How to find inner peace

    Hi good readers, how are you? Today I want to give you a very interesting topic, namely "how to find inner peace" ,  The main reason why I chose this topic is because not everyone knows how to find inner peace, The main reason why many people don't know how to find inner peace is because they were only educated to pursue worldly pleasures, but they were not taught not to be bound by the temptations of the deceptive world, There are several methods on how to find out the inner peace, Finding inner peace is a personal journey, but here are some methods that may help:

1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice being present in the moment, either through meditation or mindfulness exercises. This can help quiet the mind and reduce stress.
2. Self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Journaling can be a helpful tool for this.
3. Physical Activity: Engage in activities like yoga, tai chi, or simply going for a walk. Physical movement can help release tension and promote relaxation.
4. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a balanced diet, get regular exercise, prioritize sleep, and avoid harmful substances. A healthy body can support a calm mind.
5. Gratitude Practice: Focus on what you are grateful for in your life. Cultivating a sense of gratitude can shift your perspective and bring inner peace.
6. Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors, whether it's going for a hike, sitting by a lake, or simply enjoying a walk in the park. Nature has a calming effect on the mind.
7. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to things that drain your energy or cause unnecessary stress. Setting healthy boundaries can help you prioritize your well-being.
8. Mindful Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to calm the nervous system and center yourself in the present moment.
9. Seek Support: Talk to friends, family, or a therapist if you're struggling to find inner peace. Sometimes, sharing your thoughts and feelings with others can provide clarity and support.
10. Let Go of Control: Accept that there are things in life you cannot control and focus on what you can influence. Letting go of the need for control can alleviate stress and foster inner peace.

Apart from seeking inner peace, we must also know how to seek truth through reality, The main reason why looking for the source of truth is necessary because it is closely related to inner peace, If we want peace to come to us, then we need to lure it with something that cannot be manipulated by humans, First, we must look at this world with a deep perspective (insight).

Therefore, we can rearrange it as follows:
What we can change
• What we cannot change
Then, we look at how this world works, If we do not seek the truth, then peace of mind will never be achievedthe characteristics of people who find truth and inner peace are that they experience no fear and no feelings of sadness, My question now is whether the characteristics I mentioned have been reflected in your mental state?

As long as we go deep into searching for the ultimate truth, we find the following:
what we seek works on this mortal system of life, 
Everything comes from God's existential law.
There is no beginning and ending, existence is only separate from beginning and ending.
Everything that exists is not truly independent, but dependent on other existences.
There is no truly concrete essence, what makes something exist is what makes something else exist. What causes plants to exist is what causes humans to exist, they only have different forms (denominators) in common.
There is only one source of information, so there is no dualism. What is called right is also left, what is called male is also female, what is called consciousness is also unconscious.
Whatever we create from our judgments of this world is only a pseudo-judgment, because this world is empty, there is nothing in it.
 One thing depends on another, so what we put in is directly proportional to what we get out.
To attract the attention of serenity, we need to do something that is desired by serenity itself, such as doing something not because of money, possessions or human praise, hopefully this article can provide enlightenment, insight and knowledge, good luck.