How do I enjoy life again

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “How do I enjoy life again” the main reason why I choose that topic is not many people know how to enjoy their life, if you ask me why they don't find a way to enjoy life because they always look from what other people enjoy, not to look what's inside, when you have opportunity to enjoy something, don’t try to compare between what your life manifests to you versus what people can’t feel from what you enjoy, life is so crucial and serious, if you can't enjoy something simpler in your life, there is something wrong with your principle, if you are obsessed to enjoy something higher than your capacity, so you need to endure higher responsibility to balance it, you can’t rely your enjoyment into other’s plan, if you want to enjoy something, do not just ask "what life can give for me?", but you must demand by asking "what I can offer for my future life",  Whatever you want in life, you must know your capacity first, if there is no enough sustainable mental growth within you, your desire becomes a disaster or nightmare, you would better having few wants rather than having much wants,

   here is the key how to enjoy this life; you must create the strong reason why you need to enjoy before you pursue what you want, if you just pursue what you want without making strong reason, you only create the disaster or nightmare and you will never be able to enjoy your life, if you enjoy something without enough strong reason, you will be tied in the circle of addiction and you can't escape from it easily until you create the strongest reason to deal with your circle of addiction, As I reviewed, the main reason why many people can’t enjoy their life because they are too complacent in their social circle level and they don't dare to leave from the social circle which can't offer inner peace, if people too concern about time, people and circumstance, they will lose their focus to the momentum of how to enjoy life, if you want to enjoy life, you must tie your enjoyment with the higher purpose, in my opinion; you shouldn’t concern so much about time, people and place because those can change at any time, you should focus on how often you practice your sense of gratitude to maximize your potential, if you don’t like to yourself, everything around you will replace your happiness with the hatred feeling, you must love yourself like you put your love to someone whom you care about, here is my advice; don't try to tie what you enjoy with the restricted time because time will crush your enjoyment, so you need to create the purpose first, then you create the strong reason why you need to pursue it by writing it down into paper and you pursue something where it can offer you a sense of enthusiasm.

      Life will not choose you to do something great for you if your mental strength is not ready yet to do it, you must become productive person if you want to enjoy life, if you lack of doing the productive thing, life will not teach you how to master what you're doing, don't make your life awaits you, life will not work maximally when you stop progressing in what you do, you must keep working and keep evolving to enjoy your life, you need the pressure to increase your mental strengthwhen you can pass the life test, you can enjoy what you sowed in the past, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.