happy life" the reason I chose this topic is because many people do not get their own right to be happy, The main reason why many people are unhappy is because they set standards or rules that are beyond their control,  Basically, being happy is easy as long as people don't confuse their desires with emotional needs, To know the natural level of happiness, humans would not say that "I want to live like...?", rather they will say "what can I offer to this life?"  people who are truly happy, they will not put their own happiness into a zone beyond their control, In fact, they will place their happiness in the present moment, not later or not in the past
Happiness (or happiness) is a pleasant feeling indicated by pleasure, satisfaction, comfort, joy, or positive emotions that make life good in terms of well-being, security, or fulfillment of desires. Happiness is abstract and cannot be touched or felt, it is closely related to the individual's psyche. Some of the signs found in people who have happiness in their lives include self-respect, optimism, openness, and being able to control themselves.

 According to several book sources, the following is the definition and meaning of happiness:
✅Rahmad (2009) said that happiness is a pleasant feeling and a person's assessment of the life they live.
 ✅Seligman (2005) calls happiness the result of an assessment of oneself and one's life, which contains positive emotions such as comfort and joy, as well as positive activities that do not fulfill any emotional components.
 ✅Biswas, Diener, and Dean (2007) defined happiness as the overall quality of human life, including better health, greater creativity, higher income, and a good workplace.
 ✅Indriana (2012) states that happiness is a general term indicating pleasure or satisfaction in well-being, security, or fulfillment of desires.

Happiness also includes achieving goals and success in what one desires.
 The main aspects of happiness according to Seligman (2005) include:
 ✅Establishing positive relationships with other people: Positive relationships are not just having friends, partners or children, but also establishing positive relationships with individuals around us.
✅Full involvement: This is not only in career, but also in other activities such as hobbies and family activities. Engaging yourself fully, both physically and emotionally, can increase happiness.
✅ Finding meaning in everyday life: Finding meaning in whatever we do is also one way to achieve happiness.

 So, happiness is a positive feeling that comes from the overall quality of life, characterized by pleasure and lack of suffering when doing things you enjoy. A happy person usually has positive relationships with others, is fully engaged in activities, and finds meaning in everyday life. Hopefully this information is useful for you