Inherent risk assessment

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about topic “Inherent risk assessment”, the main reason why I choose that topic because not many people want to face risk with wholeheartedly, if you ask me why inherent risk is tend to be stuck in human's life because we lack of information how to face reality, basically we can't avoid the risk even though we are equipped with modern technology, do you know why? because our resource is very limited by the time, as long as our resource is limited by the time, we can't master the risk around us, do you know that human's resources are divided by 3 things, 1. money, 2. influence, 3. knowledge/ skill, if we lack one of the human's resource as I mentioned above, our lives will be controlled by the risk, remember this advice; every risk represents our ignorance, even though ignorance is nearly inevitable, but all we can do is how to minimize the inherent risk before it may harm us, 

In order to minimize the risk, we must create the goal which can increase our knowledge at least 2 multiplied times than before, now I understand why many people's life journey gets stuck between rock and bottom because they don't have plan how to strengthen their mentality through inherent riskthe reason why so many people failed to plan their goal because they build a habit which avoid the risk, we shouldn’t avoid with the risk because every risk can develop our mental strength, survival skill and good habit, as I reviewed, many people work hard in their job but they don’t work hard for inherent risk, in my opinion; big risk or small risk can be calculated by our philosophy, if we don’t upgrade our philosophy, we will get crushed by the risk itself, here is the first strategy how to face inherent risk; we calculate the negative preparation as best as we can, meaning, we prepare how to face the failure which may happen in near future, that's important, here is the second strategy how to face inherent risk; we develop the probability of loss, not to maximize the benefit, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.