Fill your life with adventures

          Hi smart people, howdy? I hope you always have a good day, today I would like to explain “how to fill your life with adventures”, the main purpose why I choose that topic because most people can’t live with their fullest confidence level, besides that they prefer to spend their major time by collecting the worldly stuff rather than collecting new experience, as a result, their natural ability starts decreasing unwittingly because most of them intend to magnify their satisfaction, if we talk about the natural law, remember this note; “when emotion is increased, intelligence is suppressed to go down, when satisfaction is increased, risk will be increased, we need to understand that sense of satisfaction doesn't guarantee to get better future, "sense of satisfaction is designed to make you stop growing", in my personal opinion; don’t just let the pain bury your future, you need to burn your ego first, you need to prolong your patience by having the long term plan around 5 until 10 years later, and you need to live fully with time period and do something that you have never done before, sometimes we need the unconditional love from Almighty God by taking the hardest thing to do in order to increase our mental strength.

Fear = (Face Everything And Rise)

The main reason why we need to learn from the hardest thing because the hardest thing offers the beauty of life for the human's peaceful soul, the hardest thing is like taking adventurous, not everyone wants to take adventurous because they think it's dangerous and also it offers the uncomfortable treatment, yes I agree with you, but the question “how long you can endure new responsibility if you always reject a new adventurous?”, remember this note; you can’t win at the miscellaneous game when you just spend your whole life to play in the safe game, you need to weigh your mental with big responsibility, that's how you grow your channel towards the universe's game, if you take the adventurous game in life, your mental strength will solve the insurmountable problem, sometimes you need to take so much energy, time and effort in order to weigh your mental pain with spiritual intelligence, that's the true power.

Here is the good news, if you fill up your life with adventurous game and doing something you have never done before, your will never feel bored about your life design because you find a way how to create the unimaginable wealth through your capable hand and your idea, don't worry about risk, every adventurous game is designed to conquer your fear and open your close-minded, but it doesn't make you disappoint if you can enjoy that game, if you just play a safe game, your mental won't grow, your life is bored, stress and depression because your game can't enrich your knowledge and mental intelligence, unfortunately many people don’t take the adventurous game because they prefer to live in the comfort zone rather than living in the wisdom zone which offers the unimaginable returns, I hope after you read this article, you start to plan your own adventurous and your soul lies in the lasting peace on earth.