Chronic stress symptoms

    Hi, smart reader, howdy? today I want to convey a hot topic of conversation, namely chronic stress symptoms, the main reason why I chose this topic is because many schools do not teach children how to manage stress from an early age, so many adults today experience signs of chronic stress, you might ask me, how can adults easily experience signs of chronic stress? To find out the answer, you can look at people who come to psychologists or psychiatrists those who came because they were aware that their emotional condition was fragile, Recognizing chronic stress is not easy because everything is covered by habits that have developed several months ago, even in recent years, To reveal the existence of chronic stress, people need to do a personality test, namely Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test" (MSCEIT) , There is no surefire way to get rid of chronic stress , but if someone takes the test, at least he can understand how good or bad his emotional condition or stress level is, there are several methods of stress therapy, the first method: we can try to interact with the natural surroundings by doing meditation or take a breathing exercises, then we empty our desires and let nature fill our emptiness by closing our eyes for moment and not to try to react when our emotional content trying to raise, the second method: we try the therapy of soaking in warm water like soaking in a jacuzzi, The main reason why soaking in warm water is good for mental health is because humans are basically warm-blooded creatures, if a person soaks in warm water, psychologically he will feel that he has been returned to the elements of creation.

Chronic stress can manifest in various physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. Some common chronic stress symptoms include:

1. Physical Symptoms:
   - Persistent headaches
   - Digestive issues
   - Muscle tension and pain
   - Fatigue and sleep disturbances
   - Weakened immune system

2. Emotional Symptoms:
   - Anxiety and constant worry
   - Depression or feelings of hopelessness
   - Irritability and mood swings
   - Feeling overwhelmed
   - Difficulty concentrating

3. Behavioral Symptoms:
   - Changes in appetite (eating too much or too little)
   - Social withdrawal
   - Increased use of substances (alcohol, tobacco, etc.)
   - Procrastination or neglecting responsibilities
   - Difficulty making decisions

It's important to recognize these symptoms and seek support or professional help if you're experiencing chronic stress, as it can have long-term impacts on both physical and mental well-being, If we want to avoid chronic stress, what we need to do is delay our wild pleasures and reduce ego levels, apart from that, we need exercise to improve blood circulation, the most important of all the things I mentioned, do something that can increase your level of consciousness and don't do something that can increase stress levels, hopefully this article can provide insight and can also help your career in life, good luck.