Emotional distress behaviour


   Hi, good reader, howdy, today I would like to share about the topic "Emotional distress behaviour", the main reason why I choose that topic because many people don't know about distress behaviour, The main reason people experience emotional distress because they chase something beyond their mental capacity,  besides that they try to do something beyond their focus, As normal humans, we cannot force reality to follow what we want,  Basically, reality follows God's will, If God desires goodness for humans, then God will allow human desires to be realized in reality, However, if God desires evil for humans, then humans will be left to follow where their desires lead, Disorganized human behavior occurs because people ignore rational thinking and prioritize their passionate feelings.
   Remember this advice: All human desires lead human destiny to damage and loss , what we can do is not follow all our desires, but follow God's desires, This is not easy to do because only humans who have a high spiritual level understand what God means, only people who are given guidance by God can translate God's meaning, The following are the characteristics of people who experience emotional disorders :

1. They don't like changes in reality, they tend to miss their memories of the past
2. They begin to find no meaning in their life 
3. They consider the past not much different from the present or future 
4. They like things that are certain and things that process quickly 
5. They feel injustice in all situations 
6. They experience an identity crisis and a crisis of trust 
7. They only glorify honor, rank, social relations, reputation and money
8. They have compared what they feel with what other people experience 
9. They have no empathy for other people's suffering
10. They hate uncertainty and discomfort, they are easily tempted by false promises

Those are 10 signs of people who have emotionally disturbed behavior, if we want to create peace in this world,  Reduce indulgence of desires and enable what we can do without protesting the results, we shouldn't Creating chaos when what we feel is good enough, sometimes we often get caught up in the meaning of success until we forget to see what we can be grateful for , here is the last question from me "if you feel the world is unfair, what would you do besides protest?", If you can save yourself without looking around you, then you will always feel lacking and helpless, If you can do something for others even though you know that the world is full of injustice, Then you are one of the strongest people out of millions of people on this earth,  I hope you get enlightenment from the article I wrote, good luck