How to know the wonderful stage in your life?

            In this section I would like to share about how to know wonderful stage in your life, no matter how hard your life you have, there’s no excuse to blame yourself or blame the others, life is created by God in order to grace your home, that’s home is not making you comfortable but it’s giving you a survive, so basically the wonderful stage is kind of resourcefulness which will implant into your mindset in order to make you feel more valuable in your life.
           Wonderful stage is like a building architect, it will give you an idea to setting your plan into the reality, so we will definitely learn from the reality and let it will give you a value, when you don’t do progress in your life, you have got zero number but when you make a hope, you have got 1 number in your particular activity.
           Making wonderful stage is not easy because wonderful stage is coming from the uncomfortable zone, we need to re-learn what possibility we can take from that area, don’t ever think uncomfortable area is like dangerous place where it makes us feeling down, the uncomfortable area is like the highest happiness level where we didn’t get it through before.

           We must remember one thing that the midst will make you invisible, but the midst will give you concentrate to pinpoint the area you make your movement, in addition when you realize the more midst make you feel a haze, the less vision you make it, otherwise the less vision you see the area, the more concentrate you earn.

           No need to regret when you can’t recognize your own life because the wonderful stage can’t be reached in one time, but it needs your rest of your life, the simple way to recognize your wonderful stage is digging your mistake, developing basic necessity such as mentality and emotional intelligent, making yourself into an experimental object, making better question to yourself. Do it now as if you are looking for leverage. furthermore, when you succeed to leverage your stage, you are making a light in the midst of darkness.