How to endure pain better

         Hi smart people, howdy? hopefully you always have the abundance of happiness, health and prosperity, today I would like to share about “How to endure pain better”, the reason why I choose that topic because not many people can feel better when they get something troubled them, if you ask me why people can't get feel better because they really hate with the pain and they consider the pain is like enemy, based on psychological research, people can't endure the pain because they hate the journey process and want the instant result, as we know, life only wants us to get strong and be adaptive with the environment, remember; not all we want can be manifested into reality, the reason is we can't control the power out of ourselves, all we can do is choose the pain or we accept the pain, not other way around, avoiding the pain is inevitable, if we can endure 1 kg of pain, we must take 1 kg of pain, working hard is part of the pain, patience is part of the pain, getting rejection is part of the pain, mistake is part of the pain, learning is part of the pain, the most worst case in this life is people avoid to endure the pain and start to gain as much as pleasure they can receive, let me remind you that gain as much as pleasure can weaken your mental power and slower your career growth, 

     All problems can become pain if we just let it go away and all problems can become great asset for us if we spend our time to stick together with it, when we stick together with the pain, we try to find new resource out there, it could be other people's knowledge, other people's unpleasant experience, other people's advice, other people's masterpiece, Now I have the several tips for you how to make your life is valuable above the pain you endure, here is the first tip how to endure pain better; learn how to take responsibility by enduring other people's problem and providing the resources to others, the reason why you need to learn how to endure pain because life always brings us with a tough experience, if you are not ready to undergo it, you will not get a reward from life, instead, you will get mental illness and suffering unexpectedly, if you let yourself being caught by the pain, you just need to adjust your emotion and give the affirmation to yourself "God, allow me to accept the pain and don't give the pain if I can't endure it", if you can endure pain, you can endure higher responsibility, if you can handle higher responsibility for long period of time, you can upgrade your resource for other people’s lives, here is the second tip how to endure pain better; learn how to be the troubleshooter, the reason why you need to learn how to be troubleshooter because every person in this world has personal problem, if you can be troubleshooter for others, your service always being needed and your existence will be chased by other people because you can cure other people's pain, I think my explanation is enough, hopefully this article can give you an idea how to improve your life, good luck.